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1.2 New armor models!


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Some feedback you might have missed:


It's unstarwarsy.


Only Jedi to use Pauldrons in the movies:




And they still fit under his flowing cape.


By the way, from the resources you put in this game, and the engine's support of flowing models, such as the hair, and lower body capes. The lack of body capes is baffling.


Here take a look at what having a decent flowing cape is:





So just please remove armor like this:




What would be the functionality of that in any combat situation ever except besides ceremonial warfare?


Since when were the Jedi tribals?


Their combat armors are more like this:




Yes, small image, but it seems the most non-gaudy-fantasy.



Just to recap, this right here is bad:




This is Sci-Fi Roleplay, Not fantasy roleplay.


Star Wars is Sci-Fi. It is. Ask George Lucas.


The worse Sci-Fi gets is this:




But, we definitely don't see this:





I mean, do you players, Who care about such things, want to see more of this bad artwork?



Would it not even, be less work, to create armors like this:











TL;DR VERSION: Please replace Gaudy armor designs with practical armor designs.


From the series and the movies, the armor Jedi wear are actually adaptations of armor the regular non force using Sith Troopers seem to use. Or adaptations of armor designs.





If you think the armor looks fine, you don't need to disagree. Because we know that would be a lie.


I mean, LOOK at this:




And think.

Edited by Deewe
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The look that I wanted most for my Consular was the qipao-style robe + pants that Satele Shan wears. I was very disappointed to see that it didn't exist in the game. Instead I got an ugly fan hat and oven mitts in perhaps the most hideous color combination of all time: seafoam green and pee yellow.


Even the all white version isn't much better - it looks like a wedding dress (with oven mitts and a fan hat).


I will say - the new Consular PvE set for 1.2 is AWESOME. See how the look is elegant and simple? Stick with things like that.


Also, fancy embroidery patterns like the Shadows got on their Columi gear is a plus. That's how you make armor flashy - not by putting giant hats and protrusions everywhere.

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Not gonna read through 90 pages but... here is my opinion on the new sets:


- Trooper, Juggernaut, and Bounty Hunter armor art looks like it belongs in Star Wars universe.


- Smuggler and Agent could use work. I don't understand bright colors on 'stealthy' classes.


- Inquisitor armor would be great... if this was some fantasy MMO like FFXI, Aion or WoW. Majority of your fan and player base, BioWare, are in their early 20s or older, I'd like my characters to look like they belong in the world I'm playing in.


- Consular and Knight armor... I really don't want to use curse words to describe the looks but I find it hard to describe the looks of these sets without them. So here is my personal suggestion: 1) Take a look at Knight Rakata and Consular Battlemaster sets and 2) Make every new set you design draw inspiration from those sets.


Your player base wants their characters to look like Jedi and Sith, Soldiers and Special Ops Agents, Off-world Smugglers (think Firefly TV series) and Marauding Bounty Hunters... NOT SPACE CLOWNS.


Make it happen... I have faith in you BioWare!!! ;)

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If I may, now your art team, (if they didn't already), are aware some (many?) people don't like the over usage of blades horns and featers in a SW game.


Could have posted what he likes but at least that's a good start.


I'd say more this and less this this or this ;)


Seriously I would be surprised people would like this that much


And personally I would not be disappointed would you add stuff like this or that


Those pics, i LOL bigtime :D

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A few other notes here Stephen regarding the look of armor.


This is the biggest thing...


Armor is Star Wars is not artwork.


By that I mean... Let me give a bit of insight...


In fantasy settings (ala WoW) people want over the top gaudy looking armor. They fit the setting, and they fit the setting for a reason. In a traditional medieval fantasy setting armor is made on a person to person basis usually. Meaning that "epic armor" is to represent something a blacksmith made by hand as a one of a kind unique piece.


In science fantasy settings (ala Star Wars) people don't usually wear over the top gaudy looking armor. There are exceptions to this (Darth Bane's Orbalisk Armor comes to mind) but it is fairly rare. Also in Star Wars most "armor" isn't hand crafted, it is mass produced, usually droids are involved and modern fabricating. There is no need to make them gaudy because armor is used for combat and would be customized for the kind of combat it would be used in.


Look at your average modern fighting force that utilizes armor. For example S.W.A.T. teams?


You'll note that their armor is the same. They don't have shoulder pads or things that could catch.


Then there is the reverse view effect.


