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1.2 New armor models!


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The light side and dark side vendors should sell orange schematics(full sets) of the other side's armor. I think if you implement this alot of people would be happy. I play a jedi sentinel but would've loved to use some of the armor on the Empire's side (Im Dark V).
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Looking at the add on the top of this page with a great big "BUY NOW" button... Two characters, a trooper and a BH in their iconic armor. Simple robes, and techy looking armor (Clone trooper esque) And it looks good, it makes me think... Star Wars, it makes people want to buy the game...


There's a reason your advertisement department will never use 'end game' armor. It doesn't get people thinking "STAR WARS!"


There's your problem. Fix it please. This is the biggest embarrassment in the game to date.

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Not sure if this is help for the team. But please take a look links.






Those armors are still very simple however they look very elegant and epic.

Both style are not existing in star wars movies but Still very star wars.

There is no hone or spikes or shoulder/arms metal plates. But it really doesn't matter. Nobody appreciate about it anyway.

Do they look high level gear? Yes they do. Why? Because this game isn't WOW or other MMO. Clean and elegant design looks epic for star wars fan.

Please ask designers who did those excellent jobs.

So original style isn't really matter. Please design more original styles freely. You still can make them look like star wars and epic without weird decorations.


This is a bad example.

if you add weird spikes, this excellent work will be like this.






Adding spikes and called it endgame gear is very wrong. Especially if it doesn't have functions. Decoration only works in other type of fantasy. Most of star wars costumes are very similar to our normal life cloth. Not like fashion show or samba carnival.

And there is no magical armors like other MMO. All of gears are based on technology or culture even darth vador.

Adding too much objects and too much color makes design weird. It is not design.

Designers need to be a minimalist. However if you are a designer, you should know this before you graduate school...

Edited by darkbebe
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Like a lot of Smugglers, I would love to wear a plain brown leather trenchcoat (WITHOUT A HUGE FUR COLLAR) like, oh, say, the Smuggler in the Game Opening Cinematic.


Okay fine, I'll admit it, "like Malcom Reynolds". :-)


Seriously though, it seems that every trenchcoat in the Republic side of the game has either the huge fur collar (often refered to as the pimpcoat) or added bits and bobbles that make it not desirable. Just a plain, simple, good looking brown leather trenchcoat, like the Smuggler in the opening cinematic wears would be Epic enough for me. I believe the Security Key vendor on the Republic Fleet space station wears one as well.


Put an easy to get orange version of that awesome looking coat in the game and I'll be perfectly happy with how my Smuggler looks.


Just please.....please....less "Capes and Knee High Boots" or "Fur-Collared Pimpcoat", more "looking like Han Solo, Malcom Reynolds, or the Opening Cinematics Smuggler".



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Frankly If you can't remake the armor any time soon....better off just giving us a bag of mods and remove the armor outright.


jedi/sith should look like a jedi or sith. Their armor should look like something they would walk around and fight in. They can become more ornate at higher levels as long as they maintain an iconic/practical appearance. (or simply don't have horns/feathers/spikes/giant shoulderpads etc.:rolleyes:)


I'd prefer a more splinter cell themed armor for Agents, or Chinese stealth armor from the fallout series, Starcraft 2 ghosts, Vendetta armor already in the game.


NCR ranger combat armor from the fallout series might be pretty cool for smugglers.



bounty hunters...Boba Fett...nuff said.


trooper armor is okay so far....stick with that theme I guess...but make it look less stupid. The butt capes and horse head helmet should go.

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What would i like to see in terms of appearances in SWTOR? I have to agree with the general public. Armor models seem much too complex and have no practicality. I personally Love the armor models in Star Wars - The Force Unleashed 1&2. StarKiller is a PERFECT example of what a Sith Warrior and a Jedi Knight should look like.


I also believe that it is very hard to make one particular set of gear look decent on every body type. Jedi Consular would look decent on say, a female body type 1-2, but NOT on a body type 4 male... or even any male for that matter.


To appease the general public, i really think Bioware should look at The Force Unleashed, KOTOR1&2, and concept art for the new book series, such as Lumiya from the Star Wars Legacy of the Force book series (fitting, huh?) Simple Jedi/Sith Robes featuring Gavar Khai and Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo in the later of his days.



Glad you guys are looking at this thread! (The views represented in my post reflect my opinion, sorry if you don't agree.)



