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After seeing 1.2 patch notes...


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Dual spec would have been enough to get me somewhat interested in staying on. However, noticed the patch note regarding Merc healing, I just respec'd from being Arsenal to Bodyguard to address the guild's need for a healer. Being a healer is not my forte but I started to enjoy healing fellow guildy.


I can stay on if I can maintain my aggressive style in PVP by being DPS Arsenal/Firebug and address my guildy's need in PVE by simply bringing the necessary spec. I don't see this happening in 1.2. A definite deal breaker for me.

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IMHO this game failed from the start.

1.2 won't change this... patch notes are a terrible joke. Sadly, it seems Bioware just don't know what they're doing. They're not fixing any current main issues, they're just adding little stuff to try and extend the global interest on this game (not losing subs)... In the end they will fail.

It's all marketing, people.


Anyone who can't see this might aswell be playing a single player RPG.


But hey... if you're happy with this online gaming failure, it's ok!

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IMHO this game failed from the start.

1.2 won't change this... patch notes are a terrible joke. Sadly, it seems Bioware just don't know what they're doing. They're not fixing any current main issues, they're just adding little stuff to try and extend the global interest on this game (not losing subs)... In the end they will fail.

It's all marketing, people.


Anyone who can't see this might aswell be playing a single player RPG.


But hey... if you're happy with this online gaming failure, it's ok!


Yet....here you are :)



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I agree with you in a way the RIDICULOUS amount of whining on these forums now makes any genuine grievance hard to find. As someone that has played sorc and bh healer to 50 and smuggler to 30, the healing nerfs for all classes are a real problem though.


I'm getting buffed

I love how the community just ignores operative healers - when 5 bucks says I can out heal you - and that's pre 1.2

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If you enjoy the game a class nerf is not going to kill it for you and aside from the nerfs the rest of the patch is amazing.




I'm a sorc-- and tbh, I expected the nerf. The public at large will cry at buffs/nerfs until the last day a game is live.

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I'm getting buffed

I love how the community just ignores operative healers - when 5 bucks says I can out heal you - and that's pre 1.2

grats on your HUGE epeen.


completely irrelevant to the discussion though. we're comparing game mechanics, not player skill.

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I'm a sorc-- and tbh, I expected the nerf. The public at large will cry at buffs/nerfs until the last day a game is live.

that's the thing.. you (and most other people) expected a nerf to sorc.


no one expected a nerf to BH healers.

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And... You expected differently? Find a class you like, it gets nerfed. Such is life.


Unless you deliberately take a liking to underpowered classes. That is another story...


I honestly do like playing the class that is not the fotm. I despise playing the overpowered class that everyone else is bandwagoning. The reasonable expectation when buying a new game and choosing a character is that the overpowered class that too many people are playing will get "balanced". When you pick the least played class with the least sustained damage output (concealment operative pve dps), you kind of expect a buff instead of a nerf...especially not a nerf to every single ability you have in one patch.


I quit wow because of their horrible and extremely stubborn decisions...like literally deleting a spec that I spent over a year playing. Hopefully BW is not going to follow this same path, but if so, at least i haven't put a year's investment (subscription/play time) into it yet. The evidence so far is saying yes..BW is trying to duplicate wow's fail. Extreme glow-stick favoritism, determination to balance around pvp at the expense of pve, and possibly doing the equivalent of deleting my spec (converting concealment dps into pvp only)...i don't pvp at all. That last part would be an automatic unsub for me if they actually did that. It took a lot of convincing for me to even buy this game as I apparently have an aversion for playing with lightsabers. I finally found a class in this game that I like and to have my cookie snatched out of my mouth and stomped on....

Edited by Apokelypse
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I honestly do like playing the class that is not the fotm. I despise playing the overpowered class that everyone else is bandwagoning. The reasonable expectation when buying a new game and choosing a character is that the overpowered class that too many people are playing will get "balanced". When you pick the least played class with the least sustained damage output (concealment operative pve dps), you kind of expect a buff instead of a nerf...especially not a nerf to every single ability you have in one patch.


