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Do NOT ignore T7


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I have been playing since early Launch and am loving this game. I am playing all 8 classes and have had trouble sticking to a main, but my Sentinel is mostly through 49 and on the final quest chain.


I will not spoil anything here by giving details, but I want to give all of you young Knights some advice.




Once I got Kira, I have pretty much kept her through the game, switching to Doc only for difficult single bosses in class quests. For that reason, I have not actively geared up any other companion except with greens that drop that I cannot use or what I make through Artifice.


In the final quest series, you are FORCED to use T7 and all other companions are locked up (again no spoilers). I managed to get to (what I think is) the final, or next to final encounter, and wiped over and over again, because you just can't beat the enemy with a droid dressed in level 35 and 40 items and several slots empty.


Now I am back at the fleet spending a fortune on gear for a droid I will likely never use after this quest chain. I hope this warning will prevent others from making the same mistake.


May The Force be with you!

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I did the same thing at a cost of a few hundred thousand credits, then I solved the puzzle on the 6 collumns in the large room before the Emporer with the illuminated symbol in the middle on the floor and it opened a chest with a bunch of droid greens. If the chest glitches and you can't open it, queue for a war zone while still in the instance and when you come back the chest will be accessible.
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your not going to finish that alone anyway.. just take a friend


I did, and that with T7 being totally useless since I leveled with the ship bot until Doc, so not only did T7 only have a few pieces on him since I had stripped his starter kit and given the pieces I could to the ship bot, the pices he had was original lv 10'ish.


1 shot w/o aid from him.


That said, I had twinked my Jedi pretty well at 49.

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He def not useless if you are leveling as dps.


I meant he was useless in the last class encounter since I had stripped his gear early on, and never updated it. I'm aware many use him as main comp.

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Here's the Outcome:


I spent about 150.000 credits in the Trade Market for gear, some of it modable, and then used all of my commendations to mod up that gear. That made him viable. I also spent some coin to upgrade my implants and ear piece.


This time around, the mob in question (it was the second to last mob of note) died easily and the droid survived.


The final encounter took me over an hour with the six or seven attempts, but I was finally victorious. I did it without help (I have no friends at this level, and I am sure I am not the only player in that predicament) and as a jedi combat sentinel.


In the process, I discovered a You Tube video showing a strategy that did not work for me and a 23+ page forum about the final encounter with a combination of frustrated players, complaints about bugs and elitist jerks calling all of the disgruntled players noobs. That thread didn't offer a bit of useful information other than to tell me that there was a puzzle that would have offered me droid upgrades, which I was unable to do, because if you happen to log out after the last encounter, it boots you out of the story and the entrance turns red so you can never get back in (the same exact thing that happened to me at the forge on the home planet).


In the end, I proved that the encounter is not impossible to solo with what is apparently the worst spec in the class, but that those who claim it was "ridiculously easy" are simply above average in skill. As T7 might say, "Doable = yes, Easy = No"

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I did the same thing at a cost of a few hundred thousand credits, then I solved the puzzle on the 6 collumns in the large room before the Emporer with the illuminated symbol in the middle on the floor and it opened a chest with a bunch of droid greens. If the chest glitches and you can't open it, queue for a war zone while still in the instance and when you come back the chest will be accessible.

Thanks for figuring out a workaround. I'll keep that in mind for when my sentinel hits 50.

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Why spend money when you can do the little Imperial symbol puzzle for a bunch of level 50 green gear? Emperor fight was way too easy anyway (for a Guardian). :confused:


Apparently Guardian is easy mode...every time I hear a Jedi breeze through something, they are Guardian, whereas the sentinels have to struggle. This is no reflection on players one way or another, but this is a serious game balance issue. As for the puzzle...glitched, bugged and now locked out and unable to do...as has been the case for dozens of other jedi posting on these forums.


I am glad some people are having an easy time of it though ;)

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If you keep T7 up to date he can be a BEAST. I have basically only used him (except for quests that I've had to use Kira) and I have been updating his gear consistently. I can send him into combat against 3 - 4 NPCs that are up to 3 levels higher than him and he DESTROYS them even all by himself. T7 can be great at taking aggro and can also be an awesome dmg dealer depending on what "stance(?) he is in.
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Quick tip...Keep original emporer targetted at all costs. Do not look at cast bars above the npcs, you will get confused..look at the cast bar above the specific target window to the right of your character window on the bottom. Interrupt him and its really an ez win even with T7 in lvl 35 equipment.
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Quick tip...Keep original emporer targetted at all costs. Do not look at cast bars above the npcs, you will get confused..look at the cast bar above the specific target window to the right of your character window on the bottom. Interrupt him and its really an ez win even with T7 in lvl 35 equipment.


This. Every time I tried to pop the adds I lost track of the real target and got drilled with his cast. Once I chose to focus on him and only him, it was pie.

