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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Over Powered healing killing PvP


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Interrupt will lock one heal ability among four of them. And has long CD to let me cast my big-crit-superheal twice before interrupting again.

Also I have alot of CC too to kite all dd around me. Shield, force speed, interrupt (yeah I have it too), slow, snare etc.


You really think an experienced player is going to use only the interrupt power to try and stop you from healing? :rolleyes:


On average I can shutdown a healer for around 20 seconds, around 40 seconds if lucky.



Also take into account that no-burst characters (almost all of them) must wait some time before starting to make some noticeable damage to me. Dot's are subject for cleanse. And as for me I could make myself 100% HP from almost zero in 3-4 seconds. Could you take down 100% HP to zero as dps in 3-4 sec? Guess not. Guess even two of them couldn't.


Technically it takes 10-15 seconds for any damage dealer (or two of them) to start really annoying me that I must switch to selfheal. Before that I just heal others and a little bit self. Also do run-kite-CC-throw out dots.


Don't need to kill you to make you unable to heal other players. Every moment you spend running, distancing, using other attack or CC powers, focused on me to try and avoid my assaults, healing spent on yourself... all means no healing for your friendlies.


That's all that matters.



It is very hard even impossible to kill my sage 1-1 or 1-2. Tank or second healer in vicinity could let me to tank 4-5 dps in 10 seconds sure. Somewhere balance is not properly thought.


Stop playing against bads.

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You really think an experienced player is going to use only the interrupt power to try and stop you from healing? :rolleyes:


On average I can shutdown a healer for around 20 seconds, around 40 seconds if lucky.


Don't need to kill you to make you unable to heal other players. Every moment you spend running, distancing, using other attack or CC powers, focused on me to try and avoid my assaults, healing spent on yourself... all means no healing for your friendlies.


That's all that matters.


Stop playing against bads.


20 or even 40 seconds is too long period for killing or disabling one person for dd. Yeah, one interrupt is fine. Two? Three? Not every class have such utility. Almost none of them ))

And why do you think that my only and biggest aim only is to heal my friends?

My team is trying to do objectives. You could spend 20-40 seconds trying to kill me, sure. It means that you are strongly kited, couldn't do objectives, could do nothing but only focus one person only. But this very person is able to kite-cc-heal others in vicinity in this time. And definitely you will be thrown to pieces 3-4 times in 20 seconds by around zerg-party :p

It is very hard to cap a turret or plant a bomb with tank and healer defending. Respawn is faster.

We both are able to live and defend turret for 10 seconds versus whole team :D This time is enough for backup. Or we could just die and respawn to newly capped turret faster then opposing team arrive ))


Nobody could kill enough for a long time to reach tactical advantage.. It is fun )))))

Edited by artemsilenkov
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What happened to the sea of marauders everyone is complaining about surely they are destroying healers left right and centre.


I play healer on my main and can confirm their is almost no complexity or skill required to healing in this game its far more one button mashing than any other spec and requires next to no situational awareness other than to make sure you are not actually standing in the fire for too long. How often do you see a healer facing the wall and healing away merrily.


However they are only OP because of the ludicrously poor design of voidstar.......in hutball healers are fine having more than 1 or 2 is actually a disadvantage.....The only way to win Voidstar against 3 healers is to defend first and pray none of the nabs in your team makes a stupid mistake. Once you have 8 people on teamspeak with 3 healers this warzone is going to become even more pointless than it currently is the doors need to be much further apart.

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Here is a common scenario that may shed some light on the "Healers are Too OP" theory:


Somebody gets hit by two tracer missles (I know, I am going out on a limb here) and somehow manages to survive the onslaught. A healer notices this and immediately casts an instant on said tracer missle recipient, who then goes into panick mode and pops an instant WZ med (the ones you can buy for next to nothing or just recieve from your dailies) which instantly returns 35% of their total health and may even cast an off heal on themselves for good measure. The result is: that SOB healer just I Dream of Jeanied so and so to full health.


I can not wait for ranked WZs to prove just how laughable healers are in this game.


I wish that BW would get some dignity and remove all of the stuns from dps toons...give me one minute trolls...and replace them with dps abilities that they can use in their rotations to give them an advantage in combat based off of skill and efficiency. Nobody likes stunlocks, I even feel like a creep for using them with my toons.


That or maybe to increase population and make most of these posters happy: merge all classes into the Jugasorcebountopertechtroomarasniper and just give everybody every ability in the game.

Edited by TheConjecturer
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Globaling people will remove any doubts that healers are overpowered. People can run 4 healer teams and wonder why they can't take nodes in voidstar and aldeeran while the rest of us will run balanced groups and dominate 4 healer teams. So please play these team so we can enjoy the free points.


Burst is king in pvp, coordinated teams will focus fire and guarded healers will drop like a White House intern during the Clinton administration.

Edited by Orangerascal
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there are no problem with healers or dps in this game. Healers shouldn't be nerfed. The problem is, tanking is copletely screwed in pvp. If tanks could somehow resist tech and fore powers better, the pvp would've been balanced. As it stands now, tanking is almost usefull in pvp. Make 3 specs balanced and everything'll be key.
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The number of Voidstars decided by who defended first is going to greatly increase and the majority of teams will go in with 3 healers. They need to either increase the objectives in this warzone somehow or change the shape of it.
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Healing isn't OP right now. Having more than 3 healers in a WZ is a waste. As BW have mentioned numerous times, they do not balance the game around 1v1, and that their focus is on coordinated team play. It is hard to understand team balance when you can only look at it from one perspective (Your class). Try playing a few different roles.


