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1.2 release date?


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Something weird has happened to me playing this game. While other MMO's make me FEEL I HAVE to level, this game doesn't. Having played WoW, Rift, Lotro, AoC a lot I can safely say SWTOR is one of the most pleasant MMO's i've played.


My guild and me are running occasional HM flashpoint and or only now planning our first OPS. Not because we are slow, old, bad players or anything but just because everyone in our guild feels the same: Let's ENJOY what we are doing and take it one step at the time. So we haven't cleared everthing, done everything and we are getting new content ALREADY ;)


I am personally very much looking forward to the release of 1.2 which will bring so much new stuff that levelling a new toon on either side (empire or republic) feels like a new experience.


My subscription and my wifes still has 45 days on it and I can safely say we will resub after that period.


As for the main topic here:


I personally think this week is a tad to soon for release and my guess would be next week or the week after that at latest. I wish it was this week though.

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So you pay for your car too, go tell the car company the date they are to release a new model


Give it a rest, pushing against an arbitrary date is what causes problems with games/patches and updates


Release it when it is ready, not before


Video game patches are no where near the same as the new models of cars. Stop making these stupid comparisons.

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Out of all the MMOs I have played this is the only game that I have met people how really role play. Not only that but the developers really listen the the players to improve this game. Hands down the best MMO I've played to date.
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I'm going to buy Guild Wars 2. My birthday is April 10.


I bought SWTOR for Christmas.


I sincerely hope I do not regret buying GW2 as much as I do SWTOR.


If GW2 is as much as a let down to me as SWTOR has been, it will be a long time AGAIN before I buy another MMO type game new.



BTW, just throwing out there, I had planned to buy ME3 when it came out. SWTOR cautioned me to wait. I am glad I did. I can usually only budget 2 or 3 brand new games a year. In essence GW2 will now be getting my ME3 money.

Edited by Lostkoss
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Feel you on ME3. I'm waiting until they release the new endings, probably in DLC form, before I get that game. The amount of backlash that was created for the endings is causing them to prepare new ones. I like how bad PR is forcing them to fix things. Same as this game. I don't regret buying this game, however I do wish I had waited 6 months. I wouldn't have missed anything besides grinding characters on an empty server that loses more people everyday.


To everyone that keeps arguing that they will release it when they release it. Now they do have that right, but is that prudent? Bioware does not have a golden ticket. It isn't just the forums that are filled with people qq'ing. I hear alot of people in the server, general chat complaining about bugs. I think I've seen EV stop about 5 times due to bugs. Those complaints do build up. There's some saying out there, a satisfied customer will tell 3 people about how good it is. But a dissatisfied customer will tell 10 people how bad it is. It's bad pr when bugs in the game are well known and accepted as a fact of life. A tentative release date is more or less a way of Bioware throwing the players a bone. Without a release date the promise of 1.2 is just that, a promise. And then it becomes a fact of life that it isn't here and no one knows when it will be here. And that's what the doomsayers feed off of, and that negativity turns people away.

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They would be crazy to say anything till they are ready to release. The way these forums QQ about everything, if they missed the date all "HE double hockey sticks" would break loose.


It'll break loose anyway. There will be folk who aren't (can't be) satisfied no matter what. It's the way of things with some MMO players. And woe unto BW if a bug or two slips past 'em.


So, brace yourself.

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Good thread, many of you are showing exactly why they will not give a date until a few days ( at the most ) before hand.


The community is simply not mature enough to handle any information that is not 100% cast in stone, and that wont happen until testing is fully complete and they are ready to roll it a day or so beforehand


Will you shut up about the maturity already? If you are so "mature", you should be "mature" enough to respect, that some people have diffrent opinions than you.

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I don't understand all this "your not mature bs" or the few people who are all defensive on Biowares part. Not everyone has the same opinion as you and are equally entitled to express their thoughts.


Personally I feel that this patch needs to come out sooner rather then later. I love star wars and honestly waited for this game for 3 years, and although I do like the game it is a huge disappointment on any sort of mmo level. This upcoming patch should have come out a lot sooner I think, and they should have been more concerned with fixing all the bugs then releasing new content because 30% of players (myself incl) blasted through the game in the first few days of the ega.


Right now this game feels more like a single player game with a little multiplayer tossed in and no way like a true mmo. Yes the game is new, yes Bioware is new to the mmo genre, but for the amount of money that went into making this game they could have done a way better job.


This patch is what is going to decide the fate of this game for me, if it is a let down ( like everything else so far with this game ) it will be uninstalled and sub canceled. I know Bioware could care less about me leaving the game..but clearly I'm not the only one since they are tossing out free weekends and according to a poll I read only like 63% of people who purchased this game back in Dec are still currently playing. Since they spent a stupid amount of money making game that does not bode well for Bioware.

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I don't understand all this "your not mature bs" or the few people who are all defensive on Biowares part. Not everyone has the same opinion as you and are equally entitled to express their thoughts.


Personally I feel that this patch needs to come out sooner rather then later. I love star wars and honestly waited for this game for 3 years, and although I do like the game it is a huge disappointment on any sort of mmo level. This upcoming patch should have come out a lot sooner I think, and they should have been more concerned with fixing all the bugs then releasing new content because 30% of players (myself incl) blasted through the game in the first few days of the ega.


Right now this game feels more like a single player game with a little multiplayer tossed in and no way like a true mmo. Yes the game is new, yes Bioware is new to the mmo genre, but for the amount of money that went into making this game they could have done a way better job.