In one of the novels in Star Wars we have a person in a simple form fitting functional armor. He sees a "newbie" who is wearing gaudy over-the-top armor. His thought process is how the "newbie" looks like a newbie because he is trying too hard to look awesome.


If I am a Bounty Hunter it shouldn't matter what color armor I am wearing. It shouldn't matter if I have threatening looking arm spikes that serve no actual function.


Sure, they might scare some low-life coward who doesn't know any better, however the guy who does know better is going to care more about who I am rather than what I am wearing.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Here's an open question in regards to that.


We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


Actually, the game play requirement is make it look cool and unique. It doesn't necessarily have to look powerful, though for certain classes, like Juggernauts, looking powerful is more important than it is for others.


For my agent though, I want to look like an Imperial officer. The Champion/Battlemaster armor look, for example, that's cool. And also not orange. Why in the world would anyone think orange should be the color of operative gear anyway? The new armors? They aren't cool. And the helmets...*shudder*


Also, worth noting that the 1.2 armor designs don't say powerful to me. When I look at the horrid SI armor, for example, what about that says power? The PvE armor says impractical, this would never, ever work. But I guess it is a good place to hang a coat or come in handy if one needs to open a bottle. The agent armor is just meh and has a horrid helmet. And speaking of helmets, why in the world would a smuggler want to wear a Rakata mask on his head? That's the type of thing you give away for a holiday event.


On the other, there's the aesthetics requirement - to make clothing echo the simple, almost plain looking clothing that's seen on some characters in the Star Wars saga. That led, in part, to orange gear in the game, which allows you to have an iconic appearance that doesn't suggest your gear's statistics.


Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the orange gear system, just from a gameplay perspective. For a looks perspective, it and what has been done to support it as far as armor sets go, well, it just seems like a waste over a simpler and far better solution...

An appearance tab. That would have allowed for options that don't exist with the orange gear system and avoid all those complaints about the cost of transferring mods.


For example, I have seen several threads from people wanting the Imperial officer jacket look but in white. This look is available from the 49 armorcraft stuff and the high level green drops out in the world have the look as well. It is not, however, available in the orange stuff. There, you've got Hooligan's, which is the standard Imperial Grey. And, of course, certain pieces don't exist in orange, especially for belts.


And then there's the augment factor. With 1.2 making that possible, we're now essentially being given a choice. Wear crafted orange gear or have less stats. And the game will have to be balanced as if we do choose to have those stats, meaning to not have them is to perform below our potential. So now anything that cannot be crafted is not an option, from a min/max perspective. Like a different color scheme for the look? Too bad. Want to wear sand people armor? Too bad.


The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


I'd rather have that look than the 1.2 stuff, yes, by far. It is an iconic look. It says Jedi. Coathangers, bling, jagged edges protruding everywhere, a Jedi craves these things not. Now, would I want that exact look? Probably not, a bit plain. But there's plenty of subtle variations on it, just watch episodes 1-3 for a few ideas.


My merc was happy in his Taris orange armor set. My marauder likes the look of his current armor, which is mostly the 25-30ish synthweaving stuff. My operative wants his imperial officer uniform look back, that or the champ/BM pvp armor look. I wouldn't mind my mostly sand-person look for my Assassin, except the helmet of course, because that piece looks crappy. My Juggernaut had happily been building a white looking suit of armor, all orange stuff (though disappointed that the nicest white boots are light side only, grrrr), but, unfortunately, that's been replaced by the ugly Warrior columi set, which seems to fill the same role the SI armor will fill with the 1.2 stuff, that being to make everyone else look good in comparison.


Overall, I find that level range, the 25-35 area, to have the best looking armors. They fit the Star Wars universe perfectly. And they have power. To look like an Imperial officer, that's power. An ugly scuba diving suit is not. And that's what I want, to look good, to look Star-Warsy.

Edited by Battilea
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And personally I would not be disappointed would you add stuff like this or that


Put the "armor" shown above on the character shown below and tell me if it would be an improvement. (Hint: It wouldn't be.)


Seriously I would be surprised people would like this that much
Edited by Dzhokhar
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Honestly, expanding the armormech and synthweaving professions to allow some type of option to take a piece of normal gear and get the design schematic for an orange version of it would significantly help the issue. There are expansions coming to the professions in 1.2 but offering players a means to acquire the visuals of gear they enjoy is key.


