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I finished taking all 8 classes to level 50, will answer any player questions.


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P.S. Just post any questions you have and I will answer them as soon as I have time. I was also the first player in World Of Warcraft to cap out the classes.(Both were done on PvP servers, although SWTOR was done on an RPPvP server)


I had 6 50s over a full month ago, then got bored, or should I say more bored.

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I am very confused why you would make all 8 on the same side instead of only doing each story once.


I do not understand his logic either, but we are all different. For me completing each story was the only option, and it will also pay off in 1.2 as I have access to every companion, and can do the quests on both factions for the account wide legacy item (whatever that is).

Edited by System_TOR
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I've been playing for a little over 40 days. Normally I like to figure things out on my own or ask questions in game when I need a little help. However, many of my guild mates are a lot lower in level than I (I have a lvl 50 Marauder, Dark 5) and it's my only character I've put a lot of time into so you can see my dilemma due to many players having multiple characters and not focusing on 1 or 2 characters.


Anyway, my question is what is the best (non-pvp) gear I can buy for my toon, or is it possible for someone to make me better gear? After getting to Corellia I pretty much did everything on my own (minus heroic & flashpoints). Now I'm at the point of my story-line where not having the right knowledge of gear and use of companions that I'm dying more here than any point of the game. I've fought Lord Draahg multiple times only to fall at his hands and I'd hate to actually ask for help to fight someone on my class quest.


1. I grabbed someone in zone and had them help me with that on my Marauder. I solo'ed most of the end game class quests, however that one I oculd not. This has nothing to do with gear I simply think that it is a little out of balance. Grab a friend and run through it with him.(Even with a friend still use a healer companion.)

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I am trying to figure out which planet is best for leveling a tank assassin class but can't find any thing. Any one know which planet is best?


1. Well, I never grinded any characters, just run them through the quests on each planet.

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I just legitimately want to know, if it already hasn't been answered, did you have anything else to do during this time? Are you a lonely guy in his mom's basement? A rich contractor taking a break? I mean, did you have any other responsibilities during this time or what? Did you ever get sick of the game? How do you make money o_o


Also why didn't you do four classes on opposite side and level different specs...


1. I have not lived with my mother since 17.

2. Being loney with a wife, 4 children(grown) and 2 grandchildren is humanly impossible.

3. I am not "rich".

4. on the 7th and 8th walkthrough of each planet it did get a little monotonous.(However since I have done this before that was to be expected.)

5. Well there is this street corner in town...(LOL - Life without a sense of humor is not life)

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Well thank you for being willing to respond so readily. I read all of your responses so hopefully I am not re-asking any questions:


1. What are your computer specs and how do you feel that SWTOR runs compared to other similar titles?


2. Do you use macros or any more specialized gaming software/hardware?


3. What do you think of SWTORs combat (single abilities and lots of them) compared to something like DCO where the combat branches from each attack? Or most MMOs using an auto-attack type mechanic?


4. Do you intend to do the same for republic?


5. How do you feel the trade skills compare to each other (I've had a hard time breaking away from Bio/Bio/Slicing)?


6. Since you primarily used healing companions did you care that this resulted in useless companions? What do you think of non-healing companions being relegated to a trade-skills-monkey position? Did you use your ship's droid for healing until you got a decent healing companion (for instance with the Assassin)?


7. What was your favorite planet? Did you play the original KOTOR? Do you feel that the lore continuation was developed as well as it should have been?

(Did you experience what they did to Revan?)



8. What do you think of the long term effects of the relatively simple enemy AI mechanics for replay-ability or sustainable interesting future content?


9. In the mid level game sometimes companions can do equal or slightly superior DPS, did you consider going DPS/DPS for any portions of the content?


10. Which character did you feel the most attachment to and why?


11. If you could change one thing about SWTOR what would it be?




1. Built myself - 8 Gigs RAM - Q6600 proc - 80Gig SSD and a 120 Gig Raptor.(Put SWTOR on Raptor - no idea why not on SSD - did not know much about game so did not know if I was going to play through it or not) - GTX 550 TI - Windows 7 Home Premium. Only lag I have seen is in end game PvP.


2. No, but I should...


3. I don't like having 30-40 different skills, with only 2 hot bars in the middle. Was surprised it did not have auto attack, however have not played DCO. Mostly though when you hit 50 you only really have a rotation of 4 or 5 skills.