I quit wow because of their horrible and extremely stubborn decisions...like literally deleting a spec that I spent over a year playing. Hopefully BW is not going to follow this same path, but if so, at least i haven't put a year's investment (subscription/play time) into it yet. The evidence so far is saying yes..BW is trying to duplicate wow's fail. Extreme glow-stick favoritism, determination to balance around pvp at the expense of pve, and possibly doing the equivalent of deleting my spec (converting concealment dps into pvp only)...i don't pvp at all. That last part would be an automatic unsub for me if they actually did that. It took a lot of convincing for me to even buy this game as I apparently have an aversion for playing with lightsabers. I finally found a class in this game that I like and to have my cookie snatched out of my mouth and stomped on....


I have a concealment op alt and am pretty concerned with the changes as well. I honestly don't know if BW realizes the 3s cd increase on Backstab doesn't just effect backstab, but Acid Blade as well, our 31pt talent. They seem to try to balance that increase with more damage to it, and compensated the energy increase by decreasing Lacerate cost. However, the lower frequency of which Acid Blade can be used and the longer gap to apply the dot it does doesn't seem to be addressed.


I'm with you in being totally puzzled as to why Concealment Ops got nerfed again. I have a guildy that played it as an alt prior to the first nerf and said the nerf was necessary as he was able to kill targets w/o most of them being able to fight back. He mentioned it was a lot more balanced now and a second nerf was unwarranted.

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Some people played 1 mmo for years (WoW most likely) I've played a whole bunch.


Instead of make the typical mmo resume argument i.e. I know everything mmo because I've played the following exhaustive list of games <list>, I'll just cite observing simple human behavior. How many mmos have you played that failed because the devs couldn't get things straight on their design philosophy? How many games have you played that failed because that dev team didn't stay consistent to their vision, or strayed from it due to player input? How many games have you played that failed due to the dev team being inadequate to deliver a promised vision during the hype marketing phase?


Since WoW remains the reigning mmo champ, anyone who's played other games besides WoW can attest to the above. Everyone has stories. Everyone has experiences. All I'm saying is that human psychology will remain true, as it has over every other game. If people are upset, their emotion will guide them to another avenue of entertainment. The people willing to "adapt" are in a minority, and then those people still have a limitation on patience. How many games have people played here to the bitter end, or close to it? Definitely not as many that quit well before the game died.


This is the real danger of these class changes. Not who's pro, who's bad, who can overcome, or who will ragequit, but how many people will simply choose to spend their leisure time another way. Think about it.


thats the problem, you think you are the majority when you are not

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After reading the 1.2 patch notes...


I can finally play my merc again. I don't care about the rotation changes, the class balancing, the crew skills changes or any of that ****.


I'm just glad my merc wont look like hes unloading a big brown pants missile every time I fire a tracer.



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I honestly do like playing the class that is not the fotm. I despise playing the overpowered class that everyone else is bandwagoning. The reasonable expectation when buying a new game and choosing a character is that the overpowered class that too many people are playing will get "balanced". When you pick the least played class with the least sustained damage output (concealment operative pve dps), you kind of expect a buff instead of a nerf...especially not a nerf to every single ability you have in one patch.


I quit wow because of their horrible and extremely stubborn decisions...like literally deleting a spec that I spent over a year playing. Hopefully BW is not going to follow this same path, but if so, at least i haven't put a year's investment (subscription/play time) into it yet. The evidence so far is saying yes..BW is trying to duplicate wow's fail. Extreme glow-stick favoritism, determination to balance around pvp at the expense of pve, and possibly doing the equivalent of deleting my spec (converting concealment dps into pvp only)...i don't pvp at all. That last part would be an automatic unsub for me if they actually did that. It took a lot of convincing for me to even buy this game as I apparently have an aversion for playing with lightsabers. I finally found a class in this game that I like and to have my cookie snatched out of my mouth and stomped on....


QQ Cya

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No idea what you are on about pal.


A new MMO needs to have the basic tools to allow the players to be part of the Massive Multiplayer experience. SWTOR failed to give the players the tools and this is why many of them have left. SWTOR paid no attention to what made WOW the most popular MMO in history and they have paid a very high price for this failure.


A new MMO needs to have LFG, Guild bank, Useful crafting, A world that is alive a world not small enough to be crowded but not large enough to make the game feel like a single player game. It needs to feel massive, the battlegrounds need to be exciting and 8 v 8 is not exciting. 40 v 40 is exciting. It also needs to have some great looking gear or people won't want to wear it. You need a good AH so that you can trade and make a vibrant economy, the SWTOR AH was designed by a nursery school I think. New MMO's will always lack end game content, that comes over time but to lack the basic MMO tools is just pathetic


Umm I played wow for many years and LFG, Guild bank etc were added much later in the game than launch. So unless you played a different wow than I did you're expectations were perhaps a tad bit high. Guild banks are coming in 1.2 and LFG is in the works and may be here for 1.3. With the incoming changes to orange gear your toon can look anyway you want it to The crew skills have been completely reworked so that all will now have their uses be it for enhancements, mods, crafting gear, augments etc.


