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Invitation for all who urge server merges!


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I support server merges. Even with the recent WZ daily/weekly changes, the queue times are terribly long at all times because people lose once and don't re-queue. Which then forces me to PvE instead and try to earn some money, but with the low populations, there is no reason to even put anything on the GTN because there is no one to buy anything either.


My suggestion is: Merge similar low population servers (PvP with PvP, PvE with PvE, RP with RP). There are so many servers at launch that spread the community out, but each server had their own batch of unsubbers, causing their servers to equally decline.


With server merges, name changes should be handled similar to Aion's server merges: Whoever came first keeps the name. But be more friendly about it asking both parties if they are willing to change their name (for free, of course).

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I support server merges. Even with the recent WZ daily/weekly changes, the queue times are terribly long at all times because people lose once and don't re-queue. Which then forces me to PvE instead and try to earn some money, but with the low populations, there is no reason to even put anything on the GTN because there is no one to buy anything either.


My suggestion is: Merge similar low population servers (PvP with PvP, PvE with PvE, RP with RP). There are so many servers at launch that spread the community out, but each server had their own batch of unsubbers, causing their servers to equally decline.


With server merges, name changes should be handled similar to Aion's server merges: Whoever came first keeps the name. But be more friendly about it asking both parties if they are willing to change their name (for free, of course).


I like your suggestions there.


I'd like to hope that the RPPvE EU server Trask Ulgo might be merged with The Progenitor so that we would have one giant RPPvE server with a standard-heavy combined population instead of two servers with light-standard.

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I think its very very bad idea, do we want every zone become lag-fest like Fleet. Theres alot bigger threats coming like Elder Scroll Online. As far I know 200 players now per instance, they should reduce that to 25. Edited by BlueFromMoon
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Thanks Alcarinn for starting this thread :D

I have been checking the forums for the last month as i wanted to start playing SWTOR (well after the initial rush during release and consecuential drop of population afterwards... as happens with every MMO i played in the last 5 years lal), and found very usefull info in this thread.

My english sucks a bit so i'm glad that there are some spanish and dutch fellows in the server ;) (was born in Barcelona and living in The Netherlands, but still my english pronunciation really sucks :p).

Installing/patching the game atm, my new GPU will be arriving tomorrow (keeping my fingers crossed...)

I was wondering though about the the balance between The Empire and The Republic, so if anyone knows a link or post where i could check it out, i would be most grateful. I will prolly make my first chars in the less populated side, though in the end... I really want to make chars on both sides. Itching though to make a Zabrak Sith Inquisitor...

Thanks again for the thread, not only very useful to people that have been playing for a while and want to play in a more crowded server, but definitely awesome for newcomers.


Cya guys in The Red Eclipse.

May The Force be with you, Peace is a lie.

Edited by Girseo
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Thanks Alcarinn for starting this thread :D

I have been checking the forums for the last month as i wanted to start playing SWTOR (well after the initial rush during release and consecuential drop of population afterwards... as happens with every MMO i played in the last 5 years lal), and found very usefull info in this thread.

My english sucks a bit so i'm glad that there are some spanish and dutch fellows in the server ;) (was born in Barcelona and living in The Netherlands, but still my english pronunciation really sucks :p).

Installing/patching the game atm, my new GPU will be arriving tomorrow (keeping my fingers crossed...)

I was wondering though about the the balance between The Empire and The Republic, so if anyone knows a link or post where i could check it out, i would be most grateful. I will prolly make my first chars in the less populated side, though in the end... I really want to make chars on both sides. Itching though to make a Zabrak Sith Inquisitor...

Thanks again for the thread, not only very useful to people that have been playing for a while and want to play in a more crowded server, but definitely awesome for newcomers.


Cya guys in The Red Eclipse.

May The Force be with you, Peace is a lie.


1st thanks for all the nice words, always great to see people happy cos i made such thread and feeling that your work is not in vain :)


About Spanish part.... there is guild called HISPANIA REPUBLIC/EMPIRE as name tells you same guild only spanish people on both sides....


Sadly i cannot give you any info on who to whisper for invite but asking on fleet will most likely do the trick considering there are quite alot of them(see them in pvp almost every day in morning and also afternoon)


About the balance.... Sadly i cannot give you any proper facts and numbers.... but considering i am playing relatively long on the server..... I can say that it is getting better every day......


Republic is still the underdogs. Probably ratio (as my eye sees it) is roughly 1 against 1,5... in favor of the Imps.


The only real advice i can give you is that on Imps on lvl 50 there is higher demand on tanks and on Republic there is higher demand on Healers.... So if you aim on PvE then ignoring that will do you harm in the long run ;)


Welcome to The Red Eclipse you can always whisper me when I am online on Alcarin(Rep)/Royick(Imps) for help ;)

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The Red Eclipse flourishing still in need of players... Still loads of rooms and spots in raiding guilds.... Healers, Tanks and range DPS....


Still Imps slightly favored so rolling Republic helps alot... also alot republic players lvling on weekends.


Spread the word!

