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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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Personally pissing off the people that aren't on trial is a good idea? I mean come on BW you are losing people by the day. I'm not going anywhere but some of the decisions that are being made isn't good for business. =D I'm not going anywhere time to go play in the green stuff that is outside
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I knew it! I can't play because the stockholders want more new people in the game. So now all loyal people should be hold back for the new people.


how can you blame them?


If i owned a large business ide do a lot of things in order for the revenue to increase.

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All I read on this here forums is doomposts; how the game is dying, loosing subs, the world ending etc.


Yet whenever something like this patch happens, a lot of people whine and complain, and feel entitled, showing 0 patience.


So, everyone is getting all their panties in a knot cause they can't play swtor, guess you all love the game afterall, eh?

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Rofl they are now patching to get ready for their free weekend invites. "So we will f* up with few subscribers we have left, but let’s hope we will get some new noobs with trials"

So instead of bug fixing BW is working on trial stuff and patching that’s fair.


Yes -it is astonishing.


Let's inconvinience 100.000's of paying EU players, just so a few thousand free players get a better expirience.


- from an already unsubscribed player

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I still havent put my sub back on active, after you nerved my class.....


Somehow, I dont think I will reactivate it, not after this nonsense!


These evenings patches, BLOW.


I pay a subscription, my play times are in the evening, so I expect to play during the evening.

Take example to eve online, they patch just after lunchbreaks in EU time, at least they care for their playerbase.

Take example to lotro, they are also mainly a u.s. based game, but STILL they pay attention to european customers peak times.


Bioware, you keep showing you dont care for your customers.


You say, you want to patch for the weekend.

I am not sure if you know it, but its THURSDAY EVENING, you have more then enough time to patch in OFF-PEAK and still be finished before the weekend.






PS: and even your forum is so buggy, it cant display this message correctly in IE.

Edited by Bangkirai
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So, try to have some sympathy for the EU guys people. If it was Friday night at 8pm EST, or PST.... We'd be in an uproar too but the EU folks wouldnt be taunting because they'd be asleep.


While I agree, emergency patches aren't predictable so ehhh, what can you do - promising "answers" on the forums and then not providing them is a bad course of action.


So to those who are unsubbing, take care and good luck.

To those who are upset, I feel you - I do... but eh, what can we do? Emergency patch.

To those trolling the guy's upset - you're really bored aren't you?



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So the idea is to annoy all your paying customers for the sake of those who aren't paying. I hope you get enough new subscriptions off the back of it to cover those who unsub due to this.


I wasn't too bothered about you taking down the servers. sure it's annoying, but I understand emergency patches need to be done. That was until I saw the reason why. Now I'm quite pissed off. Maybe if you can afford to annoy a large portion of customers to give out free time, you can give out free time to the paying customers to stop them being pissed off.


You should have done this patch during your normal maintenance times tomorrow rather than at peak playtime for Europe today.

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I was with my guild mates just at the final boss of the FE,hoping that a chest was going to drop.

BioWare how you deal with the European customers is really rude and ignoring our voices makes you even more unpopular,bear in mind that if you keep doing like this you will loose customers.

one thing that i am disgusted about this thread is read stupid people offending each others,this hate Europe/America thing is really outrageous,i am European but i can`t accept people who call american people idiots,an intelligent person use different words if he wants to bring an idea,on the other hand i am sick of some americans thinking that the world is and should be as they want,fortunately the both of you are a minority and both disgusting,we all share the passion for star wars,so stop these idiotic flames EU vs America.

Edited by Marshal_Ney
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It's sad to see how outraged people get when they cant be Hot Pocket Nawers......... :confused:I mean it's freaken Star Wars, and that alone should be enough to keep playing, After all, the game hasn't event been out for 6 months yet and people want a perfect game. There is a reason why the game went down, plain and simple. This just means people must now have a life for a few hours...Waaaaa?!?!!? :eek:


Nobody expects a perfect game. But there are sure better ways to handle the patches and to communicate with the community.

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Well folks it is official, to the good folks at bioware you have about 2 months to squeze dry most of your clients, diablo 3 is out in two months and good bye and good ridance to a crappy company (not the game, the company and support staff)
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SO WHY can't this be done in US prime time? No patch was that important to bring the servers down during that time. But i guess that us Europeans don't have the same right like the Americans.


The earlier they tackle this the better. You pay 2 cents an hour to have access to play this game and you complain when they take it down for .04 cents worth? Go outside. It's almost spring.

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Hey EU people...you aren't the only ones suffering :p Some US people are getting hit by this too (like me). Yes, unfortunately they choose EU peak time, but hopefully next time around they'll hit US peak time. Although I would appreciate it if they would explain why immediately instead of telling us to go the forums with no response there.


Agreed, or at least give people advance warning, this is my day off, and I was looking forwards to playing for a few hours before I started all the essential day off chores, like laundry, vacuuming, dishes and errand running. Guess I get those done now and hope I have time later, but things always happen on my day off to keep me from playing. This is just an example. Oh well. :confused:

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So if they do maintenance at 2 a.m. CST people complain. If they do a patch at 1 p.m. CST people complain.


Face it - there's no good time to do it - someone somewhere will be inconvenienced. Deal with it.


Maybe the next one should be 6 pm CST. Sounds fair right? That way everyone can be inconvenienced at different points.

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Lol i knew americans don't learn history and world economic in schools. First Europe is a lot more democracy then USA, second the idea of democracy coming from European country - Greece, third first americans are european prisoners and there are lot more but i will not waste my time to teach you. And there are no dictatorrship countries in Europe plus i live in EU, there are no 3rd world countries too. :p Really stop and see yourself


Yeah... Europe... home of fractional reserve banking, lair of the West's corrupt central banking system, birthplace of John Keynes (author of Keynesian economics, that faltering ideal that's bringing the West to it knees). By the way, proofread a little before you try to make people sound ignorant.

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