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The absolute most effecient skill rotation.


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Annihilation, mainly focused on PvP, although I would also like to hear it for PvE as well.


What is the absolute, best and most effective skill rotation I should be using, that will give me the absolute most damage this class is capable of doing (besides factoring in gear and whatnot)?


This is my starting rotation, so do tell if it's not right:


Jump -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Annihilate -> Rupture (if it cools down from Anni) -> Deadly Saber -> Ravage -> Jump (for more Rage) -> Vicious Slash (to get bleed from deadly saber) -> Force Scream (to finish, if not dead)

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There's no "perfect" rotation for an Anni Marauder, in the beginning it's good to memorize certain patterns but after a while you'll only improve if you adept to the situation.


About your starting rotation

1. Think if it's really the right decision to start out with force charge, you might get knocked back right away and need to slowly walk balk to your opponent. I really try not to open with charge for the above reason and also to keep it up as an interrupt

2. get your bleeds up and running asap; if you charge as a starter get deadly saber going right away, otherwise after battering assault

3. If you want to use Ravage then only for the first 2 ticks, the last one takes forever so just continue doing something else once the first two hit

4. Force scream I personally only use when my opponent is too far away and low on HP

5. Do not forget to use Obfuscate, crippling slash, Interrupts, etc. when applicable and tactically right

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Use deadly saber in your first charge, that way your battering, rupture, and annihilate will each stack your deadly saber and you will have full 3 stacks. If you by some miracle haven't been shut down by this point, a choke to let them bleed is pretty tasty, especially if you have your relics popped. :D
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Jump -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Annihilate -> Rupture (if it cools down from Anni) -> Deadly Saber -> Ravage -> Jump (for more Rage) -> Vicious Slash (to get bleed from deadly saber) -> Force Scream (to finish, if not dead)


Absolutely not.


Charge -> Deadly Saber -> Battering Assault- > Rupture -> Annihilate should be your opener. You can get the Deadly Saber animation to completely go away if you use it right before Charge actually hits, which thus makes it optimal to use right then. Battering Assault, Rupture, and Annihilate then put all 3 Deadly Saber stacks on your opponent.


Do NOT put Rupture on the same target if it goes off cooldown from Annihilate unless the first Rupture completely finished doing damage. It only refreshes the debuff, so therefore you are wasting a few seconds where Rupture could still be bleeding your target out. You can, however, place Rupture on a different target instead.


After that initial rotation, it's 100% circumstantial.

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Thanks for telling me about Rupture. I was under the impression that the point of Annihilation was to stack as many bleeds, so this had me thinking that two Ruptures were stack-able.


Anything else that I should add to a rotation? Should I consider priorities in attacks, and attacks that have effects on top of other attacks, etc?


Also, I had started with Jump, because I'm used to always being Rage starved. Can never have enough, so this is why I would Jump then go for Battering Assault.

Edited by The_Metal
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When it comes to pvp...especially classes that have a knockback, I almost always try to see if I can run to them first.


But for your leaping:


Leap > Deadly Saber (while you're flying through the air) > Battering > Rupture > Annihilate.


As for priority, you always want to use Annihilate on cooldown, same with Deadly Saber. Rupture as well (unless you already have a Rupture on target)


I should mention this applies to PvE as well. Annihilate always on cooldown (which means it's good to keep rage up--don't be afraid to throw in Assaults/Ravage). Especially after the first Annihilate since the cooldown window is quite small to keep Annihilator.

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Perfect dps priority list for MARAUDERS and SENTINELS for pve:


1- Berserk/Zen: Use always when available, if you about to use Adrenal and Relics, line them up here


2- Annihilate/Merciless Slash: if cd-reduction buff is about to expire


3- Vicious Throw/Dispatch: When target is below 20% hp


4- Rupture/Cauterize


5- Annihilate/Merciless Slash


6- Deadly Saber/Overload Saber: lined up with Force Charge or Assault


7- Battering Assault/Zealous Strike: If resource < 7


9- Ravage/Master Strike: When 2,4 + 5 remaining cd is above 5 seconds


10- Assault/Strike: When nothing else is ready for use or your resource would fall below 5


11- Assalut/Strike together with Retaliation/Rebuke procs: When everything is on CD and youre falling below 5 resource and you know you wont need the Rage spent for the next 2/3 globals. . YOU ONLY LOSE 1 RAGE BY USING THIS!


iF YOU want to PVP try to add your heal and slow debuff in this rotation.






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anni spec is 90% circumstantial


what i can say for sure is thatravage should not be anywhere in your rotation , it is only somekind of worthy(but not really) on carnage spec which makes ravage able to immoblize the target.

i might use it only when my group has outnumbered someone that means the kill is inevitable but even then i would rather use a rage builder than ravage



DON NOT UNDERESTIMATE crippling slash it enchances both you killing efficiency and survaivability.

apply it on the annoying opponet which makes circles and makes you pissed and dizzy at the same time. especially against assasins its very handy in order to avoid maul.


as far as dps is concerned it goes without saying , most of the time in a fight you have to cope with movemebt impairing effects, make them taste their own medicine

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Some Carnage rotation:



Charge -> Savage Kick ->Massacre -> Battering Assault -> Gore -> Ravage -> Scream


Some Anni rotation:


Charge -> Crippling slash -> Deadly Saber -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Annihilate

-> ? Improvise

Edited by MRMuFa
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