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Who else actually enjoyed this class?


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Is there nobody else out there who actually enjoys playing a sniper? These forums are full of rants, and people giving their little anecdotes about how they can only do 70k damage even when they're wearing +400 awesome boots. There's also the problem of tanks being invincible (seriously guys, armour gives a 100% damage reduction) and sorcerers being able to one-hit people with lightning from 40 yards.


Surely I'm not the only one here, sitting (with good posture, mind you) alone in my deck chair, smoking fine cigars and riddling with bulletholes whoever dares oppose the Empire, all the while having a jolly good time?

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I love playing sniper. Particularly when I am with a good team to where I do not have to try to do things I have no business doing. When you are with a good team, they draw some focus or are winning when other teams do try to focus on you. The problem is, you can easily be mitigated and snuffed out and rendered useless by an enemy team that realizes what you could do otherwise.
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I love playing sniper. Particularly when I am with a good team to where I do not have to try to do things I have no business doing. When you are with a good team, they draw some focus or are winning when other teams do try to focus on you. The problem is, you can easily be mitigated and snuffed out and rendered useless by an enemy team that realizes what you could do otherwise.


I admit that being focused can take us down - but any class being specifically targeted will die! The real magic is when you have a healer you're playing with, that's when you become a true monster.


It's also why I lace my cigars with kolto.

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I admit that being focused can take us down - but any class being specifically targeted will die! The real magic is when you have a healer you're playing with, that's when you become a true monster.


It's also why I lace my cigars with kolto.


The thing is, you are defenseless and lack any way to escape. Other classes have a stealth or are a bit more durable or heal. Us? We get rooted or stunned and we either wait for resolve and die before it gets there or you pop your breaker and just get locked again.


It's not that we are terrible. I am just getting to think we are a very powerful support class thats just much less equipped for self preservation than the other classes.

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The thing is, you are defenseless and lack any way to escape. Other classes have a stealth or are a bit more durable or heal. Us? We get rooted or stunned and we either wait for resolve and die before it gets there or you pop your breaker and just get locked again.


It's not that we are terrible. I am just getting to think we are a very powerful support class thats just much less equipped for self preservation than the other classes.


We've more CC utility than Batman. Speccing Engineering can add a lot to your survivability too (not that I'm a fan of it). You mention other classes having greater defence and this is true. For example, the Marauder can use their in-combat stealth to escape (or gain an attacking advantage). On the other hand, they have to stand toe-to-toe with their enemies and spend half their time getting pounded in the face by aoes. Meanwhile we're sitting back, perched on a platform chuckling as melee classes can't charge us.

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On the other hand, they have to stand toe-to-toe with their enemies and spend half their time getting pounded in the face by aoes. Meanwhile we're sitting back, perched on a platform chuckling as melee classes can't charge us.


Dont forget the fact that people often seem to jump the first target they see in pvp which means we can run just a bit behind the melee and still get our full capacity and not get target as much. Just have to be prepared to smack the stealthing attackers.

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We've more CC utility than Batman. Speccing Engineering can add a lot to your survivability too (not that I'm a fan of it). You mention other classes having greater defence and this is true. For example, the Marauder can use their in-combat stealth to escape (or gain an attacking advantage). On the other hand, they have to stand toe-to-toe with their enemies and spend half their time getting pounded in the face by aoes. Meanwhile we're sitting back, perched on a platform chuckling as melee classes can't charge us.


I won't argue our overall utility. I just think we depend so much on being tactical and having to be smart about how we engage far more than any class. It's the reason I play my sniper over my assassin; I love that.



It's hard to explain without sounding like I am whining; but I am not. I have my good days and my bad. I just happen to be coming off a bad

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I won't argue our overall utility. I just think we depend so much on being tactical and having to be smart about how we engage far more than any class. It's the reason I play my sniper over my assassin; I love that.



It's hard to explain without sounding like I am whining; but I am not. I have my good days and my bad. I just happen to be coming off a bad


I understand what you mean, I like the playstyle. Although we do have some overpowered qualities, for example Entrench.


You just become an immovable destroyer of continents for a limited amount of time. Some people argue "Yeah, but people can just run away and you can't chase them without losing the buff."

If you've made somebody turn around and run away, count that as a victory.

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One thing I learned yesterday after getting my arse handed to me was to not waste any time getting entrench going I also got to thinking now about watching my AoEs and DoTs as they could be fubaring my leg shots. It's almost routine for me to mentally revisit about every futile death and see where I screwed up. lol
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I love this class.


Most of the forums are made up of whiners and complainers ..even the general discussion forums is filled with nothing but cry babies complaining about things that aren't wrong.


