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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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Probably not. There are many things I'm still enjoying, and I intend to finish leveling my current alt, but if it weren't for the Star Wars setting I'm not sure if I would have the enthusiasm to keep going:


1. No LFG tool with queuing for flash points and operations

2. The daily content for level 50 characters quickly becomes a grind due to the high cost and limited availability of commendation rewards (time, and repetitiveness, versus reward)

3. Travel times were greatly improved, but they still have a ways to go. Easiest fixes would be to:

A) completely eliminate orbital and space ports (as soon as you walk through the door of the space port you zone into your ship, and vice versa)

B) allow the 30 min quick travel to also take you to your ship

C) eliminate standard fleet passes and reduce the cool down on emergency fleet pass to one hour

D) make the first speeder available at level 20, the next ones at levels 30 and 40. Introduce a new speeder that increases speed by 130% at level 50. Reduce costs appropriately


And notable mention: the legacy system is anemic. It's not a reason I would quit, but it just makes me kind of sad every time I look at it. Mega grinds for everything, and the fun stuff is just obscenely expensive and limited.

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its a story driven game

its not WoW, regardless of what some people try to pigeonhole it as

its not some generic high fantasy BS with the drunken dwarves or the elf archers etc etc that i have seen millions of times and am quite sick of

as the people who drift from game to game start leaving the community will improve

the Imperial Agent story itself its the least "star warsy" story, and it is one of the best, same with the Gunslinger... so in that regard, the proof is in the pudding so to speak

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Yes, I almost didn't play this game because it was Star Wars. The original three movies are classics, but I dislike or am uninterested in any of the new stuff. I was hoping for a Mass Effect or Dragon Age MMO, but after playing this game, I'm warming up to Star Wars again.


1) The class stories/voice acting really draws me in.

2) The aesthetics of the planets is amazing.

3) Classes are well designed and have fun abilities.

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Nope. High unlikely.


1. Huge Huge server population issues, and total failure from Bioware to even acknowledge them let alone deal with it.

2. The combat really isn't anything special and not particularly interesting.

3. If this wasn't Star Wars it would be like playing Wow, this game really isn't anything new like at all.


On top of that the CS is rather poor, I remember my wow account was hacked once it took aprox 5 hours from me noticing to everything being restored. Here it takes approx 5 tickets and 3 weeks before CS will even acknowledge that you exist.


However for the sole reason that it is Star wars more importantly its set in the Old republic, I actually like it a lot (due to stories, setting, etc). Though I can't deal with the server populations much longer it really is annoying.

Edited by RTCBrad
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* Not a fan of SW as much as I am a fan of Bioware games.


* Was able to beta and test my own limitations in the gme, and discover if I could manage the new environment; unable or unwilling to play other MMO's.


* As solo games have varied appeal for me, they may not always be around to fill the long gaps of time between release dates. This MMO gives me a daily RPG fix that alters in presentation, as does my NWN1 PW.

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Kind of a moot point, because it is Star Wars.


However, it would depend on what the alternative was. I know this is a shocking revelation to many, but there are people who play a game for it's atmosphere instead of technical specifications. If the alternative was interesting then yes, as there is nothing jarringly bad about the game. I would prefer a good sandbox, but those are a larger gamble, so people don't want to invest in making one, so I'll take what I can get.

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Kind of a moot point, because it is Star Wars.


Actually, I think that "given fact" is not entirely without question.


It may carry the name and have the required IP-license, but some things are definitely NOT Star Wars at least as I know it...for example:



  • Black Lightsabers.
  • Visually force corrupt non-force users.
  • The 1.2 high level armor designs.


I don't want to completely derail the thread, but it doesn't take much research nor consideration to realize that the above are pretty much out of place and should arguably not have made it into the game to begin with.


To get back OT and answer OP's question...


To be perfectly honest: No, I would probably not.


But seeing as I'm feeling less and less inclined to agree that the game is true to the Star Wars I know, even that is becoming questionable. Because for every black saber and force-corrpupted Smuggler I see, I get more and more turned off from playing the game.



Edited by ShavedEwok
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