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Biochem & GTN


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So i was looking for ways to get more into crafting and GTN, let it be known i'm very new to this. Looking around on the GTN I see very few adrenals, zero wilpower stims and tons of endurance stims, and no healthpacks for level 50.


So I thought hey maybe I should make willpower stims and med packs for level 50's.


I made about 5 willpower stims and so far none have sold.


As far as medpacks go they seem kinda expensive to make the blue ultimate medpack, it requires some mats that I'd had to buy (Namely the blue ones) also there are zero on the AH so i have no idea if people are even willing to buy or at what price.



Anyone have any thoughts that might be able to help me out?

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IF, and only IF they do away with the Reusable medpacks, they would have to reduce the amount of ingredients required to make the lvl 48 blue which is the best one in game IMO.

It takes 17 ingredients to make 1 medpack, that's one of the biggest reasons you don't see very many on the GTN, to make a few stacks of those requires a TON of materials.

Edited by Thundergulch
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I've made the majority of my millions of credits due to Biochem but not for stims.


Implants are what you sell but only Epic versions. The best ones that sell are usually: Willpower (inquisitor/consular being highest populations of class), Anything that is tank orientated in the 30-40's range and Strength/crit implants.


If you're doing hardmode + operations, the craft-able implants from there usually sell for 150k+... More if you crit craft them.


Also, from the way the devs have been talking about stims/adrenals... it doesn't seem like there will be much of a future market for them as they are "phased out".

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It varies from server to server.


Level 48? Ultimate medpacks would sell fast. The blue ones would also sell but not so rapidly. Common for people to frequently inquire if I plan to sell them.


The ones that heal you + companion don't sell.


Prior to the Operations stuff hitting the market the adrenals and stims ( persist and non persist ) would sell for good amount. All these are only worth it if you crit while producing them.


Right now the mats are so inflated I actually make a ton more selling raw bio mats which are gobbled up by many people on a daily basis. Some are hard to come by but I also do my part to shape the perception that they are more scarce then actual.



Margins ( high to low ) likely :


Operations level adrenals / stims

Bio mats

Ultimate Medpacs

Green adrenals / stims

Blue persistent stims

Blue Ultmate medpacks

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The reason is...the mats sell for way more than people are willing to pay for the finished goods. This is nearly true for every single item you can make. The exceptions of course are columi implants and exotech stims. The problem is, is that most items use too many mats


Lets look at an example:


Protype Hyper-Battle Might Stim: lvl 48 blue 2 hour warrior dps stim


...requires 6x Quick Growth Agent and 4x Red Goo, and 4x Blue lvl 5 diplo mat

= 12k quick growth, 8k red goo, 2k blue mat (people pay this for these mats)

...wow we are 22k already, and people sell these stims for 12-14k, seriously....


You are actually losing money by selling finished goods (on my server). Implants are in a similiar situation, where very few are willing to pay even 1k over the cost of mats. Therefore it is often not worth your time, when you can be farming. You can make 300-450k per hour farming mats for these 48 stims, yet almost no one does.


In Voss for one hour, I average,


120 Quick Growth Agents

65 Red Goo

130+ Psychoactive Compound

130+ Parasitic Microorganism


The first two can reliably net you 300k+, with the other two hit or miss. Or you can turn them into implants or stims, but it will depend on your server, and can be a gamble.

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Blue 48 stims sell for about 15k on my server, and a stack of 20 ultimate med pacs sell for 120k.


All the mats for the ultimate med pacs can be farmed yourself on Voss if you want pure profit. I do a mix of both.


If you are patient, you can usually find some really cheap purple missions. You just really need to look frequently. I bought 4 UWT 340 missions for 4300 creds a piece the other day, they usually go for 20 to 30k.


There is insane money to be made with a biochem, if you play your cards right.

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Blue 48 stims sell for about 15k on my server, and a stack of 20 ultimate med pacs sell for 120k.


All the mats for the ultimate med pacs can be farmed yourself on Voss if you want pure profit. I do a mix of both.


If you are patient, you can usually find some really cheap purple missions. You just really need to look frequently. I bought 4 UWT 340 missions for 4300 creds a piece the other day, they usually go for 20 to 30k.


There is insane money to be made with a biochem, if you play your cards right.


You are losing money selling stims at those prices, but 6k per green medpac is not bad, especially when those seem to be easier to crit.

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You are losing money selling stims at those prices, but 6k per green medpac is not bad, especially when those seem to be easier to crit.


He's only loosing money if he buys the mats off the GTN. I sell my stims for about 11-13k a pop in stacks of 5 and make plenty of cash with Biochem (Currently at about 5 mil across 4 toons), but then again I'm not dumb enough to think I can buy my mats off the GTN and still make a profit. Its all about knowing how and where to farm the mats properly and when to sell them. Me personally I dont bother to farm mats on Voss I just send companions on G5 missions when ever I'm on. Then come Thursday I craft 5 of each stim and stick them up in the market for between 55-65k a stack. As soon as they sell I'm ready with another stack to put up.


To be honest I'm not 100% sure where this Idea came from that you can buy your mats on the GTN and make a profit, maybe from WoW in the 3rd xpac and beyond but I had quit playing by then.

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Blue 48 stims sell for about 15k on my server, and a stack of 20 ultimate med pacs sell for 120k.