Was MM at first..got focused a lot in pvp thanks to the bright red friggin shield that pops up. Decided to try lethality, destroyed people. Decided to try lethality/engie with the Int probe. Now I wreck even more.


Anyone who says this class sucks isn't playing it right.

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Is there nobody else out there who actually enjoys playing a sniper? These forums are full of rants, and people giving their little anecdotes about how they can only do 70k damage even when they're wearing +400 awesome boots. There's also the problem of tanks being invincible (seriously guys, armour gives a 100% damage reduction) and sorcerers being able to one-hit people with lightning from 40 yards.


Surely I'm not the only one here, sitting (with good posture, mind you) alone in my deck chair, smoking fine cigars and riddling with bulletholes whoever dares oppose the Empire, all the while having a jolly good time?


Most of the people who enjoy the sniper are playing the game.... enjoying their sniper :). Most of the times forums are for complaining because those who are satisfied are occupied with playing the game they like.

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I just started this class and I absolutely love Sniper for these reasons:


1. I LOVE being able to see the field of combat and react accordingly

2. It's about as finessed as a class you can be; there is no room for mistakes, poorly conceived strategies and laziness

3. I enjoy the "chess" aspect of my positioning. If I die or get incapacitated it's because: I didn't prepare; i.e. - did not position myself, did not manage my energy conservation, did not save my breakers for the appropriate time, etc.


I can see why some players do not appreciate this class for being what it is. It's IMO...THE perfectionist class where players CAN completely dial in certain levels of top line performance and rely on those abilities; rather than spam AOE's, dots, or other abilities because the have other ways to literally mitigate mistakes: through armor, healing, etc. - aspects for which we Snipers do not have the luxury of tool-boxing.


I feel like I win or lose (PvE or PvP) based on how well I prepare for each scenario. It's a level of mental focus that granted, not everyone wants to maintain in a recreational game, but for those who really want to shine in this class, you can if you maintain that clarity of purpose and quality of skills.


Just my 2 creds...

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I won't argue our overall utility. I just think we depend so much on being tactical and having to be smart about how we engage far more than any class. It's the reason I play my sniper over my assassin; I love that.



It's hard to explain without sounding like I am whining; but I am not. I have my good days and my bad. I just happen to be coming off a bad


Opening disclaimer: I don't PVP. But from a PVE perspective, your statement more or less sums up why I thoroughly enjoy playing this character in groups and against regular/strong mobs -- where I can be extremely creative and tactical ... but then completely cave vs elites, especially melee based elites.


90% of my freedom to think is tossed out the window when I have a single target who charges at me, knocks me out of cover left and right, and gouges like 30% of my health in one hit. Against those kinds of enemies about all I can do once my companion dies is scream and spam my non-cover attacks while running away. Chances are I'll get off one rotation of cover pulse/leg shot with a decent follow up -- once. At most. Because then I'm either getting hammered by damage I can't take, or I'm forced to run and do worthless damage vs their elite armor ratings.


The "balance" of this class flips the game from fun to nightmarish on a dime. Between the inherent limitations of cover, no escape, and essentially no healing, it's no wonder the class is so unpopular.


I beg to differ with the claim that snipers have all this CC, too. If there are no droids in the crowd, we only have a handful of limited duration effects. In light of the fact that we are only useful when planted in one place, that's not a whole lot. Our survivability is based on keeping enemies off of us. We should have as much CC as Batman, but we don't. On paper it sounds like we do, but that's not how it plays out in the field.

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Opening disclaimer: I don't PVP. But from a PVE perspective, your statement more or less sums up why I thoroughly enjoy playing this character in groups and against regular/strong mobs -- where I can be extremely creative and tactical ... but then completely cave vs elites, especially melee based elites.


90% of my freedom to think is tossed out the window when I have a single target who charges at me, knocks me out of cover left and right, and gouges like 30% of my health in one hit. Against those kinds of enemies about all I can do once my companion dies is scream and spam my non-cover attacks while running away. Chances are I'll get off one rotation of cover pulse/leg shot with a decent follow up -- once. At most. Because then I'm either getting hammered by damage I can't take, or I'm forced to run and do worthless damage vs their elite armor ratings.


The "balance" of this class flips the game from fun to nightmarish on a dime. Between the inherent limitations of cover, no escape, and essentially no healing, it's no wonder the class is so unpopular.


I beg to differ with the claim that snipers have all this CC, too. If there are no droids in the crowd, we only have a handful of limited duration effects. In light of the fact that we are only useful when planted in one place, that's not a whole lot. Our survivability is based on keeping enemies off of us. We should have as much CC as Batman, but we don't. On paper it sounds like we do, but that's not how it plays out in the field.


