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1.2 really should have been 1.0


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Welcome to every MMO that tries to compete with WoW rather than make a good, unique game. They release too soon and numerous things that should have been in from the getgo take months to roll out. Especially when a company like EA is on the label...


the same thing can be said about WoW

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Patch 1.2 makes me unable to enjoy game now. Whenever i play i think of all the annoying things that are in game now and will be fixed with patch 1.2 and i end up just quiting the game after several minutes.

I like to craft, but RE won't be fixed till 1.2. Also the revamps for crafting mean that untill then i would be just throwing resources away.

I could lvl another alt, but without patch 1.2 i would be doing it with huge disadvantages like slow running again etc.

I could pvp but without patch 1.2 i would just be cannon fodder for battlemasters and premades.

I could do dailies, but i did so much of them i get sick feeling even thinking about them, maybe new correlia dailies in 1.2 will fix it.

I could run flashpoints, but am sick of fighting with the terrible UI which won't be fixed till 1.2.

Bioware should stop charging us and give us free time till patch 1.2.

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Here's the thing. You can't call it a discussion if you call people who disagree with you liars. You might want to keep that in mind for the future. Regardless of how many nameless friends you have that agree with you a difference of opinion should never lead to verbal violence and name calling.


TOR 1.0 was fully functional, but with bugs. 1.2 adds and fleshes out existing features. 1.2 also adds new content, has some class balances, as well as fixes additional bugs. Should 1.2 have been the initial release build? Heck if I know because I haven't gotten my hands on it yet, but without 1.0, the devs wouldn't have known exactly what their customers wanted. They would have been taking guesses.


I can go both ways with your statements here. I personally think it is short-sighted of the design and development teams to not already know what their customers want. How many other MMO's are out there? They could have easily saw what was popular and good with those games. You add that with your own flair. Then add something no one else has (voice acted everything). Bam, you have a large success.


We have steak! ... ... Well, we have steak and mashed potatoes! ... ... ... Well, we have steak with mashed potatoes and beer!


It's how the world works.


I get this strange feeling that the developers and design team don't play any other MMOs. It is almost like they are in a bubble or something. And that impression leaks over to this community as well. A prime example is this: Community cries out "Please fix Ilum" and the development team's response? "Ilum is now deprecated, please make your way to WarZones at this time".


it is a very strange mentality they have on dealing with issues that come up.

Edited by DarthRavnos
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So what is BW going to do for all of us that have paid for a game that isn't as advertized?


BW isn't the only company to do that.


I'm still waiting for the Dance Studio that was promised in WoW, and the Vash'jir raid instance that was also promised.


Point is, companies miss their promises in game development. Many MANY developers do not or cannot deliver everything they wanted to or said they would at the time they said, and release it later, or they just drop it totally (like WoW has done on many occasions).

Edited by jgoldsack
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I've been enjoying the game enormously, but thats because I've been levelling several characters to 50 and mostly avoiding the endgame.


The 1-49 levelling process is wonderful. A few nasty class storyline bugs aside, the experience is a smooth one and the whole levelling experience hangs together nicely and is very entertaining.


It's at 50 that most of the ragged edges become apparent and you find lots of poorly thought out / rushed content with bugs, oversights and inconsistencies. Plus content that seems like an afterthought (this includes all the PvP) and content which feels out of kilter with the rest of the game. Much of the endgame content feels unfinished and in some cases ill-conceived. For example, the mess that is Ilum, the endgame gear that looks like it was designed for WoW, the confusing PVE and PvP gear progression, the lack of any real purpose for crew skills at endgame and lots more.


It's as if they spent 5 years developing the levelling process with its wonderful storylines and voice acting and then with 3 months to launch someone whispered the word "endgame" in their ears, to much panic.


1.2 needs to address the endgame, the endgame and nothing but the endgame.


I'am sorry but the "Endgame" has been broken since launch HM Flashpoints still lots of bug's Eternity Vault well what can you say about that Soa does not know what he's doing from one patch to the next.Boss's one shotting tank's with like 20K +HP.These are the thing's that should be fixed ASAP not 3 - 4 month's down the line.


And if i have to wait for 1.2 to get these "Fixed" then it shows what a poor state the game is in.


What's the point of new content if the current content is totally broken...??

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I'm not going to get on BW's case that the content in 1.2 was available on release.


