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1.2 - Combat Medic - Major Nerfs


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Combat Medic - http://www.swtor.com/test-center/patchnotes

  • Field Training now increases critical chance by 1% per point. -3% critical chance
  • Field Triage now reduces the cost of Medical Probe by 1 (down from 2).
  • Kolto Bomb now affects up to 4 targets (up from 3), improving reliability in group and Operation situations.
  • Kolto Residue now increases all healing received by 3% (down from 5%).
  • Psych Aid no longer reduces the cost of Field Aid. It now causes Field Aid to heal the target for a small amount.
  • Supercharge Cells now restores 1 Energy Cell (down from 2) when used and increases all damage and healing dealt by 5% (down from 10%). The shield applied by Kolto Bomb now reduces damage taken by 5% (down from 10%).
  • Trauma Probe now costs 2 Energy Cells to activate.


I don't understand how devs were able to decide on all of the above changes, presumably implying we were somehow overpowered PVE healers. This is very disappointing.

Edited by Blasphemerr
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I woulda done something with trauma first since healers were pretty strong overall, not necessarily just combat medics in pvp.


But don't make comments that it's a small subset of the game, with how laughably easy pve content is outside of bugs and rng mmk?

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Yea complete BS. We were told Medic was getting buffed and Grav was getting nerfed. Grav did gt a small nerf imo, but these changes to Medic... ***? Why? Makes no sense to lower healing all around, increase ammo costs when it already costs enough, and nerf KB. All they did was raise the KB targets by 1??? And the trade-off was this? Yea, this patch looks better and better....
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I do not understand the reasoning behind this nerf at all. I have had to PROVE to my guild mates and others on my server that the Combat Medic can be just as viable of a healer as the Sage, and still that has required a lot of effort on my part. Healing as a trooper in HM's/OP's was already difficult because of not having a very effective AOE which I am happy to see is getting a little help, however I dont think the rest of the changes are worth getting one extra chance to heal a random person to my KB. I dont see how the Combat Medic is so uber in pvp either. I guess using full battlemaster gear with expertise could make you a bit powerful, but Combat Medic DPS is total crap. Thing is now though with the nerfs to the DPS side of the commando its almost not worth it to dump being a healer and respec to dps. These nerfs to the trooper class commando/vanguard are uncalled for.


I for one would really like to see the proof behind the claims that the Trooper is overpowered, other than just people's random conjecture that comes from their pvp experiences.


It seems rather silly to me that most people will claim their opponent is too powerful before they admit that they either suck or that someone else is better than them. As far as my pvp skills go I will be the first to admit that I totally suck in pvp, thats why I dont do it all that often.

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I don't understand this nerf - what are they thinking!? Combat Medic's will no longer be viable. They will burn ammo like nothing else now and won't be able to keep up You can forget about healing in hardmode or operations. Total surprise and utter disappointment.


A bad class made even worse. So disappointed.

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In all honestly, I don't think I would mind the above changes if Kolto Bomb got a real buff besides the 1 additional target.


I think thinning out the single target heals while making our AoE strong like bull, would be fair and balanced

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Similar on that that developers were smoked grasses and have engorged mushrooms, it is interesting, as have come to such decision so to humiliate Trooper class. Whether developers tried to go to raid and heal? Looks like my money not need to bioware anymore!
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I'd understand if they nerfed ONE or TWO things but this?

What the hell is this?

I already barely keep my ammo up on nightmares, after this nerf I wont be able to heal ****!


Once again! What the hell is this?!

Why nerf so many abilities ?


Isn't it logical to gradually adjust abilities? To nerf one, see if the class is balanced, if not, nerf something again? Not just *********** nerf 5 abilities in one go like this. Come on!



But then again... I haven't logged in for a week now, another reason for me to leave it that way.

Edited by Yakito
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Really concerned about the changes to the Trooper Medic class - looks like a nerf to me on a healing class that never felt to OP to begin with.


All these changes really make me question the viability of Medic Troopers in an Ops group - it seems like they are going to cause us to burn thru energy cells faster with no way to increase the number of cells we have (unlike the Jedi Sage abilites to radically deepen their Force Pool) - meaning we will have no way to produce heals in critical spots where heavy heals are needed.


If I was an ops group, I have no reason to have a trooper medic (who already has no battle rez) over either a Sage or a Sawbones who now maintain distinct advantages over the Trooper healing class.


Can anyone at BioWare explain to the Trooper healing community how and why these changes were decided upon?

Edited by Kalamatee
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ridiculous nerf, I will no longer play as a healer, fortunately, I was already getting my DPS set, now, this will be my main role...


They just completely gimped DpS too... If you didnt see it they increase the CD on concussion charge, which is HUGE, as it is our only defense. They also completely gimped the AoE area of Mortar volley, which also is HUGE, as it is one of our most important abilities. Overall this made gunnery pretty much unplayable, even more so than it already was in a competetive environement.


Medic of course is also made unplayable, as you will run out of ammo in no time now, the nerf to the dmg reduction to supercharged koltobomb is also HUGE as its been one of my few lifesavers. I just lost my spot on the planned premade due to this *****. And have no longer any reason to play this crappy game, so i just unsubbed.


Luckily DiabloIII is just around the corner and GW2 not too far after that.


GG Bioware. I would like to say its been a pleasure, but being stuck with the most boring and lackluster class Ive played in any MMO, its really not.