4. No. 1.12 has quite a few things I do not like.(I really do not like the attempt to homogenize the player base) I am looking forward, somewhat, to Diablo 3 in May and also I am hoping that the dev that picked me up, moves on his project.


5. I have commented before that I did not like the crafting system, extremely easy to level(which means everyone will do it, which means no robust economy) and in order to craft the decent end game items you are forced to PvE.(I am a PvP player) It is not horrid, just rather "dumbed down".


6. I liked having the different companions, even though I did not use all of them. I did do their quests, had relationships, and send them on tasks all of this adds to a positive experience. Also none of my characters use healers for end game OW PvP.(although the server I play on is dead in OW pvp, so I nascar Ilum when I am forced too) Did not use ship droid as he was useless at the start and useless at the end.(for PvE/PvP play) I feel the intent of the devs concerning him was to be more of a crafter/lobie mission runner, which he did just fine. The Assassin, I just sucked it up till he got his healer. If the droid as a healer worked for you let me know, maybe I missed something?


7. Did not really have a favorite planet although Tat was kind of cool. I did play KOTOR many years ago, however I played SWTOR as an MMO not really looking for things to fit into the movies/game. I am sure the game stays true enough to keep players happy that have followed the movies/game.


8. This is why I PvP, because of server resources, only so much can be put into mob AI, so I never really expected a challenge, and did not get one from the AI. I did have a couple end game boss fights that I needed a friend to run through with me. You have to remember the devs have to make the game so that "everyone" can do the quests. While I was not challenged, this is an expectation in the MMO industry, however this usually changes in end game raid content, since I PvP, I cannot comment on the PvE end game difficulty. In PvP I know that I will be challenged every time I go into a WZ or Ilum.(if the server had a population that could support Ilum) Yes sometimes you "violate" the other side, and sometimes you face a premade when you are in a PUG and get violated, that to me is fun and entertainment, I would be absolutely bored out of my mind if I did end game PvE. Monotony destroys my brain and makes me wanna pull my hair out.(LOL)


9. Of course :) But for me it was all about lowering downtime between pulls, thereby increasing the rate of exp gain and leveling. I will be the first to admit that is is MUCH more fun to play with a non-healer companion. I really like Warrior/Wilsaam and BH/Blizz.


10. I view the game a little differently then most, I think. I see each character as a "black box" that can cause/heal/mitigate "X" damage over "Y" time. Don't get me wrong, while I may not attach myself to any character or class, it greatly adds flavor to the game when you have companions, relationships, side quests, storyline etc... As an example of this I really enjoyed the Sorc storyline over the others, even more then the Assassin. You might ask why over the Assassin, because they share the same storyline. The Assassin should assassinate people, but the Sorc had that constant power struggle with her superiors and destroyed them all in the end, much more value of that storyline to the Sorc then the Assassin.


11. Strictly as a gamer, I feel the thing that needs changed the most is end game PvP, and with 1.2 it seems the devs are going the wrong way with it. Ilum needs a complete overhaul, and removing the gear differences simply destroys all the effort of all the players for all the time they have PvP'ed up until 1.2.(You will be able to buy champion like equipment for coin, players will all have the same gear to start, etc...) Here is some 1.2 info so you can see what I am talking about.



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So what's the best class to use is what I wanna know. Something that does really good damage. I'm not a tank person.


1. Best class is a matter of playstyle. If you do not like to tank, I would go with Sorc for ranged DPS, off heals and you get a tank as a companion at the start. If you are more of an "in your face" type of player go for Marauder or Jugg.(offense spec the Jugg, not for tanking) If you like stealth I would pick Operative over Assassin as IMO Operative as slightly more of a "rouge" feel to it then Assassin. BH Merc NOT Powertech is also a fun ranged DPS.

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He said 43, married, totally disabled veteran with a wife and several kids. I would bet he gets a military disability pension of some sort not that it is our business. He also coaches girls soccer on the side. He wanted to be ready on one side for PVP and picked empire. It really comes out that he likes PVP the best by his choice for best end game of DAOC.


