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will this game survive before 1.2?


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I think this game will "survive" for a long time. But that doesn't mean success. On my server, Legions of lettow (eu) , me and my friends costantly see the population dropping.

To be honest, I start thinking that BW wasn't expecting much more from this game. I bet this summer on SWTOR will happen the same thing of DC universe two years ago: Dead zone.




You can almost tell while you're playing too. Everything gets so lame the closer you get to max level. It's like they gave up.


I can't call it a money grab though because it's worth playing for a month. GL convincing people to sub to an "mmo" with such basic multiplayer features.

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TBH, i enjoy the game pretty much.

I hear people complaining about end game - i'm just level 15 and i do like the game so far.

The proffesions the quests and the way how the game looks.


Remember this is a NEW game and they are working hard to keep everyone happy.

Imo what they should do is just some server merges so the population rises.


People are comparing this game to WoW and that's a mistake.

Remember WoW 40 man raid... toke ages to do stuff like that.

SW is way more better on quests and questlines (as far i have played).


You can't compare WoW end game to SW end game.

If they make it harder people are complaining : Ooh it's way to hard and WoW has it done better jadajadajada...


I like the game :) Keep up the good work SW Dev. =)

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i'm just level 15 and i do like the game so far.



Wait til you have 4 50s, a Fleet with 30 people that are Mute, Blind & Comatose, and a empty guild because no one logs in any more... Your gonna love it! Welcome home! :eek:

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1.2 is a first step in the right direction. They need to roll out 1.3 quickly afterwards though, preferably before the release of GW2, or they will take a major hit to their remaining subscriber base.

Diablo III is not to worry about though. It's NOT a MMORPG, it's NOT in real 3D, it's NOT science fiction. It's a game for button mashers, not for MMO players.

Edited by Korrigan
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diablo 3 will not kill this game. I don't think at least. Not everyone likes the top down dungeon crawler. And that's diablo, in essence. So, to your question of will Diablo 3 kill swtor, the answer in my opinion is, no.


oh dude, by the way. Roll a new character, one completely different than the one you have now. If you're ranged dps, make a melee, if you're a healer, make a tank. Try something, you're find yourself enjoying it, I'd wager. You're bored because you're just doing the same thing day in day out, that's pretty much the definition of boredom. You fix that by doing something different. Tada! problem solved, you're welcome.


I dont need to consider the state of the game anymore, I really wanted SWTOR to be the thing for me, now I'm just waiting for 15.05.2012 instead! !"#¤"#% yeah!
question bro heim, why do you have a jedi nameplate, if this isn't for you. and also.. what's the point? if you've made your mind up to not play here, then go away. Not trying to be rude, but think about it. This forum is for people who play the game. If you aren't one of those, and by your 15/05/12 whatever the heck thing, I assume you're not. Go there and post, and stop wasting our time reading posts from people like you who don't have anything to do with the scope or breadth of our community. Edited by Macabakur
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just wait for the patch 1.2 =)

I think there are some nice improvements :)


Calm down folks (yes i know if you tell people to calm down they are getting more mad but still, calm down ;) )


Just think about it for a moment, having 4 level 50's... You must have allot of free time.

How must they ever keep up with people that play almost 24/7.

If you have suggestions why don't you make a topic about that? Like i have an idea for a end boss.


Post your inspiration instead of complaining how bad things are =)

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This thread implies D3 will actually be successful, which we all know, will not.


Now this is humerous! I did beta testing for D3 and Ill tell you now that D3 will be epic and in line with what D2 was for longevity. Battlenet is gonna be a fun place to be for gaming this year .. I know about 40 peeps at my workplace alone that have nixed their subs to wait for D3 .. nuff said

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I have an easier time grouping up with Tetris on my gameboy then I do here :(


Thats because the grouping portion of the game lacks substance ... its like hey guys lets get together for 15 mins to kill this quest and BAM everyone splits afterwards .. now if you were able to group and ram rod some dungeon type areas and grind your way to farming gear for peeps and actually accomplishing something then grouping would prob be alot more popular ... in the meantime its just a waste of time and effort for what little reward you get.

