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1.2 on the Public Test Server!


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Big question, is our characters transfered there now or we have to start from 0.


Only people that signed up their guilds for transfer get their characters over there. Sadly, that's not me, but I do have a level 10 scoundrel on the PTS.

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Big question, is our characters transfered there now or we have to start from 0.


some of the characters are there and some are not. They said they are going to put more of the characters onto the server throughout the week

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Big question, is our characters transfered there now or we have to start from 0.


If your guild didn't apply to test the endgame content on the PTS, you'll have to start at 0. Bioware had to manually move characters as character transfers aren't up and running yet.

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I hate to say this, you probably think im impatient but i dont care. If the patch is being applied at this moment, whats the harm of just release the notes NOW.


***runs away***


Then people will just nit pick the notes to death, write 247 rant threads about their personal nits.....write 326 threads requesting clarifications... etc.... etc.


Best to put them up after the server comes up. The server will distract people from the nit picking and editorials. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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Then people will just nit pick the notes to death, write 247 rant threads about their personal nits.....write 326 threads requesting clarifications... etc.... etc.


Best to put them up after the server comes up. The server will distract people from the nit picking and editorials. ;)


I'd say the majority of people that were going to do that will do it anyway, since no-one's going to bother rolling a character from 1-50 to test stuff. Maybe to check out whatever new vendors they add, but not to test class changes.

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Then people will just nit pick the notes to death, write 247 rant threads about their personal nits..... etc.... etc.


Best to put them up after the server comes up. The server will distract people from the nit picking and editorials. ;)


Nah it won't if anything the last patches has taught us is that ppl will nitpick and editorialize just by reading notes regardless. PTS forums are fun to read bc they are all end of the world threads

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Then people will just nit pick the notes to death, write 247 rant threads about their personal nits.....write 326 threads requesting clarifications... etc.... etc.


Best to put them up after the server comes up. The server will distract people from the nit picking and editorials. ;)


By tomorrow, half the threads will be one of these. People just cant accept if their class changes or for that matter if anything they already have or believe in changes.

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I just pee'd a little...I can't wait to read the novel of patch notes :D




been kinda curious on what these big changes to classes are gonna be.and im assuming that,with patch notes.it will be the best time if any to ask about a rated warzone alt to stomp republic with

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Very excited as well. But I like 95% of others wont get to test to much since we all have to level toons.


I know having a program to copy our toons over to the PTS is hard and will take alot of time etc etc. BUT why can't Bioware do like they did in Beta and randomly shoot out high level toons.


It's not the best but better then leveling.


I'll level a toon a bit but I've already got 2 almost 3 50's on live and don't want to reroll more. :/


These are only my opinions. I in no way think or know if Bioware will bring forth a way to copy toons over or give out high level toons. It is only my opinion that I think they "should" do that for more people to test pvp rank level 50 stuff as well as HM flashpoints / raids.

Edited by Naviss
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