EDIT**: The Jedi Consular PvE Armor Set Introduced in 1.2

Edited by Shibbywan
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Well, for my case, I want to get a coat that looks very much like the one the Smuggler is wearing in the game's opening cinematic. Unfortunately, while some coats like that exist, they are exclusive to the Empire faction. While I understand Bioware wishes to keep a visual separation between the two factions, it's not something I can agree with. I feel if a player wants to have a certain look, they should be able to obtain that look regardless of faction affiliation.


I agree with this, there are some fantastic armor sets i really love but i'll never be able to use purely because im on the 'wrong' faction. Its not like you even need to keep the different factions looking too unique in this game, they hardly ever see each other except in warzones so i dont see why it really matters. From a gameplay/balance perspective it matters even less due to enemies always being red, having red nameplates, etc.. so the fact that their armor might be a set you can get on ur faction should be completely irrelevant. We also need to have the option to have hood up/down options to have greater customisation over our char's appearance.


Here's an open question in regards to that.


We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


On the other, there's the aesthetics requirement - to make clothing echo the simple, almost plain looking clothing that's seen on some characters in the Star Wars saga. That led, in part, to orange gear in the game, which allows you to have an iconic appearance that doesn't suggest your gear's statistics.


The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


The aesthetics vs. gameplay argument only really works when talking about appearances and stats. When the stats are identical (as they presumably will be thanks to the modification system) then there is no gameplay difference. Therefore aesthetics always wins because there is no adverse effect on gameplay. If people want to 'show off' their achievements there are other ways of doing this than via the armour (titles, stats when inspected, etc).


Additionally what i absolutely HATE is when i see NPC's wearing armour that i LOVE, but that its impossible for me to get in the game. The perfect example for me is the sith marauder Battlemaster PVP set, black armour that is relatively simple but has intricate deteails on it that make it look amazing... except then they go and ruin it by putting ridiculous spikes that are bigger than my chars head, numerous tubings all around the chest/belt that serve no purpose, some box on the chest for god knows what and a ton of extra 'bells and whistles' that all endgame armor in this game suffers to try and make it look 'cool' that only ends up making it look 'awful'. But then i look around the fleet, correllia, important characters (Thana vesh, the last boss of Esseles) and numerous other places and see literally dozens of NPC's wearing the EXACT armour set WITHOUT the spikes, tubes, hoods and it looks amazing... yet we cant get it. Every time I did esseles while levelling people always said wow that guys armour looks cool. When i did the Taris world arch in a group and we saw Thana Vesh the reaction was the same. Yes.. it does look cool, SO WHY CANT WE WEAR IT? /endrant

Edited by drosalion
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Not sure if this is help for the team. But please take a look links.






Those armors are still very simple however they look very elegant and epic.

Both style are not existing in star wars movies but Still very star wars.

There is no hone or spikes or shoulder/arms metal plates. But it really doesn't matter. Nobody appreciate about it anyway.

Do they look high level gear? Yes they do. Why? Because this game isn't WOW or other MMO. Clean and elegant design looks epic for star wars fan.

Please ask designers who did those excellent jobs.

So original style isn't really matter. Please design more original styles freely. You still can make them look like star wars and epic without weird decorations.


This is a bad example.

if you add weird spikes, this excellent work will be like this.






Adding spikes and called it endgame gear is very wrong. Especially if it doesn't have functions. Decoration only works in other type of fantasy. Most of star wars costumes are very similar to our normal life cloth. Not like fashion show or samba carnival.

And there is no magical armors like other MMO. All of gears are based on technology or culture even darth vador.

Adding too much objects and too much color makes design weird. It is not design.

Designers need to be a minimalist. However if you are a designer, you should know this before you graduate school...



Agreed COMPLETELY, the armor set you showed with/without spikes/tubes/etc was the exact example i was talking about in my post above. It looks amazing, and NPC's all over the galaxy can wear it (both hood up and hood down)... yet the players cant. Those 3 armour sets you linked are also perfect examples of how i wish the armour in this game looked for high end players. Simple, robe-like armours, that also have elegant and intricate details (NOT dozens of spikes and tubes that make them look ridiculous).

Edited by drosalion
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The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


With all due respect, that isn't an aesthetics vs. gameplay question. What you're really asking is "Do WoW-style aesthetics, where gear-level is measured in the width of the shoulder fins and the number of spikes on the armour, trump Star Wars aesthetics, ie. looking like a character from the films." And my answer is a resounding "no". If I wanted to look like an armoured hedgehog who had a run-in with a '57 Cadillac on my way to the Pride Parade, I'd play WoW.


