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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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anyone else getting a laugh out of these healers ridiculously biased replys? I know I am, I've never seen such bias in a topic before. These are the same people that use cheats in an online FPS game and then try to say its skill and perfectly balanced because they have to skill download hacks off google.
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I'm saying I kill healers left and right because of Interrupts, because i'm not a terrible player.


That's either complete ********, or you killed really bad healers. Interrupts don't do anything aside breifly lock one healing ability. So unless your healers are drooling morons who have nothing but one healing ability on their toolbar. So stop playint the pro by pretending you deal with a serious issue with ease, it's overrated.


Now lets talk about the rest of the mouth dump you just posted..


Damage Scales just fine in relation to damage reduction and healing. If everyone is wearing BM gear, then guess what.. Expertise is going to be Canceled out.


But I know what you're going to say next "But Healing is increased with Expertise" which is trying to cancel out the 30% healing reduction the bloody healer already has.



"But BM has increased armor", which is true, Till you realize that the increased armor is in general a bunch of *** cause pretty much every scary DPS in the game completely ignores Armor in the first place.


So really, the only thing more "gear" is going to get you defensive wise in this game.. Is more HP, and I can tell you the difference between Cent vs BM isn't a huge amount, and the difference between BM and champion is even less.


How when expertise scales differently with damage and healing considering there are no healing reduction abilities, aside the Trauma debuff which would make healing totally ridiculous, cosidering it's meant to heal raid boss damage, not just player damage, but there are plenty of damage reduction not to mention the HP increase and combined they make a pretty meaning difference so stop pretending it's nothing.


In closing, against actual good DPS like myself, if you don't have a second Healer or a Tank to save you, I'm probably going to kill your healer, or Force you to scramble to heal Just yourself and no one else.. In which case i've taken you completely out of the fight and hopefully the rest of my time takes a dump on your team.


Lemme guess, you play a Grav round spammer? Yeah good luck denting my healer with my guard up and constantly taunting you, eating at your health with my crappy damage. Like I said, it's overrated to pretend you are the rebel ****** dealing with a problem.

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Maybe some people enjoy 15 minute stalemate matches where neither team has any chance of bombing a door but I don't. They need to either nerf healers *or* change the maps so that defending the nodes/doors is harder (for example make it so that you need to do X damage to someone to stop them from capping).


Personally unsubbed, never trying another MMO that has dedicated healers.

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  • Remove the expertise bonus to healing
  • Fix the interrupt delay NOT stopping heal when player is NOT invulnerable
  • Because of the ridiculous amount of cc/kbs/roots add a little more range on melee interrupts
  • Add more mortal strike abilities of varying power and duration depending on class utility, hell make em dispel-able for healer... more interactivity is a good thing
  • Fix hybrid sexiness offering competitive heals and dps - combat logs will show truth! aggregate totals are bullsh*t!
  • Fix the double tap insta-heal garbage
  • Lower objective cap durations so that surviving till the zerglings can get back has less value than actually being in the fight (Pro LOS'rs just interrupt caps and run around)
  • Tweak the queue algorithm so that PUGs aren't stupidly balanced, I especially hate seeing this when it's same faction warzone battle



Yes, I would like to be able to harass healers even harder. Lately I find myself just going for one or two big hits on them and letting them run away, force them to change targets more than I change targets. Honestly they are more frustrating to try and fight than anything else because of the power of guards and the shear amount of CC you take when you try and chase down a healer.


As a juggy when I want to kill one I need to make sure I have my full stack of shockwave (damage increase for smash) up already before I swap targets and I like to have at least 3 of my interrupting abilities up (Disruption 8s, Charge 15s at 10M+, Push 60s, Choke 50s).. it's also nice if unleash is up for the inevitable resolve bar filling experience.

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As a Full BM/Rakata geared sentinel I can tell you this is plain wrong, sure undergeared or bad healers I eat for breakfast, but a good healer will be on the move, be guarded and use los, in huttball he can jump around in the middle, cleanse dots and slows. I´m far from being a newb in this game and usually focus on healers only if given the chance. A good healer in huttball can evade uptoo 2 good dps while his friend blasts them away.


