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1.2 release date?


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Annoying. Wish there was a way to automatically subscribe to a thread, but noooo. . .unless there is? Ah, yes, memory, yeah yeah. . .


I don't know if you really mean this or not, but just in case others don't know how to automatically subscribe to a thread all the time.


Go to the "My Account" page, and under "Forum Options" there is a setting to subscribe to any post you post in.


It would be nice to be able to subscribe without posting (and there used to be a way), but I don't know how now.

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K I'm going to put in my 2 cents worth. First I am a business owner myself and can sympathize with BW, they don't want to release something unfinished. That in itself would be bad for business. That's the same reason there is no set release date yet for 1.2. By setting a release date and missing it would be bad for business. people could leave because they feel BW is unreliable simply for missing a release date for an Update or Expansion.


That said, at the same time they don't want to wait too long before releasing 1.2. They are in the business to make money. And people will get fed up and leave if BW takes too long in releasing new content, which means a loss in revenue generated.


So their actually in a bind, if they wait too long they loose money from subscribers leaving due to no new content. If they release it too early, people could leave cause of the bugs.


Which is the lesser of two evils?


something unfinished? if we push up we could say they released entire game unfinished...

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I resubbed yesterday for 1 month. I played the game from Pre-release to about Febuary 20th.. and at that time I was pretty bored with the game. I had all my gear, and only thing left for me to do for raiding was 16 man Nightmare modes.. which seem pointless if you already have all your rakata gear.

Anyways, I figured id get another month of time so i could check out 1.2 when it came out.. but looks like it might be too late. Everyone from my server that I knew is gone, only 1-2 guilds that were around in December are still here.


I was on Wound in The Force (***) on REP side, and it was always a little underpopulated, but now its a ghost town. Very few people that I played with during my 2 months of gametime are stlll around, and the major guilds that were around then now only have a handful of active members, or none at all.

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They are still marketing and trying to create hype.


I guess it will take some pretty rough facts to shatter their facade. We are getting there.


I am having fun and lucky to be in a healthy guild but the server is feeling the bleeding. Even so 1.2 is sorely missed - if nothing else because everything the devs post are about that patch. They seem to not be quite aware that we are still playing 1.1.5...

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Option 3: Break the big patch up into smaller patches and release new stuff as it becomes ready. Don't hold up features a, b and c just because feature d and e aren't ready.


That'd be my vote.


I agree. I'm not a software or game developer so i'm just expressing thoughts and I could be wrong. But, not only would I have liked the UI update to be its own separate earlier patch, detached from legacy, I would also think that separating huge updates into separate patches would allow easier bug tracking.


I can only imagine the kind of nightmare that feedback and bug tracking will involve for a huge update as opposed to smaller updates.


The more you release, the more complicated the web becomes of what screwed up this or that etc...


Besides the fact that there are different elements that some are looking forward to that have to wait because of x,y and z feature not being ready.


I really want that UI customization...I have to wait because the laundry list of legacy isn't ironed out yet.


Or is the UI as fubarred as the rest of the update?

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This sounds like a simple enough solution, but doing this would actually slow it down more. Each of the patches has to be tested multiple ways, multiple times. In and of itself, this wouldn't necessarily slow things down. But when a patch becomes live, the code just fragmented. Now any bug fixes applied to the live system force re-testing of the update, pushing it back. Even for small changes, the total update could then take much longer.


While I find it strange that people make decisions about whether or not to continue their subscription based on new content coming out quickly enough, I do accept that Bioware can use this for their marketing and to build excitement in the community. Massive changes are more exciting than a couple of small ones.


EDIT: Rumpyak was quoting deathstrike in my post above



I'll defer to you, but I only have one question as a layperson. How is it that the developers of Rift managed to push out nearly daily patches? Is what you say set in stone for software or is it a function of the skill at hand, engine whatever?


Yes, larger patches for Rift took longer, but they always seemed to push out bug fixes and even gameplay updates in small batches.


I don't mean to disbelieve you, but experience with other developers seems to imply that what you say may not be true at all.

Edited by veevito
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Actually smaller patches are a lot easier to maintain. The code doesn't become "fragmented" when it goes live since you don't work on some magical part of the game, you code directly into whatever version is the latest on the development server. Preferably by using some form of version control to maintain and keep track of changes. Commit often, release often. That's pretty much the golden standard of software development today.


Also I would venture to say that if you made a hotfix to development and told QA "Hey, today we are making sure the pylons in EV can't be broken" that fix could be out on live within 24-hours. Why hold back simple things like that for months to release it in one big patch?