However, many of the features should have been, like the UI, like Legacy, etc. I totally understand that its just not possible to roll out enough content on day one to satisfy people forever. But, the game should feel complete, and it doesn't.

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I worked in the game industry and I know about deadlines. MMOs should not get a pass. I find it really interesting and quite comical how some of you stick up for this game like I just called your mother a ______. We did not get what we paid for period... You can try to sugar coat it all you want and tell anyone that disagrees with you to just leave but the fact of the matter is it should have been a complete game experience at launch with just content and minor bug fixes from their on out.

We did get what we paid for. We got a story driven MMO. That MMO had PvP. Yes, it had bugs, but the features it was advertized with were there and working. Patches have been released that have fixed issues and added additional content. I knew exactly what I was paying for and got what I expected because I did my research and was part of the Beta weekends. If someone expected TOR to be something it isn't then who's fault is it that they bought the game? It can't be Bioware, because they never pointed a gun at me to make me buy the game or subscribe.

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I'm not going to get on BW's case that the content in 1.2 was available on release.


However, many of the features should have been, like the UI, like Legacy, etc. I totally understand that its just not possible to roll out enough content on day one to satisfy people forever. But, the game should feel complete, and it doesn't.


This. Absolutely this.

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I'am sorry but the "Endgame" has been broken since launch HM Flashpoints still lots of bug's Eternity Vault well what can you say about that Soa does not know what he's doing from one patch to the next.Boss's one shotting tank's with like 20K +HP.These are the thing's that should be fixed ASAP not 3 - 4 month's down the line.


And if i have to wait for 1.2 to get these "Fixed" then it shows what a poor state the game is in.


What's the point of new content if the current content is totally broken...??


I think it's extremely naive to think that 1.2 is even going to fix all these things. They had how many years to get the game to the state it's at now. What really makes anyone believe all these lofty promises that 1.2 is going to be so fantastical?


More likely it's going to add another bugged op, another bugged flashpoint, and a bunch of basic features I hope actually work.

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Gamestop isn't the game industry.


I'm curious what games you're looking forward to that you expect to have every feature in on day 1. Please say Diablo 3 is one of them (no pvp on release.) Starcraft 2 would be another good one (lol they're charging you for the same game 3 times over a 4-5 year period!)


No I'm a 3d animator and designer I don't think that game stop has those positions available.


As far as the games you mentioned I can't really compare those to anything since I never plan on playing them. But, if they're not complete at launch then sure people should be upset. What I can tell you is for the games I was a part of I slept on the floor, in my chair, was up for days to complete them on time. I've worked on commercials, movies ect where we didn't see our own bed for weeks at a time to make sure the product met the deadline and was complete. It's called "high standards".


So I have little patients for products and companies that fall short. I also don't appreciate paying for something that falls short of expectations.


When wow came out sure there were issues... But, that was a first time deal meaning there was nothing like it and Blizzard gave players that stuck through it game time and character rest time ect... This game had a few models to follow and improve on. It's not ground breaking by any means. Is it cool? Sure there's lots of things this game has that makes it stand out but seriously nothing revolutionary that they couldn't have had all their ducks in a row for launch. Heck, even if it was a couple weeks after launch it wouldn't be a big deal but it's going on 4 months lol...

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I'm not going to get on BW's case that the content in 1.2 was available on release.


However, many of the features should have been, like the UI, like Legacy, etc. I totally understand that its just not possible to roll out enough content on day one to satisfy people forever. But, the game should feel complete, and it doesn't.


Excellent points. A prime example would be Legacy. Game launches and when you open the Legacy window for the first time it prompts you with a "Coming soon...". I think a point should be made there.


It is reminiscent of the "Under Construction" web pages of the past. I half expect to see a little gif file of a construction sign blinking and stick figure with shovel.

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When wow came out sure there were issues... But, that was a first time deal meaning there was nothing like it and Blizzard gave players that stuck through it game time and character rest time ect... This game had a few models to follow and improve on. It's not ground breaking by any means. Is it cool? Sure there's lots of things this game has that makes it stand out but seriously nothing revolutionary that they couldn't have had all their ducks in a row for launch. Heck, even if it was a couple weeks after launch it wouldn't be a big deal but it's going on 4 months lol...


