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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 Mara buffed, Operatives nerfed... Absolutely baffling.


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If you're playing a Scoundrel in 1.2 and you're not healing, chances are no one on your team wants you there.


I'm a very capable DPS Operative. When I set my mind to it, ignore objectives, and go all out murder-face, I can top the Sorcerers on the damage charts. It takes a lot of effort, but I've done it.


Mind you, I tend to be more objective focused.


Of course, anyone can be objective focused. What they're doing to Operatives/Scoundrels in 1.2 is criminal. The 1.1.1 nerf balanced us fine. I could still faceroll healers, and even give Marauders/Sentinels a run for their money. Not anymore. After 1.2 I'm a lame duck.


I won't see rated warzones for long. I may get into a few premades with friends, until they see how useless I am.

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All it does is confirms PVP players ruin good MMO's. Not that i think this game is ruined by any means.


I raid 6 hours every week spread over two nights.


Yet I PvP every day for roughly 2 hours.


If players spend 80%+ of their playtime in PvP is better be the focal point.

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Operatives, marauders, both are the only 2 classes in thegame that actually need a bit of skill to Play, maybe assasins too but there survivability is OP. Everything else is Eazy mode so Bioware should be making sorcerers, Bh, troopers snipers, all those turrets harder to play. One thing is for sure Operatives and Marauders need an ability that makes them imune from knockback for short period. Then knockback would be used a bit more skillfully. Too easy for all ranged classes atm. Especially in Hutball.
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From a Vanguard p.o.v...


Yup, not getting this one either. Although I've seen OPs and Scoundrels who can do quite well, they don't come close to putting out the damage pressure of a Marauder or Sentinel.


But, surely the Marauder and Sentinel have to sacrifice something for that benefit, right? Nope, they also have better survivability and group utility. Somebody at Bioware needs a primer on PvP balance.


NO sacrife!? can marauders heal themselves? Let me guess you want a DPS macine that can also heal up. please...

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Marauder - the strongest DPS in the game and arguably most powerful PvP class in organized PvP get massive buffs.


Operative - the weakest sustained DPS in the game has sustained DPS nerfed while keeping high burst.


This should confirm to everyone how clueless Bioware is when it comes to class balance. I've lost all hope. I hate to say it but this puts the nail in the coffin for me. I don't see bioware suddenly having an epiphany and understanding class balance any time in the near future. Do you?


we wont miss you anyway mara are fun,instead of QQ you can roll an alt but idk:D

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I know! "I win" buttons are FUN!


Yeah, ill roll an alt in GW2.

Oh no dear boy. It takes more than 1 button to be effective with a sentinel/marauder. It is not a sage/sorcerer silly. :) Multiply that 1 button by 20 and you get the number for my usual rotation. Edited by Metallistic
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the patch opens up other specs for marauder, while operative dps still really only has 1 spec.


My main is a Mara, and while the buff to carnage is welcomed and deserved, I personally think the buff to smash is a bad idea because its already kinda OP, and to bump it up would just make more ppl qq about us, and in the end get us nerfed completely.


So yea, I don't think Mara's needed messed with, I do quite the devastating amount of damage as is, with a decent amount of survivability.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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the patch opens up other specs for marauder


Which is great and should have been done. The problem is this patch also killed hybrid Sorc (cool) without making 31pt lightning or madness better.


I urge everyone to play a 31pt lightning Sorc and then compare its DPS (either burst or sustained) to the other DPS classes. It is entirely pathetic, which is why everyone was hybrid in the first place.


Nerfing things without making other options viable isnt wise. Marauders already eat almost anyone daily so if its right for them to have more than one viable spec (which it is) then so should every other class.

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My main is a Mara, and while the buff to carnage is welcomed and deserved, I personally think the buff to smash is a bad idea because its already kinda OP, and to bump it up would just make more ppl qq about us, and in the end get us nerfed completely.


So yea, I don't think Mara's needed messed with, I do quite the devastating amount of damage as is, with a decent amount of survivability.


3k every ~20 seconds is "kinda op"?

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Some have said it already but specifically for my class and spec, which is sentinel/watchmen, I will receive two buffs. One is that my interrupt won't require focus. Wow, HUGE buff there.