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We need server merges NOW! It's getting more and more difficult without players. The Galactic Markets are crappy from lack of players, you can't get a group for anything. The game is going single player which means more people leaving the game. MERGE THE SERVERS NOW! Edited by FHA-Sal
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I agree..We REALLY need server merges. My server went from 200 ppl average at night on Imp fleet to like 40 .. It is downright impossible to put together a ops run, and ppl are leaving my guild because of that fact. :(
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A server merge is the direction i am looking foward to, right now i have 3 servers i play on, and every time i log on its dead, theirs not a group ready to PvE or anyone even wanting to... just a bunch of quiet noise on my main and alt servers single player idealogoy has set in for just about everyone on these servers with 40 people at the fleet, 15 people on a planet, everyone flying solo.... a Server merge would be fantastic because right now i wanna do 90 things in my life that i never wanted to do..


and if you ask a small server the same question more than twice nobody likes you

you know the questions

L4G Heroic 4, L4G DPS, LFG..... HM FP, those questions dont get answered or people just look down on you and complain about you not doing it correctly

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This is such a waist of time. I have five 50's with three 30+ in the wings. The answer is merger period, I'll be damned if I am going to reroll all my toons on another server. Free server transfers even to a limited selection will not fix the population mess.


Either Bioware fixes the mess or more people bail. If its not fixed by the time I am legacy 50 then I will strongly think of finding another game. FYI Legacy 44 right now.

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This is such a waist of time. I have five 50's with three 30+ in the wings. The answer is merger period, I'll be damned if I am going to reroll all my toons on another server. Free server transfers even to a limited selection will not fix the population mess.


Either Bioware fixes the mess or more people bail. If its not fixed by the time I am legacy 50 then I will strongly think of finding another game. FYI Legacy 44 right now.


Why not entertain the chance of a community driven transfer?


Merging the servers would be best i agree, EQ2 did it their first year because just like bioware they over estimated their opening subscription base.

After the merge the servers and games flourished.


That being said BioWare is not SOE and they will run their programs how they see fit. We should be patient as a community and see if the transfers atleast bolster the population on a hand full of servers, that will give BioWare the excuse to merge the empty/very light populated servers with each other to create an additional 5-6 well populated servers after everyone transfers to their initial "select" servers.


By the way, I think you meant "Waste" of time...We learn by criticism, do not take offence.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It is pretty dead on my server. Restarting from scratch on another server is not an option for me, i have too much time invested on my characters plus i like the guild im in, we're a pvp guild and get along really well. I'll completely lose interest in the game before I re-roll on another server.
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Couldn't agree more with other about a MERGE. Been here since beginning, several 50's and quite a few close. dont think transfer will fix this problem only put a band-aid on the situation:(. Quite a few of is regular subbed players are in the same boat, including everyone in my guild of 150+ players.. Ive logged in several times the past month and guess what? Not a sole in the guild, 5-10 players at fleet and about the same on each planet. So my guess around 100-150 players on the server for both factions. You cant get a group or even help for anything, no resources on the Galactic trade whatsoever. I'm not re subbing until its fixed. Although this is only my 2nd MMO, when i decide to play one i am in it for the long haul. I subbed with Lotro for 5 years. Ive even gone back to playing that. So come on BW I know you can fix this, i sure hope so. Don't let go to waste what you put many years of hard work into.
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First, my accolades to the devs of SWTOR: Love it! However, i'm bored and I agree with this thread in regards to server population.


My server, Port Nowhere, is absolutely dead. On a busy night we're still "Light". As it stands there is no incentive for me to log on, alluding to there being no incentive for me to continue spending my dollars on the SWTOR product. As a fan I dont want to do this, but as a consumer I'm rather forced to. I'm not enjoying myself like I did when SWTOR first came out. There was actually a queue on Port Nowhere and I had to wait a few minutes to get logged in. I was fine with that because once I got in, there were lots of people to play with and I thoroughly enjoyed playing! But now that my server is literally a ghost town (minus the tumbleweeds) I'm not incented to continue spending dollars to resubscribe.


It doesnt make a difference how good the content is, or will be, without people to play with the game is dead.


To echo what I'm hearing from the community, server population is a heated issue that requires immediate attention. I have to agree with earlier posts that server MERGERs should be the first course of action followed by the ability to transfer characters. At this stage I dont think there would be any heat from the community because in essence its just the server name that would change (from my perspective) and we would be playing in an environment with a higher population, thus we would be able to form pick-up groups, swell the guild ranks, and find players to run end-game content (just to name a few), and get back to talking smack on the forums. :D


I think the high level strategy to merge servers is very simple and from the community's point of view, would do a lot of good to retain subscribers by increasing the value that we should have as subscribers to SWTOR. Obviously, Bioware/Electronic Arts is more than competent/capable to plan and execute this strat. I dont have all the data that they have access to, but from my perspective the lack of population is my #1 concern that is making me rethink the decision to renew my subscription. If i'm not getting what I'm paying for, why spend the money?

Edited by Sixxgun
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  • 3 months later...



Hello guys, im back and Red Eclipse is going really strong so make sure all new players who want to PvE roll there im lvling my sorc now.


Its great to be back with new PC this game runs without a ms of lag.


Fleets go to 2 shards with 200+ in each at prime times around 21:00 GMT+1


still slightly imbalanced towards Imperial roughly 5 imperials per 3-4 republic players.

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Additional Info.


If you roll Republic to The Red Eclipse there is newcomer alliance named <The Jedi Training Grounds>


We just ran 1st Story Mode EV yest with new lvl 50 players. Whisper player Zoon-i for invite and information.


Especially need Healers!


Republic side in general neeeds healers while Empire side is more healer less tank heavy.

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Still Red Eclipse in need of


- Healers for Republic side

- Tanks for Empire side


and Range DPS mainly too much melee!


So if you reroll make sure you make 1 of those for fast PvE grouping


Fleets go to 500 each at prime time and if you go Republic healer there is <Jedi Training Ground> guild for newcomers and newbs, starters, doing SM KP and EV for now

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