If you're really intent on tying cool/iconic appearance to gear progression (an idea I really hope you'll realize is a poor one and abandon, like pretty much every other MMO dev team), reverse your current course - make the spike-covered bondage gear low level and move pieces like the Drelliad or Jedi Peacekeeper sets to ultra-rare ops drops (and while you're at it throw in an orange version of the Jawa Robe from the Tattoine Consular class arc - it saddens me profoundly that the coolest, most iconic, light armour chest in the game is a trash white).

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Here is a vote for "aesthetics > all" from this humble player. And probably my entire guild would say the same thing. I can't think of a single guild-mate who wants to look the way most of these armors make characters look.


Your design team's first, second, third, fourth, and 100th question whenever they make armor really has to be, "Does this look right for the SW universe?" There is absolutely no reason why armor can't look good and tasteful while also fitting in with the SW universe.


And honestly why would you assume Obi-wan's classic Episode 4 "armor" is "low level in appearance?" What makes it look low level to you? Because it's not flashy? But Jedi Knights aren't flashy! Just because plain brown robes are "low level" in other games, or other settings (like fantasy or superheroes) doesn't mean they are in Star Wars. Let's remember that in the SW Universe, Jedi Knights are considered "uber" just in general.


Why else do you think that, by merely showing up on the Trade Federation cruiser wearing those plain brown robes that you seem to think are "very low level" in appearance, Qui-gon and Obi-wan scared the living poodoo out of Gunray and his followers? How did the protocol droid know to say, in one of the very first lines of the movie, "The Ambassadors are Jedi Knights, I'm afraid." How did the droid know this? By looking at their "plain brown low level robes."


In other words, in Star Wars, the "plain brown robes" imply that the person is "uber leet", not "low level." You (and probably the art team) are taking an out-of-Star-Wars assumption (that looking like a Franciscan monk = poverty and weakness) and importing it incorrectly into the Star Wars universe.


Personally I like the idea of orange gear and I like that it lets me look "iconic" all along. But even that has issues, because many of the gear sets are incomplete (there are no matching gloves, boots, etc, to things like the Aspiring Knight's tops and bottoms, for instance). This forces people to either wear the flashy, non-Star Warsy stuff even if they don't like it, or to look like some sort of circus freak with mis-matched gear. I have to carry around level 15 boots and gloves that kind of match the Aspiring Knight outfit and swap to them whenever I am RPing the character because the orange gloves and boots I have for her (all 4 or 5 pairs) just do not match the outfit. And I want her to look like a young Jedi Knight, not a circus freak. You gave me part of Aayla Secura's outfit... where's the rest of it? Etc.


I'm sure you will have some people who like flash. And I don't care if you have some sets that look, and let's be blunt, like they came right out of the last WOW expansion. But the majority of the clothes need to look like Star Wars. You could have done much better by actually importing, wholesale, the exact outfits of the real characters in the movies and made THOSE the high level gear. After all, who's going to argue with you that looking like Mace Windu or Boba Fett is "high level" appearance? Hardly anyone would.


There is a really simple solution here. Hire Trish Biggar, the girl who designed the Ep 1-3 wardrobe. She made Maul's outfit and Qui-gon's and the like. Bet she'd do it for you, and she would create stuff that, no offense intended, would own the daylights out of what you currently have going on in the upper levels.


Most awesome quote of the day. Ans i think we all agree on this.

Why bioware fails to understand this is beyond any logic.

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Stephen -


I know you look for constructive criticism, and I will endeavor to do that in this post.


You asked for ideas as to what to do about armor and here is what I can say. Don't try to make the armor look better via making the model more elaborate.


I'm going to try to give ideas based on each of the classes, I'm going to try to provide reference links for each one as well when I find them appropriate.


Jedi Shadows and Sith Assassins -


The Shadow and the Assasin are cloth wearing classes. Think more like a Shaolin Monk. In this case I can only preach functionality as a main point.


Shaolin Monks look like this:


Shaolin Monk


They wear what they wear for a combination of factors but most importantly because the clothing provides extreme freedom of movement.


This is a trend repeated in Karate.


Karate Gi


You'll note similarities between the Karate Gi and the outfit worn by Darth Maul in Episode I. You'll also note similarities between the Shaolin robes and the outfits worn by Jedi in the films. This is not an accident.


