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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

purple crew missions


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Now and then I browse then GTN. More out of curiousity then anything els. A few days ago I noticed that there are many purple missions for sale. From what I understand is that these missions are 1 use only.


But why would anyone do these missions at all? They are very expensive to buy are 1 use only. So what do these special missions yield?

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20k for a guarantee purple mats is not to bad.


Trying to get the purple mats with normal missions can cost you alot more. And way more time as well.

With these missions, you get great yield of all mats that you can normaly get, just all at once in bigger numbers.

Yes, its questionable if it is worth it, but for some it seems so.


And some extra note for slicing: these purple missions are the only way to get a purple augment. I never ever had a purple augment from the normal missions.

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But paying 20k for 1 mission isn't that a bit of the top? 20k is about 10% of all my credits.


Slicing was nerfed as a way to actually make money so they will make it up in other areas, thus the high price of the missions, which you see translating over to 15k for one promethium ore and 20k for 1 mando Iron.


Wait till all the people wanting to make augments have to deal with slicers to get mats to make them, slicers have been waiting for their revenge against all the people that complained about it and i think we will all see it in the prices they charge for those mats.

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, slicers have been waiting for their revenge against all the people that complained about it and i think we will all see it in the prices they charge for those mats.


If it wasn't nerfed, the economy would be in the toilet, everyone would have a billion credits, and 1 stack of green goo would cost 2 million.


Slicing was giving out WAY too many credits and if it wasn't fixed, it would have unbalanced the entire ecomony.



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If it wasn't nerfed, the economy would be in the toilet, everyone would have a billion credits, and 1 stack of green goo would cost 2 million.


Slicing was giving out WAY too many credits and if it wasn't fixed, it would have unbalanced the entire ecomony.




it needed to be nerfed, agreed. I still think you will see slicers trying to screw the people that can make augments with high prices for the mats.

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If it wasn't nerfed, the economy would be in the toilet, everyone would have a billion credits, and 1 stack of green goo would cost 2 million.


Slicing was giving out WAY too many credits and if it wasn't fixed, it would have unbalanced the entire ecomony.




revenge =/= reason

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Last night I paid 36k for 4 purple grade 6 gemstones. I wish I would have done that sooner.

The pain it was to get 6 (2 successful missions) on my own ? sheesh....

In money was less sure, but not by a whole lot. And not to mention the tedium and annoyance of getting on and off the ship to reset the mission list, hoping to get an abundant one ( I'm working under the assumption that I need a crit on an abundant mission to get the purple mat, if that's not true, go ahead and laugh :D)


I got to 50 last week, so I'm still farming the daylies. 36k seems a lot, but I raise that money in no time. And lastly, you can always get a streak of bad luck and waste a lot of money and time and get nothing...

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20k for a guarantee purple mats is not to bad.


Trying to get the purple mats with normal missions can cost you alot more. And way more time as well.

With these missions, you get great yield of all mats that you can normaly get, just all at once in bigger numbers.

Yes, its questionable if it is worth it, but for some it seems so.


And some extra note for slicing: these purple missions are the only way to get a purple augment. I never ever had a purple augment from the normal missions.


Not a sure thing at the moment, just ran three 340 failures in a row. 400 UT, two different companions with 10k affection. Apparently patch 1.2 is going to fix this as well so I'm sitting on my missions atm.

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Now and then I browse then GTN. More out of curiousity then anything els. A few days ago I noticed that there are many purple missions for sale. From what I understand is that these missions are 1 use only.


But why would anyone do these missions at all? They are very expensive to buy are 1 use only. So what do these special missions yield?


They usually yield more worth when completed then what you paid for them

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orly ? good to know :)


doing your daily quests is probably better time management but yes, a level 50 can solo boarding party and i think i can get through in only 5-6 pulls the trick is to know where all the security chests are.

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I read quickly, but I don't think anyone pointed out that the purchased quests on the GTN often make sense for mission skills (treasure hunting, underworld trading, etc). Guaranteed rares often make missions a real bargain both in terms of time and money.


However, I also see crazy-high prices for gathering skills. Like, 15k for a 175 Archaeology skill. It'd have to return a lot of mats to be worth 15k, since gathering skills have no rare mats.