I don't have as much of an issue with the new armors as some people do. Some don't work for me, some do. I have no issue with a diverse range of looks. From things more humble to the ostentatious. It is crucial, however, that no one end up "stuck" in one look for gameplay reasons. Offer the players the tools to acquire the visual styles they enjoy and you can offer all sorts of different styles of varying tone without worry.

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Hey everyone, thank you to everyone who took the time to leave feedback. The development team are very aware of everyone's thoughts and we've particularly appreciated constructive comments which will always give us a better idea about how to change things in the game.


Wholesale changes to the armor sets in Game Update 1.2 are not possible at this time. Creating new armor sets is a process with a long lead time, so changes cannot be made quickly. However, we're listening to your feedback and that will influence things going forward. We would also urge you to look at the armor sets in-game. With the new color matching options available in Game Update 1.2 and higher resolution textures, some of you might be more impressed by armor sets in-game.


With that said, we'd like to make this discussion a bit more constructive moving forward. We understand some of you aren't fans of the armor sets as shown; that's fine, and we've heard you loud and clear. We've also heard the calls to make armor more 'iconic' and 'more Star Wars like' - and thanks to those of you who provided reference to your favorite armor styles.


We'd like to see more of that, so feel free to provide more constructive comments on what you feel your end game armor styles should look like for your class in The Old Republic.


For a Jedi Consular I think you all have a good idea how to design for them honestly. I'm going to guess a problem you have is balancing a "Sage" and "Shadow" style with the armours. Most folks would like pants/more "skirted" robes (aka. the Jedi Knight Battlegear/Coruscant Award set) rather than long robes. I think that high level JC robes would be a perfect place to set this as an Award.


Personally, I love the Centurion PVP set for Jedi Consular and I get a lot of tells/remarks from others in game who also like it. A good example of where to take JC armour styles is: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jocasta_Nu


She is a Sage to me and elevates where I see Jedi Consular Armours should be. A simple robe with intricate details.


More Examples:








I will admit that I am on the minority end of liking long robes, but again that's more of a Sage. Really your artists could get a lot just by watching the TV series Clone Wars and getting inspiration from the armors on there.




There is a good illustration of just minor details (the flowers, colours) showing what I mean (not for a Jedi but an idea). I believe Obi Wan and Anakin in the series show a more Jedi Knight feel.


Anyway, thank you for reading my post if you did and I did like the Sorcerer, JC, and Warrior models you already put out. Also thank you all for creating the Omenbringer set, loved leveling in it.

Edited by Darturion
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Here's an open question in regards to that.


We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


On the other, there's the aesthetics requirement - to make clothing echo the simple, almost plain looking clothing that's seen on some characters in the Star Wars saga. That led, in part, to orange gear in the game, which allows you to have an iconic appearance that doesn't suggest your gear's statistics.


The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


Yes I would. No I would not.


A way to "separate" (High vs Low Level) the two is basically a few extra details to set them a part, such as, the Champion gear and the glowing runes, a more detailed belt, a "necklace" of sorts, pants instead of a robe (More for a Shadow but a lot of folks want it), and intricate details.


See http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jocasta_Nu and on her robe. A low level robe wouldn't have the intricate lines as a detail and a high level robe would.


The new Jedi Knight armour looks fine, except for the shoulder pads/spikes. If you removed the spikes, it would create a more simple feel to them. Other than they looking bulky, that little detail, throws it off IMO.

Edited by Darturion
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Here's an open question in regards to that.


We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


On the other, there's the aesthetics requirement - to make clothing echo the simple, almost plain looking clothing that's seen on some characters in the Star Wars saga. That led, in part, to orange gear in the game, which allows you to have an iconic appearance that doesn't suggest your gear's statistics.


The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


I disagree that it is useful as a gameplay requirement to have high level armor look very exclusive (except for your enemies, perhaps). I would always choose the aesthetics look in the scenario you present here, for roleplay reasons... and I would argue that making that choice is also a better gameplay mechanic. Strategically, you don't want to give away your advantages by giving the enemy information about your capabilities. I would far rather look like I'm dressed in plain, unassuming robes for PvP than to give away that I'm walking around with the "uber chestpiece of flashy pwnage" which increases my crit by 25%. It's also far more consistent lore-wise for Force users.


If I can create some doubt about my capabilities, that gives me some protection (because a reasonable opponent will approach more cautiously), and it allows me to keep an ace-up-the-sleeve, so to speak. I'd actually like to hide levels entirely to opposing faction... because you generally can't make the assessment of how good someone is by glancing at them from a distance - you have to watch them for a bit. I think it would make PvP far more interesting if you couldn't see someone's effective rank (level or gear) if they decide to disguise it.

