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People who stand IN acid and pull you in...


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Joined: Dec 2011 People who stand IN acid and pull you in... | 03.15.2012 , 10:27 PM


Classes that can magically stand in fire/acid and pull you, in killing you, while they survive. Pisses me off.




Played Marauder and Powertech.


Love to pull people like you in acid or fire.


Simple reason you die faster vs having to wack you with a lightsaber all day and night.


( 1 ) Stay out of Huttball

( 2 ) Stay away from the hazard's rockworm's - Barron Deathmark

( 3 ) If you have the ball get rid of it or be focused on.

( 4 ) Marauders have Phantom use it. "Anni Phantom ability to cloak for 4 seconds and not take damage from either or till you can get away ".

( 5 ) BBQ Sith Warrior - Try to target some one else and leap away or again Phantom.

( 6 ) Get your resolve up - No stun or lock down effects.

( 7 ) Popscile Sith - Carbonite can freeze you for 2.5 to 2 seconds depending on the armor the bounty hunter is wearing. You can break this stun and get away before you either ( A ) die in pool of acid or ( B ) Burn like a crispy critter australian style.

( 8 ) Rocketman - Jetcharge can stun you so running threw acid or carrying the ball over a open bbq pit is not a good idea.

( 9 ) Electro-Dart - Simple easy to use and easy to break free of but also your down fall if your hanging out over a bbq pit or running over one that is about to ignite.

( 10 ) Force Choke the mother ****er that's in the acid with you.

Edited by angrybirdz
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1st of all congrats for insulting someone behind the safety of your keyboard it takes a lot of guts to do so:).



other classes for example sin can pull , knockback, slow stun and immobilize me on pvp , does he needs more that that?

also i am not complaining , it just doesnt sounds fair and the fact i am pointing it out it doesnt mean that excpect smth to be done about it and i dont intend to ask for smth to be done .Also you should keep in mind that many specs have skills to counter what makes them vulnerable to us ,like the dispell dots or interrupt immunity while our weak point is the susceptibily to move impairing effects the only skill that helps on this is the awareness i have gained by playing the most demanding class in the game.

the only real complain i might have is that the chance of getting immobllized after a knockback is really hilarous or even OP





Be battle aware and l2p, how else would you like us to insult you other then from behind our keyboards? Want to go for coffee?

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I laugh at anyone that actually willingly pulls my marauder to them. I have two invincibility cooldowns, they're usually lucky to take either me or my healer down with a group of 4-5 people [unless its a premade, those usually have a brain]


Yeah, my favorite thing to do when i get pulled into fire/acid is kill the person who did it, maybe they'll think twice before they pick me next time

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Yeah. Cause that's totally a l2p issue.


sadly it is.


Vanguard/Shadow tank , Powertech/Assassin tank.


Valid strategy, easy to use to kill lowbies really fast.


Just be on the look out and stay out of their range, they will have to move one day or another.

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if you dont have force camo undying rage will give just another 5 seconds cause you ar an easy kill , everyone will make sure that you are stunlocked asap


Ya, if you dont have phantom, undying rage, trinket (or whatever your stun release is), force charge, predation or medpack ready and you did not notice the powertech just standing by the acid waiting, then yes you are in trouble. L2p.

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everyone is talking so casually about using force camo and udying rage(agreed it is the only thing you can do) but even if you survive the pull you are start the fight with a big hp or CD handicap not to mention that the moment you are in the fire or in the acid pool they are gonna stun lock you if they are not 10year olds, the problem is that they "pull" you to an unfair fight which is smth you cant do by any mean possible


if we were talking about a push or a knockback the answer would be very easy just position your self properly but in these situations there are not much you can do other than being lucky and have some cooldowns, though sometimes dunno why they dont stun me and even if i dont have any cooldowns i can force charge my way out, this way i live to fight another day and if my team has secured the win i can focus down on him and make him regret for messing with me (you are a mara you can punish anyone)


i am not gonna QQ or ask for a nerf i just wanna point smth out, our class has some very good abilties lke savage kick that cannot be used on pvp in addition to that some side effects i.e. the stuning effect of force scream or smash is not applied on pvp, that happens while other classes can use everything in their dispossal on both pve and pvp


p.s. being on medium server i know which playes are pull-stun and tracer missile trolls and i devoted lots of wz focusing executively on them so they don wanna mess with if they are not on a premade:cool: though if they are in a pemade the stun-pull level will be over 9000:p when that happens you have to piss them of with with your escape artist skills :D


Its a L2Play issue dude.

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ITS NOT L2P ISSUE!!!!!!....


What they are saying when they say it's a "l2p" issue is that it's not just about the abilities people use, it's about your surroundings.


Simply put your not paying attention to your surroundings. You should always be aware of where everyone is. If you see a Shadow or BH near the acid, it should be more than obvious that you should never fight near them. If you must, expect the pull eventually.


EVERYONE gets pulled into the acid. It's not like we don't know what we are talking about. The reason why we got pulled in is because we weren't paying attention. But lets face it, if your a Marauder, you have more than enough tools againts that tactic. you got tools to survive the acid. I survive the acid pull 80% of the time. Sometimes getting out and beating the very guy that pulled me. So it's not impossible. Having stims helps as well.


As for the guys that stand in the acid while they pull you in. There is some changes to the acid traps that should help remedy that.

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"l2p" elitists stroking their e-peen.


YOu cannot be totally situationally aware all the time, just doesn't happen.


Do we have tools to get out of this problem... YES we do.

Saying **** that you should know were the 4+ different Assassins/BHs in a WZ are at all times is a really stupid thing to say. In Huttball ppl are bouncing all over the place.


