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Kotor fans


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I just wanted to see how many KOTOR fans we have out there!


Also wanted to thank the creators of this game that there is so many KOTOR refrencess and quests in the game, i really enjoy that aspect of the game ALOT! And im sure there are many that share my view;)

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Loved KOTOR.


But boy did my character run in a funny way :)


I liked KOTOR 2 but I couldn't make heads or tails of the story line. I felt like Square Enix had taken over writing duties half way through. Loving SWTOR so far. Took me a second to go `oooohhhh Darth Revan.. righttt` on Dromund Kaas. The only thing (and no spoilers if this does happen) is I would love if there was swoop racing in the game. Now that would be awesome..

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Loved KOTOR.


But boy did my character run in a funny way :)


I liked KOTOR 2 but I couldn't make heads or tails of the story line. I felt like Square Enix had taken over writing duties half way through. Loving SWTOR so far. Took me a second to go `oooohhhh Darth Revan.. righttt` on Dromund Kaas. The only thing (and no spoilers if this does happen) is I would love if there was swoop racing in the game. Now that would be awesome..


Square Enix actually did their own version of Star Wars. They called it Final Fantasy XII and just changed some names around. Might as well have called it Sky Wars. lol


Just a few examples:

Vaan - Luke Skywalker

Balthar - Han Solo

Fran - A REALLY hot version of Chewbacca

Judge Gabranth - Darth Vader

The Emperor - The Emperor

Etc. etc. and so on and so forth. :D

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KotOR is overrated for an original trilogy rip-off, KotOR II is amazing.
no sir Kotor 2 isnt even really a rpg its more like a child game where kids learn their ABCs and numbers too. Kotor was maybe the best game I played at that time so many playthroughs yet kotor 2 you only had to beat it once seeing as there was only one ending it's not even on Steam which proves that its a failure compared to the first one.
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no sir Kotor 2 isnt even really a rpg its more like a child game where kids learn their ABCs and numbers too. Kotor was maybe the best game I played at that time so many playthroughs yet kotor 2 you only had to beat it once seeing as there was only one ending it's not even on Steam which proves that its a failure compared to the first one.


KotOR was extremely immature, your typical hero/villain story, you were either batcrap crazy and killed orphans with lightning for no reason, or you adopted the orphans and became a monk.


KotOR 2 was much more mature, and nowhere near as ridiculous, the story didn't just make out the typical groups to be godly, the game judged those groups, looked past the idolisation, saw them for what they were, you were for the first time, allowed to see the Jedi and the Sith with a cynical view, instead of being forced to worship their every ideal.


And how was there only one ending? there were two very distinct endings, one Dark Side and one Light Side, just like the first game.


Also, just so you know, the reason Obsidian won't give the rights to sell that game online to any digital distribution retailer, is because Obsidian simply would not allow it due to a disagreement with LucasArts.


Really, if you are going to attempt an argument with me, at least think it through and know your facts.

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The kotor series and mass effect series are the best videogames I have ever played. My friend loved the game so much, playing it years ago, that he's currently persevering on an endless hunt for an xbox and an italian version of the game, because he believes that will make the game immortal because according to him the pc version of it is bound to die off eventually. Yeah, it's kind of weird. Thing is he's not even a video-game enthusiast. He likes star wars quite a bit, but not as much as you might think. Edited by Atarufighter
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I remember playing KotOR back when I was just a kid... man I think it took me like a year to complete it (at that time I was playing like few hours per week hehe). I guess that is why I love this game so much... sentiment and old memories. It is basically big part of my childhood.


Also on a side note, want to hear a funny story? I had a teacher in school who was called Malak. I always lol'd at that and I will probably remember that guy for the rest of my life. :)

Edited by Deviss
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I just wanted to see how many KOTOR fans we have out there!


Also wanted to thank the creators of this game that there is so many KOTOR refrencess and quests in the game, i really enjoy that aspect of the game ALOT! And im sure there are many that share my view;)


Big fan of KotoR , was a great building block for me and my wife to together enjoy a game . Was the first game we both came to love while together :D

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KotOR is overrated for an original trilogy rip-off, KotOR II is amazing.


I agree for the most part. When I was playing it, I thought it was amazing and a fantastically made game. Since I've matured over the years I've been able to look back on it and see just how mediocre a lot of the storytelling in it was. I'll always be fond of it, but it really did play out like a B-movie.


It doesn't help at all that I think Drew Karpyshin's writing is really sub par for the most part.

Edited by Aximand
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I agree for the most part. When I was playing it, I thought it was amazing and a fantastically made game. Since I've matured over the years I've been able to look back on it and see just how mediocre a lot of the storytelling in it was. I'll always be fond of it, but it really did play out like a B-movie.


It doesn't help at all that I think Drew Karpyshin's writing is really sub par for the most part.


Exactly my thoughts.


I'd take TSL over KotOR anyday.

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And how was there only one ending? there were two very distinct endings, one Dark Side and one Light Side, just like the first game.

No the player could chose to be dark side or light side but the endings were pretty much the same wich isnt a feature of any good RPG look at the mass effect 3 and how it is working out.

With TLS yeah you could save your friends or kill then.. but its not part of the ending because they cut it out so it doesnt realy exist.

Kotor 2 isnt more mature i find it funny when people say that. It looks like it but it isnt, not realy.

i liked both games, but hands down to it kotor has better story telling, no matter how you push for it on kotor 2.

One big clue is the manner you earn you companions for instance. in kotor 2 you earn companions in a very unclear and unsual manner i mean visas marr.. she is sent to kill you and then join you because you defeat her... brianna joins you just because...