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I spent most of my time as a male Consular looking like Princess Amidala, I'm gonna have to disagree with this statement.


100% agree, I find that the male/female art in this game is too close along with the icon. As a male wearing a nun habit is a bit annoying.


I understand artist want to have their "mark" in the art, and I think that there is a place for this in this world.


However I believe that he design team has forgotten this is Star Wars with preconceived art styles that have been put in place before this game was even in it's infancy. I don't know if others feel the same way that I do but it just feels that the artists are trying too hard to put their own touch on this world, and personally I just do not like it.


As for high level characters I would start by focusing on color rather than style. That is not to say that they should look alike baring color. But midnight black set pieces should be reserved for rare pieces, gray and other colors for the rest.


And making armor piece foreboding does not mean gaudy. Deep set hood that obscure the face with a slight downward tilt. IF the artist take a look at some of the most popular villains in sci-fi they do not look like runway fashion models on a thrash-metal kick.


I realize this is hard criticism but I just believe people expected Star Wars when we bought this game, not just in soul but in appearance. And again their is room for artistic design in this universe, but you are dealing with iconic classes here, this team is straying way too far from what these icons are IMHO.

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Personally, I don't think the 1.2 armor is as bad as the end game armor at launch was.


What really throws this new armor off is the arbitrary shoulder pads and exaggerated helmets. Why do people consider these elements mandatory? WoW did it because they have very limited character and gear models and could only express unique shapes with the shoulder and head slots. TOR doesn't have this problem.


So, I really wish future armor in TOR steps away from descriptions like, "epic", "heroic", "over the top". This is STAR WARS. Most of us want to see "elegant", "ornate", "detailed".


Just look at the movies. The costumes are made of a wide variety of textures. From simple cloths, leathers, and metals to more exotic materials such as very alien like furs, scales, alloys, etc. I personally would rather see unique and detailed textures like that on future armor rather than bigger or "more epic" profiles.


TL:DR- I want more DETAIL. That is how you distinguish higher level items from lower level items. Not BIGGER.

Edited by LaManoNera
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People have said it a couple of times now "i want the armour of X NPC" and i agree, but its the same in EVERY game, there is an item, weapon, armour set that NPCS run around in and we get NOTHING like that. I can only imagine because they A) don't want a million copies of this cool armour and B) don't want to have to make a bunch of different versions for the differeent races and body types but daaaamn.. Some of the NPC armour is so cool and we NEVER get stuff like that.
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Personally, I don't think the 1.2 armor is as bad as the end game armor at launch was.


What really throws this new armor off is the arbitrary shoulder pads and exaggerated helmets. Why do people consider these elements mandatory? WoW did it because they have very limited character and gear models and could only express unique shapes with the shoulder and head slots. TOR doesn't have this problem.


So, I really wish future armor in TOR steps away from descriptions like, "epic", "heroic", "over the top". This is STAR WARS. Most of us want to see "elegant", "ornate", "detailed".


Just look at the movies. The costumes are made of a wide variety of textures. From simple cloths, leathers, and metals to more exotic materials such as very alien like furs, scales, alloys, etc. I personally would rather see unique and detailed textures like that on future armor rather than bigger or "more epic" profiles.


TL:DR- I want more DETAIL. That is how you distinguish higher level items from lower level items. Not BIGGER.


It's not that i don't like any of the new sets. Mostly they are fine for me. But still over the top. :x

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I spent most of my time as a male Consular looking like Princess Amidala, I'm gonna have to disagree with this statement.


Omenbringer http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/screenshots/10043.jpg (What I leveled to 50 in actually)


Cent PvP gear http://www.ezrya.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/centurion_mystic2.jpg (what I prefer to wear if not in an FP)


Voss looking gear http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120225024352/swtor/images/d/d6/Social_VossMystic_Male.PNG (there are Blue, Green, and a more Silver "version" of these)

Blue Version http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a311/estelindis/swtor/synth_light_47_traditional_brocart.jpg


Battlemaster : http://i2.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/250/draft_lens18990455module155829696photo_1324005954jedi_consular.jpg (This is the Omenbringer lower and "Battle something" Top, it does have its own bottom that works just as well)


There is only 2 sets you can say that for and I do not think Esseles Gear/Force Magister/Hammer Station/Taral V is Princess/Queen/Senator Amidala. I do not think they far off on a diplomatic Jedi. I do think the JC armours are more slanted towards female characters though.