The Jedi are portrayed as more of a Monk-like outlook and the Sith are portrayed as more of a hard style aggressive form. Their outfits reflect this to cement this in aesthetics as well as in functionality.


You see sir, in canon lightsabers can cut through pretty much anything. This is why bulky armor makes no sense. Not only that but the things they can't cut through instantly provide little resistance. No matter what the best way to avoid damage for a Jedi or Sith is to simply avoid being hit, that means above all, regardless of type of Jedi or Sith they will favor outfits that provide freedom of movement.


This works well, of course, for Jedi Sentinels, Jedi Shadows, Sith Marauders, and Sith Assassins. It doesn't work so well for Sith Juggernauts or Jedi Guardians. For those we have to look at other sources.


In this case I think your team has made an error by focusing too much on the eastern influence and have forgotten that for Jedi and Sith they have also pulled from western history.


During the Great Hyperspace War and those time periods we saw two distinct types of armor. For the Jedi we saw a highly European influence. We saw more western knight style of armor. So for the Jedi Guardian think more breastplates and bracers. Think of functionality, one of the things the Jedi want is freedom of movement and a streamlined look to cut down on drag and to not risk things being caught.


Jedi don't care about outward appearances. They want plates, smooth, streamlined, simple. A combination of plates and robes is what a heavily armored Jedi would prefer. These can have intricate designs painted on, or etched into, the armor but they can't have gaudy shoulder pieces or spikes or wings. Those things just make it more likely that the armor will get caught, the Jedi will get slowed down, and the person will be killed.


Sith are the opposite. Sith were heavily influenced visually at that time by Egyptian fashion. They liked gaudy, they liked huge frills, they liked looking intimidating and scary. Sith are over indulgent, and they have always been, rich purples and elaborate silhouettes. That is what Sith do and that is what they should look like. A Sith wants to look like a gold laden conqueror, not a clown, they want elaborate but they don't want to die.


Your current designs are too Eastern. The Jedi PVP gear, for example, looks like a space samurai. This has some basis in the Eastern influence but it has too many things that aren't functional.


Why does the armor, for example, have a backpack?


A Samurai helm looks the way it does to deflect blows. A Jedi wouldn't have need of that shape in Star Wars because lightsabers don't deflect. All one has to do is ask if the outfit makes sense for what it will be used for.


Don't think about always using real life patterns, think about why those patterns were used and try to find the real world analogue that fits that function.

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The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?[/color]


Aesthetics trump gameplay for me. I'm simply -tired- to have ugly equipment when I hit max level in EVERY MMO I've played. I can't remember a MMOs where I liked my clothes at high level. I'm glad all the mods are now removable from the gears, I hate my T3 equipement I have on live server. Ugly, ugly, ugly, I'm sick of it.

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Consular armor


I play a Shadow in the game and here is how I see the class and kind of how I feel the armor should reflect.


As a jedi shadow I feel like we are suppose to be the "ninjas" of the jedi order(assassin for sith). We work behind the scenes out of the public's eye.

A sage being more visible working the political aspect out front I can kind of understand how the whole senator look came about and the big robes and what not fit a sage.

BUT a shadow in my head is doing the more dirty work that a sage doesn't touch. We lurk out of the spot light making sure things go smooth and taking care of anything that may throw a wrench in things before it becomes public. A consular seem to be much more political, cunning, or subtle making sure things run smooth and relations stay strong. Wile knights are more like the grunts out on the front lines bashing in skulls and taking the hits to make things happen. I get that.


I feel a shadow should have more athletic looking cloths. Baggy pants that go just past the knees and then boots that meet them. shirts that are loose and don't go much past the bottom of the behind and a belt over the waist. Cloths like this allow max movement with out getting in the way.


How on earth is a shadow suppose to be doing these jump kicks and flips with these huge hats and robs on. the hats would be falling off or be getting in the way. They would be tripping on some of these heavy robes and overcoats. They would be standing out in the crowed with such elegant hats and bulky robes. And the pants in the game are so skin tight i don't know how they would be able to kick higher then the knees with out ripping them.


I hate to jump on the whole Darth Maul thing but they did him right with the pants and shirt light and unrestricting.