As a full bm/rakata geared merc i can tell you that this is plain wrong. You either don't know what you're doing or you're rage specced. The amount of dmg an annihilation specced marauder can push out, coupled with, again, two interrupts (one of which is on a 6 second cooldown) and two stuns, should make locking down a healer an extremely easy endeavor.


If you're paired with another dpser, then that healer should have absolutely no chance. Additionally, they cannot cleanse slows and guard is not an ability that healers have. Are you saying that healers are op because you cannot easily solo them when they get help?


I hope not.


That's either complete ********, or you killed really bad healers. Interrupts don't do anything aside breifly lock one healing ability. So unless your healers are drooling morons who have nothing but one healing ability on their toolbar.


You obviously don't know anything about healers. I have 2 castable heals, one of which is on an 8 second cool down. I have two instant heals, one of which is on a 17 second cooldown. Interrupting my big heal puts me way behind on healing if you do any kind of decent damage.

Edited by Nonnolol
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Yeah, let's nerf healers, I know when I get into a WZ my first complaint is 'why the **** am I being healed, why are there so many healers!?!'


I'll bet if a healing nerf goes into play, OP will be the first on the forums saying 'why does nobody play a healer, why does nobody heal me when I'm dpsing!?!!?!"


If you want a game with nothing but DPS- GW2 is coming out soon and you can't be a healer or tank in that game, so go knock yourself out with 2 dimensional pvp.

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Nearly full BM and I don't consider myself a scrub, neither do my peers. (grant it this is only one situation) Myself and a guildy BM vanguard earlier tonight are guarding west in alderaan. 2 Healers come up.


Sorc and friend start to hit us until they realize they are getting pounded on DPS. They switch to heals so we tried to focus fire....nothin. Then we tried splitting damage....nothin. This fight lasted for about 2 minutes with us eventually eating crap because we can't sustain any type of damage.


We were in voice comms and working kicks/stuns in unison. I don't think we got anyone lower than 90% after they switched to the healing strat. Fix this please, would have liked to have killed atleast one of em.

Edited by RyanEclipse
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Yeah, let's nerf healers, I know when I get into a WZ my first complaint is 'why the **** am I being healed, why are there so many healers!?!'


I'll bet if a healing nerf goes into play, OP will be the first on the forums saying 'why does nobody play a healer, why does nobody heal me when I'm dpsing!?!!?!"


If you want a game with nothing but DPS- GW2 is coming out soon and you can't be a healer or tank in that game, so go knock yourself out with 2 dimensional pvp.


As opposed to what happen to rift? You know, they just wouldn't fix healing so eventually everyone quit. Guess what? PVP works just fine without healers as well.

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anyone else getting a laugh out of these healers ridiculously biased replys? I know I am, I've never seen such bias in a topic before. These are the same people that use cheats in an online FPS game and then try to say its skill and perfectly balanced because they have to skill download hacks off google.


Is not every reply in some way mildly inclined to the player's thoughts? Healers not in favor of this speak from their personal experience, and those for the change speak from their personal experience. Everything we perceive, even in something as small as a game, is different to the individual. Bias is considered an opinion with impartial judgement. I do not think everyone involved in the discussion has closed their minds to the possibility of conceding and compromising with the other stance. Everyone involved in the discussion should take a moment to make an attempt at seeing the other side.


I for one, have indeed been able to tank before, and not gone down quickly. I have stood healing other team members for minutes at a time with my health going down in negligible amounts. When that happens, I take no notice of who is attacking me, and I feel comfortable ignoring the fact that I am being attacked. I can definitely understand the frustration of the attacker when this is happening. Sometimes I'm a-okay, and other times I feel quite powerless to do what I'm spec'd to do. Honestly on second thought, I believe both sides have what they consider valid arguments, because reasoning itself is often considered flawed. The ethics of one society is different than the other, the experience of one is different than the other. There is no easy conclusion to who can be correct when there are so many variables to take into account.

Edited by Zekiirah
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Yeah, let's nerf healers, I know when I get into a WZ my first complaint is 'why the **** am I being healed, why are there so many healers!?!'


I'll bet if a healing nerf goes into play, OP will be the first on the forums saying 'why does nobody play a healer, why does nobody heal me when I'm dpsing!?!!?!"