This stuff is so server specific that it's probably not even worth talking about. On Sanctum of the Exalted, you can get 20 ultimate medpacs for 74,400 credits right now. That's 3720 per pac, so not factoring in crits, that's not a very lovely profit. Plus, the schematic requires the ever elusive red goo.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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He's only loosing money if he buys the mats off the GTN. I sell my stims for about 11-13k a pop in stacks of 5 and make plenty of cash with Biochem (Currently at about 5 mil across 4 toons), but then again I'm not dumb enough to think I can buy my mats off the GTN and still make a profit. Its all about knowing how and where to farm the mats properly and when to sell them. Me personally I dont bother to farm mats on Voss I just send companions on G5 missions when ever I'm on. Then come Thursday I craft 5 of each stim and stick them up in the market for between 55-65k a stack. As soon as they sell I'm ready with another stack to put up.


To be honest I'm not 100% sure where this Idea came from that you can buy your mats on the GTN and make a profit, maybe from WoW in the 3rd xpac and beyond but I had quit playing by then.


I never ever buy mats off of the GTN. I don't really harvest on Voss, I send my crew out on grade 5 missions when I'm on. I never waste time on moderate missions, as they arent' worth it in my opinion. You can harvest Voss though, if you are having trouble getting mats.

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Selling materials is more profitable than the final products in my experience. The higher level stims and adrenals cost so much in materials the margin of profit has to be low otherwise people will simply not pay your prices.
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It seems the artifact (purple) implants have come down in price. Heavy supply, I suspect. Most, even the 'good ones' go for around 15K credits Empire side on Tarro Blood.


Stims still sell well and I'm building up a store of mats to crank some out in one last push before 1.2.


I have, however, made a bunch of creds at it but probably blew more in leveling it up (mission costs add up!)

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Yes, I hate those people who drive down the price by underpricing almost 30% percent each time they put up a new auction.


Selling Mats is the best way to make money.


Selling Stims is a good way to help your server raiding though.

And it's not like you actually lose credits, you just make less.


And if everything fails - like Reflex Stims getting pushed down to 11k ... just buy all the crap and put it back up again.

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I stopped looking on GTN for biochem items over a month ago. Price to benefit for a user wasn't there even if you could find items. Been waiting on 1.2 to decide if I switch to biochem for adrenals etc...
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He's only loosing money if he buys the mats off the GTN. I sell my stims for about 11-13k a pop in stacks of 5 and make plenty of cash with Biochem (Currently at about 5 mil across 4 toons), but then again I'm not dumb enough to think I can buy my mats off the GTN and still make a profit.


No, you're still losing money. If you mine a diamond you could otherwise sell $20,000, smash it into chips, and make tacky jewelry worth $10, you didnt make $10. You LOST money in your opportunity cost, simply because the raw materials you could have sold for 20k were transformed into junk.


Mats you farm are mats you could have sold. You paid for them with your time.

Edited by NermalDetonator
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To maximize your credit returns, do a few days of price checking across the crafted items you are interested in selling along with the base materials.


Any item where the materials sell for more than the crafted item, the best return will be from selling the mats, no matter how you obtain the mats.


And unfortunatly, most servers I've played on seem to have mat prices at or above that of the crafted items.


And no, it does not matter that you collected the mats on your own through gathering on Voss or running missions instead of using the GTN.


IF the selling price of mats is higher than the selling price of the crafted items, selling the mats will make you the most credits.

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Yes, I hate those people who drive down the price by underpricing almost 30% percent each time they put up a new auction.


Selling Mats is the best way to make money.


Selling Stims is a good way to help your server raiding though.

And it's not like you actually lose credits, you just make less.


And if everything fails - like Reflex Stims getting pushed down to 11k ... just buy all the crap and put it back up again.


There is a gold mine on the GTN farming mats (or other items) posted at the auto price and relisting.


Just about every time I post mats, I'll find several odd sized stacks selling at the GTN auto price.


Takes a second to hit the buy button, and a bit more time to walk over the the mail box, split out the stack, and repost.


But it is easy money.

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No, you're still losing money. If you mine a diamond you could otherwise sell $20,000, smash it into chips, and make tacky jewelry worth $10, you didnt make $10. You LOST money in your opportunity cost, simply because the raw materials you could have sold for 20k were transformed into junk.


Mats you farm are mats you could have sold. You paid for them with your time.




Do i smell an Eve player? I always hated the noobs who sold their goods for super cheap cuz " i mined that for free"

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Materials have always sold for a higher cost than items made with them simply because of people looking to fast track their way to max crafting levels.


And simply because materials are being offered for a high price does not mean they are getting that price, especially if there are a lot of those materials available on the market.


Often times you will sell items made with the materials faster than you will sell the materials themselves.


What it boils down to is whether or not you are making a profit. If you sell items for less than the materials cost you, then you have a problem. You often can't do this if you are buying the materials from the GTN, especially if the items are consumables.


If you are farming your own materials either by gathering or missions with the intent to sell items, just price the items for more than it cost you or for what you value your time. If you want to get the max bang for your buck, sell the materials and hope you can get what you are asking for them in a timely manner. Otherwise sell items made with the materials.

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Mats are way over priced and that's why I rarely ever buy them off the GTN. I always check the GTN just in case I come across a deal, but that's every once in a blue moon. One time I did find a stack of 6 radioactive pastes for 6100c- snatched that up right away.
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