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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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To those people saying that it's screwing everyone over for something that hasn't started yet. I would suggest going back and re-reading the exact wording...


"..to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial..."




Reading between the lines... they screwed something up with regards the trial weekend that needs fixing and if they didn't fix it sooner rather than later... we'd all be borked. Whatever it is, it would affect everyone, not just the people joining with the weekend passes. Everyone includes me.



Why is there even a need to read between the lines.....


BW just need to come out and say "We F**k'ed up sry.. Here's what went wrong, and this is how we are gonna fix it"


No need for this PR bull.

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Let me explain this to you.








The game runs on a global client. To do what you ask they would need to create a client for every region of the game and patch it separately. This would also basically lock the servers out from one another, I.E Europeans who want to play on North American servers with their friends or vice versa would have to purchase new copies of the game. That is how Blizzard does it. That is why Blizzard can update at different times.


RIFT manages it.

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First, where I'm coming from: I have 18 characters, 2 of which are at 50, most others in the 30's. So yes, I've put in plenty of time to this game and I enjoy it despite it's little problems, which considering it's a very young game, are very tolerable.


Now, as for 'how dare you take servers down doing prime-time' and other similar complaints:


for one, i hardly call the early afternoon prime-time. Most people who play this game are in school of some kind, be it grade school or college or work--all of which means they are not online during this time (except of course if you're on spring break, such as yours truly).


Secondly, they (Bioware) have said that this is indeed an emergency case, and that they try to avoid this kind of down-time as much as possible. I know many might think this statement as a purely public relations statement to try to appease the masses, but think about it, no sane company would purposely take down day-time playing if they can help it. Believe in Bioware!!


And thirdly... there IS life outside of the game, believe it or not (this is why i stated where i was coming from). Take this time to catch up on other games that you've put on hold because of this, or just get outside, socialize (and this is coming from a self-proclaimed hermit).


And lastly, for those that don't fit in the above-- stop trolling!


Thank you.


(ps, moved from a thread cuz management removed suggesting this thread)

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Well if anything this thread proved that all the posturing and claims to quit were all fluff if people cannot deal with a small unannounced down time.


Or they just cannot wait to play a game they hate and have quit lol.

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Communication is key.

Whether it is positive or negative, a company needs to hear what it customers are feeling towards its product/service.

If nothing was said and all was quiet, the company would be lead to think everything is all right since they did not hear otherwise.

So let people express their thoughts/opinions - if u do not like it - it is easy enough not read the forums.

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I am appalled at how the gaming community strikes out at each other. I am an American married to a British Born man. I can see both sides of the coin, so to speak. We are all human beings and I cannot believe that during our evolution, we evolved to bash others upon something so frivilous as to having a game taken down. It does explain why there are so many wars and conflicts in our world. I am really disappointed in our gaming community. Just imagine all the good we could do in this world if we could all stop blaming and bashing and start working together. In the two hours that the servers were down, if each one of this community alone would have spent that time reading a book to under privileged children, helped serve lunch in a soup kitchen or even just becoming a mentor to our children as a whole, we would have made a small dip into the problems out there. Every person on this planet is just as good as the next person, sometimes they just need help seeing that for themselves. Be a part of the solution, not the problems.


Be well and hope that your day does not define you but that you define your day.

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They didn't shut the servers down during a "Peak time" they shut the servers down while they were at work instead of making a trip into the office after office hours. It has nothing to do with it being a EU game or an American game, it has to do with Bioware not wanting to pay people overtime.


Get over yourselves.


/end thread.


useless post...


Im sure they do not take it lightly to down the servers outside maintenance schedule.

funny though, I come back from sports, servers are down, check forum and find a tpoic with 115 pages containing 90% useless comments.


Just go do something else folks, come back 1h after scheduled uptime and im sure it will al be fine again :jawa_biggrin::jawa_biggrin::jawa_biggrin:

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Well, since the servers are offline the 2nd time this week and I have nothing else to do, I will add to the ranting. :D Was sitting all day working to finally have some time off in the evening, playing this enjoyable game and guess what... :mad: Really idiotic times for maintenances in the EU, both announced and unannounced...
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so since you are privy to the inner workings of bioware and this patch please enlighten us with your knowledge.....



oh whats that? you dont have insede knowledge? you dont know what this patch contains? you are parroting what youve glanced at in this thread......



Actually I'm going to go with: they read the patch 'notes', unlike someone I can think of. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.1.5b/3152012


Good try though.

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Heh, funny that.. no matter how much people scream and cry they always thank them for their "understanding and patience" :p


Of course, otherwise it would create a new issue. Another 100 page thread with people to complain about not being thanked for their understanding.

