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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Over Powered healing killing PvP


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This guy hit the nail on the head. Prevent death, not make it virtually impossible to happen.


No this would render healing next to worthless.


Only a DPS would want or desire this view. Obviously you have no PVP healing class.


I am Valor rank 83 and can tell you that it is very tough to heal people and keep them up.




(Even 2 players with 4k each is 8k and my best heal ever is 7k)


Healing is balanced right now, learn to play.

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Also... your forgetting that neither of you are taking damage while attacking the healer. You may not be able to kill him..but he cant kill you either. I call that balance.


Yea people just do not have a clue on how to play against a healer.


When I have a DPS on me I can not use my energy to DPS as I then can not heal myself.


People need to roll a healer to understand this, but you can not fix stupid.

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Play smarter.


Last night I was in a Huttball and there was me and a Jugg together who got jumped by a Marauder and dps Op. They focused on the Jugg, and proceeded to let me sit back and heal him unhindered until he killed one and forced the other to try to escape.


I wasn't hiding or anything, and it was obvious that the Jugg was being healed. But I'm sure those two players immediately came to these forums and started complaining about OP healing in their WZ.

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It's no secret that healing in this game is overpowered. The only people arguing that it isn't are the ones that are taking advantage of it's lack of balance. I would ask these people to not be short sighted and think about the good of the game first.


You have got to be kidding.


Healers are not OP.


First off healing (I play a SI-S, so I can’t comment about the other healing classes) is not easy. I have a rotation and long casting abilities that can be interrupted and I’m in light armor. All this makes for difficult healing in the best of times.


Sure I can heal through a dps who is on par or below my gear level but a better geared good player can take me out. And even when I can hold my own and keep myself up, I’m not doing much damage and I’m certainly not healing a lot of other people. So here is what I see; two comparably geared and skilled players, one healer vs one dps tends to be a stalemate. If anything that tells me that it’s pretty well balanced as it is.


Also the whole point of playing with others is to use team work so team up and focus fire. Chain stun the healer (happens to me all the time) and apply a liberal dose of dps.

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As both a healer and dps, I don't get how anyone can say healing isn't OP?

It's so easy to keep people alive, even if they're focused. The only way people die is when they run out of range. and I only use a dps set...I don't even use a healing set and have an extremely easy time.


And when I'm dps, 1v1, it's impossible to kill a healer with half a brain. You're supposed to be able to drain a healers mana/force and that's how you are able to eventually kill them....yeah that doesn't happen in that game. Healers have unlimited force, etc.

Quit crying about nerfs, they're justified.


Sorcs currently have unlimited force with innervate crits, that's a justified nerf. The sorcs crying about it are being dumb.


Force/ammo/heat regen is indeed a justified nerf


However Innervate without the +25% crit on Force surge doesn't make it a very useful ability, it's abit like cull with no dots on your target it deals damage but it only tickles your target.

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No this would render healing next to worthless.


Only a DPS would want or desire this view. Obviously you have no PVP healing class.


I am Valor rank 83 and can tell you that it is very tough to heal people and keep them up.




(Even 2 players with 4k each is 8k and my best heal ever is 7k)


Healing is balanced right now, learn to play.


Hard to keep people up? Well yeah when they are focused of course. But to handle one or even two attackers isn't so bad for a good healer. I regular have pug healers doing that easily, for and against my team. Your lame example is two people getting high crits, rare occasion.


So this is a bs post imo. ThY being said however I do think healing is pretty well balanced -as is-. Thing is, its not staying the same balance. Expertise is getting a BIG buff which translates into much better healing while damage and mitigation continue canceling each other out. So 1.2 has a high probability of upsetting the balance I honestly believe.

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Yea people just do not have a clue on how to play against a healer.


When I have a DPS on me I can not use my energy to DPS as I then can not heal myself.


People need to roll a healer to understand this, but you can not fix stupid.


You're an operative, you won't feel a thing from 1.2 changes


Merc/Sorc could keep 4-5 people alive while being bashed by a marauder without running out of resources.


And Operative couldn't do this (atleast not to the extend that sorcs/BH's could)


The other healers resource management has been brought in line with that of the operative.