If you want a game with nothing but DPS- GW2 is coming out soon and you can't be a healer or tank in that game, so go knock yourself out with 2 dimensional pvp.


This is just another reaction by an angry player who gets rolled by premades, i.e., coordinated teams. He wants healing removed from the game in order to limit the advantages that these coordinated teams have. He basically wants a mindless free-for-all.


He should pair up with one of these "op" healing classes, learn to communicate and win games.


As opposed to what happen to rift? You know, they just wouldn't fix healing so eventually everyone quit. Guess what? PVP works just fine without healers as well.


So sick of these children threatening to quit the game because they don't get what they want (actually, BW has basically given them everything they've asked for so I guess it's working). Again, I've never played an MMO where healers were this EASY to kill.

Edited by Nonnolol
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This is just another reaction by an angry player who gets rolled by premades, i.e., coordinated teams. He wants healing removed from the game in order to limit the advantages that these coordinated teams have. He basically wants a mindless free-for-all.


He should pair up with one of these "op" healing classes, learn to communicate and win games.




So sick of these children threatening to quit the game because they don't get what they want (actually, BW has basically given them everything they've asked for so I guess it's working). Again, I've never played an MMO where healers were this EASY to kill.


Coming from an MMO vet who PVPs as a primary in any game I play. Your last statement about healers being easy to kill is complete trash. Match 2,3,4 healers on one team and I want to watch you "easily" kill them....


Edit: Yes I play in good premades with voice comms because The crucible pits basically requires it to have a chance to win.

Edited by RyanEclipse
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Nearly full BM and I don't consider myself a scrub, neither do my peers. (grant it this is only one situation) Myself and a guildy BM vanguard earlier tonight are guarding west in alderaan. 2 Healers come up.


Sorc and friend start to hit us until they realize they are getting pounded on DPS. They switch to heals so we tried to focus fire....nothin. Then we tried splitting damage....nothin. This fight lasted for about 2 minutes with us eventually eating crap because we can't sustain any type of damage.


We were in voice comms and working kicks/stuns in unison. I don't think we got anyone lower than 90% after they switched to the healing strat. Fix this please, would have liked to have killed atleast one of em.



Yeah bioware, he couldn't kill 2 healers as 1 dps... Please nerf so that he can solo two healers and restore justice to the universe.

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People defending are assuming 1 healer, the reality of 3+ healers = game is boring and you wont kill anyone as a PUG.


That's exactly the reason you shouldn't win against organised premades: teamplay.

If they are smart enough to know the advantage of grouping up and playing as a team,

then in my opinion they should be rewarded for doing so instead of pugging alone.

PvP is a team game and if you wish to do 1v8 in warzones then this is not your game :ph_lol:.

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As a full bm/rakata geared merc i can tell you that this is plain wrong. You either don't know what you're doing or you're rage specced. The amount of dmg an annihilation specced marauder can push out, coupled with, again, two interrupts (one of which is on a 6 second cooldown) and two stuns, should make locking down a healer an extremely easy endeavor.


If you're paired with another dpser, then that healer should have absolutely no chance. Additionally, they cannot cleanse slows and guard is not an ability that healers have. Are you saying that healers are op because you cannot easily solo them when they get help?


I hope not.




You obviously don't know anything about healers. I have 2 castable heals, one of which is on an 8 second cool down. I have two instant heals, one of which is on a 17 second cooldown. Interrupting my big heal puts me way behind on healing if you do any kind of decent damage.


I´m watchman specced, basically the same as annihilation spec and we dont have two stuns, we have channeled type of choke and awe which is a aoe type of stun, which is broken if you receive damage. Your right we can spec interrupt at 6s and we just have one. Our damage comes mostly from dots that can be cleansed, my biggest pain is killing good scoundrel healers, mercs usually go down with time if they dont get too much help, however in huttball the rules can be abit different.

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Coming from an MMO vet who PVPs as a primary in any game I play. Your last statement about healers being easy to kill is complete trash. Match 2,3,4 healers on one team and I want to watch you "easily" kill them....


