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Balanced PVP - Great Job BW


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I'm going against the forum grain here...


I just wanted to say, in regards to pvp, this is probably the most well balanced mmo I've had the pleasure of playing. I've seen entirely too many people complaining about the disparity in classes in this game. Sure, theres going to be a bit of that, but of all the games I've played its the most well balanced. I have a feeling that those who are QQ'ing the hardest are simply not applying their characters toolsets properly, something I've been guilty of myself.



Anarchy Online


Numerous FPS's (AA, TF2, etc..)


WoW (1 week and quit!) terrible game.

and others...


Of all these games, yes, SWTOR has the most balanced pvp. *IMO*


Just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks.

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I agree. There are some classes out there like Marauders that can kill me, but it's never an easy win for them. I can agree with some that Sage/Sorc and JK/SW are a bit OP in Huttball, but that's got more to do with the map, not the classes. You'll rarely leave a Civil War or Voidstar with people complaining about these classes having too much utility.
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Text-based MUD

Anarchy Online

Lineage II

World of Warcraft

EvE Online

Warhammer: Age of Reckoning



Yeah, kudos to PvP and Expertise. You guys need to hear this so people who don't know what they're talking about don't cloud your vision. You made the game, you know best how to run it. Anyone who doesn't like it can log their character into ingame jail.


In fact, if I were a GM, I'd hold public permadeath executions daily to weed out the whiners.

Edited by Arlanon
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Personally I just play the game and enjoy it, too many whiners in the PVP forum in general. Every class has it's ups and downs, I have yet to find that one particular class doesn't have a counter to it or a downfall. I pretty much just PVP using a healing Sorc, Pyro Merc, and Carnage Marauder. Marauder is the most complicated to play of the 3, but I'm effective as a ball carrier or stopping other ball carriers so it works.
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I'm going against the forum grain here...


I just wanted to say, in regards to pvp, this is probably the most well balanced mmo I've had the pleasure of playing. I've seen entirely too many people complaining about the disparity in classes in this game. Sure, theres going to be a bit of that, but of all the games I've played its the most well balanced. I have a feeling that those who are QQ'ing the hardest are simply not applying their characters toolsets properly, something I've been guilty of myself.



Anarchy Online


Numerous FPS's (AA, TF2, etc..)


WoW (1 week and quit!) terrible game.

and others...


Of all these games, yes, SWTOR has the most balanced pvp. *IMO*


Just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks.


Agreed. Many complain. but I think that's all they know how to do. Not many people are very appreciative these days. I like the game :)

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I'm going against the forum grain here...


I just wanted to say, in regards to pvp, this is probably the most well balanced mmo I've had the pleasure of playing. I've seen entirely too many people complaining about the disparity in classes in this game. Sure, theres going to be a bit of that, but of all the games I've played its the most well balanced. I have a feeling that those who are QQ'ing the hardest are simply not applying their characters toolsets properly, something I've been guilty of myself.



Anarchy Online


Numerous FPS's (AA, TF2, etc..)


WoW (1 week and quit!) terrible game.

and others...


Of all these games, yes, SWTOR has the most balanced pvp. *IMO*


Just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks.

Ditto. If only there were some form of meaningful Notum Wars like pvp here.. If there was this game would be amazing.. The pvp balance is superb and I die a little bit each day I log on to these horrible forums and see so many players complaining about things that are totally their own faults. I've pvp'd on every class in game and successfully beat every other class in game 1v1. I don't get 99.999999% of the complaints..


PBKAC (Problem Between Keyboard And Chair)

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People cried due to exploits and wanting people banned. Before implementing rateds Bioware essentially did a reset. Most classes are balanced. I would even support a mild buff on a secondary attack.


I think as it is described the rateds will happen in the future while lower gear players use 1.2 to gear.

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It's not perfect but its pretty damn good. CC is good but not gamebreaking. Healing is relevant but not unbeatable. People die in about the right amount of time and abilities matter. I think they will need to rebalance once target of target goes live and we see insta lock 6 man assist teams but wait and see I guess.
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Going to play the devils advocate here.


The Resolve system is terrible, i hope in the future they make a change to that.

WoW Diminishing returns system is a much better design.


Also, the "PvP" stat crap needs to go, it failed in wow and it fails here, i don't see why you needed to copy a sh*tty design anyway.

No PvP fight should be determined by gear.

Its good that they're making Valor just prestige, and i'm aware ALOT of people just do stuff for rewards and alot of the playerbase would just leave if they didn't feel rewarded by shiny gear for this time.


MMORPGs these days have much more imbalance, not because of class differences, but because of the bloody PvP gear. Its wrong that gear plays such a big role nowadays.

Time spend =/= effort.


In addition, there is no balance, there will be no balance.