For heads I feel shadows should be getting masks or things that cover the eyes or the mouth and nose or some combo. The art team could have fun with this maybe making 1 look kinda like wrappings that cover the lower half of the face or some masks that cover only the face not all of them need to full out cover the hair and the full head.


To make the higher level 1s look more high level you can add shoulder pads kinda like how the pve set has them now but much smaller. Add intricate designs and colors on them this makes them look more high quality = makes them look more end game.


I love my shadow but some times it annoys me a bit when I look at the gear especially the head gear...


Wish I had noticed this thread when the Devs were actually paying attention to it but maybe I'll get lucky and this will be noticed.


On a side note the new PVE set for consular is getting closer to the mark. (I would like the head more if it didn't have the hood taking off my hair :( ..)

Edited by agien
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The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


Stephen, here is where I want to say that I think that, in this case, you aren't thinking about the game world so much as you are thinking of something more akin to WoW.


First of all...


You are BioWare... Since when have you guys, who have always been about story, and lore, and verisimilitude, ever ignored that so that players could look like a bad (censored)?


This is Star Wars. Don't go into armor design thinking, "Would players care if they looked too "low level" in this game?"


Go in thinking, "Would characters, in Star Wars, care that other people thought they looked newbish?"


That I can only answer as "No" in the end.


Luke Skywalker, Grandmaster Skywalker, wears simple brown robes. He's the highest level character we have ever seen in Star Wars and he wears brown robes. In the Episode VI he wore a black jumpsuit.


As a Sentinel, I think the best look for my character would be simple and elegant. I'd love to have a leather-ish tunic with some designs etched into the leather. Something I could explain, something that looks slick, something that says:


"I don't need to look like a bad(censored) I am a bad(censored)!"

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The community has been posting about bad armor design for how long know?


Shame it has to take them two more failures until they start to listen to us.


BW, if you want examples check out SW's fan art. Just google it.


Also, fire whoever came up with the color schemes on the gear.


Comments derived thanks to!





(PVE)More likely to stab themselves...(Lets make something iconic to SW, by adding spikes!)

(PVP)Well, at least I can continue to fit in with my voodoo cult..



(PVE)Well, I don't need to worry about water anymore...shame there's no water deeper than a foot...

(PVP)I guess if I were to kick somebody, it would really, really hurt... Or I could just throw MY GIANT FREAKING SHOULDERPADS. ( Oh PS, the yellow set looks like a chicken.)



(PVE) DERP. (I don't see how a black/brown/blue color scheme is visually pleasing to anybody.)




(PVE) Im actually a bat, nyuk nyuk.(Colors, yet again on the cloak are horrid.)

(PVP) Okay.



(PVE) I actually kinda don't look stupid! Yippie!

(PVP) Oh damn, never mind.



(PVE) I bet my rearside sticks out...( Horrible choice of colors again...)




(PVE) Ooooo spooky, im definitely taking first place this Halloween.(Set looks kinda good...)




(PVE) YEEHAWWWWWW, Tired of space cowboy at this point...BM set looKs better.

(PVP) What are these things sticking out of my arms and head? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?


BW should make a written apology to all the Knights and Inquisitors, although overall the gear designs are pretty bad at least the others are somewhat bearable.

Edited by BendakStarkiller
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All I know, is I won't be seen dead in the new armour models sorry.


I will be sticking to orange gear previously found, as being a sage, I certainly don't want to end up looking like a cyberman in pvp gear.


Sorry, but what you lot like in the art team, is certainly not what the majority like here. I would say we as players are much more in touch when it comes to designs within the star-wars universe than your artists seem to be.


Heck, you have one of the biggest IP's and you can't utilise some of the people who actually created the costumes for the films?


Just ask yourself this, "would George lucas have used those costumes in the films?"


We all know the answer is NO!


They look like something designed for a 60's scifi show, and something I would watch being made on blue Peter, using some tinfoil, toilet roll holders and some stick back plastic.




Yes you should have been on the art team before authorising these models.

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?

I wouldn't really call it aesthetics vs. gameplay but to avoid the semantics I'd definitely go for what I find most visually pleasing for my character, regardless of whether or not that means a level 11 orange robe or a T2 end-game set.


Not that I'd ever get the latter, as I don't do Operations, but you get the point.


The point is that for me it depends on how I visualize a particular character. My Sith Sorcerer might be flamboyant and well-suited to some of the current end-game sets, while my Jedi Guardian would prefer simple black robes to match his more demure demeanor.