This patch is what is going to decide the fate of this game for me, if it is a let down ( like everything else so far with this game ) it will be uninstalled and sub canceled. I know Bioware could care less about me leaving the game..but clearly I'm not the only one since they are tossing out free weekends and according to a poll I read only like 63% of people who purchased this game back in Dec are still currently playing. Since they spent a stupid amount of money making game that does not bode well for Bioware.


My sentiments exaclty. I also was looking forward to this game and massivly disapointed, with no SWG i had to get my starwars fix, a week ago i installed Empire at War and since then have a hard time logging into TOR.

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I was excited for 1.2 until I've realized it provides maybe two weeks of extra gameplay at the most. Here is why:


  • The new FP will be downed in under 2 hours.
  • The new Operations will be downed (most likely) in under 4 hours during the first weekend release.
  • With the 1.1.5 Valor increase, I hit BM without any difficulty whatsoever and maximized the BM gear that I could get -- really says something that I am farming for Champion tokens to use the Enhancements in those since the Enhancements in most BM/Rakata gear is worse than the ones found in Champion/Columi gear (that terrible itemization right there just demonstrates how clueless the developers are: "We don't have a /readycheck system?! Whoa, I wasn't aware of that!" - BW dev during the Guild Summit).
  • I just don't do any kind of solo-PvE but for the dailies therefore making Legacy a completely useless system.
  • I'm Legacy Level 29. Most of the items will be unlocked for me and the only ones I'm looking forward to are the training dummies.
  • Re-itemizing won't take that long as the hardest parts to come by will be Armoring pieces -- which I have been buying like a madman over the last few days.
  • The only element which provides any modicum of progression would be the Rated WZs and given that I'm already signed up for a daily 8-man pre-made, that'll probably get farmed in about 3 weeks.


I hate even bringing this up but with Guild Wars 2 just 2 weeks away from release and, most importantly, Diablo 3 about 1.5 months away from release, BW simply did not provide enough for any serious gamer to keep playing their game.


Too little, too late.

You state things as facts, rather than opinions. For example, what's your point about Diablo 3? A horrid game, 13 years outdated.

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I cant wait till GW2 releases.


We will get rid of all the cryers and moaners ( whiners ), and they will Whine about how bad GW2 will be.


Cuz No game , will ever live up to the hype. The game can pay you for playing it, and players will still not be happy.


they will leave SWTOR for a little bit and come back when GW2 does not live up to their expectations.


Seen it in WOW ( will never play wow again), seen it in EVE.


I myself am waiting on diablo 3, just to have something to play when my internet is down.

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I cant wait till GW2 releases.


We will get rid of all the cryers and moaners ( whiners ), and they will Whine about how bad GW2 will be.


Cuz No game , will ever live up to the hype. The game can pay you for playing it, and players will still not be happy.


they will leave SWTOR for a little bit and come back when GW2 does not live up to their expectations.


Seen it in WOW ( will never play wow again), seen it in EVE.


I myself am waiting on diablo 3, just to have something to play when my internet is down.


Diablo 3, as far as I know, is online only.


Edit: Err, someone beat me to it.

Edited by zGamble
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They shouldn't have released it prematurely. They knew how much missing content and fixes was still needed. The current status of the game, to most MMO vets is unacceptable. This is a pay-to-play game, they should have met the expectation of consumers/customers from release. They had the opportunity to follow, improve existing genre. IMHO Swtor is a flashback of old MMOs. I see nothing really ground breaking...


So was just on the forums looking for 1.2 info updates etc...

Didn't realize so many people were being so critical of this game.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but as far as being a flashback of old MMO's ... and also being someone that I guess would fit into your category of MMO vets (first mmo played I logged into with my brand new dial up 14.4 modem, and there were NO graphics... cept the odd ANSI graphics ya mind find on a map) 1.2 or not, I'm loving this game and think it's raised the bar for what future MMO's should be.


My minimum expectation for this game was WoW with lightsabers and in a star wars universe. Was overjoyed when after playing for only a few minutes I found myself getting my much desired Kotor fix and bioware feel.


If anyone played WoW early on then you probably remember when once hitting the level cap of 60, there wasn't a whole lot to do if you weren't part of 20 or 40 man raid parties.

There were NO BG's period. If you wanted pvp you went ganking at South Shore and hoped whoever you were ganking would call friends to come....


I've been a fan of bioware for a long time, and have been very disappointed with a few of the releases since EA came along... So this isn't fanboy defense. Just stating my opinion and experience with the game so far.


Ground breaking? How many MMO's have you played with such deep and rich story and single player RPG aspects, how many MMO's have you played with voice over's for almost every quest giver you talk to. The game is basically still brand new, and this is what I get? WOOT!! can't wait to see what is to come....


Disclaimer: IF for what ever reason panda's become a playable class, please omit everything I've said above.

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No level cap increase in 1.2.


That will probably occur in an xpac which I would guess is a year+ from now.

Thanks for the quick response ;)


I was hoping it would be sooner but I'm a lifer now so it doesnt really bother me :D

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It's not work or a job.

Unsub till they release the part of the game that should have been out when they launched.



Might make them hurry:)



I have to agree with this. I changed from 6 month sub to 1 month. so they are running out of time, cuz if the patch isnt out by the time my 6 month needs to hit the 1 month renewale. im sure i will have made some money playing diablo 3 and might not be tempted to come back ........



Just saying, new launch of a game coming out next month, and no release date for a major patch? = DECLINE IN server population.


and those who think your server you play on is Healthy. Your 2 cents arnt needed, those of us complaining are probally on a Dead Server. and thier is no POINT in re-rolling when my legacy level is 30+

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