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1.2 release date?


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I'm just so tired of waiting, I've been in full BM and full Rakata for 1 month now, there is nothing to do for me in this game. And my server is pretty dead, I can only PvP in the evening. Till 5 PM or so, there are <10 people on fleet and in the morning I am alone. Edited by oldshatterhand
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How about we all be honest and just say that we were disappointed that today wasn't the day? For some reason they didn't feel ready, but this morning was the first time I've ever been sad to be able to log in...


Oh well....soon.

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Sure. If they were doing a job for one customer and not one million customers, sure.


(analogies always fail, so removed from quote)


The thing that really cracks me up about this whole mess is that, again, I can't seem to find any information about 1.2 that doesn't say we'll have it done in April. And, again, April is not over. Yet all these people are throwing their arms up in rage, huffing and puffing about how they need something more concrete than that. I ask again ... what is wrong with a 4-week window? What is wrong with getting it right?


That's irrelevant, in terms of the one vs. million customers statement. Every one of those million customers is still ONE customer. They're all individuals. You can never please everyone all the time, but you can certainly attempt to be as professional about it as possible to cover all of your bases. EA-Bioware isn't really doing that.


And yes, they said in April. But that isn't a date, that's a timeframe. You might as well say 1.2 is coming in 2012, because that timeframe is about as useless as April. When they released 1.1.5 with items that will no longer be available in 1.2, a release date for 1.2 is VERY important for some us.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Because it's overwhelmingly based out of ignorance, self-importance and narrow mindedness. I don't mean to insult anyone, it's just a fact. They do listen and care about feedback but they also have to consider the entire game, not just 1 tiny portion or a single perspective.


And sadly, the people in these forums that whine, cry, and carry on like children have the loudest voices.

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And sadly, the people in these forums that whine, cry, and carry on like children have the loudest voices.


That's funny, I always thought the fanboys cry the loudest when the developer listens. An ounce of positive reinforcement for a developer is worth a hundred ounces of negative feedback to justify their product/services.


funny, you seem to be the one talking the most.



Edited by cipher_nemo
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i know everyone is moaning abt this that and the other and yes ive had a little moan but this is only because im so anxious for it to arrive and for those ppl who are moaning as well saying its this and its that is because the anticipation is killing you also other wise why would you feel so strongly about the update after all your constant winning you will log on later go pvp or what ever it is you do ig







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That's irrelevant, in terms of the one vs. million customers statement. Every one of those million customers is still ONE customer. They're all individuals.


And yes, they said in April. But that isn't a date, that's a timeframe. You might as well say 1.2 is coming in 2012, because that timeframe is about as useless as April. When they released 1.1.5 with items that will no longer be available in 1.2, a release date for 1.2 is VERY important for some us.


Yes we are all individuals. That is the point. We're all individuals waiting for the same thing. You want a house with blue shutters, I want a house with green shutters. How will they please us both? You want more bathrooms, I want more bedrooms. How will they please us both? If they only had to concern themselves with what you wanted or what I wanted, we would not even be having this discussion.


And yes, they said in April because it is a timeframe. It gives them time to get it done right instead of rushing it. Comparing 30 days to 365 days is a bit extreme, don't you think?


I acknowledge that knowing when 1.2 is coming is important for some players. But they've been saying April for awhile now. The way I see it, anything past April 1st are bonus days to handle your business in-game. But, see? I'm just one of a million voices.

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Im guessing our feed back isnt worth much.


What do you mean?


They have heard the feedback and are following it to the letter, the community has said loud and clear that any potential date, is a solemn promise, that any hoped for date, is an unalterable deadline.


The community has clearly told Bioware not to release any date timing until it is 100% cast in stone


That is what they are doing, exactly what the community has clearly stated.

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I just wish they would do away with the "soon" "very soon" "near future" types of statements. You have CMs posting on social networking sites that the patch will be this week and others saying it at PAX. They really need to get on the same page because this has been going on all through Beta.
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The inconsistency on when 1.2 is released is very disappointing from Bioware and i think this is what most ppl including myself are upset about.


Personally it feels like we have / are being teased to a certain extent.

Edited by kmufc
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Yes we are all individuals. That is the point. We're all individuals waiting for the same thing. You want a house with blue shutters, I want a house with green shutters. How will they please us both? You want more bathrooms, I want more bedrooms. How will they please us both? If they only had to concern themselves with what you wanted or what I wanted, we would not even be having this discussion.


Nope, they just have to tell you when they're selling that house to you. That's all I want: A DATE!


If you want to write paragraphs and paragraphs about how my very reasonable demand of a simple date is some how even beyond the realm of ridiculous, then be my guest. But it still doesn't change the fact that business is done on schedules, and not having one is unprofessional.