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Healers aren't overpowered, the only time I have trouble killing a healer is when they use the damned bubble shield, mostly because as a shield specced vanguard I can't spike high enough to break it. But if a healer tries to heal themselves? Interupt, cryo 'nade, charge...etc. As a *********** tank I should be the only one complaining about how hard a healer is to kill and i'm not. Edited by Notannos
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I play r71 sawbones scoundrel.


If there are 2-3 healers then you need pick one and focus him down. When you see cast bars over other healer's nameplates drop an AoE stun if you have one or switch targets and interrupt them. You probably won't stop all the heals but if your team stays on 1 target you should be able to take 1 down, the others will be that much easier.


It is tough dealing with multiple healers but it's not impossible. It does rely on coordination that you really don't find in pugs.


Since most people pug, I suspect that's the reason for all the qq.


IMO this is the reason it DOES NOT need a nerf (aside from 1.2), the game should be designed around coordinated teams, not random pugs.

Edited by TDRedmage
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I play r71 sawbones scoundrel.


If there are 2-3 healers then you need pick one and focus him down. When you see cast bars over other healer's nameplates drop an AoE stun if you have one or switch targets and interrupt them. You probably won't stop all the heals but if your team stays on 1 target you should be able to take 1 down, the others will be that much easier.


It is tough dealing with multiple healers but it's not impossible. It does rely on coordination that you really don't find in pugs.


Since most people pug, I suspect that's the reason for all the qq.


IMO this is the reason it DOES NOT need a nerf (aside from 1.2), the game should be designed around coordinated teams, not random pugs.


cause if you have a well geared healer vs a dps or sometimes even 2 they wont die atm, not with how healing is currently,

Edited by Notannos
rude, no warning
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cause if you have a well geared healer vs a dps or sometimes even 2 they wont die atm, not with how healing is currently


See how easy that is to do? Fact is, you can easily pressure out a healer 1v1- if you're seriously talking 1v2 or 1v4- then frankly, you shouldn't be able to take that anyway. Start thinking in terms of 4v4 when you're talking 4 healers- if you have 4 dps vs 4 healers- the dps have the option to focus far better than healers due to how it's reactive.

Edited by Notannos
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It actually is possible...me and my tank friend can tank 8 people the two of us for about a minute.


(i'm a merc healer)


however what makes me so incredibly angry is how bad these people in this game are at MMOs...i will admit that i've only played WoW for a month so it might be beyond blindly easy in PvP but in any other MMO there is a really key rule for pvp


Know. Every. Class.


My main is a merc healer. I have a marauder DPS and a scoundrel DPS. I can drop ANY merc healer almost instantly. Why? Because I know the class.


The people who Q_Q'd about merc being OP getting me nerfed make me quite angry...you realize that if you had HALF a brain...even HALF maybe even 1/4 of a brain you'd realize a merc heals EVERYONE AND HIMSELF WITH A SINGLE HEAL!!!!


a merc has several heals allow me to break them down for you...because if you don't L2P even the 1.2 nerfs will still allow me to fight 2vs8


rapid shots: no cooldown...heals for about 500...useless for anything other then saving heat


healing scan: 8 second cooldown...heals for 1-2k...basically is made to trick idiots (99% of the playerbase) into interrupting it so we can heal without problem...it works everytime...no person has ever avoided interrupting my healing scan....again that half a brain comes in here


emergecy scan: 18/21 second cooldown...heals for 1-3k...1 time heal for 1-3k...19 second cooldown..if you can't out dps that then dps isn't for you and you should prob /unsub


kolto shell: 3k heal over 30 seconds...in 1.2 this ability will no longer be used by any good healer...again if you can't beat 3k over 30 seconds then you should /unsub


(if you can't beat 6k over 18 seconds you need to unsub as well)


kolto missle: useless ability IMO...the buffs it gives are decent but not worth wasting the global cooldown imo...6 second cooldodnw...heals for 500-1000 to 3 targets


so with all of those how is it that we heal for so much? heres our last heal and the first one we get at level 10


rapid scan...no cooldown...heals for 3-6k (in pvp...in pve can heal up to 7.5k+) can be spammed endlessly...heals for lots...1 target heal...2 second cast time


one heal...we heal 98% of our healing with...one heal...one...with a cast time...if people had even part of a functioning brain you'd just interupt THAT ONE HEAL...two people can keep that heal on cooldown forever!! BUT YOU DONT!