My grip is in comparison, to kotor, in the original game your companions are there because of something that is happening not because you are a wound in the force, but because something external to the player character its happening, canderous is there because you need him to get of taris, as well T3, jolie is there because you needed him to get the force fields down etc etc its not because your character is forcing then with bonds and such mystic things imo that isnt mature at all. also in kotor There is a goal, and there is satisfaction in the end, in kotor 2 there isnt any satisfaction in the end its pretty much like mass effect 3 ending and open ending some people think that is mature or intelectual.. it isnt you just wonder what a hell and now what?! what a hell happen now this is it? no closure only more answers. In kotor 2 it was so obvious what it would happen i mean of course you will fight kreia in the end, you just dont know why exactly, and when you find out... i mean what a hell realy? ok i bite. Then i defeat kreia, and then what? no explanations no closure.. im sorry that isnt being mature its caled an unfinished ending no closure of any kind. If they had more time to finish kotor 2, things would be diferent.


Also I tend to agree that in the first glance kotor had more of a stereoptype star wars story arch, but if you realy look at it it isnt realy, It only looks that way because it actualy has a begining, a midle and then a end to it, if you realy look at it it has nothing to do to the movie triology.

Kotor isnt overated its a great game. just because you find it its not up your aley it doenst make it overated.

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No the player could chose to be dark side or light side but the endings were pretty much the same wich isnt a feature of any good RPG look at the mass effect 3 and how it is working out.

With TLS yeah you could save your friends or kill then.. but its not part of the ending because they cut it out so it doesnt realy exist.

Kotor 2 isnt more mature i find it funny when people say that. It looks like it but it isnt, not realy.

i liked both games, but hands down to it kotor has better story telling, no matter how you push for it on kotor 2.

One big clue is the manner you earn you companions for instance. in kotor 2 you earn companions in a very unclear and unsual manner i mean visas marr.. she is sent to kill you and then join you because you defeat her... brianna joins you just because...

My grip is in comparison, to kotor, in the original game your companions are there because of something that is happening not because you are a wound in the force, but because something external to the player character its happening, canderous is there because you need him to get of taris, as well T3, jolie is there because you needed him to get the force fields down etc etc its not because your character is forcing then with bonds and such mystic things imo that isnt mature at all. also in kotor There is a goal, and there is satisfaction in the end, in kotor 2 there isnt any satisfaction in the end its pretty much like mass effect 3 ending and open ending some people think that is mature or intelectual.. it isnt you just wonder what a hell and now what?! what a hell happen now this is it? no closure only more answers. In kotor 2 it was so obvious what it would happen i mean of course you will fight kreia in the end, you just dont know why exactly, and when you find out... i mean what a hell realy? ok i bite. Then i defeat kreia, and then what? no explanations no closure.. im sorry that isnt being mature its caled an unfinished ending no closure of any kind. If they had more time to finish kotor 2, things would be diferent.


Also I tend to agree that in the first glance kotor had more of a stereoptype star wars story arch, but if you realy look at it it isnt realy, It only looks that way because it actualy has a begining, a midle and then a end to it, if you realy look at it it has nothing to do to the movie triology.

Kotor isnt overated its a great game. just because you find it its not up your aley it doenst make it overated.


Seems you missed a major plot point about KotOR II, those companions join you because of your force bonding talent, they do things they wouldn't normally do, they follow you into hell and back because they are compelled to, THAT is why they went with you in the game, hell that's part of the reason why the Jedi Council was so scared of the Exile, because all of her life she could form bonds naturally, inspire leadership where no one else could, it was her natural talent.


Yes the endings are very different actually, YOU killed the Jedi and gained your revenge, YOU destroyed the Republic, YOU wiped out the Triumvirate, and became Dark Lord of the Sith by killing your master, YOU are the new Dark Lord, and you are going to become even worse than Darth Nihilus was, with your companions and all Remaining Sith bowing to your will.


Light Side version? You rebuild the Jedi Order, you submit to the Jedi council's will, again.

You give the Republic it's reprieve, and you wiped out the Sith Triumvirate, ended Malachor V, and saved all life in the galaxy, twice.


How aren't they different?


You repeatedly claim that KotOR isn't how I described it, yet you provide NO proof to say otherwise.


Knights of the Old Republic is just Karpyshyn and Hudson taking the Original Trilogy, throwing more lightsabers in, and then stirring it up to give the illusion of being an original and great story.


You also haven't provided the proof of why KotOR II is an immature game, when the opposite is clearly true, your average teen can playthrough KotOR 1 and get the whole thing, almost all the time they claim KotOR II sucked just because they weren't intelligent enough to get that this wasn't just your fantastical typical Star Wars story, it was much more down to earth, it was an intellectual's game, unlike KotOR.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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I see a lot of hate on for KotOR II, and only a few defending it. Personally, I liked it a bit more than KotOR I, for a few reasons.


A. I felt like I had way more control over the story. Certain things only happened if you did something a certain way, as opposed to the entire story being completely mapped out for you as it was in KotOR. The color and style of the lightsaber that Atris brought out was just one example. I could choose whether to let the Jedi Order kick me out or quit, and my choice was reflected later on in the game.


B. Detractors claim it only has one ending. That's not entirely accurate. The "endings" for each of your companions are given to you by Kreia after the final boss fight is pretty much over except for her croaking. They differ depending on the choices you made throughout the game.


C. Could it have been done better? Yes. I've played both the original and the redux with the added content. Redux is a LOT better.


Anyhow, that's my view on KotOR II, and why I enjoyed it a bit more than KotOR. :)

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