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Restart? Lolwut?


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I think people are more annoyed by the lack of info and the lack of prior warning, if they said they were doing it to fix an exploit or security issue then it would be completely understandable, if it was a bug fix they could give more notice, I know I would feel alot better personally if they just explained what it was for.
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Well, a dev just posted the downtime was due to the necessity of installing a patch.


Of course, there's no detail as to what was being patched or why, but there is a post at least now.


Yeah we could kind of guess that, but it doesn't really tell us much. I mean obviously it was scheduled so its gotta be to fix a bug or exploit, but with no real info who knows.

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It must be because Bioware hate Europeans. There is no other logical reason I think of. It is impossible that there was a problem that required a restart. All signs point to Bioware hating Europe and its inhabitants.


Bioware is clearly racist and geographically prejudice.


That is all it can be!


LOL You just proved my point in the Australian restart thread.... I said I wish they would change the maintenance time but then we would just have a whole other group of players that would complain.


Oh no its...

TIME! Edited by Surgin
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Yeah we could kind of guess that, but it doesn't really tell us much. I mean obviously it was scheduled so its gotta be to fix a bug or exploit, but with no real info who knows.


Bioware sharing information with us? Bioware? Sharing? ;)

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Disappointing, but if something is that badly borked that they need an emergency patch, then it should be fixed.


I don't know if it is at all related, but I did notice that mobs were not respawning correctly in the Hired Guns heroic area on Nar Shaddaa. I went through on my Shadow about 2 hours ago and just now with my Vanguard, the mobs I had killed with my Shadow had not come back. If this is part of a general problem that could gate a lot of people from content.

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Bioware has been pretty good about planning, scheduling, and informing about patches and downtimes. Since this is an exception to the way they normally do things I'd guess they found something major that couldn't wait for the normal process. Since no info is being given, I'd guess they found a security vulnerability.
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this would be an appropriate response if:


1. This was actually the scheduled downtime

2. This was actually some time late at night, when normal people are asleep



However, because this is unscheduled maintenance, AND prime time for a large majority of players, your sarcastic response is completely unnecessary


1. Every MMO in the history of the genre has had "emergency" down time. This is nothing new.


2. In case you weren't aware... people are always awake somewhere, even when you're sleeping. Down time is always going to inconvenience someone.


And yes, my sarcastic response is necessary to counter the amount of entitled whiners on these forums that think the world revolves around them.

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