I think Bioware has done a reasonably good job with this game, yes they made mistakes it is their first mmo ever so cut them some slack. You didn't really expect them to come out with a game that had all the bells and whistles that another game that has been out for 7 years has did you? I'd rather wait a few months to get the bells and whistles that actually work as intended than to have them rushed out and be buggy as hell.

Edited by Callianna
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Guild banks are coming in 1.2 and LFG is in the works and may be here for 1.3. With the incoming changes to orange gear your toon can look anyway you want it to The crew skills have been completely reworked so that all will now have their uses be it for enhancements, mods, crafting gear, augments etc.


I think Bioware has done a reasonably good job with this game, yes they made mistakes it is their first mmo ever so cut them some slack.


I dont mean to bash on you here. I kinda share your view about cutting BW slack, but for me their grace period runs out with 1.2, dubbed "true release version". I didn't expect a wow degree of polishedness, but I didn't expect BW to go full marketing instead of fixing ACTUAL things either, BW inexperience in the MMO market is starting to weight: family tree is roflcopter.


But what I want to discuss is what I highlighted on your post:


IT ISN'T TRUE. Current design is that you can RE moddable gear, not ANY gear. Lets stop obscuring info even more than BW do by themselves, please.


So far it is even unclear whether it is all moddable gear, all except quest rewards, only gear that drops randomly... I haven't found anything, and pretty much nobody seems to find stuff they can RE to get a new "pattern"... currently the looks department bodes to be almost as bad as it was, only you will have more options of bad.


I hope I am wrong with this and it is simply not fully impleente din PTS The community would benefit of less people drinking BW koolaid

Edited by Urkanan
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And... You expected differently? Find a class you like, it gets nerfed. Such is life.


Unless you deliberately take a liking to underpowered classes. That is another story...


I rolled a Operative AFTER they got nerfed, now 1.2 they are getting nerfed into oblivion.... see you later BW. After such a crap launch, with a severely buggy game , UI etc etc, people leaving, servers turning into ghost towns, no server merges still in 1.2 (I heard 1.3 maybe) its just beyond a joke really, the people that left hardly any will come back they are over it and have moved on, 1.2 is barely keeping people here, once people get through its content they will leave also, and server mergers needed to happen a month ago. My server was very heavy and even had a queue after launch, now its light even in peak hour.... I've already rerolled 3 times so I'm not going to reroll on another server, I'll just unsub.

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Eternity Vault

  • Annihilation Droid XRR-3's "Burning (Physical)" damage over time has been renamed "Burning" to accurately reflect that it cannot be removed.
  • Corrected an issue that could prevent Soa from spawning on the last platform after releasing players from Mind Traps.


seriously? they're breaking soa even more in the PTS? i didn't think it can get any worse?

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seriously? they're breaking soa even more in the PTS? i didn't think it can get any worse?


I like your sig!


Pre-order for GW2 on 4/10/12 (tho I pre-ordered last night already! :p )

D3 took how long to make?


1.2 is 4 months out from release date. 1.1 added a new FP also, just sayin!

Thats not that bad imo

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I'm pretty excited about patch 1.2, although I don't spend my days reading the forums etc..


I just have a question about this legacy scheme, where you can, for example, play a Zabrak Jedi once you have leveled any Zabrak to 50.


Personally I divide my Characters between 2 servers, one for Republic and one for Imperials.

My thinking is, that there are basically 8 classes (counting ACs) and there are only 8 slots available per server.


I would really like to see more slots per server in preperation for the NEW characters I will be wanting to make. Perhaps 12? 16 would be awesome, but that's asking a lot.


In general, I am not going anywhere either way, I've waited for this particular game too long!

BW you are doing a great job, you just can't please everyone.. Well, you can try :p

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Originally Posted by Kthx

Making irrational decisions because of anger that you cannot control is going to be a bigger problem for you in life than any game-related feature ever will be. I don't say this to put you down: It is out of genuine concern for your wellness as a human being.


From the words of the man himself:


"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering...."

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