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Merc Healer nerf 1.2


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You are not supposed to live 2-3 vs. 1, or 3-4 vs. 2. Welcome to what other healers have had to deal with since day 1.


Wrong, we have heavy armor for a reason, we are supposed to have unparalleled survivability but because of whiners like yourself, we were nerfed because "it's not fair." Grow up and play your character better. Better yet, go read the countless accounts of people able to kill us easy because they know how to play their character and know our weaknesses.

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Wrong, we have heavy armor for a reason, we are supposed to have unparalleled survivability but because of whiners like yourself, we were nerfed because "it's not fair." Grow up and play your character better. Better yet, go read the countless accounts of people able to kill us easy because they know how to play their character and know our weaknesses.


you can't get unparalleled survivability and super heals at the same time, that's just wrong to even think about. Also the force doesn't give a damn about heavy armor so learn to live with it.

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Unlike all other classes we dont have a sprint, intercedes and all the other abilities to get around the arenas quickly.


Merc's 1 ridiculous interrupt versus other classes multiple


The one dam thing we had was survivability and sadly now thats gone. Always felt merc was worthless in huttball now seems they worthless in all respects. /cry

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Yes before I could keep someone up with 3 people beating on them. But now they fall over with 2 people on them. I can barely keep myself up against one person with interrupts. Things are really backwards right now. As much as I want to que up and pvp, I know its going to end with me raging. They need to take a look at this asap.
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It's not like Death from above was doing any real damage to begin with. And now they've killed it even more?


I do hope BioWare doesn't go the way the idiot devs at WoW do and begin watering down skills and damage.

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Personally I enjoy both PvE and PvP on my merc, but with a focus more on PvE. The nerfs that were given to BH healers are rediculous. Adding one more person to Kolto Missile was our only buff - but they reduced the mount that residue increases healing by 2%. Added heat to Kolto shell, which pre nerf generated 0 heat. The only way I found to maintain heat at a decent level is by weaving in roughly 2 to 3 rapid shots in between each heal; the amount of healing that rapid shots does is bogus, and we can't even use it on ourselves. Overall I am very unhappy about how hard they nerfed us, I don't understand how they can justify nerfing us that much. Sure a minor nerf was probably necessary...but this was just overboard.
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Yup, respec'd my Bodyguard to Arsenal mainly to get dailies done faster but the healing nerfs are just awful. Time to level up my sorc to 50 since it seems that's what Bioware wants us to do. :(
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Operations as a Merc healer are not bad at all...Did 16 man EC last night with 2 Merc healers, a Sorc and an Operative. Had no troubles at all.


IMO, you shouldn't need 4 healers in a 16 man. 16 man EV is a joke anyway, the hardest heals are the trash pulls.

Edited by Delphien
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I gave you a chance and stuck around for 1.2. After running EC for two days, it's confirmed that Merc Healers are pathetically useless for Ops. At best, it's now a supporting healing class and you've made it a boring one at that by requiring us to spam Rapid Shot constantly. You incorrectly remedied a problem in PvP (our uncommon survivability) by creating a larger problem in PvE (our heat management). Bravo! Unfortunately, I don't have the time to level and gear up an alt so I'm afraid we'll have to part ways. Your free 30 days gift was a nice gesture but free poop is still....poop.
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Now its gonna be nothing but Sorc healers in Op's because no one is gonna want a healer that cant manage their heat or cant AoE heal more than for 4 people.........im so disappointed. =(


Do you think it's good ideal to start playing sorc healer now when merc is useless? I don't think so, coz once you reach lvl 50, they realize that sorce healers need to get nerfed and all the punching in the face comes again, it's surely only a matter of time. I quite with my only charr merc, and not gonna start with any other... :/ :/ :/

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I turned off autosub a few days ago and I'm not going to reup with this game. It's really an amalgamation of everything but what 1.2 brought for Bodyguards is going to far, in so much that they took away everything that made the class a stand out healer: Survivability and Efficiency.


I was always okay with being out done with healing by a good Sorc, I was okay with being second place to them all the time because my death to life ratio was FAR better than theirs.


I'm moving on to The Secret World. Mayhaps I'll see some of you there, mayhaps not! I am Alighieri on the official forums.

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i agree BH healer was probably too power before


Huh? Too powerful I assume you meant... and behind Sorc heals by a wide margin... if BH were OP then what the hell were Sorc????


Get a grip... BH was in no way OP


It's so much more fun healing now.


Using our pea shooter heals roughly 70% of the time during a boss fight so we dont overheat and can save heat in case we have to heal our self is fun????


I must of missed that memo...

