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Why does the ship leave the planet when I enter it?


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Yes, and perhaps my last comment on this - as a long time game designer myself - is that the design decision was a lazy, poor one. They can easily do better. That isn't an insult. The rigours of production often force such decisions, especially on a project of this size and scale. However, it's easily fixed, and I sincerely hope they revisit it.


this explanation pretty much applies to all of the games shortcomings.

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No shutters, there should be dock workers on ladders cleaning my windows :D


Don't forget friends/enemies outside your ship making faces or doing other things to get your attention. ;):cool:


Or if your ship crash-lands...and you see all of these really large and hungry beasts coming toward your ship... :eek:


Edited to add a small wall of text:


Star Wars Galaxies
eventually had the best implementation of space (even pilot skills were separate from combat level, pilot XP meant a level 1 character could become a master pilot with enough dedication) that I have ever personally experienced in an MMO as I was in control of my own ships while in space, no rails. I truly felt like I was inside my own ship looking out at a huge galaxy, seeing other ships and knowing that their pilots and passengers were looking at my ship in the same way. My passengers could view the same things, through windows if in a larger ship, and move about my ship as they pleased or participate in combat by manning gun turrets, perform ship repairs etc. Taking one's friends from one planet to the next was simple and realistic from a Star Wars universe perspective, although the need for space stations to land was a bit off. Direct landings at spaceports should have been possible.


With instanced hangars in SWTOR, these could become landing bays for a more personalized landing experience if one has friends waiting or watching. Tie these in with groups/guilds for more interaction.

Edited by BBQedGamer
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I would absolutely love if the space section of the game was off the rails, and more like an Elite/Privateer (but not so involved obviously). There are myraids of ways to tie it into the main gameplay. Alas, it won't happen this time around....
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  • 2 weeks later...

Also - and I just noticed this - you take a Fleet Pass to the fleet, so you arrive in the shuttle bay. Then when you leave you have to take your own ship. Er... how? Why is my ship there if I took a shuttle? The result of the Fleet Pass should be either to have me return to the planet I came from by shuttle (i.e. it's a return trip), or dump me outside my own ship on the way there so it makes sense (i.e. I took my ship there, but was granted special priority access or something).


There are really too many illogicalities in the way this has all been set up...

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Also - and I just noticed this - you take a Fleet Pass to the fleet, so you arrive in the shuttle bay. Then when you leave you have to take your own ship. Er... how? Why is my ship there if I took a shuttle? The result of the Fleet Pass should be either to have me return to the planet I came from by shuttle (i.e. it's a return trip), or dump me outside my own ship on the way there so it makes sense (i.e. I took my ship there, but was granted special priority access or something).


There are really too many illogicalities in the way this has all been set up...


The droid drove it.


How did you not know that?

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I'd like to know the reasoning behind making the ship leave whatever place you are at as soon as you enter it. I find it illogical and de-immersive.

So do I. All I usually want to do is visit the ship in order to park the character there to build up rested XP. I don't need a goddam takeoff scene every time I visit the ship - there's too many loading screens in the game as it is!

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So do I. All I usually want to do is visit the ship in order to park the character there to build up rested XP. I don't need a goddam takeoff scene every time I visit the ship - there's too many loading screens in the game as it is!



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I'd like to know the reasoning behind making the ship leave whatever place you are at as soon as you enter it. I find it illogical and de-immersive. If I need to go there for any reason I apparently take off, leave the planet, fly into orbit, and then return to the planet, dock, and exit when I leave.


There doesn't seem to be any gameplay reason to force this. Why not hold any leave/enter cutscene until I actually choose it. Block off the front window view with shutters if that is the issue - makes sense when docked anyway.


The space side of this game has a lot of potential and I love the ships. This one illogicality is breaking it for me.


Not sure what class you play, but all of mine get a companion that optimizes and flies and wants permission to so just that.


What I'm saying is that perhaps your companion prepping for leaving the system, and to do that, you must take off.

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Not sure what class you play, but all of mine get a companion that optimizes and flies and wants permission to so just that.


What I'm saying is that perhaps your companion prepping for leaving the system, and to do that, you must take off.



Nah man, you miss the point. I should be able to enter my ship without leaving the planet. It makes no sense as it is.

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Edited to add a small wall of text:


Star Wars Galaxies
eventually had the best implementation of space (even pilot skills were separate from combat level, pilot XP meant a level 1 character could become a master pilot with enough dedication) that I have ever personally experienced in an MMO as I was in control of my own ships while in space, no rails. I truly felt like I was inside my own ship looking out at a huge galaxy, seeing other ships and knowing that their pilots and passengers were looking at my ship in the same way. My passengers could view the same things, through windows if in a larger ship, and move about my ship as they pleased or participate in combat by manning gun turrets, perform ship repairs etc. Taking one's friends from one planet to the next was simple and realistic from a Star Wars universe perspective, although the need for space stations to land was a bit off. Direct landings at spaceports should have been possible.


With instanced hangars in SWTOR, these could become landing bays for a more personalized landing experience if one has friends waiting or watching. Tie these in with groups/guilds for more interaction.


oh those joyful memories... best immersive space game ever. I remember jumping into hyperspace to some starsystem, way off the usual routes to do some mining and analysis. When I went away from the cockpit to look up some stuff in my quarters on board I was attacked by a bunch of PvP players with Tie Interceptors, totally unexpected.. hurried back to the cockpit and finished them off.. then I took their exploded cargo on board and started mining...another day in SWG, great it was indeed.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I'd like to know the reasoning behind making the ship leave whatever place you are at as soon as you enter it. I find it illogical and de-immersive. If I need to go there for any reason I apparently take off, leave the planet, fly into orbit, and then return to the planet, dock, and exit when I leave.


There doesn't seem to be any gameplay reason to force this. Why not hold any leave/enter cutscene until I actually choose it. Block off the front window view with shutters if that is the issue - makes sense when docked anyway.


The space side of this game has a lot of potential and I love the ships. This one illogicality is breaking it for me.


The game can't read your mind and doesn't know if you're going your ship to turn in a quest (which usually has you go to another planet) You being lazy and forgetting to turn in a quest isn't your droids problem (considering he is the one flying it)

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They just need to make the cut scenes the actual loading screen.


proposed that in the suggestions box several times. Get rid of any loading screen, just keep the little wheel in the right corner and show some nice spaceship or elevator animation instead, or where necessary an electonic panel with cool star wars type graphics as loading progress.

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The game can't read your mind and doesn't know if you're going your ship to turn in a quest (which usually has you go to another planet) You being lazy and forgetting to turn in a quest isn't your droids problem (considering he is the one flying it)


You, also, are missing the point. It's a fairly simple point I thought... read some of the other replies.

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