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1.2 release date?


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All I can say is that many people in my guild have disappeared. ...

Bottom line, I no longer care when the 1.2 comes out. I'm just fed up with all the amateur advertising and copywriting tricks around it. This is not the 90's people! That kind of promotion is DEAD!


Thank you all for your time!


I fully agree with all that you have said!

There is no way that patch 1.2 can live up to the hype the developers have been making - if they even manage a quater that would be a miracle. I too am disillusioned by the game and only carry on for my guildies, but even that is now taking it's toll and wearing thin. Unless they change something drastically and introduce something new I am afraid I will leave the game as well.


The only big thing they will introduce seems to be the Legacy system - now I already have 4 characters at level 50 - how many more times do I want to roll a character and run it through the same game?


I don't know - the only thing I can think of to make Bioware and EA stop and listen is to hit them where it hurts and that is by stopping the subscription to show them that the game has become unacceptable. It is a paid, open, glorified beta.

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So you pay for your car too, go tell the car company the date they are to release a new model


Give it a rest, pushing against an arbitrary date is what causes problems with games/patches and updates


Release it when it is ready, not before


1) Car companies know there release dates months before they announce them .. and they announce them months before they actually being sold. You just have to know where to look.


2) This is an MMO ... players always want to know when updates are available .. its nothing new.


3) the majority of MMO companies who put on a PTS for people to test ... generally have it up for 3-4 weeks before live.


4) As a software engineer ... i can tell you this straight out ... you bet your dewback side there are deadlines and expectations FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT PLAYERS to get updates out asap.


Its one thing to hold a date till they know exactly ... its another thing to hype things and not deliver.

No company should be hyping any kind of update or software feature until its ready to be released to the public. Small bugs and fixes are all something needs when it goes to public testing. And please look at this game .. we have been dealing with small bugs since launch what are a few more small bugs? if its not BROKEN beyond playability i dont think its unreasonable to ask for a time frame.


besides we all know they will just say "Spring 2012" which means winter 2012-13 right?


(EDIT) apperently its next week :) and once a month from there on out ... excited ... i will believe it when i see it but still sounds like a cool proposal even if its just false hype

Edited by drfirewater
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I fully agree with all that you have said!

There is no way that patch 1.2 can live up to the hype the developers have been making - if they even manage a quater that would be a miracle. I too am disillusioned by the game and only carry on for my guildies, but even that is now taking it's toll and wearing thin. Unless they change something drastically and introduce something new I am afraid I will leave the game as well.


The only big thing they will introduce seems to be the Legacy system - now I already have 4 characters at level 50 - how many more times do I want to roll a character and run it through the same game?


I don't know - the only thing I can think of to make Bioware and EA stop and listen is to hit them where it hurts and that is by stopping the subscription to show them that the game has become unacceptable. It is a paid, open, glorified beta.



The problem is the same things where said pre launch... i have been saying this game is poorly marketed since 2009. Too much hype not enough proof.

This update with the exception of cool legacy stuff .. is really small.

bunch of nerfs ... some crafting boosts (much appreciated FYI) ...

but there is 1 new raid

1 new FP

some new dailies (which really who cares it only takes 7 days to get a rakata item from dailies as they are now and unless there is some special uber cool recipies being added to daily quest rewards its pointless)

and what 1 new pvp instance?




removed my rant after reading


Check the audio recording on youtube
the quote you are looking for starts at 17:12
Edited by drfirewater
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I guessed April 17th ages ago - and I'm still rooting for it.


If only Bet365 took Patch 1.2 Release date bets...


Though! As someone interestingly pointed out - 1.1 was put out on a Thursday. So it's very possible that we could see it on the 12th (exactly 1 weeks from Ohlens quote at PAX saying it'll be out next week)


They have to be vague because they dont wanna make an extreme promise of given date and then delay it even further.


Personally I suspect they'll get it up to scratch, and then put it out with a bit of quick warning.

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I guessed April 17th ages ago - and I'm still rooting for it.


If only Bet365 took Patch 1.2 Release date bets...


Though! As someone interestingly pointed out - 1.1 was put out on a Thursday. So it's very possible that we could see it on the 12th (exactly 1 weeks from Ohlens quote at PAX saying it'll be out next week)


They have to be vague because they dont wanna make an extreme promise of given date and then delay it even further.


Personally I suspect they'll get it up to scratch, and then put it out with a bit of quick warning.