Is it boring 1v1ing a healer? Yes... super boring... I have been on both side of that battle. It takes a long time and not a lot of skill, and eventually the DPS wins. However, I can see what BW is trying to accomplish with this setup. It is trying to encourage teamwork by forcing people to focus healers. Healers, especially Sage/Sorc dies in a few seconds if you focus burst them. It does not make a difference even if their entire team are healers, the diminishing return for having more healers is pretty bad in this game. Have your Ops Leader mark the healers and focus them.


I am on a pretty low population server which translate to PvPing with the same group of people all the time and we have gotten pretty good at knowing who to focus first. Healers get instant gibed once they are in range and there is little they can do.


In conclusion, I don't think Healing is OP or UP, but it isn't "fun" either. Right now, you either LOL your *** off because the other team is noob, or you get instant gibed because they have the slightest teamwork. The nerfs in 1.2 doesn't address this issue. They are just going to make them die faster once they are focused.

Edited by Vinxius
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1. Have a BH/Trooper pull the opposing healer out of a purple/golden circle.


2. Interrupt heals


3. Smuggler/IA shoots orbital strike into the purple or golden circle. \


4. Have friendly AoEs inside and outside the cicle (damage while charge attacks such as the AoE lightning work especially well).


5. With more than two healers stack circles for maximum profit.

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I have a dps arsenal merc and a heal sorcerer.


i find that as sorcerer I have an easier time. I can easily heal myself, heal my group and speed myself away from trouble when i get focused. Of course.. sometimes people die :)


As merc I can do damage of course. But i have much harder time to actually kill someone when this someone is a healer.

I can solo a healer if i have all my cooldowns and pop them all at the same time, and time my stun dart and kickback carefully. If not they win since they can outheal my damage.


Since pvp is a rapid moving environment this effectively gives an advantage to healer, the more you survive, the more you tie down dps, the more others in your team can do objectives or come to help you.


As dps my choices for tying down someone are limited. stun? LOS?

Edited by Wisz_Rethon
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I can solo a healer if i have all my cooldowns and pop them all at the same time, and time my stun dart and kickback carefully. If not they win since they can outheal my damage and squeal for help on ts until I have half of the other team focusing me.


Maybe a healer with no pvp gear.

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It's no secret that healing in this game is overpowered. The only people arguing that it isn't are the ones that are taking advantage of it's lack of balance. I would ask these people to not be short sighted and think about the good of the game first.


The vast majority of people that PvP, do so to mess someone up. It's been the foundation of PvP in MMOs since PvPs conception. Now when healing imbalance turns the PvP experience into an exercise in frustration like we're starting to see, people quit and find something else to do. While it may be fun to take advantage of healing imbalance and spam LOL at these people while blocking their ability to achieve. It's not going to help with long term retention.


We're already getting the same syndrome that Rift saw with it's overpowered healing. ie. stack healers and spam which leads to:


Boring PVP is Boring!


Leads to:


see ya!


Additionally, it's bad enough the combat mechanics in this game are so slow and clunky. Why would you want to add the slow boring grind that comes with overpowered healing into the mix? You're just exasperating an unpleasantness in the game.


I am not Chuck Norris, and I approve of the QQ rage that this OP is feeling but I feel he is capable of more. To his opponents in warzones, keep up the good work!

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actually a mix of rakata from ops and some crafted stuff. Earpiece and one implant are crafted and augmented with aim, the belt is exotech, the other implant id from dailies and I have one champion relic and the matrix cube with my TM spammer.


The sorc is a little less advanced in gear so I still mostly use columi.


You could call me a pvp tourist ;)

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What a useless thread, 2 dps class can take down a healer very fast and if hes healing himself then he cant heal the team, if team is protecting the healer then nerf every classes and buff your dmg so you can easily kill them!!!!111


And update 1.2 will nerf healers anyways, they will actually run out of force or ammo or whatever.

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agreed completely OP. When we come up against a team full of healers we may as well leave warzone, its an exercise in futility trying to win. They stand there and heal each other and never die, be it huttball(far more irritating in this one) or voidstar. They score one point, or go through one door, and then camp just enough to win the match.


Just curious - how is encountering a team full of healers an instant ticket to losing a warzone? You may be unable to kill them, but they shouldn't be able to kill you either. In other words, in Alderaan they will have a hard time taking nodes from your team, and in Voidstar they will have a hard time capping doors on offense since they won't be able to easily kill you.

Edited by Shlamorel
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I agree with the OP. Its completely unnatural too. If you get 2 or 3 healers in one WZ, people are very hard to kill. They out heal DPS, I have heard healers complaining about Nerf's to their healing too, but to be honest, they don't see the bigger picture here. They are making every one virtually into tanks, that cannot be killed.
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to put it simply if you think healing is OP and killing PvP then you shouldnt even be playing SWTOR.


you will be lucky to be able to solo tank 1 person in swtor as a healer. in most mmo's healerst ake 5 to 10 people to take out just to kill 1 healer or you can go as far as world of warcraft were it took lituraly 30 people to take out a holy paladin LOL now that was rediculous.



healing in swtor is perfectly fine. healers are already going to be worthless in 1.2 so nerfing them even more is making me think whats the point in having healing class's in swtor at all.



if i can kill healers solo im sure the rest of you can.

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