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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


Not sure really, here's the deal...


We're entering a new "Era" for Gaming. We had the years of Stand Alone games (which are still popular), the Era of the MMO, but the Era of the casual game is encroaching... Look at how popular things like Farmville and Minecraft became and tell me there's not an incredibly large market of Casual Gamers out there.


Way I see it there are two ways to Entice that market...


F2P, which EA has traditionally been very against in MMO titles it has owner ship or controlling interest in, and....Ease of Progression. Now Ease of Progression means acquiring what you need to be competitive has to be balanced out so it's not so easy the hardcore hate it, and not so difficult the Casuals feel they are being punished for not investing as much time.


Then comes the Time invested vs Reward argument which honestly is a total crock. The only thing you invested that matters is $14.99/mo. Joe invests $14.99/mo plays 5 hours a day 7 days a week (1820 hrs/year 455 hrs/qtr.) while Jim invests $14.99/mo plays 8 hours a week (416 hrs/year 104 hrs/qtr.). Guess who reflects better on a quarterly report? Neither both represent the same margin on the bottom line. If anything Jim does because 2 million Jims eat less bandwidth than 2 million Joes resulting in lower overhead.


On the other hand with F2P you have to worry about balancing out Free Content with Paid Content, what goes on a store, and what can we nickel and dime you for this week/month etc. It's a harder slope to follow overall as it requires more constant monitoring and changes.


My view is if SWTOR can make find that balance between Progression that Hard Core folks are OK with, and Casuals can accept then it will do fine against new MMO's it's got too many things already in it's favor.


  1. Star Wars branding - Come on, do I need to explain this? $30 billion dollar franchise and growing.
  2. Bioware branding - Bioware is known for Quality Games, with a few blips (Dragon Age 2).
  3. Innovation - Innovation is stagnate in MMO's. Lets do a quick check off here..

    1. Ultima Online (Innovative)
    2. Everquest (Innovative)
    3. WoW (No innovation Everquest Clone)
    4. 90% of everything else (No Innovation WoW Clone)
    5. SWTOR (Innovative - Tries to make Story, and Visual immersion possible through Voice acting and Cinematic content)

Bioware actually brought one to the table with their Voice acting and the quality of cinematic cut-scenes. No one else has done it nearly as well, if at all. And absolutely no one has made cinematic and voice acting work such an important part of their games.


SWTOR will be just fine for those reason alone.

Edited by Quantum
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Nothing is worse than ilum. Dead lifeless, broken and failed attempt at world pvp. At least Gw2 will try to do something different. You keep your ilum....ill take my chances elsewhere where designers may have a clue.


Ilum. Lmfao!


Yea except as of right now open world (not even pvp) with less people that ilum was a total fail in the press release Beta. Go check on Kotaku and see what they said about it.


"its only beta they will fix it"


Hey didnt people say the same thing about ilum?

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GW2 cannot possibly live up to the wild expectations people have of it. There are so many people who have not even touched beta of that game yet and they're convinced it's somehow the second coming. It's the same story for most MMOs released after WoW. People expect to be playing in this paradise of MMO innovation. They slap on the rose glasses and see every little thing about it as beautiful.


A couple of my friends watched a video of a huge dragon (the Shatterer for those who want to look it up) coming down from the sky and said it's proof positive that everything about the game will be epic. Until I told them to actually pay attention to what happens during the fight. The dragon just stays in one spot, some adds spawn, and the whole thing is one jumbled slugfest. From what I hear there is no real endgame PvE progression. You show up to timed-events, spank the big bad NPC, and leave.


Guild Wars 2 will be a hit initially however I feel it will ultimately be the "other game" people play when they're tired of their choice subscription MMO and want something a little different for awhile. The awe will hang there for awhile until people begin seeing how shallow the game seems to be at this point. Do not go into that game expecting an experience equivalent to spiritual ascension. You'll end up just as jaded if not more so than the people who felt the same about TOR before they actually got their hands on it.


If you see an MMO receiving this kind of hype be very, VERY cautious.

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I love Swtor and am working on my 2nd battlemaster toon. Needless to say my main focus is PvP. Overall I enjoy swtor pvp but the lack of any type of real world pvp could hurt the game in the end. Ilum needs a ton of work and I worry that the standard mmo faction v faction model is going to lead to the standard unbalacing we see in every 2 faction game.