Now you're just being silly. Blizzard gave away WoW game time because servers were offline at release for DAYS at a time (it was 2 weeks before Mal'ganis was even close to stable.) Characters were routinely rolled back during the first month. Oh, an I love how your disdain for your fellow man would have BW devs sequestered for 5 years to make the perfect game.

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Here's the thing. You can't call it a discussion if you call people who disagree with you liars. You might want to keep that in mind for the future. Regardless of how many nameless friends you have that agree with you a difference of opinion should never lead to verbal violence and name calling.


TOR 1.0 was fully functional, but with bugs. 1.2 adds and fleshes out existing features. 1.2 also adds new content, has some class balances, as well as fixes additional bugs. Should 1.2 have been the initial release build? Heck if I know because I haven't gotten my hands on it yet, but without 1.0, the devs wouldn't have known exactly what their customers wanted. They would have been taking guesses.


Umm I was quoting the person that called me a liar. lol

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Im fairly certain this thread will be made for 1.3 and 1.4 and 1.5...


If thats your opinion fine, Im glad they did not wait another few months to release the game because I was tired of waiting. To me it is not a half finished game.

Edited by Gokkus
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Now you're just being silly. Blizzard gave away WoW game time because servers were offline at release for DAYS at a time (it was 2 weeks before Mal'ganis was even close to stable.) Characters were routinely rolled back during the first month. Oh, an I love how your disdain for your fellow man would have BW devs sequestered for 5 years to make the perfect game.


5+ years to reprogram a already built game engine and create a story / environment (a lot already conceptualized) with a huge team of people and a 150-200 mil budget should have resulted in a more finished final product. Just saying...


BTW I'm not belittling the people that worked on the games effort I just think they fell way short with the resources they had. And we as players are paying for it.

Edited by DaKnuckles
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BioWare announced before release, at release, and again after release that things aren't how they want them for release and that they are working to get content that wasn't done in time for release finished and added as soon as possible while continuing to improve the quality of the game. They had a deadline that they had to stick to, the game had already been delayed a year from the first announced release date and they were under pressure from the fans and EA to get the game out on time.


They opted to release the game with unfinished content not yet implemented rather than delay the game again. A decision that hasn't been viewed to favorably but given the circumstances, had they opted to delay the game again the game may have never released.


Yes I would have prefered to see this content in the game at release, but they took the effort to acknowlege to everyone that things aren't yet done and that they will work to release the unfinished content as soon as possible in a series of post release updates.


1.2 won't be the last of the "this should have been in at launch" updates, chances are we will be at 1.5 before it is all said and done. Something tells me I'm not alone in the saying "I'll be fine with that." Yes I know there are a lot of people who like you are going to piss and moan about it not being in the game from the start, but if you whiners would stop and think for a moment and realize that BioWare actually told you from the start they have important parts of the game they still need to finished you'd probly join the rest of us in being perfectly ok with waiting.

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5+ years to reprogram a already built game engine and create a story / environment (a lot already conceptualized) with a huge team of people and a 150-200 mil budget should have resulted in a more finished final product. Just saying...


i imagine you go through life disappointed a lot. just saying...

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5+ years to reprogram a already built game engine and create a story / environment (a lot already conceptualized) with a huge team of people and a 150-200 mil budget should have resulted in a more finished final product. Just saying...


BTW I'm not belittling the people that worked on the games effort I just think they fell way short with the resources they had. And we as players are paying for it.


A budget that they already exceeded with content still on the table in need of completion. If you were the one paying the budget I bet you'd push for a release to make back some of your money while they finish what isn't done yet.

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So what is BW going to do for all of us that have paid for a game that isn't as advertized?


I've checked my box, and I don't see "Contains \roll!" on the back cover ANYWHERE. Does yours?


Mine doesn't say "Guaranteed! No bugs! No balance issues! Everything works perfectly and always will!" Does yours?


I have to accept a legal document that, in shorthand, says, "I acknowledge this may be completely broken, unplayable, and useless, and that I am guaranteed nothing, not ever server uptime, but I still have to pay." Can you post the EULA you agree to? Is it substantally different?


You got exactly what was advertised. You may not have gotten what you WANTED, but that's your problem. Maybe, next time, instead of rushing out to buy the game and pay in advance for months, you'll wait to see what reviews say, what people think, what changes are made, etc? If you have to be there at launch day, you better be prepared for what you get.


Caveat emptor, dude.

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