Group consisting of one elite and two normal mobs. Open with Ambush and follow it up quickly with a flashbang. While the targets are stunned, place an explosive probe on the unharmed normal-mob and burst down the injured mob with a snipe or two.


The flashbang ends! Hit the probed mob with a Lazed snipe, if that doesn't kill him, Takedown will. Now it's you and your companion vs. one elite. If you've been wise, you'd have specced into Heavy Shot. Initially open with Ambush to knock him away. Leg shot him and follow that up with Shatter shot. Spam snipe like crazy, using Followthrough when available and defensive cooldowns when he gets close. Adrenaline probe if you're getting low. Elites are obliterated.


If you're having trouble even then, you still have Debilitate, Ballistic Shield, Diversion, Cover Pulse and your leg shot has a very small cooldown. If you're having trouble with being knocked out of cover, use Entrench.


mfw we've got more gadgets than batman



EDIT: Shatter Shot is definitely worth it against elites (and even strong) mobs.

Edited by VampireGranny
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I admit that being focused can take us down - but any class being specifically targeted will die! The real magic is when you have a healer you're playing with, that's when you become a true monster.


It's also why I lace my cigars with kolto.


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. The Great Nihm approves

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Don't mistake my meaning when i talk about the issues snipers have, i don't hate the class.

I love it, it's fun to play, story was made (with some minor exceptions) awesome, and we have some pretty awesome gear available (not class sets though, but there's some pretty nice orange medium sets).


My main class, and one i intend to keep playing on wether or not the numerous complaints we have about them get adressed, i just refuse to stay silent on issues i think should be looked into.

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Forum trolls are always gonna troll :cool:


I strated PVPing at level 10. By level 11, I was hitting the top three damage dealers and kills consistently.


I love Sniper, so much so I wish I had rolled this first instead of an Operative.


Yes I acknowledge that there are possible issues at level 50, however it does look like 1.2 addresses some of these. However from my perspective as someone levelling up, it's awesome!

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Forum trolls are always gonna troll :cool:


I strated PVPing at level 10. By level 11, I was hitting the top three damage dealers and kills consistently.


I love Sniper, so much so I wish I had rolled this first instead of an Operative.


Yes I acknowledge that there are possible issues at level 50, however it does look like 1.2 addresses some of these. However from my perspective as someone levelling up, it's awesome!


There aren't possible issues, there are definite issues. Trust me. I said the same things as you prior to hitting 50 with my sniper. You completely own WZs in the 10-49 bracket, because most people are wearing greens and blues, no one has PvP gear, many people are missing core talents (depending on their level), and some people are figuring how to play PvP period.


When you hit 50, you will hit a brick wall. Your own talent and dedication will determine whether you eventually get past that wall. In many ways, you have to relearn how to play the class in PvP.


Sniper can still be a ton of fun to PvP with at lvl 50, but it's a completely different ballgame from the lower bracket. Once you get some gear, and fix some of the lazy tendencies you probably developed from nuking stuff in the lower bracket, it's mostly fine.

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There aren't possible issues, there are definite issues. Trust me. I said the same things as you prior to hitting 50 with my sniper. You completely own WZs in the 10-49 bracket, because most people are wearing greens and blues, no one has PvP gear, many people are missing core talents (depending on their level), and some people are figuring how to play PvP period.


When you hit 50, you will hit a brick wall. Your own talent and dedication will determine whether you eventually get past that wall. In many ways, you have to relearn how to play the class in PvP.


Sniper can still be a ton of fun to PvP with at lvl 50, but it's a completely different ballgame from the lower bracket. Once you get some gear, and fix some of the lazy tendencies you probably developed from nuking stuff in the lower bracket, it's mostly fine.


I initially wanted to dissect your post and find something amiss, but honestly I have the same opinion as you. We aren't as bad off as most people seem to think, but we do have issues in comparison to the other Ranged DPS classes. In my opinion, it's the severity in how crippling our weaknesses are compared to the weaknesses of other Ranged DPS, but that's for another topic.


On topic, the Sniper is incredibly fun.

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I was a mage in wow and decided to be a sorc since it was very similar. I levelled a Sorc to about 20 in the beta and was enjoying it. I decided I didn't want to ruin more of the story so I made a sniper for fun. Almost instantly I loved the sniper and the more I played it the better it got. When the game released I rolled a sniper and never looked back. I completely love the class, the story line was amazing while levelling. I've pretty much cleared everything on nightmare difficulty in ops and I'm around level 55 valour. I have never, ever regretted rolling this class and couldn't image anything else for my main. I don't even realize I'm using cover any more, it just feels so natural now. Edited by Atharyia
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