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You realize the longer they take the more people lost? Majority of the servers lost 50%+ of their population or people re-rolled fatman. So, I hope they don't take as long as they want because I don't want to play alone.


And where exactly did you get those figures from? Thin air perhaps?

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funny, you seem to be the one talking the most.


Only when I get the chance. ;)


That's funny, I always thought the fanboys cry the loudest when the developer listens. An ounce of positive reinforcement for a developer is worth a hundred ounces of negative feedback to justify their product/services.


The bad stuff is easier to believe than the good. :p


I have never played a Bioware game in my life. Wouldn't exactly call myself a "fangirl" - would definitely never call myself a "fanboy" because, well, the plumbing is off. I have played MMOs though and I suspect many of you have. This type of thing is pretty typical. Voicing discontent is pretty typical. Even if I don't agree with the "solid date" crowd, I respect their opinions (and I'd like to hope Bioware does too) when they are constructive and useful.

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How about the 1.3 date now, it feels like 1.2 has came and gone. It's been hyped and beat to death so much now, feels like it's never coming . O well, I'm still having fun :)


Yup, me too. I still love TOR. I'm still a subscriber. :) I can works past the hype and complaints about not having it yet. But right now, without a release date, it's just vaporware. *Fwosh*! The vaporware just disappeared in the wind. Awww.

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Nope, they just have to tell you when they're selling that house to you. That's all I want: A DATE!


If you want to write paragraphs and paragraphs about how my very reasonable demand of a simple date is some how even beyond the realm of ridiculous, then be my guest. But it still doesn't change the fact that business is done on schedules, and not having one is unprofessional.


You should probably do some research on software development before you make such ridiculous claims. How can they give you a date when it's literally impossible to know before the final testing session is over? Any exact date would be an estimate before the final testing is done. If they give their estimate, like they did with "march" and miss it, people go up in arms regardless.

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You should probably do some research on software development before you make such ridiculous claims. How can they give you a date when it's literally impossible to know before the final testing session is over? Any exact date would be an estimate before the final testing is done. If they give their estimate, like they did with "march" and miss it, people go up in arms regardless.


Your right they will but part of any successfull buisness is being able to handle the bad with the good. Not pretendng the bad isnt there, Or hopeing that by ignoring it it goes away.

Theres a reason bad posts are called flames when left unchecked they will burn a game to the ground.

Edited by Nyteblades
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I have never played a Bioware game in my life. Wouldn't exactly call myself a "fangirl" - would definitely never call myself a "fanboy" because, well, the plumbing is off. I have played MMOs though and I suspect many of you have. This type of thing is pretty typical. Voicing discontent is pretty typical. Even if I don't agree with the "solid date" crowd, I respect their opinions (and I'd like to hope Bioware does too) when they are constructive and useful.


I didn't call you a fanboy (or fangirl). I just made a statement about fanboys and that their affirmations of the developer tend to weigh more heavily than the complaints. After all, if you made a decision in your life, wouldn't the people complimenting you on that decision have more impact than those just blowing you off?


You should probably do some research on software development before you make such ridiculous claims. How can they give you a date when it's literally impossible to know before the final testing session is over? Any exact date would be an estimate before the final testing is done. If they give their estimate, like they did with "march" and miss it, people go up in arms regardless.


You've obviously never heard of project management. Or project planning. You set individual goals and deadlines. You work towards those goals, and you update them as the project moves forward. This is basic stuff. If you have trouble thinking about this in terms of software development, that's not my fault. Developers don't just work on software and hope they get somewhere. If my boss asked me for a date by which I'd get my next web app done, I'd have to give him a date. It might be early or late, but that date exists.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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steven reid has already posted on twitter that it will be released on the 18th barring any further complications.





i have already unsubbed because they did NOT fix ANY of the fps problems. If you are playing the game with crappy fps i suggest you unsub NOW and send them a message, because the threads like the HORRID FPS thread (that is now in its 13 or 14th incarnation) seem to have no effect on what they deem a necessary fix.


Why shove new content into the game when people are bailing left and right because the game plays like crap is beyond me. This is something that should have been fixed in January if not before.

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I hate when stupid people use stupid analogies like this. Its NOT like asking them to change the color of the bar, its like asking them to get a kind of beer you like. And considering you come in every week paying that cover charge AND for your brews, they will most likely listen to you and stock that new beer you like. Except this is like the entire bar asking for it except the cynical douche saying "you don't drink to get drunk" sitting in the corner.


Actually, its not like your analogy because in your example you are paying more than just the cover charge, i.e. paying for your drinks aswell.


Its more like a Satellite, Cable or other TV package. You pay a monthly premium to view the services they provide. They make all the decisions, they may well do surveys and studies to see who watches what, but at the end of the day you pay to access the service. If you don't like the service, you don't pay and you watch something else.

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