Unless I'm missing something, in which case please tell me what, because I can't for the life of me figure out what's driving gathering skill quests so high.

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These missions are basically the only thing I buy on the GTN at the moment. In fact, I just got a slicer to 400 to start getting them myself.


The only way to reliably get mandalorian iron, which I can send my team out for a week (all with 10k affection), and be lucky if they crit once for 2.


I currently buy Bioanalysis, Diplomacy, Scavenging, and, Underworld Trading. Scavenging missions are almost a requirement because one piece of high level armor takes 10 zal alloy's, and a regular mission will maybe bring you back 6.

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Last night I paid 36k for 4 purple grade 6 gemstones. I wish I would have done that sooner.

The pain it was to get 6 (2 successful missions) on my own ? sheesh....

In money was less sure, but not by a whole lot. And not to mention the tedium and annoyance of getting on and off the ship to reset the mission list, hoping to get an abundant one ( I'm working under the assumption that I need a crit on an abundant mission to get the purple mat, if that's not true, go ahead and laugh :D)


I got to 50 last week, so I'm still farming the daylies. 36k seems a lot, but I raise that money in no time. And lastly, you can always get a streak of bad luck and waste a lot of money and time and get nothing...


FYI, you do not need an abundant mission to get purple mats. In fact my crew more often than not crits on moderate missions. For UWT, this will yield 4 ciridium (blue mats) and 2 mando iron (purple mats). The abundant mission takes longer and costs more, on a crit will yield "I think" 5 or 6 ciridium and 3 mando irons. The chance to crit I believe is exactly the same regardless of whether moderate or abundant, only diff is amount returned.

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FYI, you do not need an abundant mission to get purple mats. In fact my crew more often than not crits on moderate missions. For UWT, this will yield 4 ciridium (blue mats) and 2 mando iron (purple mats). The abundant mission takes longer and costs more, on a crit will yield "I think" 5 or 6 ciridium and 3 mando irons. The chance to crit I believe is exactly the same regardless of whether moderate or abundant, only diff is amount returned.


For what it's worth, almost every single one of my criticals has been from Rich missions. I may have gotten 2-3 crits on anything else.

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But paying 20k for 1 mission isn't that a bit of the top? 20k is about 10% of all my credits.


well if they were actually selling at those prices then they wouldn't be on the trade network. there are tons of people that buy up cheap items and then repost them at ridiculous prices. just like in WoW they are hoping that the people with lots of credits (usually people that just bought them and didn't earn them) will just buy things on the AH no matter how expensive it is and then they make a profit for no effort. basically it's just a form of price gouging and so far out of all the MMOs I have played I have never once seen a developer do anything to stop it. All you can do is check the GTN frequently and hope you get lucky and find a reasonably priced item before the price gougers grab it and repost it for 10 times the price.

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well if they were actually selling at those prices then they wouldn't be on the trade network. there are tons of people that buy up cheap items and then repost them at ridiculous prices. just like in WoW they are hoping that the people with lots of credits (usually people that just bought them and didn't earn them) will just buy things on the AH no matter how expensive it is and then they make a profit for no effort. basically it's just a form of price gouging and so far out of all the MMOs I have played I have never once seen a developer do anything to stop it. All you can do is check the GTN frequently and hope you get lucky and find a reasonably priced item before the price gougers grab it and repost it for 10 times the price.


I've never had a want for credits by simply searching a few quick categories each time I hit the GTN, and buying any significantly under-priced items and reposting them.


It isn't my problem that someone posted a 340 Purple Mission, a 49 artifact enhancement, or some orange bracers at the GTN auto-price when the actual price players are willing to pay is substantially higher.


So yes, if the price I see them listed for is substantially lower than the average price players pay, of course I'm going to arbitrage the item.


Only a fool wouldn't.


And yes OP, depending upon your servers ecconomy, purple missions even at market prices can provide reasonable returns.

Edited by DawnAskham
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For what it's worth, almost every single one of my criticals has been from Rich missions. I may have gotten 2-3 crits on anything else.


Random number generator is random. You can crit on any mission and I firmly believe the crit rate is the exact same.

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