Similarly, I dearly wish there'd be some really high-tech and gadgety-looking armor for my Operative, as it's either farming the battlemaster set or stick with lower-level uniforms. And the latter don't much look like medium armor to me.

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Personally, I think the armor for the empire side looks great IN GAME, not on some generic pic with a white background, especially on body type 3.


A few issues I do have are;


1) I cant wait to get my 'Sin into the new armor, pvp especially, but it doesn't really fit for sorcs. I realize that's the most extreme case because one is a force using range caster and the other is meant to be a fear instilling, head ripper offer


2)The ranked should come WITH the augment slots, not have to be RE'd for them. I shouldn't have to drop my current TS to get 5-7 augs. This is a huge power difference and only partially related to the models


3) There are quite a few unique sets that never made it to game or at least to players. I want a light armor Imp Guard uniform, it looks like just robes to me... A black one too lol. What about a white set of armor that would make you look kind of like Grevious' guards? How about the background player costumes or any of the 50 outfits amidala wore? Especially the arena one wink wink


4) Why cant I have a wookie wearing the Clint Eastwood outfit smugglers get? /cry


We can argue that these high level armors are of cultural importance, after all this is set in the EU and 3k years in the past. There's huge room for variation.


Also, what about weapon models? When can we see some lightwhips or polearms? or flashy variations of the handles to make our weps look unique?

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We hope we're letting you make more choices in Game Update 1.2 (and will continue down that path). That said, there will always be some players, I believe, who want to be able to wear the 'absolute best' or 'most rare' armor in the game - and we want them to feel that its default appearance is cool. Hence, this sort of discussion.


Ok than, so here is the question:




currently these are most ridiculous armors in entire game which don't have ANYTHING in common with Star Wars.

I check the pictures for 1.2 and...

it's still exactly the same BS.


At first I thought it's just a smuggler armor with wrong description pasted on it, but no.... it's really a jedi knight armor.


Why the heck most iconic type of character in entire lore wears armors that look like taken from... god knows where. Certainly not from Star Wars anyway. At least PvE armors can be in some way pulled towards Star Wars, although most of self-respecting knights wouldn't wear this anyway. Can't you just simply make something that's a robe with cool armor parts underneath? Is that such a magic? Take new PvE trooper armor, remove silly helmet, add hood and robe on top of it - and suddenly you got Knight armor that people will dream of.


Seriously: what the heck?!


ps. No: I don't play Jedi Knight but my eyes bleed each time I see people running in these idiotic armors.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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I would totally use the Knight pvp set as a guardian in pvp.. I mean really if you saw somebody with that on wouldn't you want to go hit them? Finlay a set so ugly it provokes people into only wanting to attack you making you a true tank.
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Here's an open question in regards to that.


We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


While that rings true in a game like WoW, or Rift, or practically any other MMO around these days, Star Wars already has its iconic looks which should be respected and represented at all levels.


My question would be why is none of this stuff shown in the media trailers. We didn't see Malgus with 18 inch spikes on his shoulders and a black core lightsaber.


While I understand the idea behind making the top gear stand out, it really shouldn't be at the expense of immersion for the player. Having your character and others around you looking like they belong there is important for many players.


To reference SWG, towards the end those with Elder robes stood out from those without. These robes we're particularly extravagant and they certainly didn't have the enormous shoulder pads we see here. They were just a different style and looked more like the masters robes seen in the films.


The problem I personally have with it is that I cannot imagine anyone in the SW universe using this stuff purely based on its functionality. Imagine just trying to even walk around with a large elvish rune shaped shoe horn stuck in the front of your boot, or your shoulder as seen in the sorcerer PvE armour. Take away those bits and hide the head slot and that armour won't look half bad.


Oh and please reduce the cost of removing mods. It cost me just under 400k the other night to move mods from 4 bits into a new armour set. If you truly want players to have the option to chose not to use this stuff it kinda makes little sense to have a financial penalty attached to switching it. This was only for grade 58 mods too, I dread to think how much it'll be for the 61 grade when I switch armours after 1.2 is released.

Edited by JohraTon
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Just chipping in my two cents here regarding the new armor sets.


Inquisitor - PvE looks fine, except for the bladethingies, the green one looks kinda scaly, I like that. PvP, well, first off: lose the helmet. put something alike to Darth Jadus' helmet there (I'd definitely want that, if I ever made an Inq). The tattered look is nice, though I'm thinking it would be more suitable at the beginning of his story, being a slave and all instead of while being a Darth. The spikes(?) on the gauntlets are okay, but that shoulderthing... get it out of there.