How the hell is a team with 4 healers going to kill a ball-handler with 2 healers? How is that team going to over-run a turret? As I've already mentioned in an earlier response, the damage in pvp is comparable to healing. I frequently see dpser put up higher numbers than healers. You need a mix of healing and damage; 4+ healers is simply redundant.

Edited by Nonnolol
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As opposed to what happen to rift? You know, they just wouldn't fix healing so eventually everyone quit. Guess what? PVP works just fine without healers as well.


Yes, that's what led to 'everyone' quitting Rift, healers. Pretty awesome that any game that fails you can blame entirely on the one aspect of the game you didn't like.


WAR failed? Oh, it's because of their PQs. FFXIV sucked? Entirely due to the animation style and nothing else.


In a simple game or an FPS (though even FPS games are increasingly adding healers/support roles) it's fine, but for a game based on trilogy- making each role useful and giving incentive to use them in pvp is a good thing that expands the depth. Yes, until DPS figure out they have CC and can focus a target, they never will kill anything. It sucks, being spoiled by games where no healer can stand up to a dps just bursting his rotations, but it's your problem for not being able to adapt.


Frankly, if you want a game where there's only DPS, you should have known from the start this wasn't it- especially since they even made tanks have a role in pvp. You'll find when you coordinate that if your mara/pyro/sin/op combo stack up on that healer/healer/healer/tank- you can easily burst the healers one by one and take the advantage.



And healing isn't OP- in most games, healers will be healing anywhere from 50-100% more than dpsers will be dealing due to the reactive nature- I have seen far more matches with DPSers nearing 1 mill damage than healers nearing 1 mill healing. If anything, half the trauma debuff needs to be removed.

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How the hell is a team with 4 healers going to kill a ball-handler with 2 healers? How is that team going to over-run a turret? As I've already mentioned in an earlier response, the damage in pvp is comparable to healing. I frequently see dpser put up higher numbers than healers. You need a mix of healing and damage; 4+ healers is simply redundant.


Except a problem exists where specs(sorc/sage in particular and merc/pubmirror to some extent) can both heal and put out significant damage.

Edited by LoKiei
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How the hell is a team with 4 healers going to kill a ball-handler with 2 healers? How is that team going to over-run a turret? As I've already mentioned in an earlier response, the damage in pvp is comparable to healing. I frequently see dpser put up higher numbers than healers.


There are more collective DPSers than healers, so it is a give in that you see more dps than heals on charts. It's easier to deal damage than to heal it as a mass. However in 2v2 4v4 etc situations the team with more healers will win because they can heal said damage indefinitely without dying.


Duel a similarly geared healer and see how long the fight lasts. Cooldowns, etc. make them virtually unkillable 1v1 even if you work stuns/interrupts. I've seen these duels last indefinitely.

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How the hell is a team with 4 healers going to kill a ball-handler with 2 healers? How is that team going to over-run a turret? As I've already mentioned in an earlier response, the damage in pvp is comparable to healing. I frequently see dpser put up higher numbers than healers. You need a mix of healing and damage; 4+ healers is simply redundant.


Also, they can kill them because many classes that heal also do AWESOME dps. No crazy DPS-only class can heal well.

Edited by RyanEclipse
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There are max hitpoints. This means if enough people hit the same target no healer can save the target in time, even if its a healer itself.


You cant kill a solo healer solo or then there is no reason for healers to exist. If you can kill equal geared/skilled healers solo then expect your class to be nerfed.


Healing is too weak in my opinion. If two teams, a healer and a DPS meet two DPS where all 4 are equally geared and skilled with all the CC The two DPS can kill the healer before the one DPS can kill one.


This above example shows that the person who rolled the healer shouldnt have, he should have also rolled a DPS class.


Everyone pays the exact amount every month and no matter how little it may be every class has to be equally viable.


To you guys that are complaining about too many healers in a match what happens when there are too many Marauders.. or too many Assasins that are assiting each other? The same thing..everyone dies on the opposite side. So how come that's ok but no one dieing when a few healers are assiting it is not ok?


Face it this is totally a me me me argument and all you selfish clowns are bandwagoning on it. Do us all a favor and change your argument to "remove the heal class from the game" so at least it's clear what you are clammoring about.


Either that or learn to assist.. the game allows you to keybing assist. :rolleyes:

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