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Everything posted by kulaiin

  1. I find it very funny that people believe that the next mmorpg that comes out will not have the same problems and will be something ground braking and diffrent. Here is the deal a mmorpg is a game that develops over time, new content is added, old content is fixed (like all things it brakes down, has problems). Actually swtor was ground braking on one point which is the really dedicated story lines and in general involvement with your character and companions. I hope that the other companies take notes and focus on the story more than the end game (I really do not like the whole idea that the real gaming starts at 50 or 85 or whatever is the last level). Also about the cross realm lfg tool I have my doubts, people will start crying at how this destroyed the community and how no one gives a dawn for the people he is playing with, because it is likely that he/she will never get to play with them again. Seeing this happen on wow I rather take the server merges and the server wide lfg over easy to access flash points with people who keep whining at why are you going so slow. The biggest issue is not the absence of content, but the absence of people with whom to do it with, I believe that this will be fixed after they merge the truly insane number of servers (seriously if we had 15 instead of 30 servers there would not be so many problems). I believe that the other mmorpgs even Diablo (which does not fall under this category) will have the same problems and the same people whining and the doom and gloom threads. Truth be told do not take this game so seriously guys, have fun if you do not like it leave instead of wasting your time in stead of you know? having fun
  2. What is always the same with all these similar posts is "I heard", "I guess", "My theory is" point being no solid evidence to support the statement that the game is in decline. Here is my two cents why things have gone down hill for some servers, I have a few characters on servers that were low pop since day 1, so why is it getting worse and there are fewer people? Well part of it because yes some people left, but some of them just left the server and moved to a more populated one, so if you have trouble with your server go create a character on a populated server, leveling is boku fun anyway. Or you can unsubscribe i suppose, my point is its just a game - enjoy it to the fullest and when you get bored, moving on a lot of great new things coming our way, whining and what ifs and demanding content will just get you nowhere and you might piss of someone with the constant doomsday posts. Btw every mmorpg has these kind of posts, for wow they have been going on since tbc, but 6 years later the game is about to launch yet another expansion
  3. But I guess it is actually pretty normal, D3 is not out yet and after the latest changes and the announcement that there will be no pvp features at the start the doom and gloom threads started, and it is not even out yet lol.
  4. I really don't get it what is up with all the doom and gloom threads. The game is doing fine, it is fun and enjoyable. Sure it has problems like every other game out there, why do you have to speculate all the time about whether it is in decline? If you do not like it, do not play it but my seeing how "concerned" you are and how much time you spend on pointless discussions it seems that you do like it, either that or you have a ton of free time to worry about such bull, lol. It is going to die, stocks are dropping omg, its just a game for god's sake, enjoy it and quit ************ about irrelevant things.
  5. I disagree about nothing to do at level 50, actually it is pretty standard you hit cap, do hard modes (heroics), gear up, raid (normal), raid (heroic) rinse and repeat. If that was all there is I would have quit after the second week - swtor offers an amazing story plus end game content, which guess what? Is going to get better, because new features are going to be implemented. It is simple really, if you do not like the game, do not play it. Yes there are dead servers, but must say after playing WOW for 6 years, I ran in to a lot of dead servers, also there was not much of end game content in vanilla as well? Remember? Vanilla when you had to grind battle grounds and keep on grinding and grinding, no rated battlegrounds, no arenas. Now compare swtor to that.
  6. Well folks it is official, to the good folks at bioware you have about 2 months to squeze dry most of your clients, diablo 3 is out in two months and good bye and good ridance to a crappy company (not the game, the company and support staff)
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