Warrior - PvE is fine, except for the helmet, the PvP one is way better. If you switched helmets, PvE would be great. PvP on the other hand... the blades at the gloves are too massive, the boot ones are way better (can't quite reason for them being there though) and its [boots] legwatchamacallit are just... I don't know what to say. They're just... stupid.


Bounty Hunter - looks fine in both cases, except for the shoulderpads - what if you want to scratch your head? They're just in the way, if you want to raise your arm above your shoulderlevel in the PvP ones


Agent - again mostly fine, but horrible helmets and "wrong" colors. As said before, more muted/dark colors, please. (Until I hit 50 I had the Black Talon Sniper Jacket, I'd love more of that kind)


Consular - PvE: I appreciate that whole simplistic approach, but a) the boots are way too large and b) this doesn't seem Star Warsy in my eyes - it looks like something my Dervish wore in Guild Wars. It's good, but it doesn't say Star Wars to me. The goggles seem odd to me, too. PvP: I'd never ever show that helmet, but other than that I quite like that outfit, though it might not be fitting for a Consular. But still, I think that one is really great.


Knight - PvE: Mostly great too, but the gloves shouldn't be bare metal (or look like it anyways) and the boots should have a leathery feeling to them, I think. PvP: same for gloves and boots and I find that shoulder guard quite fitting, but again: I would rather die than get seen with this horrible helmet. (the golden colored set (rated war leader/vindicator) looks quite knightish in my book, I'd like to see more in that scheme)


Trooper - One thing and one thing only in both PvE and PvP: The helmet. The PvE one looks great, but I think a Bounty Hunter would be more appropriate for that; the PvP one is just.. yuck. (Though haven't seen a Trooper helmet I really like so far (the ornamentless BH helmets are quite nice though), the Battlefield Medic's Helmet is okay, I guess) But other than the helmets I really like this one - especially as there is no huge backpackthing (which was one of the main reasons I had the chest piece from coruscant until I hit 50). You could remove the "flaps" on the boots and the shoulderpiece is way better than the rockets the Supercommando set (I think) has.


Smuggler - Both: Again the helmets. *shudder* The blade on the wrist in the PvP Set isn't fitting either; but other than that, I quite like the looks - even this kinda mismatched overall feeling feels right for the smuggler.

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all the gear looks way to fantisy and not star wars, if i wanted to look like a WoW charator i would play WoW. almost all the helmet look really bad, and the rest of the gear for all charaters in both factions doesnt look like STAR WARS GEAR AT ALL! plz plz plz dont put out the gear you have created, create more athintic star wars gear....:eek: Edited by darkdoryin
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What you guys are talking about is so incredibly arbitrary, I can't even begin to describe. Based so deeply in personal taste, even if a resounding majority of people posting here believe in a specific aesthetic course, it could in no way dictate the opinion of the community as a whole. Just because you like steak and I like steak doesn't mean we both prefer a dry-aged cowboy-cut ribeye, raised free range on an Iowan pasture, lightly peppered and grilled over hardwood briquettes. Tangential, I know, but this is too complex of an issue to be hammered away at through this medium of communication.


Especially with as many people who are essentially making the "you-promised-me-Star-Wars-Best-MMO-evar-Make-Me-Look-Like-Darth-Maul-NOW-So-I-dont-Have-To-Buy-The-Expansion-I-am-A-gamer-So-I-am-Entitled" argument.


I wonder how many terrible aesthetic choices were made by Blizzard devs due to "community feedback". You think an artist, classically trained in the use of color and composition, would willingly design armor that essentially looks like sparkle ponies colliding with power rangers, if not for "community feedback"?


Hate me if you must. All I'm saying is: Be careful what you wish for.


They get closer with every attempt. Most of us can agree that we're enjoying ourselves enough to hope for faster updates, but let's be honest... if you got everything you wanted right from the very beginning, we wouldn't be having this conversation...


... because you would've already moved on to a different game.

Edited by allancue
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I'd be happy with some armours designed around the darth talon look and variations of for my sith characters at least.


I'd also like it if my republic characters were not afraid of a little more skin on display either - kind of like the grand inquisitor robes on sith characters would be fine. My rep toons will be dark side anyway so it would fit imo.

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