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Is it difficult to miss these columns? And what slots are the droid parts for? I'm nearing 50 on my Sentinel and I'm having trouble deciding if I should start accepting T7 armor as quest rewards.



There Is a Glyph On EACH pillar in the main room once you enter the temple... Can't miss it.


You Should Note the IS a Pretty Big Bug that Causes the Chest to break.. it lights up, but when you click it nothing happens... Its the First "known bug" that I actually encountered SO i guess I should be grateful for that.



Having said that I'm a guardian and I In NO WAY find this fight to be "Easy mode".... I did at first but But After getting Him VERY close to death on the first and second try and failing, The fight seems to only be getting harder.


Mostly because I've noticed What I can only assume is yet another Bug/Glitch in the instance.. that seems to be effecting other players as well...




The Emperor has a super move that will undoubtedly kill you in one shot... Once you learn the mechanic of the fight its pretty easy to avoid/interrupt.. however for some reason sometimes even after a successful interrupt, a few seconds later with no cast bar or red glowing warning animation I get sent flying against the room and boom insta-death regardless of successful interrupt, or use of the LoS trick


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I knew the puzzle had to be there for a reason, but after a few min of tinkering with it, I abandoned it, cause I wanted to finish my first 50. That said, I have been planning the companions out for a long time. I keep myself and Kira up to date and in orange gear, Scourge usually get's my hand-me-downs when I change my mods. I bought Doc and Rusk level 50 green gear. So with that from Hoth on I have been collecting T7 pieces, not because I knew I would need him for the end (I like to keep my class quests a spoiler free zone till I run them), but because I wanted all of my companions up to date.


As for the quest itself, I have done it 7 times so far and at a cost of about 25,000 in repair bills, and have had no luck, I can usually get him pretty low by ignoring the clones, and making sure I interrupt his one hit wonder. However he DOES fire it without casting and ignoring cooldown time. I have seen it twice in 7 encounters, both times during a Lightning Strike (or Force Lightning, I get them confused, the longer one). While still casting Lightning he throws me and kills me.


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I just finished my story for the JK. I had been powering through some levels and had not recently updated my companion's gear. So, I blew a ton of credits upgrading Kira because I figured I would use her for the final push.


Imagine my surprise when I found out I had to use T7, who had last been used somewhere around high 20's-low 30's. I didn't know that's what the puzzle was for, and I was already 50. I figured it was just some side quest I wasn't going to bother with. I even clicked on it once and it said nothing, so I moved on.


In the future BioWare, please don't force us into one companion again. The ending of the story went from exciting to extremely frustrating.


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I managed to kill him on my second try with T7, who had somewhere just below 8k hitpoints. I tried to kill the adds, until i realised that they're harmless i had already lost to much health.


Dont get confused by the adds, just ignore them, and interrupt the boss. Pop your cds, use a medpack, and if you still have problems you could even ping-pong aggro.

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I did the same thing at a cost of a few hundred thousand credits, then I solved the puzzle on the 6 collumns in the large room before the Emporer with the illuminated symbol in the middle on the floor and it opened a chest with a bunch of droid greens. If the chest glitches and you can't open it, queue for a war zone while still in the instance and when you come back the chest will be accessible.


OP makes a point not to include spoilers, so the first reply does instead. :rolleyes:

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Not exactly sure what your issue was. I fought

the emperor

about an hour after hitting level 50 and I hadn't used T7 since hitting level 14.


My T7 died against him in about 10 seconds or less. I soloed him with very little effort. Finished him with about 80% of my life remaining. As long as you interrupt properly and take down his clones quickly then it's really quite easy.



Don't lead off with Leap. Just walk up and Zealous. He will port away and summon his clones. Force Leap to the clones. You now have full focus and are free to strike down the clones one by one. Clones are easily recognizable as they are the only targets with full HP.


Put up your dots on Emperor, use Zen as necessary to heal yourself.


When he resummons his clones, use Awe to CC them all and then continue to strike them down one by one.


When he resummons again use Saber Ward to cut the damage you take while you are once again killing his clones.


My fight with the emperor ended up with him dying after the third set of clones and I was wearing oranges with blue mods and a bunch of quest greens for the non-set pieces. It was an absolute joke.


Granted, my first attempt ended up with me getting my **** pushed in, but once I knew what to expect and planned accordingly, it was a cake walk. A strong T7 definitely would have made it easier, but if you play smart then it's by no means required.



This was from a Watchman Sentinel, obviously.

Edited by DoctorNordo
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I don't get it what everyone's problem with the last boss is. As a Vigilance Guardian, I've pretty much ripped him to shreds. Just don't allow him to cast, problem solved. In fact, when he was floored, I was surprised how easy he was - I honestly expected at least as much of a challenge as last consular boss, not a wuss.
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