The only date we actually have a denial for is the 10th.


There's been no retraction of the next week comment, and the 10th retraction was swift and unequivocal, but also specific.


Bioware have form for patches off the normal maintenance day, and the only comparable patch 1.1 was not launched on a Tuesday.


None of this is conclusive either way for a next week launch, but I feel on current info the balance is slightly towards it launching next week.

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Yeah - thats what I meant, since 1.1 was released on a Thursday - it kinda suggests they wont neccesarily wait till 17th April if it's ready before then.


The only reason I suspect it WONT be the 12th, is because they quickly retracted the April 10th date on the WZ-video.

But also, following all that - one of the devs clarified that is WONT be the 10th AND that we'll definitely be given enough warning.


So 12th seems too early to 10th for them to so strongly point out that it's not the 10th and that we'll know well in advance. If you know what I mean?


Still, realistically - unless BW decide to be pure evil and NOT tell us in advance, there's very little reason to speculate release dates, since according to them - they will tell us well in advance (which I assume means like a week or atleast 4-5 days notice.)

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I wont lie after seeing how they've handled the last patches with the game that were much smaller than this one, and how those same patches claim to have fixed something only to either not fix it or break it further, I have to admit I almost expect when 1.2 hits that a meltdown will occur....ok that was bad Hyperbole, but still I expect problems and lots of them when it comes out, which makes me almost scared to see whats going to happen that day...:eek:
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We are from The Harbinger one of the last full servers. Our guild name is Vendetta and our site is dvsgaming.org hosting LOL, WOW, and SWTOR and XBOX AND PS3 games. Feel free to registwer on the website and apply for a guild were there isnt less then 20-40 people on plus we are 10/10 nightmare running many 16 mans..and for all those crying, I drink your tears and use them for fuel to kill ****...get a grip.
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It's still in testing, I'm guessing with such a huge patch it will take as long to test as some other games full-expansions.


I'm not too thrilled if this 1.2 process so far is any indication of how 1.3, 1.4 et al are going to be pushed out to the game, we'll be lucky to get 1 more "major patch" in before Christmas 2012 at this rate.

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It's still in testing, I'm guessing with such a huge patch it will take as long to test as some other games full-expansions.


I'm not too thrilled if this 1.2 process so far is any indication of how 1.3, 1.4 et al are going to be pushed out to the game, we'll be lucky to get 1 more "major patch" in before Christmas 2012 at this rate.


Well yeah, it is in testing, however it was estimated to come out in March, pushed to early April and we are nearly past early April as well with no date set in stone. It's no wonder people are worried, especially since some people resubbed because they made the 'mistake' on the front page and said it was coming out the 10th of April, which it won't be now.

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It's still in testing, I'm guessing with such a huge patch it will take as long to test as some other games full-expansions.


I'm not too thrilled if this 1.2 process so far is any indication of how 1.3, 1.4 et al are going to be pushed out to the game, we'll be lucky to get 1 more "major patch" in before Christmas 2012 at this rate.


Since December this will be the second .x patch even with a may release that's looking like 2 more at least this year.


This patch hasn't been well handled but even at this rate plenty of time for more than one patch befor Christmas.

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Well yeah, it is in testing, however it was estimated to come out in March, pushed to early April and we are nearly past early April as well with no date set in stone. It's no wonder people are worried, especially since some people resubbed because they made the 'mistake' on the front page and said it was coming out the 10th of April, which it won't be now.


They were trying to avoid the Ides of March.


Then they realized that just put them in the realm of April Fools and/or Easter patching hijinks.


Personally, from what we've seen of it so far, I'm hoping they decide to let the update coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.

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I would rather them wait as long as necessary to get it correct I just want some advanced official warning a few days or a week before they are rolling it out.


Played around 13 different MMo's, and not one has announced their patches more than 24 hours before it was released, mainly because they are literally being packaged and tweaked up to the line.


Think of it this way:


Bioware: Ok guys, lets get the patch released by next Wednesday! Package it up, it's Friday now and I want to beat the traffic.

Developers: Right we have everything in from the patch notes, but I want to add this extra little thing, I can do it in that time frame can't I?

Other Developers: Ok we have 4 days to ensure we iron out as many bugs as possible from this patch too.


Basically if they give it a deadline, it's rushed, and not ready. If they bring it out when it's finished, it's much better for everyone.


People still gonna whine though.

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