Edited by Niconogood
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I have no idea what the possible reasoning behind these nerfs are.


Is it a PvP thing? I play on a PvE server for a reason. I don't like my PvE broken because of PvP nonsense.


Is it because people are talking about endgame content being too easy? That isn't a class performance issue, that's an ops mechanics issue.

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Maybe some dev just couldnt kill Combat Medic trooper in pvp thats why they are nerfing this spec.


Combat Medic is meat for Maruder/Sentinel huge dps - and in 1.2 Maruder/Sentinel are boosted LOL!



I thought Ill get back to SWTOR for 1.2.. but now... this look bad, very bad

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Just talked to the two other highvalor commandos on my server. All obviously playing medics cause its the only viable build atm. One is rerolling, me and the other guy unsubbed separately of eachother, lol.


Well, well, not like commandos ever were the flavor of the month in highlevel play, but at least now you wiped the few there were from the game.


Any reason to play anything else than mara in pvp atm? They already facerolled me before patch, now it just got ridiculous.

Edited by Niconogood
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The healer nerf was needed, its not normal that a healer can outheal your DPS on 1v1 and then kill you.


Rubbish, even in BM gear and knowing how to play your class, it doesn't stop you from getting killed in one v one fights, death by CC and high dps and we can't escape those fights at all :rolleyes:


It seems because we have the overrated high armour, these silly devs think that they have to give Sage a better shield, an interrupt, in combat res, in combat sprint which is near enough as good as the higher armour alone, far far better aoe heal and that's not enough, lets make the gap even bigger in 1.2 :rolleyes:


But then again these are the devs that came up with Ilum and thought it was good enough, I guess we can't be that surprised that they nerf a weaker healing class far more than the strongest one :eek:


Pretty much the last nail in the coffin, Ilum being the main reason I was already thinking of leaving, but now the class balance is going to get even worse than it already is.


Next thing we will see, instead of adding immunities to CC to get that under control, they will add even more to the game, that's the type of form they are in :p

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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These changes are absolutely crippling, and completely out of line with anything the healing community was discussing.


I've been a pretty outspoken "wait and see" and "give the Devs a chance to fix a young game" optimist on the boards.


That faith was massively misplaced.


I used to recommend this game to people all the time. That was a mistake, one I will be correcting.


Honestly, I recommend that everyone hit by these nerfs unsubscribe and write about their horrible concept of class balance as the reason. You can still play after you unsub until your time runs out, and if they fix it or you change your mind you can resub any time.


The more people who unsubscribe ASAP and list the 1.2 Nerfs as the reason, the louder that message will be.

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Assualt, Combat Medic, and Medic Hybrid nerfed across the board. More interesting gameplay consist of cast Full Auto more and still be useless when now nerfed Grav is interrupted. Pretty lazy and unneeded changes.


Hybrid healer is the archetype I always play and it got just butchered here when its barely even played in the first place.

Edited by Rotm
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I haven't played my Commando since rolling my Operative (whom I'm super excited about to play post-1.2), but even still, when I read these changes to Combat Medic, I was taken aback. It looks like everything that made the Combat Medic powerful is being nerfed: Supercharge Cells, Kolto Bomb procs, Trauma Probe.


The only justification I can think of is that the class was actually pushing out bigger numbers than players thought or were talking about on the forum. I realize that sounds like a cop out/fanboi defense for BioWare, which is why I'm not sold on it.


A dev response summarizing why these nerfs were made and how these nerfs compare to the other healers in 1.2 would be much appreciated.

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i really don't get it. if anything, combat medic should have been buffed or at least just left the way it is, it was okay.


PVP? combat medic 1-on-1 against any other class? the only times i've seen combat medics win those is when the opponent really, really, really sucked at playing their class. i've been happy with my healing in PVP, although i never did as much as the sages and smugglers (who, other than the commando, seem to be able to do quite some damage as well in their heal spec), because it felt at least a little more reliable than the healing of sages and smugglers. now with the ammo changes, it seems this is over.


PVE? we had to prove time and time again that commandos were acceptable healers, as everybody knew sages were OP. with huge effort, we still got the work done somehow and healed them through the Ops, but it was hard and cumbersome without real AoE capabilities. And now? **** that. Still no real AoE capabilites (4 people instead of 3? seriously? thats not even enough for 8man-ops. and then they even have the nerves to NERF the kolto bombs use??), and everything else nerfed as well... Why would they still take me over a sage or smuggler now? hell, even I myself woudn't take me.


i really don't get it.. I'm a game developer myself, I do know about balancing, I do know that they need to look at a bigger picture and what not... but seriously... where do they get the notion that combat medics deserve a nerf, even in the big picture? thats like.. i don't even... i don't know what to say to that ********... i've played MMOs for over 10 years now and have never been as shocked by patch notes as right now...


bioware, please... tell us what you were thinking... and think again.



Honestly, I recommend that everyone hit by these nerfs unsubscribe and write about their horrible concept of class balance as the reason. You can still play after you unsub until your time runs out, and if they fix it or you change your mind you can resub any time.
done that. as i had big faith in bioware and subbed for a long time, i've got plenty of time left on my account, but i have to say my faith is badly broken now. i unsubbed and listed this as the reason. lets hope they get the message. Edited by Amadox
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