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That you can switch between from the launcher, and get this patch and unpatch depending on what region you want to play on at that time.


And there are plenty of other games which you cannot.


What's that?


This isn't Rift?



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I have a better idea, since people in the US, in the EU and Asia may have different work schedules we should split the player base into several groups:


1. US Players who work at night

2. US Players who work during the day

3. US Players who have a day off on Monday

4. US Players who don't work weekends

5. US Players who have a day off on Tuesday

6. US Players who have a day off on Wednesday

7. US Players who have a day off on Thursday

8. US Players who have a day off on Friday

9. US Players who have a day off on Saturday

10. US Players who have a day off on Sunday but not Saturday


We should then employ similar groups for European and Asian areas. This way we can determine the best time to patch and update servers without inconveniencing anyone.


I don't have the mathematical pedigree to determine when or what the maintenance window will be after this breakout, but I'll leave that part up to someone else to figure out.


you so funny that even my lizzards are laughing at this.


But the solution to keeping complaints down is split the player base up in thouse time zone , who cares abut who get the patch first. they ones that get the patch first will be a beta tester on it and nothing really gained on that :-P


its not like game have a server first on items and stuff registered on a search engine , so the guilds would have theire epic names written all over it :)

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You do it EVERY single week for Europeans, do you even think before you implement things? Some of the stuff you do are some of the most stupid things a company could ever do, lets take down servers in EUROPE during the day because we cant be bothered taking them down at a separate time than the USA, THIS is what pisses people off, playing favourites OR even if you are not, not even THINKING what this would do to people? You literally want to drive people away don't you. You MUST do or are you seriously this ignorant?


I've had my playtime interrupted by the Maintenance almost never before now, apart from the odd weekend one. I have this weird thing called a job..........


I live and work in the UK.


If you are free to play during the normal weekly maintenance of SWTOR then your likely not in a major % of players UK or otherwise, certainly not if your paying for yourself.

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It's crazy how much people complain towards this game.

We have a whole mass of players who complain the content is broken then we have a whole other mass that the content theyre playing was taking down for a couple hours.

Guys the game comes back on it's not going anywhere and yes an "inconvenience" Will and forever be Inconvenient . That's what happens in online games like this. Don't compare to other games because each is very unique it's own ways and possible problems. On top of that. The patch was preventing a "UNFORSEEN" problem when the weekend players started playing. If you can't understand why an emergency patch is an emergency or for whatever reason they take the servers down then maybe playing mmos in general might not be your cup of tea because guess what IT HAPPENS.

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It's crazy how much people complain towards this game.

We have a whole mass of players who complain the content is broken then we have a whole other mass that the content theyre playing was taking down for a couple hours.

Guys the game comes back on it's not going anywhere and yes an "inconvenience" Will and forever be Inconvenient . That's what happens in online games like this. Don't compare to other games because each is very unique it's own ways and possible problems. On top of that. The patch was preventing a "UNFORSEEN" problem when the weekend players started playing. If you can't understand why an emergency patch is an emergency or for whatever reason they take the servers down then maybe playing mmos in general might not be your cup of tea because guess what IT HAPPENS.


You do NOT, EVER!!!! screw over your paying customers for a promotion weekend. period. If the servers are not ready for the weekend then move it a week. It realy is as simple as that. this is NOT an emergency patch. its a patch to enable the free weekend players to get on. that is NOT an emergency. An emergency would be an exploit or gamebreaking issue. this is neither.

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ok i think i understand this.


not sure what the world economy has to do with a game but ok.

and if EU is SOOOOooo much better why are you playing a USA game? ;] haha you can always play AoC ;].


as for your post about EU vs USA economy, might wont to take another look at your facts.

the US is bent over in front of China, but the USA has you bent over in front of us ;]

just what is it Denmark makes ? sells ? exports? if not for the USA EU would be all Germany with a Natzi party leading, your welcome btw ;]


Thats simple enough , becosue it was Bioware and Ea games that bought the rights.

but trust me , if a european company made the same mistakes i would be all over that company too. Like the game hitman , it was danish company that made that game. they didnt have any easy´r than the game dev. have on this game. Valve a piece of my mind as well then they made badly changes to counter strike.


If i pay for a game like to play it , not looking at bugs or down time , just becosue so company dont want put in the money into more staff and split up in timezones world wide.


And why have they even put in a tab for live agent chat when you cant even get to write to you in the game , but you have to check your email for repsonce from the admins.

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Taken from Wikipedia, I guess both of you are "correct"


BioWare is a Canadian video game developer founded in February 1995 by newly graduated medical doctors Ray Muzyka, Greg Zeschuk, and Augustine Yip. BioWare is currently owned by American company Electronic Arts.

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