Any RPG with this much versatility in classes will never be balanced, so arguing wether there is or isn't or what game is more balanced doesn't really work.



2 Big flaws in this game

- Resolve System

- PvP gear (stop with this crap)


If they decided to resolve this then the game would be near the top of my list.

Edited by Slowmojo
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But isn't there going to be some kind of imbalance anyways when you have soo many abilities to use?? And cant you just counter imba by just playing your character correctly, and by utilizing the abilities when they need to be utilized??


i have never been in a pvp warzone where i thought that any character has a significant edge over me because of imbalances or OP ablilties. It is up to the player to know what to use, and when to use it. It not up to bioware to tell you how to use your character. The people that complain the most , are the people that know the least.

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I'd agree that from a class vs. class point of view, things are alright. At least all classes seem viable.


It's just certain aspects of certain classes that seem imbalanced especially in Huttball as well as general game-play mechanics (Resolve, knockbacks).


So credit where credit is due.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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With regard to gear Bioware announced some things at guild summit. Modable gear and I think there was a line to theorycrafters to throw out their tables because stats would be rebalanced.


Those are 2 really good balancing changes. Another game used to say "bring the player not the class" they seem more dedicated to that notion.

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No it's really not.


Yes it really is. If you understood how the system worked you'd realize it's awesome. If you are the type of person who uses their un-cc ability with half a resolve bar full.. well then you deserve what you get.


PvP stats are needed or else PVE RAID Gear would be best. I'm going to wager you are a PVEr who tries very hard to pretend to be a PvPer and thus find it annoying that your PVE gear isn't the best choice in pvp.


I could be wrong.. but I highly doubt it.



Going to play the devils advocate here.


The Resolve system is terrible, i hope in the future they make a change to that.

WoW Diminishing returns system is a much better design.


Also, the "PvP" stat crap needs to go, it failed in wow and it fails here, i don't see why you needed to copy a sh*tty design anyway.

No PvP fight should be determined by gear.

Its good that they're making Valor just prestige, and i'm aware ALOT of people just do stuff for rewards and alot of the playerbase would just leave if they didn't feel rewarded by shiny gear for this time.


MMORPGs these days have much more imbalance, not because of class differences, but because of the bloody PvP gear. Its wrong that gear plays such a big role nowadays.

Time spend =/= effort.


In addition, there is no balance, there will be no balance.

Any RPG with this much versatility in classes will never be balanced, so arguing wether there is or isn't or what game is more balanced doesn't really work.



2 Big flaws in this game

- Resolve System

- PvP gear (stop with this crap)


If they decided to resolve this then the game would be near the top of my list.

How you managed to use that many words to express something so very fundamentally and totally wrong amazes me.. Only one image fits such an epic post: This says it all

Edited by Aethyrprime
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I'm going against the forum grain here...


I just wanted to say, in regards to pvp, this is probably the most well balanced mmo I've had the pleasure of playing. I've seen entirely too many people complaining about the disparity in classes in this game. Sure, theres going to be a bit of that, but of all the games I've played its the most well balanced. I have a feeling that those who are QQ'ing the hardest are simply not applying their characters toolsets properly, something I've been guilty of myself.



Anarchy Online


Numerous FPS's (AA, TF2, etc..)


WoW (1 week and quit!) terrible game.

and others...


Of all these games, yes, SWTOR has the most balanced pvp. *IMO*


Just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks.

I disagree.

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Yes it really is. If you understood how the system worked you'd realize it's awesome. If you are the type of person who uses their un-cc ability with half a resolve bar full.. well then you deserve what you get.


PvP stats are needed or else PVE RAID Gear would be best. I'm going to wager you are a PVEr who tries very hard to pretend to be a PvPer and thus find it annoying that your PVE gear isn't the best choice in pvp.


I could be wrong.. but I highly doubt it.


No you are wrong, Resolve might have been a good idea if they wouldn't have ****ed up on the melee vs ranged ratio, not to mention that resolve is the most meaningful to healers.

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No you are wrong, Resolve might have been a good idea if they wouldn't have ****ed up on the melee vs ranged ratio, not to mention that resolve is the most meaningful to healers.


Resolve works fine if you use your CCBreaker at the right time. I have never once felt that CC was out of control here as many baddies try to claim.. And Expertise is needed in any game based on gear such as this.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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i agree with the post. i kill all classes and get killed by all. I also want to top off this with the fact that people wanted ratings got it and then complained that everyone has access to the gear. aww no advantage.:rolleyes:


They complained due to not understanding what they were really asking for to begin with. I have seen this happen far to often in titles. Usually, the minority crowd complains and requests something without thinking everything through. Once it is implemented, they tend to complain since it was a larger picture then they ever thought.


On that aspect, I do agree that pvp over all, is very well balanced. Just like Carbonated said, I too get killed by all classes and also kill all of them.

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