ahggggg *smashes head into wall over idiots getting nerfs sent out*


ty man

couldnt be more clear

hope some of the keyboardsmashers read this

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Did YOU read the 1.2 notes? With the change to expertise and the increases across the board to expertise on gear, they are massively buffing healing of all kinds.


healing an damage, boths are afected by expertisse

the point here is that people need to learn when to interrupt a healer and how to STOP spamming CC when the resolve bar is full.

A healer properly interrupted and Cc'ed wont be healing his team and eventually will die

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healing an damage, boths are afected by expertisse


Expertise increases damage done, healing done, and reduces damage taken.


Damage done flatly canceled with damage reduction. It doesn't matter if both people have 500 or 1500 expertise.


But healing done is never reduced - it only goes up. With the expertise DR change and across the board increases - healing is about to jump 10-15%.




A healer properly interrupted and Cc'ed wont be healing his team and eventually will die


Unless there is another healer. Or even a third!

Edited by EternalFinality
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Expertise increases damage done, healing done, and reduces damage taken.


Damage done flatly canceled with damage reduction. It doesn't matter if both people have 500 or 1500 expertise.


But healing done is never reduced - it only goes up. With the expertise DR change and across the board increases - healing is about to jump 10-15%.






Unless there is another healer. Or even a third!


nope but anyways

tacticts and coordination will prevail always and if u have 3 healers u just have to outdps them properly, meaning that, interrupting , CC'ing them and avoiding them to be healing their dps'ers will certainly lead to an imballance and u will be able to get ur objectives

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Team 1:









(lets be honest, no one 'tanks' in pvp)


Team 2:










When a DPS gets on a healer, assuming said DPS doesn't suck, the healer is no longer healing their team. THey are trying to survive. Period. No single healer can heal themselves through a quality DPS player AND heal their team. So, with your supposed issue.. Every DPS player on Team 2 can negate 1 healers activity on team 1. Essentially taking them out of the fight. SO we have the following match ups with a full clash. DPS vs DPS will be a match of skill/gear/rock paper scissors depending on the classes, I'll call that 'conflict' which is what PVP should be.


Healer - DPS (Negated)

Healer - DPS (Negated)

Healer - DPS (Negated)

DPS - Healer (Negated)

DPS - DPS (Conflict)

DPS - DPS (Conflict)

DPS - DPS (Conflict)

DPS - DPS (Conflict)


See how that works? Now, that could boil down to a pretty even match up. Take 1 of team 2's DPS have them ignore team 1's DPS and go after one of the healers and double team it... you'll kill it pretty fast if the other healers are tied up, learn to CC effectively and utilize the terrain and you can sway the odds in your favor.


Healing isn't OP, Skill is.


This is not an issue.

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Expertise increases damage done, healing done, and reduces damage taken.


Damage done flatly canceled with damage reduction. It doesn't matter if both people have 500 or 1500 expertise.


But healing done is never reduced - it only goes up. With the expertise DR change and across the board increases - healing is about to jump 10-15%.






Unless there is another healer. Or even a third!


Split dps. Hard to heal someone else when you're being beat on. Killing healers is simple. At least with my class anyway.

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nope but anyways

tacticts and coordination will prevail always and if u have 3 healers u just have to outdps them properly, meaning that, interrupting , CC'ing them and avoiding them to be healing their dps'ers will certainly lead to an imballance and u will be able to get ur objectives


Nope? Hmmm, nope...


Interesting argument.


It's impossible to say healing will not get a 10-15% buff thanks to expertise. Add that to the 10% from current expertise and we see the cancelation of trauma, which was a mechanic used to balance pvp healing.


Healing now is balanced.

Healing in 1.2 with top gear will not be.

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I LOL'd at the sniper not being able to kill a healer. The only thing ANY class healer can do with an equally geared/skilled sniper focusing them is LOS (or vanish if smug/op) and then the healer is removed from his role anyway. Snipers melt healers plain and simple.
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