It happens, we have a couple ways we can get out of it.. the most popular being 2 points in phantom... and BTW that doesnt mean **** anymore because the 100% damage reduction for Camo is going away in 1.2 its just going to be a passive 50%.

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"l2p" elitists stroking their e-peen.


YOu cannot be totally situationally aware all the time, just doesn't happen.


Do we have tools to get out of this problem... YES we do.

Saying **** that you should know were the 4+ different Assassins/BHs in a WZ are at all times is a really stupid thing to say. In Huttball ppl are bouncing all over the place.


It happens, we have a couple ways we can get out of it.. the most popular being 2 points in phantom... and BTW that doesnt mean **** anymore because the 100% damage reduction for Camo is going away in 1.2 its just going to be a passive 50%.


No, what were saying is be aware and if you still get caught in it, use your skills and get out. If it happens to you all the time and you die and need QQ on the forums then L2P.

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The one time it happened to me, I popped my "Big Doo Doo" cooldowns(the crowd control breaker and Undying Rage), a reusable medkit, turned to him, and hit him with a rooting Ravage(yes, I do actually like Carnage spec) to punish him. Needless to say, I got hit with a very obscenity heavy tell because I caught him by surprise, and countered it on him, because sharing is caring. He avoided me for the rest of Huttball after that.
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The one time it happened to me, I popped my "Big Doo Doo" cooldowns(the crowd control breaker and Undying Rage), a reusable medkit, turned to him, and hit him with a rooting Ravage(yes, I do actually like Carnage spec) to punish him. Needless to say, I got hit with a very obscenity heavy tell because I caught him by surprise, and countered it on him, because sharing is caring. He avoided me for the rest of Huttball after that.


You do not need to L2P, you used your skills after getting caught off guard (which happens to everyone). However, I think you are referring to the OP and his need to L2P....? If you are not, then I am, L2P.

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You do not need to L2P, you used your skills after getting caught off guard (which happens to everyone). However, I think you are referring to the OP and his need to L2P....? If you are not, then I am, L2P.


I think my previous post was a suggestion of what can be done if a marauder gets lassoed into the *****ly bath. Then again, you'd have to be Carnage spec'd to do this.

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Ya, if you dont have phantom, undying rage, trinket (or whatever your stun release is), force charge, predation or medpack ready and you did not notice the powertech just standing by the acid waiting, then yes you are in trouble. L2p.


you're attitude isn't wanted here! I've read this whole thread and noticed you saying 'L2P' like 4times? go away with your epeen please.. you prolly suck at marauder and pretend to be godlike =)


tho I find it entertaining there are people like you, makes me giggle ^^


now, go play wow again, there's lots of attitude like yours overthere


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all i said was that it pissed me off. I don't need elitist saying l2p cause its not a l2p issue. What really got me mad was that an assassin did it to me again in the acid pit while he was stealth. How did taking damage from the acid pit not knock him out of stealth?



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you're attitude isn't wanted here! I've read this whole thread and noticed you saying 'L2P' like 4times? go away with your epeen please.. you prolly suck at marauder and pretend to be godlike =)


tho I find it entertaining there are people like you, makes me giggle ^^


now, go play wow again, there's lots of attitude like yours overthere



Haha, awesome, "you're attitude isnt wanted here" yet you seem to be bringing the EXACT same attitude here, so I respect that but I do not respect your hypocrisy.


L2P. That's for you and the OP. Keep this thread alive!

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The thing about this thread is that, whether you l2p or not, sometimes you die. Sometimes you popped that stun break a minute ago, your resolve is at zero, you get yanked, you get knocked down or stunned, and whether you get out wounded or die in the acid, the only difference a lot of the time is a few seconds. And it sucks, and it's frustrating and seems cheap, but sometimes you die cheaply-- and that's just PvP.


On the other hand, there are very few warzone experiences as gratifying as getting out and knocking into the acid whoever yanked you then hitting them with a stun and watching them die.

Edited by FromAbove
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FeeFiFoFum, islander-

not sure if trolls or douchebags.

both? meh who knows.


my attempt to contribute something at least mildly constructive to the OP- combine everything the non-trollish folks have said in this thread. try to be situationally aware (not 100% possible all the time), bust cd's if need be, and expect to die if it happens repeatedly in a short span of time.

I assure you it frustrates assassins sprinting to score, on a different level than you, when you force charge up and do terrible things to them. I actually think it's not terribly unbalanced in pvp atm, for a game that has only been out as long as it has.



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I love it because I then pop force camo and they take more damage than I do, and I end up killing them :D.


It's kind of like killing your workers/harassing your economy in StarCraft 2. Sure it's annoying but it's a completely valid strat. I'm sure Bioware envisioned people doing this kind of thing when they created Huttball, and it goes along with the "environmental hazards" themes that pop up in the movies quite often.


We're just mad because we don't have a push/pull ability!

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  • 3 weeks later...
That's sorcs/sages you are thinking of. Assassin tanks and Powertechs have an ability that pulls enemies to them. Annoying part is Assassins got a knockback as well, which doesn't make much sense tbh.


Actually the knockback for Sin's is very helpful in pvp situations. Don't know how many times I've knocked people off the bridges in Huttball or at the edge of the drop near our goal line when their waiting for a pass.


It also serves as a good interrupt against casters. Hit that against someone trying for a heal, toss on a force slow. So if they try to run, they will still not escape. Or even better they blow their trinket to escape.


But on the main topic of the discussion, yes being pulled into a hazard in Huttball is a pain. Especially if you get stun locked.


Really isnt that big of an issue due to the only time you have to worry about hazards is in Huttball.

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