Edited by Jaxarale
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from a non-50 standpoint... Op healing is now fun, BH is not. pre 1.2 it was the other way around. Quicker shorter heals is the way to go I hate having to stand still so long half the time my heal target runs out of range.



on second thought its not even enough fun to play just gonna make my merc a fulltime crafter

Edited by Kabulla
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I gave you a chance and stuck around for 1.2. After running EC for two days, it's confirmed that Merc Healers are pathetically useless for Ops. At best, it's now a supporting healing class and you've made it a boring one at that by requiring us to spam Rapid Shot constantly. You incorrectly remedied a problem in PvP (our uncommon survivability) by creating a larger problem in PvE (our heat management). Bravo! Unfortunately, I don't have the time to level and gear up an alt so I'm afraid we'll have to part ways. Your free 30 days gift was a nice gesture but free poop is still....poop.


I have been running ops with my BH Healer with out a problem. Yes, there is more heat that you have to manage but things were broken before where you had no heat to manage. If you are unable to run your merc as a healer in OPs then you might want to respec or change your play style. As it stands now an inability to heal in ops is strictly a PEBCAK error.


As for the people QQ'ing about being less powerful and unable to heal in PvP. Time to man up, rub some dirt in it, and adapt to the changes. As a healer you should not be able to constantly heal 3 - 4 different people to the point of them being invulnerable. Your heals should extend the life of the target and give them a chance to out dps their target, but the way things were healers could make another player untouchable.


No matter what class you play there will be changes and there will be nerfs. That its life in an MMO and you need to accept that now or stop playing MMO's all together.

Edited by lordofchance
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From the PvE perspective, healing for me was pretty easy running the hard mode KPs and EVs; then again I'm 5/5 Columi gear with Rakata implants, earpiece, belt, and bracers. But the truth of the matter is that while you heals are less potent the real battle is the heat mitigation. Once you figure that out the rest falls into place and you can start being a good healer; and you don't need gear to be one.


Before 1.2 there were very few good merc healspecs. All 1.2 did was make those good players stand out more and separated the Non-Useful Bodies (NUBs) from the rock stars who adapt, change their rotation, and come out on top despite the increased heal build up by using the three skills we have that specifically addresses these problems.

To those people who say healing is too hard now and we want buffs without changing their game play style, please stay here and don't ruin Guild Wars2/Diablo 3 when it comes out.


I love my bounty hunter healer changes in 1.2!!! I actually have a challenge now! I'm doing fine. Seriously give it a chance...Change your play style a little bit...It's so much more fun healing now.


Calm down, no need to get overemotional; healing is as much fun then as it is now.

Edited by caliaviator
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Now lets get to it then eh.

I rolled my mercenary at launch and have never changed from the bodyguard tree once. It may seem quite peculiar but I made it all the way to rank 63 and have full Battle Master. Now as for the changes they (Bioware) have made I find most of them to be without reason. The 4 person Kolto missle is a nice addition though, but where or where did my crit go? not as much use having those 5 points in warden now boys and girls. The residue from Kolto missle had gone down to 3%, there is no reason what so ever to do this. Bioware you may think the mercenary heals to much, well we don't; what with the lack of hots and a decent aoe heal ( like how much does Kolto missle get for you guys anyway) like the sorc or just spammable hots like the op, we are the third rate healer and as much as I hate to say it we need a buff and soon to make people stay around. Also I don't mind the critical efficiency nerf, now I just have to use rapid shots a few times.


I do find skills lacking

  • As I said before Kolto missle doesn't heal for enough maybe 400-600 more would help.
    • The Rapid scan... where to start. Having trouble hitting 5k in a warzone with a single heal even if I do pop my surge and crit relics, my SCG and blast a Kolto missle in the area. What am I getting at you ask? Rapid scan doesn't hit for enough (my thoughts are just it's base healing amount). now I have friends who play op heals they can get a 6k crit (his highest is 67##, was on me :D during KP) I have been able to hit 5k a couple of times on the fleet but not in a WZ, and I'll tell you they are few and far between. :jawa_eek:

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I can confirm that these Heat changes were not for the better.


All I notice now is my heat caps much faster when dealing with burst dps.


We have NO throughput with our heals now, RAPID SHOTS is not throughput.



Here is a simple SIMPLE SIIIIIIIMPLE solution to how badly you kicked Bodyguard healing in the balls.


Add a talent around Tier 4 make it a 3/3 talent Here is how this move would work, and solve the issues YOU created with your wonky heat adjustments.


Name: Efficient Aim

Rank 1: Each time you crit with your rapid shots you vent 2 heat ( This effect can only proc once every 10sec )

Rank 2: Each time you crit with your rapid shots you vent 4 heat ( This effect can only proc once every 10sec )

Rank 3: Each time you crit with your rapid shots you vent 8 heat ( This effect can only proc once every 10sec )


By adding a worthy PROC ability to Rapid Shots,.... everybody suddenly shuts the hell up about their heat issue and now HAVING to spam Rapid Shots..... Or as I have renamed it to " HEY LOOK AT ME I'M A HEALER KILL ME Shots" :rolleyes:



TA-DA..... for some reason I have a crazy feeling this would resolve an EPIC amount of your Fudge! :eek:

Edited by Aluo
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