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diablo 3 just released it's launch date to may 15. im not seeing any exact date for 1.2 patch.

my sub is ending this april 2. so right now what i do is, dailies, belsavis, ilum, pvp. tbh, turning to be quite boring for me.


im in swiftsure server and i can definitely see population drop after the asia pac servers released. before fleet don't go below 150 people, now the lowest i've seen is 80. in ilum 15, in belsavis 20.


i know there's lots of factors why people are leaving.


not enough end game content.

new games are coming out, (mass effect 3)

full of bugs specially in raiding

fps drops still not fixed until now.

maybe i should add, diablo 3 is dated.



with bioware not releasing a date for 1.2 is saying something. up to now they're not sure if 1.2 is ready to be released. specially they have a growing reputation of breaking the game every patch. so now they need to be sure before giving out date for 1.2, it's a 99% smooth.


so now because of all this, im not sure if im continuing to sub for 1.2. i have a tight budget, it's either 1.2 get's my money, or both 1.2 and diablo 3 gets it.


I won't be playing this game when diablo 3 comes out,I am not into MMO anymore

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I won't be playing this game when diablo 3 comes out,I am not into MMO anymore


I am in the same boat for MMO's ... I spent a good portion of 13 years playing MMO's (EQ from launch then EQ2) Im just at the point in life where I have a family and dont feel like sinking all my time into grinding out levels and such. All the areas I loved before I just cant bring myself to do now.

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I have a wonder...


I keep seeing people commenting about how server pops. are declining and yet I am definitely not seeing that.


Is it perhaps that PvP servers are losing population? The PvE ones that I play on are at least as they were a month ago and one seems to have actually gained.

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Not only do people always leave but people always return its a fact with MMO's but The question on wheather people stay before 1.2 come out Im not to sure on that.


1.2 does offer some things but lets look at what people want from a good well balanced MMO


Before I begin let me just say that the wife and I quit playing MMO's back in Jan 2011, I knew SWtoR was to be comming out (latter than I thought) but I wasnt going to carry on, on the other MMO's (putting the work in) for well knowing that SWtoR was the game I could see myself playing for years to come not only months I could not wait and Im a big fan.


But I will say I'm not here to defend Bioware.


There are meny resons people play MMO's over offline games... constant up to date support... Vast worlds... lot of extra content.... usability. The list goes on.


As Bioware are new to this type of industry I feel they have missed some major factors

that make an MMO really really good. I feel Bioware have put so much time into Story

that thease major problems have been left unadressed.


Yet so far I'm still waiting to see some real good story that always keeps me griped no dout I will but for now that not always been the case. I'm a smuggler who is ment to have one of the best Storys ingame, but...


For the last 12 lvls I've gone back to my ship picked up an object, took it to someone,

they dont want the object untill I've done a quest for them. I know that when I go back to my ship Ill have to repeat this with another object till the chapter has come to a close. Then no dout it may change.


Regaurding 1.2


Some vital things that needed a fix are not real getting any lets take one example..


UI ....


Im not 100% clued up on this but I hope you get the idea of where I'm going

most of us wanted customization with the UI system. we are getting the abilerty to move things around but some classes with somecrafts struggle to get everything on there hot bars at lvl 28 let alone lvl 50. Does the fix totaly cater for this, as I've not seen it?


Vast lands ...


Yep dont get me wrong we have big worlds but the XP balance if rubish

soon as you go 3 or more quests outside your class quest line you are way ahead in the next area and then you dont get to see any of the world that has been given you unless you want an easy time exploring it. XP gain is way to fast in SWtoR thats why people seek the new content so quickly.


By the way thats questing with another player from lvl 10 to 40 splitting the MoB XP



Swtor Legacy System ...


Looking though the forums here quite a few players are upset to see this cross class stuff

with some moves being the same as other classes. Im not to sure about this to but for me it has nothing to do with Lore just the fact I like an MMO when you taking a class though its lvls waiting to hit lvl xx to get force choke (lets say) And yet soon I'll beable to use my main char buy new stuff without having to play that class.


