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Where do lightsabers go from here?


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Let level 400 artifice make lightsaber hilts that actually effect the look of the weapon. Perhaps even have mods and enhancements have a physical appearance as well.


Another idea is to keep that state of the art sound production team working on new lightsaber ignition sounds. Something like certain combos of hilt and color crystal make different ignition sounds.


And the last idea I got, is to enable legacy XP to level your weapon's DPS, sort of like the legendary weapons in LOTRO.


Different sabers already have different ignition sounds as well as slightly different blade length/width. Seriously, the sabers are varied enough as they are.

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Combined with your avatar, the concept of a "straponsaber" is very, very disturbing to me as a Trooper player.


General Garza is the best GMILF ever !!!


the talcum powder smell drives me wild !

Edited by ArtMonster
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releasing the color crystals on vendors was stupid imho. They should have atleast made it a rare drop or world boss drop or something. In 6 months people will be bored of lightsabers all together. Its all about looks, and who has the newest toy, not about stats. Making things fully modable is stupid to me to, people should be stuck with the gear look that they got, not change it when they want.


(story) 40 man vanilla WOW Bwl I farmed for my pouldrons of wrath for 6 months and never saw them drop, so I was wearing those lame green ones from aq 40 for 6 months. Made me look like a turtle. Then 40 man naxx came out and I got my ****** black shoulders from there after about 3 weeks. Made it seem like christmas when i upgraded my shoulders after all that time.

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I am sure they will bring out lightsaber crystals that lool ten times cooler, making the people who spent 2.5 million on their creamy white lightsabers finally admit it was a waste of credits.


Truly, I wanted to have a white lightsaber until I actually saw what it looked like lol.

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releasing the color crystals on vendors was stupid imho. They should have atleast made it a rare drop or world boss drop or something. In 6 months people will be bored of lightsabers all together. Its all about looks, and who has the newest toy, not about stats. Making things fully modable is stupid to me to, people should be stuck with the gear look that they got, not change it when they want...


lol....no offense man.:rolleyes:


but I wholeheartedly disagree with everything you said here.



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there are still a few colors that would be cool i guess (grey, black, idk whatelse). also the idea of the black core/X color like black/yellow that are for preorder ppl...but mix it up like purple core/red or blue core/green etc etc.


also a saber that has multi color like firefly's or the lava blades from swg: http://eternal-shadows.com/sitebuilder/images/LavaSaber22-345x600.jpg

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Star Wars really doesn't have a huge variety of lightsaber colors. You have your basic red, blue, and green, plus the occasional purple or yellow or whatever, but that's about it. We might get more two-color crystals (like the black cored ones, but with some other secondary color than black) but I really don't expect a lot of new colors. More likely we'll get more hilt designs and of course better statted versions of existing color crystals... plus presumably the rare ones that are temporarily available on vendors (like white) will get a "real" way to be acquired in game.


It would be interesting to get more love for the non-saber weapons though, especially since I believe all force users have at least one they can use.

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I want spinners and subs on my saber! Then make it flash on and off with the beat of my music.


It's a Lightsaber! It's already one of the coolest most iconic and awesome weapons ever to be seen in the sci-fi genre. How much cooler does it need to be?


I am good with red, green, and blue.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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