GW2 could/will take alot of the PvP playerbase from swtor unless Bioware gives it some real focus.


WvWvW has a ton of potential to create really strong pvp communities on servers, something i think the swtor pvp teamld take a note from.


Also lol at the "Pink butterfly animation" comments. Instead of trying to hate on something like the art direction, which is complete personal preference, try to contribute something postitive to the OP's thread. That or go find a bridg to hide under.:D

Edited by Mcfree
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Probably has the idea because of the Instanced PvP GW2 is launching with...


How is that different from Ilum or any of the warzones? Swtor has a ton of "instancing",

The difference being when you "instance" some gw2 pvp WvWvW for example, you join a week long game with your server vs 2 others competing over a huge landmass.


I need to start building more bridges for all the trolls, gonna need more laborers.

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TERA doesnt apeal to me one bit, in fact it looks turd to me with those oversized weapons and very ott *****. i dont think SWTOR will suffer cos at the end of the day Tera is just gonna be another one of those Korean grindfest F2P mmos with a monthly sub.


Guild Wars 2 on the other hand could be totally different, not just SW will suffer a bit i think Blizzard will be hit pretty hard withbthis one. Reason for their timeing for D3 is cos they know GW2 is gonna hurt WOW. SW has big fan base including me so ill still play even when GW is out just cos i dont have to worry about 2 subs.

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


But they arent developing they are morphing into STAR WAR of WARCRAFT.

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I dont belive so, i think people play the game because is is star wars rather than it being a good game


That's where you are wrong, people play because it is Star Wars and most of all because it is undoubtedly a good game.

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I dont belive so, i think people play the game because is is star wars rather than it being a good game


No. It needs to be terrific and exciting, if it is planned to run more than one year, if it is not, there is no chance for a 5year+ lifetime.


This game needs to run longer than Star Wars Galaxies to prove its concept.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Just like this game was gonna kill WoW?


Why do people post these threads over and over, year after year eery time a new MMO comes out? In case you haven't noticed, nothing but catastrophic failure in the first months of release will kill an MMO, and "catastrophic" means they are losing money fast and can't pay their bills.


This game will settle in at some number of subs in about 6 months. My guess is 1.5 million. That number won't significantly change other than a slow creep downwards over the years, which will be pretty low and not significantly impact the game.


The game isn't giving you what you wanted, whatever that was. Or you're one of the millions that failed in WoW, and thought you were going to come over here and be netfamous with your leet PvP or Raiding or whatever skillz. Only you failed here too. Now you'll jump to another game, and likely fail there as well.

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If this is how they go about balancing, this game is dead in 3 months.


WoW does the same thing. As a matter of fact, all mmo's do the same balancing act. I don't think you can ever achieve true balance...especially when devs cave to the QQers. Hasn't this game been dead now for a few months according to doomsdayers? I love you Nostradamus wannabe's.

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I played Tera and it had some good qualities in Combat and the characters/races. I guess PVP is pretty good. PVE was a total grinddest kill 10X and fed ex.


GW2 looks great but the cool thing is with that no sub. I will play GW2 and SWTOR so I do not bunr out. The other interesting players are The Secret World which I WILL try out and Arch Age which is supposed to be a great sand box game but i dont think the last two will hit SWTOR very hard.


I have zero interest in GW2 since GW1 is the worst MMO that I have ever played. But, TSW and Archeage are on my radar for sure.

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WoW does the same thing. As a matter of fact, all mmo's do the same balancing act. I don't think you can ever achieve true balance...especially when devs cave to the QQers. Hasn't this game been dead now for a few months according to doomsdayers? I love you Nostradamus wannabe's.


Nuking classes from orbit doesn't work.


WoW actually learned this lesson way back in TBC with warriors.

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I dont see why it shouldnt because not even one of those games which will release will be perfect by any means or be the " ideal game " from someones dreams which will please everyone because those are only illusions which are easy to create on the hype machine while creating good MMO is ongoing never ending process.


As long as Bioware will continue to work on the game improvements and update it with good qulity content at some decent pace TOR will be able to compete with any recently released and incoming MMO.

Edited by Lunablade
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