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Battlemaster Bag


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If you are doing your PvP daily/weekly quests on a regular basis, then no -- that's not normal. You are unlucky. If you aren't doing your daily/weekly quests regularly....Well, who can say? I'm closing on my third BM commendation vendor purchase (but I made sure that I had 1000/1000 going into patch 1.1.5), and I'm sure that there are people out there who have bought more than that from the vendor. Maybe you don't play very much? Edited by belialle
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0-14 on bags, I do the daily everyday. Ive done the weekly only twice however..so maybe tings will turn soon. It is frustrating to see people valor 68 in full battlemaster and I dont have a single piece... Edited by btmarine
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Ive debated quitting over it, I mean its so frustrating. But I also realize there is a random factor to it....I mean its there game..it just seems to generate so much animosity for the game...why would you do it?


By the way Im standing next to a guy right now, he is rank 66 with 5 pieces, not counting the implants. His name is Yar'surus on the Rubat crystal server. I am near 66 with 0 pieces...I actually counted...I am 0-19 on bags. i am about to turn in my 2nd set of 1000/1000..so tomorrow i will have 2 commendations.

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I do the dailies everyday and I get the weeklies done each week. I hit BM just under one month ago and I have only received five BM tokens.


Fifty-four bags and only five BM comms. Frustrating to say the least.

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Whenever you implement a system based on luck and not accomplishment devs you risk losing part of your player base. When are developers going to realize this?


To counter this luck system you made a BM token coast 4000 warzone tokens. Honestly guys do you understand how long it takes to get even just 1000 warzone tokens? So it is either get lucky which we have no control over or grind nothing but warzones to try and get tokens? Fabulous mechanic devs just fabulous

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Yeah I'm not going to continue. I cancelled...I cant stand the thought of going on and being upset over something so stupid. If I have to play 65 or so decent matches per commendation....that seems unreasonable to me. I know...my decision. But my wife doesnt care, so no where else to vent.
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0-14 on bags, I do the daily everyday. Ive done the weekly only twice however..so maybe tings will turn soon. It is frustrating to see people valor 68 in full battlemaster and I dont have a single piece...


You realize if you finish your dailies everyday, you WILL finish weeklies every week right?

You should be getting 16 bags a week + 1 BM Comm with 1000/1000.


It takes about 50 WZ (which means 150 ilum pick ups - weekly done) to get 4000 WZ comm on average.

Edited by warultima
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I am seriously starting to think there is a bug. I used to get champion tokens all the time, but since the bag change went live, ive opened countless (probably 100+) champion bags without a single champion token, and since i got battlemaster ive opened about 15 or so and not gotten a single battlemaster comm. Another guild member says he got 4 tokens from opening about 10-12 bags and he only got BM about a week before me. I dont expect it will change since they are supposedly doing away with bags completely eventually but i wish they would do something for the short term. I'm being completely passed by in gear by people who leveled up after me.
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I would like to see champ comms exchangable for BM ones in any ratio, even 1000:1


I think I am closing to my third 1k stack of Champion comms (spent rest on my companions gear) and basically have nothing to do with them anymore, same as with Centurion ones.


That aside, I do my dailies very rarely due to lack of time to play but I only miss offhand and boots/hat BM gear. So droprate is not that bad. Maybe I am just lucky but on tuesdays when I usually do both dailies and weeklies I get 2 BM comms out of 4 bags, once I got 3.

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I think the OP's concerns are more far-reaching than BW seems to realize.


The current "luck-based" PvP reward system is fundamentally flawed, because even in average to optimal conditions the 25% chance to receive a commendation leaves the player upset far more often than not.


Is nobody at Bioware familiar with Loss Aversion?


This means that even if we doubled the rate at which people received commendations from bags (25% to 50%), the player will--overall--feel worse off over time because every disappointment-filled bag hits us harder than the comm-filled ones can make up for, relatively speaking.


The solution is simple: each bag contains 1 commendation, and each piece of gear costs 4 times as many comms. This change would keep players consistently happy because they will never feel like they're being cheated relative to their fellow players. The fact that this change has not already been implemented is quickly approaching ridiculous.


I've had full BM for a long time, but BW's lack of attention to such a simple problem is still incredibly frustrating.

Edited by Trephination
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The solution is simple: each bag contains 1 commendation, and each piece of gear costs 4 times as many comms.


I would rather do this and turn it into a gear grind than how it is now and potentially going weeks of doing all my dailies without a single bit of progress.

Edited by Narsos
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I think the OP's concerns are more far-reaching than BW seems to realize.


The current "luck-based" PvP reward system is fundamentally flawed, because even in average to optimal conditions the 25% chance to receive a commendation leaves the player upset far more often than not.


Is nobody at Bioware familiar with Loss Aversion?


This means that even if we doubled the rate at which people received commendations from bags (25% to 50%), the player will--overall--feel worse off over time because every disappointment-filled bag hits us harder than the comm-filled ones can make up for, relatively speaking.


The solution is simple: each bag contains 1 commendation, and each piece of gear costs 4 times as many comms. This change would keep players consistently happy because they will never feel like they're being cheated relative to their fellow players. The fact that this change has not already been implemented is quickly approaching ridiculous.


I've had full BM for a long time, but BW's lack of attention to such a simple problem is still incredibly frustrating.


The solution already exists, 1.2 will be removing the bag system entirely. I can understand people quitting over it, it's utterly frustrating and completely moronic (sometimes BW just makes me facepalm with what they thought was acceptable) but at least they realize this and have communicated out how they are planning on changing it. That's enough to make me tough it out for now at least.

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Could we at least convert our champion commendations into battlemasters ?

Even if it's a 500 for 1 ratio, i don't care. I've got 1000 champions and they're useless.


Please do something Bioware !


That is a damn good idea. I have been looking for somebody with a legit idea.

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So Valor Rank 65 and still not one battlemaster commendation in a bag....Ive purchased one commendation and am closing in on another. Is this about normal? It is a little frustrating.


you're just having a streak of bad luck. no need to complain about it

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Considering what they're doing with Patch 1.2, this entire thread is moot beyond the issue of using luck rolls to progress (but then is a loot drop from a boss not a luck roll ;) ).


That's my whole reason for not QQing all over the forums about it. Loot in MMOs are supposed to be luck based. Being a PvPer shouldn't entitle you to get guaranteed loot just for playing

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