1. I am permantly disabled because of something I did in the military, however it was not related to military duty.(Driving at speeds of 120MPH+ is not a wise thing to do on a motorcycle, truth be told I was not at fault for the accident, however that does not help me) The wife is the bread winner in the family, although I have coached soccer for many years my youngest(twin 17 year olds) are about out of the house, so I do not coach anymore.(She still plays soccer, however because of being disabled I cannot anymore, the disability gets worse with time)

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Have searched for the datacrons inall calles you've played thus far? Would their locations differ based on class, or are they all in the same places on each planet for all classes?


Your wisdom will inspire those who survive!



Raj (SI Assassin 32 Gilross)


1. Did not mess with them at all - I knew by the time I hit 50 with all the classes, a guide would be posted with all the loc's.

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I am very confused why you would make all 8 on the same side instead of only doing each story once.


1. Remember I was not in any of the beta tests, when I paid for the game(in late Dec.) I did not even know that Imp and Pubs were nothing more then mirrors, let alone that Sorc and Assassin shared the same story.

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What is your favourite class for pvp and why ?


1. At first it was Sorc, until I seen that it was way overplayed, so I switched to Operative. I did take them all to PvP just to get a "feel" and feel that Operative is the most fun to play in PvP. I am really disapointed in the end game and with all the changes coming next month, it might just kill the game for me.

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Ok please don't hate me but I have several questions in one


What is your strategy for each boss in hard mode karraga's palace?


My guild one shot Eternty Vaut so no problems there


Thanks for taking the time to answer this :)

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Ok please don't hate me but I have several questions in one


What is your strategy for each boss in hard mode karraga's palace?


My guild one shot Eternty Vaut so no problems there


Thanks for taking the time to answer this :)


1. I do not do end game PvE, as I am a PvP player. WHile I have been to KP, it was only to get Biometrics.

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To the OP:


1. Thank you for posting this and taking the time to give us your perspective.

2. Thank you for reminding us all how to deal with trolls (ignoring them) :)

3. Thank you for your service - if your disability happened in someplace hot and sandy, then double thank you.

4. I hope your child does well and returns home safe from whatever deployment awaits.


And thanks for reminding us that the boards can be useful, polite, and fun even with trolls.


I am sorry to say this, but I give you 10,000 Light Side points just for your attitude. The Sith will not be happy with you now....

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To the OP:


1. Thank you for posting this and taking the time to give us your perspective.

2. Thank you for reminding us all how to deal with trolls (ignoring them) :)

3. Thank you for your service - if your disability happened in someplace hot and sandy, then double thank you.

4. I hope your child does well and returns home safe from whatever deployment awaits.


And thanks for reminding us that the boards can be useful, polite, and fun even with trolls.


I am sorry to say this, but I give you 10,000 Light Side points just for your attitude. The Sith will not be happy with you now....



LOL, I ETS'ed 2 months before Saddam Insane went into Kuwait, only desert I ever saw was Fort Irwin in CA.(NTC - When Russia was still considered our OPFOR) As for trolls they are kind of like zits, if you keep them clean and ignore them they will go away after a short while. Nothing wrong with the Light Side, as long as you know peace is a lie...


P.S. As far as my oldest,(leaving for basic in 2 weeks) I really do not want to make any comments. I have an EXTREMELY negative attitude on using a military force as a police force, this creates too many conflicts of interest, which results in a lot of unnecessary deaths.(on both sides) I am gonna start rambling for hours, so I will just stop this now :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
1. Why would you post here if you did not think I was qualified to answer your questions?


Why didn't you answer my question? To break this vicious circle of question dodging, let me explain my point, as it seems to be necessary for some reason.


I quoted your claim, i.e. 'Assassins can't be true tanks, because they have stealth' and asked what made you think you could answer any question concerning (mmo-gaming) at all. This was not to troll, but the result of my observation that you seem to have trouble with even the basic concepts.


Not hating, please don't get me wrong. It is quite an achievement to have levelled so many chars to such an extent and you must be quite knowledgable about many aspects in the game, namely the levelling process.


On the other hand your knowledge and experience in regard to endgame and specific classes seems to be lacking, which in conclusion makes me think, that your offer of giving out advice on those aspects (='answer any questions) is a bit overestimating yourself.


As is displayed by the originally quoted statement (maybe I just don't get your humor and it was said in jest, though) or implied by the amount of playtime devoted to the levelling phase compared to endgame.

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