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TheFatman the "NEW" Starsider ???


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I have been noticing a trend of people leaving dead servers and flocking in groves to onlt a few heavily populated servers. Is this the "NEW" trend?


I watched this happen on SWG and it caused a major unbalance in server population. Basicaly everyone that played repopulated only 3 servers and all the other servers died.


When developers refuse to address the "too many servers" ssue this almost always happens. It is almost a 100% gaurentee.


If you dont believe me, roll a toon on TheFatman. After that it is self explaining.

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The worst is that "The Fatman" was one of the best balanced servers, that is until Ruin decieded to bring its 600+ group of casuals and socials to our server. Ruin is a prime example of a server destroyer. If they went republic It would have balanced our server to 50-50, or somewhere close to that. But like the OP said it's the issue he described plus ruin = The Fatman server downfall.
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SWTOR has >17x the population of SWG. This is unlikely.


People need to appreciate that SWTOR is far far more populated with casuals - moreso than any other MMORPG I've ever played.


Certain principals apply whether you have 20,000 players or 1,000,000 players.

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To be honest, I would never play on a small "dead" server. I want an active experience and so populated servers are where I am happiest.


Lord Adraas is very populated; I've never played Fatman. Many players from Starsider wound up on Adraas but I assume you're talking about the population numbers and not community.

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I sure hope not.. I thought Starsider was RP server..? :p Considering the Bloodfin (PVP) guilds that matter are here I hope there is no more confusion. The Fatman is PVP oriented and will hopefully stay that way! Painfully casuals and RPrs need not apply. :D Edited by Vortech
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I sure hope not.. I thought Starsider was RP server..? :p Considering the Bloodfin (PVP) guilds that matter are here I hope there is no more confusion. The Fatman is PVP oriented and will hopefully stay that way! Painfully casuals and RPrs need not apply. :D


Yeah, that's what I was wondering lol. Starsider was the unofficial RP server and I haven't seen anything about Fatman and RP, so it was a weird comparison.

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I sure hope not.. I thought Starsider was RP server..? :p Considering the Bloodfin (PVP) guilds that matter are here I hope there is no more confusion. The Fatman is PVP oriented and will hopefully stay that way! Painfully casuals and RPrs need not apply. :D



I agree! We only want the unemployed to join this server. If you cant pvp 22 hours a day 7 days a week ****.

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Well let's be honest, BW let their heads get so big the common sense couldn't find it's way out any more. They hyped up this chunk of crap of a game so much that they had so many forum subs and pre-orders they went totally bat-crap crazy deciding how many servers to set up.


Of course now we're almost three months in and everyone realizes that this game isn't all that and a bag of chips and the population has halved. Heck, anybody could have seen that coming, even if the game was all that you should expect 1/4 to 1/3 of the people are going to play for a few months and quit either because they miss the game they've been playing for years or they realized this game isn't the game they were looking for after all.


Bad on BW for setting up 80 kajillion servers from the get-go tbh, they should have started at about half of what they have now and had a plan in place to expand in a few months if needed. In stead they offered way too many servers to start and now that half the people didn't resub they're stuck with the same problem SWG had post-NGE.


Good job BW, yet again you show the world why you're not fit to host an MMO. By the way, you make SOE almost look like a good company, so I'm sure they thank you.


Many players from Starsider wound up on Adraas


Thanks for the heads up, I'll be sure not to start any toons on Adraas.

Edited by bahdasz
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Well let's be honest, BW let their heads get so big the common sense couldn't find it's way out any more. They hyped up this chunk of crap of a game so much that they had so many forum subs and pre-orders they went totally bat-crap crazy deciding how many servers to set up.


Of course now we're almost three months in and everyone realizes that this game isn't all that and a bag of chips and the population has halved. Heck, anybody could have seen that coming, even if the game was all that you should expect 1/4 to 1/3 of the people are going to play for a few months and quit either because they miss the game they've been playing for years or they realized this game isn't the game they were looking for after all.


Bad on BW for setting up 80 kajillion servers from the get-go tbh, they should have started at about half of what they have now and had a plan in place to expand in a few months if needed. In stead they offered way too many servers to start and now that half the people didn't resub they're stuck with the same problem SWG had post-NGE.


Good job BW, yet again you show the world why you're not fit to host an MMO. By the way, you make SOE look like a good company, so I'm sure they thank you.


Yet at launch everyone cried and said Bioware was the worst company ever because there were queues to log in. If they only had a few servers people would complain they needed more. There is literally no way to appease this bitter (forum) community.

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Yet at launch everyone cried and said Bioware was the worst company ever because there were queues to log in. If they only had a few servers people would complain they needed more. There is literally no way to appease this bitter (forum) community.


Do you work for bioware, or do they just give you a free sub for defending them all the time?

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Do you work for bioware, or do they just give you a free sub for defending them all the time?


I hardly defend them all the time (I actually hate a few things about this game); I just enjoy reading the forums for the community but constantly see threads proclaiming the game's end, calling it the worst thing ever, screaming about Bioware being terrible, etc.


I enjoy the game overall, so I play it. If I thought it was horrible, I wouldn't be here. That's about it. :)

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What would have actually made sense was them pushing back release till the game was ready (think 1.2) so that they didn't have a ridiculously huge population playing on xmas break, thus giving them a better idea of server pops.


What would have made sense for you is to not subscribe to an MMO at launch. Wait until you see enough internet evidence that the game is up to your requirements. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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I seriously don't see the big deal. We are getting 1.2 within 4 months of the game being released with much more content to come after. Games at launch are always the bare bones version of what they wind up becoming in the future.


I personally like being in on something from the beginning and watching it grow and change over time. No MMO will ever be "finished."

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The worst is that "The Fatman" was one of the best balanced servers, that is until Ruin decieded to bring its 600+ group of casuals and socials to our server. Ruin is a prime example of a server destroyer. If they went republic It would have balanced our server to 50-50, or somewhere close to that. But like the OP said it's the issue he described plus ruin = The Fatman server downfall.


Oh God, Ruin. I feel bad for people on that server. Had to deal with them in WAR. *shudders*

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What would have made sense for you is to not subscribe to an MMO at launch. Wait until you see enough internet evidence that the game is up to your requirements. ;)


Are you telling me that you think the game was ready for release and that the desire for xmastime sales didn't have anything to do with them releasing it when they did, and that xmas break didn't artificially increase sever population and thus cause them to open more servers then would have been necessary had they waited until such a time that the game was ready and/or a large portion of their playebase wasn't off on holiday?

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Flocking is usually done in droves. If groves were flocking then you have to deal with a druid infestation. Damn treehuggers.


Sorry to read about all the druids appearing on your server.



This soo needs a +1 vote. ROFL Good catch!

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