With that being said, how can some of you honestly come on here and cry OP about that change? What, you can't dps, heal and CC with your sorcs anymore? I feel for you, really I do.


Some are crying about an OP nerf. WHAT OP NERF? They are GIVING you an increase in burst dps (5%). Some have said in this thread that Op's can't kill you like they used to. I'm just throwing this out there, but those that can't need to practice their rotations as it can be just as lethal as it always has been.


To many players, most specifically Imp players who've had the numerical advantage for so long and have enjoyed face rolling this whole time, well you'll need to get better at playing instead of face rolling people. Your weak players will now be exposed as exactly what they are, weak. You've enjoyed being better geared than repubs for long enough. Get used to competition or go back to your old MMO which you think is sooooo much better. The fact is, it isn't.

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3k every ~20 seconds is "kinda op"?


In the right spec, it crits harder then than, and it's an aoe.


Like I said, my main is a mara, and I can destroy tightly packed groups with it, in combination with my other aoe that is instant with no cool down. It's OP.


But I usually spec carnage for the roots(because they can't run away, means I kill them), and the 10% damage increase was needed and welcomed.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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I found Carnage to be very strong on my Mara. Its amazing in PvP. High burst damage, high sustained damage, 15% movement speed increase over the other specs and tons of snare breakers etc. This is before the incoming buffs of course.


With a dedicated healer I'm an unstoppable wrecking ball.


On my operative however, I struggle to even stay in the fight. The damage outside of opening burst is pathetic. You die in seconds and have terrible in combat mobility. At least I can get a 2.5k healing medal that my mara cant I guess...


I was honestly expecting the complete opposite of what Bioware has decided to do. This does not bode well for the future of class balance in my opinion.


I've been playing Maras since beta and through into live and I think you are exaggerating Carnage to make your point. Carnage was always my favorite of the 3 specs but I quickly realized if I wanted to be competitive in endgame PvE and PvP i'd have to go Anni.


For all the rooting,Predation fun Carnage has it doesn't come close to Anni or even Rage in terms of overall damage and it's far too easy to interrupt or disrupt key abilities in the Carnage rotation.


In 1.2 BW simply knocked Anni down a bit and buffed up Carnage and Rage so you now have 3 viable specs for PvE/PvP instead of one king of the hill.


Anyone with a real understanding of Marauders, knows we walk a razor thin line of being very good dps,who can lock down heals and be great in 1 vs 1, and being next to worthless. These changes help us out, but I don't expect us to run around unchecked for very long if it turns out we have been made into OP Gods.


As for your claim that you are an unstoppable wrecking ball with a dedicated healer, honestly what dps class isn't. Roll around with a pocket heals in a WZ and you can destroy everything no matter what the class.


I can't speak on Operatives since I haven't bothered doing anything but healing on my Op in months, but I'll keep an eye on them.


Remember this as well, these are the initial patch notes for the PTS, they are not final and are subject to numerous changes,tweaks and nerfs until it is deemed ready for the live servers.

Edited by Temeluchus
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In the right spec, it crits harder then than, and it's an aoe.


Like I said, my main is a mara, and I can destroy tightly packed groups with it, in combination with my other aoe that is instant with no cool down. It's OP.


But I usually spec carnage for the roots(because they can't run away, means I kill them), and the 10% damage increase was needed and welcomed.


I think you confused mara with jug when watching smash videos . Smash maxes out around 4k with relic/stim/etc with bm/rakata, unless you are fighting fresh 50s. By the "other aoe", I imagine you mean sweeping slash that hits for ~1k?


You will rack up high damage for the end-of-round score screen, but you wont be much of a threat to anyone by yourself. I laugh when I see rage marauders in a wz, they seem to be the ones that were used to the spec dominating 10-49 and I wreck them as annihilation.

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I've been playing Maras since beta and through into live and I think you are exaggerating Carnage to make your point. Carnage was always my favorite of the 3 specs but I quickly realized if I wanted to be competitive in endgame PvE and PvP i'd have to go Anni.


