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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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Lol i knew americans don't learn history and world economic in schools. First Europe is a lot more democracy then USA, second the idea of democracy coming from European country - Greece, third first americans are european prisoners and there are lot more but i will not waste my time to teach you. And there are no dictatorrship countries in Europe plus i live in EU, there are no 3rd world countries too. :p Really stop and see yourself


Well of course Europe is more of a Democracy. USA is supposed to be a Republic. Democracy crumbles under itself eventually..which USA is heading towards that way..and worse

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damned if the do, damned if they don't.


"zomg why did you release this patch with so many bugs?"




"zomg why are you taking down the servers to fix bugs?"


They can;t win.


Not always true, although some posters are like that. I'd just be happy with "more info" when they say to come here for more info. Patches at this odd hour, only 2 days after a regular maint tends to suggest something major needing fixed ASAP.

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I'm a South African ... Loving the Americans and Europeans fighting :D , With that being said I'm pretty much 1 hour ahead of Europe so i get pretty screwed. I just don't understand why they cant drown servers at different times like every other MMO does ? I Love this game and am not planning on quiting any time soon albeit I have 2 friends and my brother that have unsubed because of this :(
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It really is ridiculous, Bioware should definitely have different maintenance schedules for Europe and the US that's the reasonable thing to do. Those who say that it's ok cause its an "American" company are naive and ignorant, very typical I must say. First of all nothing is American. There's no such thing. If it wasn't for European and worldwide gamers and investors, engineers and money the game wouldn't exist neither would America.

That's like saying it's ok for Armani to sell lower quality items in the USA cause its a European company.

It is a product and as such doesn't have biases and nationalistic fanaticism and is therefore worth more than some people on here. The product is the same for everyone and so should be the service, as a matter of fact if anything we pay more in the rest of the world.

That being said we are entitled to EU server maintenance independently. Otherwise they could do it at 3am CET which is early morning in the US. No one will complain then.

Edited by ChrisMattar
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And obviously your programming prowess would recognize that a bug of such magnatude that requires an emergency patch cant be deployed in stages without the possibly of doing more harm then good by leaving some servers up and running..


It's free weekend bs, not some emergency bug fix.

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Hey EU people...you aren't the only ones suffering :p Some US people are getting hit by this too (like me). Yes, unfortunately they choose EU peak time, but hopefully next time around they'll hit US peak time. Although I would appreciate it if they would explain why immediately instead of telling us to go the forums with no response there.


Sssshhh dont be sensible. That way we cant continue the self-righteous BW hates Europe posts. Plus you dont fit the stereotype which will confuse a lot of people on the forum.

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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


I can understand why the Live servers and PTS server would come down, but at the same time, and also Origin is down too so I can't even play Mass Effect 3 or Battlefield 3? Why is this happening all at the same time? That makes no sense.

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I just wished they wouldn't have messed with the raid times...that's all . Other than that I think they are doing a fine job working things out...but please make at 2 seperate maintenance teams : 1 for USA and 1 for EUROPE , makes sense this way .
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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


in case people missed it.

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If you think this thread is funny, you should see the mASS EFFECT 3 ending threads, seriously go, see them take popcorn, they will make you giggle.


P.s. i think a lot of the problems here would be Molefied if they would just bloody tell people what is being fixed.


P.p.s. incidentally whoever said "im going to go George Washington on these redcoats, please be aware that EUROPE is not JUST ENGLAND



Edited by Darth_Ravener
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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


so you are more worried about whatever frakking f2p player you can drag in over the weekend than your paying customers ? are you fricking serious ?


notice here: WE DONT GIVE A RATS BUNGHOLE ABOUT THE FREE PASS WEEKEND, only you and your ea overlords in accounting does. we care about playing the game during our fricking peek playing hours, if you want to patch do it on regular off hours and not 2 fricking days in a row.


stop thanking me for understanding because while i am willing to eat emergency maintainance for serious bugs etc doing it for your useless marketing campain aint part of the plan sport.

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Yesterday servers go down when (EU primetime) today servers go down when u ask EU prime-time i pay good money to play this game and really like playing it but it seam clear that bioware dont care much about EU players as long as they dont upset the american players they will do as they please.



Maybe if 100,000 EU players canceled there sub they would notice they screwed up and screwed up big


Based on the number of us 'evil Americans' posting to this forum right now apparently more of us are effected by this outage than players in EU. I don't like it either but relax folks, just a game.


My big issue is only 15 minute warning before the outage. An hour would be more reasonable.

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A good experience for your weekend pass trial players?


Are you serious, what about your current players ? !


It's a cost benefit/thing. More new players due to the weekend trial.


The current players can sulk, whine, grief, quit (a minority^3 I bet), threaten to quit and ride it out.

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I will be the bigger man here and apologize.


You are right, it is America's fault.


We should have annexed Canada a LOOONG time ago.


Then all this hate for America during downtime could be justified.


I'm truely sorry, and will work on making this happen.

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