I can do examples, how about you?


EDIT: FYI all those are Orange pieces.




This is the Force Magister set excluding the bottom, it's "Traditional Demicot Bottom" or something like that. I have the whole Force Magister Set... and I will disagree again, it's not Princess Amidala to me. It's a diplomatic Jedi. BioWare please put the pants back in ;).

Edited by Darturion
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I still don't get why all the armors that the characters wear in character creation aren't available. I'd love my Guardian to wear the exact armor with the exact color and textures that the Jedi Knight wears at character creation. The armor is in the game and it makes no sense that it's unobtainable, especially since you tease players with it in the character creator.
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I still don't get why all the armors that the characters wear in character creation aren't available. I'd love my Guardian to wear the exact armor with the exact color and textures that the Jedi Knight wears at character creation. The armor is in the game and it makes no sense that it's unobtainable, especially since you tease players with it in the character creator.


It's called Battlelord, it's a set 45+ I believe. My JK just needs the belt and chestpiece.


I'm beginning to think I am the only one posting who uses the GTN for armour pieces.

Edited by Darturion
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End game trooper armor should be THICK and considerably more low-tech looking than bounty hunter.


It should evoke a Powered armor from Fallout look. Like its THE ARMOR that allows you to wield such an enormous cannon or take so much damage as a tank.


BIG, THICK AND VERY HEAVY. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110120184144/fallout/images/0/0e/Ft_power_armor03.jpg


Bounty hunter armor should be sleek and thin, like the armor on Liara in Mass Effect 3. It should be form fitting and have a Tailored look.




Lastly, we need to have cross faction armor. Just make it hard as hell to get. but that's a discussion for another thread.

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Armour and cosmetics have been an issue since the game launched - with many voicing concerns on why, and how thye think things can be improved.


The general consensus seems to point to 2 main reasons :



2-Actual cosmetics looking bad / being too OTT / WoW like, etc...




Looking at other games we can see how some handle these issues :


For variety/choice : extra "cosmetic" panels/tabs within the character equipment screen - Lord of the Rings online has this implimented with multiple cosmetic tab panels - Gear equiped in these slots have no effect other than visually changing the appearance of the equiped slot.


For improving the look of cosmetic models, this is slightly more complex...You obviously cant please everyone, and in time, with subsequent updates, and additional cosmetics, the choices will increase - The feedback as mentioned before, was initially about how alot of the gear looked silly/out of place/over the top/not from the star wars universe etc >>> the new cosmetics, seem to still fall into these categories, so in a way this will frustrate players even more, as it would "seem" as though their initial concerns, and posts on the matter where ignored...


Constructive criticism is asked for, and has been given - people have pointed out what they do and dont like, and why >>> me personally ? I think the main issue is "choice" and customization...having came from LOTRO, with cosmetic panels AND the option to change the colour of individual pieces, I guess I was spoiled in that sense ;)...


What would I like to see ?


-An all black bounty Hunter suit, with some little neon lights here and there - Perhaps others might like all blue/green/red,etc


-A sith sorcerer or jedi sage, that isnt forced to where a "robe/dress"...Trousers/pants are good....think Luke skywalker at the end of Return of the jedi...all black clothing, a "single" black glove <<< that would be a cool option right there, etc...


To conclude : I just want to say as an artist myself - people saying that the art team are terrible and should be fired : this is prob the most offensive thing you could say to them, and isnt really true...They are obviously talented, and to say that is VERY harsh...the issue may be that what they have done doesnt fit YOUR vision, or concept of what looks good, and I may agree with you - but give them feedback, time, and a nudge in a more appealing "less #cough# Wow #cough#cough# direction, and am sure things will improve ;)

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Here's an open question in regards to that.


We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


On the other, there's the aesthetics requirement - to make clothing echo the simple, almost plain looking clothing that's seen on some characters in the Star Wars saga. That led, in part, to orange gear in the game, which allows you to have an iconic appearance that doesn't suggest your gear's statistics.


The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


There are very simple ways of making a simple robe look much better than just throwing out a simple robe. For instance, since wea are obviously refering to republic, you could add a glow or other embeleshing effect to those high level armor sets. On the empire side you could do the opposite, a shadowing effect that would allow the hood to hide just enough of the face to make you look like a killer and add the glowing eyes effect with a dark aura. I'm surprised your team doesn't think of this...

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