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There should be a penalty for leaving a WZ early.


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yeah a penalty of some sort but a reasonable one. if you enter a warzone and your cat catches on fire and you time out what can you do?


You shouldn't be able to re-que until that specific warzone is finished simple, 'easy' and effective.

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If someone leaves a game it opens up a spot for someone else to be cued in.....what is extremely annoying iare the ones that come in the game and stand in a corner with no gear on, or run into the fire and kill themselves over and over taking up a player spot to help secure a win for the other team....or minimally give them an advantage. I have seen this twice as of late, and yes they were reported and i have not seen them since.


There are so many issues with PVP WZ games that will likely not be fixed anytime soon. What we got is what we got.


I don't think penalties are warranted. They get no experience, medals etc....if that is how they want to play it....i say let em be. You stay in a game you still get all the goodies.

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why? why should I waste my time getting clobbered by a premade in a group of morons that stand next to me while I have the ball instead of running in front of me so I can pass it to them


QFE. Also when it's not even 30 seconds into the defensive round of Voidstar and the premade has planted the bomb, because my team is fighting far away from the doors. Leaving nodes with no defense is another peeve of mine as well.


What really frustrates me is not the players, but this PvP system. I get a lot of these Warzones where it begins with 5 vs 8 and the premade is just clobbering us , gaining as much advantage between us as possible. Then right at the 30 second mark where the Warzone is about to shut down due to lack of players, the 6th persons shows up! Now we're suppose to come back from a huge lead this premade got from the 1:45 it had against us--even though the PUG is still down two players?

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QFE. Also when it's not even 30 seconds into the defensive round of Voidstar and the premade has planted the bomb, because my team is fighting far away from the doors. Leaving nodes with no defense is another peeve of mine as well.


What really frustrates me is not the players, but this PvP system. I get a lot of these Warzones where it begins with 5 vs 8 and the premade is just clobbering us , gaining as much advantage between us as possible. Then right at the 30 second mark where the Warzone is about to shut down due to lack of players, the 6th persons shows up! Now we're suppose to come back from a huge lead this premade got from the 1:45 it had against us--even though the PUG is still down two players?


This happens to me a lot. I think it's people who forgot they were queued and clicked cancel when it popped. I sometimes feel guilty when I click cancel, even in the middle of a boss fight, because I know I might be gimping up to 7 other people. There is a very easy solution: +30 seconds to the begin WZ timer if someone drops their queue.


Also, I to the OP, I must remind you that people are idiots. Most of the time, if you play 10 WZs for the Ilum daily, odds are 3 of those will be wins, even on a tough server. And by the time it's clear you can't win, is it really that a big of a deal to stick it out for your loss rewards? No.

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They do get a penalty for leaving, they get nothing for their time spent in the match they just left.


fix the match maker so it accounts for gear, premades, 8v8 at start and match teams as evenly as possible from the start, problem would solve itself.

Edited by Seriasx
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I usually don't mind if I'm against a premade and I have undergeared and unexperienced people on my team....what bothers me is starting a game with less people then the opposing team.


This is the only time I will leave a warzone. Why should I waste my time and give valor to the other team, knowing that we are going to lose.


It's even worse when we start with less people....the countdown to the game ending begins...then right before it ends, a few more people pop in and cancels the countdown. I mean, ***! After a certain time, they should lock it so people can't enter a game.

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They tried that in WoW. Solo pvpers with half a clue got penalised for wanting to find another game not filled with morons, so they quit. I know, I was one of them.


No to deserter debuffs. Yes to a proper matchmaking system. Yes to votekicking kill farmers and leechers that sit in stealth all game doing nothing.


Some people don't have 3+ hours to do their daily pvp quest because of zoning into fail game after fail game.

Edited by Paralassa
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I'm a proponent of a 10-15 min lockout for quitters. (or bind them to the match they left until it's over).


But jerks are DETERMINED to be jerks and we're already seeing how games go when folks are only present for their 3 ilum kill credits. I just finished a CW match where a member of the opposing team stood on a wall near mid for 80% of the game, just healing himself - the minute our side capped 2. We ended up with triple cap the entire rest of the match and won 550-0.


And that wasn't satisfying for either side. (no we weren't a premade).


It's even worse when it happens on your own side.


There's still work to be done on proper win/lose reward credit. And I'd like to see those Ilum kill credits go away in favor of something more accomplishment based.

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Some people don't have 3+ hours to do their daily pvp quest because of zoning into fail game after fail game.


OK so if you are on a bad streak and don't have time to get your 3 daily wins, then you won't complete your daily that day.


But you did make progress towards 2 ilum quests and collected rewards every match. Don't see the problem there.


And if you're so averse to the conditions of the match that you don't want to play it, a 10 minute lockout doesn't seem too big a punishment.

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All they have to do is... if a player leaves the game early, they can't join another WZ for 15 min.


Takes them a longer time to get badges now.




Gee, man, don't you see - if they will do any quitter penalty - people will just afk for the whole 15 minutes, and WILL NOT fight in lose battle anyway.


We have WarHammer Online, we have quitter's debuff, and we have a dozens of the afkers, standing in the far corners of the stage. Can't you understand that it will be like this?

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Another little side effect of being able to leave WZ's without a deserter buff I've begin noticing on Ilum lately.


Players that go Ilum and often Central Assault in Ilum while queued for a WZ, as queues are very fast on our server, so they simply let the queue run and use it as a way to deny the other faction kills / prevent death.


I had this against a merc at central the other day: he was losing badly against me, but everytime he came close to death he would suddenly despawn and reappear 20 seconds later at full health.

In total, I think I should have killed him a total of 3 times in a row, each time he was able to join the WZ just before I killed him.


This not only means he's the epitome of a loser, but also that his team(s) had to deal with a leaver 3 times in a row for no other reason than his cowardice.


You see the same thing with people who use the WZ's to travel back to the fleet.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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