Bioware showed us a video saying " we think its cool if you play though all chars just so you get to see the otherside of things"


Yes maybe Story but what about the other things people look forward to with playing an MMO.


I could go on for ever (like the crafting clicking a button every 10 mins) but I wont (thank god you all mutter) :) just giveing you all a tiny thought or to looking at what could realy crash SWtoR as a P2P MMO.


Final Thought....


Like I said. I've waited a looonng time for this.


Since 2008 I've never looked into playing any other MMO than this but.. This week is the first time I've ever looked on the Guild Wars 2 website looking to see if they have craked them fundamental things needed within a MMO.


The fundamental things should be formost, added content comes later.

SWtoR may not survive before 1.2 or it may not survive after 1.2


Diablo 3 or Guild Wars 2 won't kill SWtoR it will just come down to what Bioware pulls out of the hat to address thease problems .... lets hope they are sooner rather than later.

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Yawn yawn yawn. Just stop playing and stop posting stupid posts on a forum of a game wich you aparently have no interest in.


Just move along, nothing too see here.


Don't you just hate comments like this?


Lets all stop playing and leave him to play an MMO with no one else around, least then he would bable to call it..


Knights of the Old Republic 3



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Irony really being ive been spending more time lately, playing a F2P game than playing TOR which i actually still have a paying subscription on which is waiting to expire.


I've been spending more time playing "Internet Checkers", 5 days left on my sub...


Tera is close :)


The game won't survive until 1.2 for me, mind you with 5 days left I will probably see another 8 hotfixes.

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Man these threads are really....REALLY getting old.


Well, the trend seems to be if you're dissatisfied, post a "doom'n'gloom".


Considering how may subs there are, there aren't all that many and some are the same folk. WHY they don't move along...well...that's a whole branch of psychology I don't want to get into.


I keep readin' 'em to see if there's constructive criticism I can agree with. Rarely does that happen though. I think I'll just stop readin' 'em.

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Diablo 3 will not kill this game as it's a totaly different type of game.

GW2 might hurt ... if it's posible to hurt it further from outside then BW does it from inside.


To many mistaks and errors are made allready which hurt MUCH more then GW2 can.


- badly designed group-finder which feels much more like last-minute "oh **** we don't have"


- slow handling of real problems just to make 1.2 look better. Most of the stuff should have been hotfixed as soon as it was ready!!!


- still a realy bad comunication. People want to get news from the game website and don't want to google for some statement anywhere else. Hell, they are to lazy to provide links and paying useres have to do the job!

It's cool if you are fanboys of Twitter, Facebook and all this stuff ... but THIS is your website where you MUST comunicate. Not some random 3. party platform!


- it's a slap in the face to release bugged and unfinished stuff at all. If I would live in the US I'd consider to sue BW to get my money back (box+fee) for selling broken stuff.



I know CCP made mistaks too ... but they learned fast and corrected the mistakes in no time (hell, they throw away all the stuff their custumers don't want and fixed most problems within 3 month with patches every second day needing 30-60 MINUTES ... not 8 hours!!!).

@BW if you like to learn how to comunicate and to handle patches -> ask CCP!


Why do you play then, it seems all you do is complain about everything.


This is the best launch I have seen in a mmo, this is some of the best communication I have seen from a developer, this has the most content of a mmo at launch. You though just complain about everything, so just leave, how stupid does one have to be to keep playing a a game you seem to despise.

Edited by Caelc
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The average person in this form is so uninformed


Subscriptions are growing, and have been, it won’t merely survive, it will and is flourishing


The number of people you see at a given time on a server is due to the fact that this game , like every MMO launch, the players are not going to be playing as often as they did in the first few weeks.


so someone that was playing 50 hours a week, is playing 6-8 hours a week.


survive? Hilarious!


For every person that leaves, several more new ones join

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Free 60 dollar game for the WoW annual pass, that offer is really tempting


It's a transparent attempt to get more players to both of their games with minimal investment. Basically they are saying "we don't care if we lose out on some money from D3, we'll get more licenses sold anyway".


I know a company ego trip when I see one, and I for one would rather play Torchlight, at least they don't sell gold for real money.

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