I'm sorry, but I don't agree with your arguments about it taking more time to hurl everything into one big patch. Speaking from experience it makes everything a lot harder to debug.

Edited by AmundS
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So you pay for your car too, go tell the car company the date they are to release a new model


Give it a rest, pushing against an arbitrary date is what causes problems with games/patches and updates


Release it when it is ready, not before


That has to be the stupidest correlation ever.

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hahaha you think this game went well at launch i do not think so they had so many problems and still have the same problems from launch im not putting to much promise that 1.2 will save this game ill give it a year before it fails the stuff they are adding in 1.2 should have been out with launch date like the ui and char transfer's people are getting mad cause they will not say about the transfer's it needs to happen in 1.2 or more people will be gone because the server's are dieing my old server is dead along with a bunch of other's are dead
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hahaha you think this game went well at launch i do not think so they had so many problems and still have the same problems from launch im not putting to much promise that 1.2 will save this game ill give it a year before it fails the stuff they are adding in 1.2 should have been out with launch date like the ui and char transfer's people are getting mad cause they will not say about the transfer's it needs to happen in 1.2 or more people will be gone because the server's are dieing my old server is dead along with a bunch of other's are dead


Holy run-on sentence batman.

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hahaha you think this game went well at launch i do not think so they had so many problems and still have the same problems from launch im not putting to much promise that 1.2 will save this game ill give it a year before it fails the stuff they are adding in 1.2 should have been out with launch date like the ui and char transfer's people are getting mad cause they will not say about the transfer's it needs to happen in 1.2 or more people will be gone because the server's are dieing my old server is dead along with a bunch of other's are dead


I find your lack of punctuation disturbing.

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Um, when you buy a car, you have to pay may fees to keep it in running order. Gots to buy gas, change the oil, buy insurance. . . All of these things are reoccurring. If you don't pay, you can't play. If you don't gas up, you don't drive.


So in that light, his comparison makes perfect sense :D


I love ********es like you.


Well I do keep paying my electrical bills, telco bills, and computer upgrades, which alltogether allows me to play this game. You see, buying this game, without electricity and Internet connection would be just like buying a car without pouring a gas.


Maintenance on the other hand is something optional on car, as you pay when something breaks, and mandatory to play this game. You might see the difference.


Plus, if you buy your car for 20k EUR, you don't pay monthly maintenance fee of 2k EUR for it. Do you? I think this is the best comparison you can get today.

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I love ********es like you.


Well I do keep paying my electrical bills, telco bills, and computer upgrades, which alltogether allows me to play this game. You see, buying this game, without electricity and Internet connection would be just like buying a car without pouring a gas.


Maintenance on the other hand is something optional on car, as you pay when something breaks, and mandatory to play this game. You might see the difference.


Plus, if you buy your car for 20k EUR, you don't pay monthly maintenance fee of 2k EUR for it. Do you? I think this is the best comparison you can get today.


I concede your point, however, I was just trying to defend someone else's point. I have failed :D

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I don't know if you really mean this or not, but just in case others don't know how to automatically subscribe to a thread all the time.


Go to the "My Account" page, and under "Forum Options" there is a setting to subscribe to any post you post in.


It would be nice to be able to subscribe without posting (and there used to be a way), but I don't know how now.


Thank you very much. And I was serious :D

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This game will continue to attract innocent/ignorant consumers/victims and will sell about as many copies as any decent single player game and then well.... we all know what's going to happen here. Edited by Quintan
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hahaha you think this game went well at launch i do not think so they had so many problems and still have the same problems from launch im not putting to much promise that 1.2 will save this game ill give it a year before it fails the stuff they are adding in 1.2 should have been out with launch date like the ui and char transfer's people are getting mad cause they will not say about the transfer's it needs to happen in 1.2 or more people will be gone because the server's are dieing my old server is dead along with a bunch of other's are dead


Holy lack of punctuation batman.

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This game will continue to attract innocent/ignorant consumers/victims and will sell about as many copies as any decent single player game and then well.... we all know what's going to happen here.


I started January 19 and I'm still having great fun, so I don't know what. . .nevermind ~sigh~

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Except people pay for this game and would like to know when so they can factor in whether or not they want to be spending money on this game in the meantime.


$15/mo does not give each player creative control over content, Blizz is under no obligation to give out fictious dates only so people can whine when that date is not met. Blizz cannot release any updates until they are ready and they cannot give out release dates until they know it can be met.


The patch is coming and we know that will be soon.

Edited by Rodane
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