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Where do lightsabers go from here?


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Jedi / Sith = Lightsaber /thread


You dont want WoW-like glitter everywhere Weapons, right?




And the last idea I got, is to enable legacy XP to level your weapon's DPS, sort of like the legendary weapons in LOTRO.




"Legendary" Grindweapons was the worst idea ever in LOTRO.


At least, how they implemented it... Leveling huge amounts of weapons, then take them apart to level other weapons and combine 8 levels of lottery components.

Edited by Kheldras
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there are still a few colors that would be cool i guess (grey, black, idk whatelse). also the idea of the black core/X color like black/yellow that are for preorder ppl...but mix it up like purple core/red or blue core/green etc etc.


also a saber that has multi color like firefly's or the lava blades from swg: http://eternal-shadows.com/sitebuilder/images/LavaSaber22-345x600.jpg


Lava Crystal would be incredible in game, although it would have to be a flashpoint boss drop. Or perhaps even have it craftable from 3 pieces like it was in galaxies.

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Loving those chopsabersticks!


I'd like to see new light saber combat animations and maybe we could dual wield a regular saber and a double bladed saber at the same time like in one of the intros, or maybe dual wield 2x double bladed sabers.


Or the limp saber Mr. Herbert has haha.


That dueling with a saber and double bladed saber was a one off thing and don't think Shan's Master would have normally done that. Normally I'm sure for safety reasons, you would turn one end of the double bladed saber. BW kept it on because they thought it looked cool. Adding it to the game would be a stupid idea and dual double blades is even dumber. No way anyone could properly wield that. Other then maybe a droid like Grevious.

Edited by JerokTalram
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Ok so the colors are already bring, magenta was lame, republic complained and got purple on vendors, and white!! How does bioware keep weapons interesting for force users? Im shadow and at this point would rather be using some huge pimp war staff, then a lightsaber. You can only do so many colors before your team needs to get creative with hilts and different takes on lightsaber weapons I think.





Pretty much the colour will be irrelevant when most likely crystals with multistats will be implemented. Having a unique colour on your lightsaber might make some players that they are 'special'.


Who knows maybe legendary crystals will make those players 'special'


For me is green which I like. I dont care is if rainbow crystal is just I dont like it

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One thing WoW did right is weapons. Getting a new weapon from a raid, EVERYONE wanted to see what it looked like--and it usually didn't disappoint.


Really not sure where they go from here...I would say fancier hilts...but some hilts are already fancy--just almost impossible to see clearly.


Definitely. One of the most fun things, not just in WoW, but in LotrO as well for me was to dressing room every piece of gear, including weapons. Its too bad, we don't have the variety in weapons with lightsabers. Every saber is the same with just a different colour.

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This problem extends to other areas of the game as well.


Since they're using an established IP there can only be so many lightsabers. Eventually that gets boring and doesn't leave them much room to innovate.


Same goes with planets and flashpoints.


No matter what new content they're going to come out with it's going to be droids and aliens, more droids and aliens, and yet more droids and aliens.




At least with franchises like WoW it's their own and they can add whatever they want. From dragons to robots and everything in between there's no limit to what they can do.


The same just can't be said for the Star Wars IP.

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No matter what new content they're going to come out with it's going to be droids and aliens, more droids and aliens, and yet more droids and aliens.




Different people, different tastes.


Nothing is more satisfying then blowing the nuts and bolts off of droids and then scavenging them for materials. I could do it all day long.


Beats the heck out of killing orcs, trolls, and Nelfs.


NOW, if I could do it to my ship droid, SWTOR life would be perfect. :D

Edited by Andryah
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No matter what new content they're going to come out with it's going to be droids and aliens, more droids and aliens, and yet more droids and aliens.




At least with franchises like WoW it's their own and they can add whatever they want. From dragons to robots and everything in between there's no limit to what they can do.


The same just can't be said for the Star Wars IP.


that makes no sense at all. you have a limitless number of planets each filled with an infinite number of different species of humanoids and beasts. there's not really anything that wow has that can't have an equivalent in swtor.



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Maybe add some color crystals that add some visual effects to the blade.

Possible effects for new color crystals:

- blade takes on a rougher less focused appearance.

- blade pulse

- white or blade lighting that goes up only around the blade.

- blade becomes more angler maybe something like Epyon's from gundam wing.

- blade periodicity changes colors

- blade looks like Foxie's from drawn togther....(yea might be a bit much)

- ect


Maybe have the hilt change things up bring cause a saber to be a short saber or a double side saber to come a light saber scythe.

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