For all the rooting,Predation fun Carnage has it doesn't come close to Anni or even Rage in terms of overall damage and it's far too easy to interrupt or disrupt key abilities in the Carnage rotation.


In 1.2 BW simply knocked Anni down a bit and buffed up Carnage and Rage so you now have 3 viable specs for PvE/PvP instead of one king of the hill.


Anyone with a real understanding of Marauders, knows we walk a razor thin line of being very good dps,who can lock down heals and be great in 1 vs 1, and being next to worthless. These changes help us out, but I don't expect us to run around unchecked for very long if it turns out we have been made into OP Gods.


As for your claim that you are an unstoppable wrecking ball with a dedicated healer, honestly what dps class isn't. Roll around with a pocket heals in a WZ and you can destroy everything no matter what the class.


I can't speak on Operatives since I haven't bothered doing anything but healing on my Op in months, but I'll keep an eye on them.


Remember this as well, these are the initial patch notes for the PTS, they are not final and are subject to numerous changes,tweaks and nerfs until it is deemed ready for the live servers.


I disagree that other DPS classes are this powerful with a dedicated healer. Similiar to a warrior in WoW a mara gets stronger the longer he fights. Rage is constantly building up as well as stacks for Berserk or Predation. A mara and a healer can take out 3, or 4 other people easily even if they have heals as well (I do it all the time).


Other DPS classes are based off of a limited resource like an Operatives energy. An operative can only be in combat for a short amount of time doing moderate damage before you run out of energy. At this point the Operative is done and needs to vanish and regen or die whether they have a healer or not. An Operative will not kill anything or do even moderate DPS while trying to conserve energy.


Believe me when I say I play both classes and I KNOW which one is more powerful. When I saw the patch notes my jaw honestly dropped in disbelief. I would have assumed it was a troll if it wasn't posted by a dev.

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Some are crying about an OP nerf. WHAT OP NERF? They are GIVING you an increase in burst dps (5%). Some have said in this thread that Op's can't kill you like they used to. I'm just throwing this out there, but those that can't need to practice their rotations as it can be just as lethal as it always has been.


What nerf? Mmmm.


Backstab now has a 12-second cooldown and deals approximately 5% more damage.


Let's see, I lose 3 seconds on the CD (was 9 secs) and gain 5% more damage. Without crits, I get between 1622-1639 damage. 5% more is an additional 80+ damage. Some increase.


Hidden Strike now has a 7.5-second cooldown.


Yeah no nerf here, nothing to see, move along.


Laceration now costs 10 Energy (down from 15) and deals approximately 10% less damage.


This is a nerf plain and simple. Reducing energy cost by 5 vs. the damage was reduced 10%. Laceration is one of my rotation burst dmg abilities. This not only counters the backstab increase but is 5% more of a dmg nerf.


Now if you can explain to me how a 5% dmg nerf is an increase, by all means go ahead.

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What massive buffs are we getting?


The list is long, are you ready?


-Ravage can no longer be interrupted.


-Disruption no longer costs Rage to activate.


-Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).


-Intimidating Roar no longer costs Rage to activate.


-Deadly Throw’s “Trauma” effect can no longer be cleansed.


-Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.


-Obfuscate no longer has a Rage cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown.


-Predation now affects all Operation Group members.


-Berserk (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Rage cost and global cooldown of Sweeping Slash.


-Ataru Form damage effects (procs) now deal weapon-based damage instead of Force-based damage. The overall damage of these effects has been increased by approximately 10%.


-Unbound now additionally increases the movement speed bonus granted by Predation by 15% per point.


-Seeping Wound now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).


-Decimate is now located in Tier 1 of the Rage skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Smash and Sweeping Slash and reduces the cooldown of Smash.


-Dominate is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15).


-Force Alacrity has been replaced by Overpower, which allows Vicious Slash critical hits to have a chance to refund 2 points of Rage while the Marauder is in Shii-Cho Form.


-Force Crush’s cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged.


-Obliterate now immobilizes the target for 1 second.


-Shockwave’s buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15).


Its almost comical how many buffs they are getting. In all my years of playing MMOs, I have never seen a buff this strong to any class, never mind one which is so powerful already. Bioware is clueless.

Edited by aspectsofwar
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