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Companion Ages?


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Corso I would say is in his mid-20s to early 30s. He talks a lot about the service he's seen and the fights he's been in.

As well, there's a time frame mentioned with his cousin. I don't remember the exact timeframe but I think he last saw his cousin as a teenager and it's been several years since.



I'm afraid math and the time frame in spoilers makes Corso 19. Which would explain a lot.

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ive seen online lokin is unconfirmed 60s and vector 26


things get wierd for chiss, since i was told they reach physical maturity by 10, and are considered full adults early/mid teens. they live to be comparable age to humans tho aperantly. It makes sense why theyre so stern and serious if they have a very short childhood.

exept mine... who seems to have gone into the deep end of playfulness, and gigglefits due to IA chapter 2 brain dammage :jawa_angel:




during my mystic shrink visit on voss, i said i used to be in the ascendancy secret police, then the empire noticed me and took me for thier own. so my toon is looking at years of training, enough time on the ascendancy field to get noticed, then more training


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Someone hasn't finished Act I yet.



Zash only wants you for your younger body.


More like the fact that you aren't going to keel over for at least a decade. Zash is apparently, exactly the age she looks like she is. Only problem is she messed with one artifact too many and found one that took offense to her presumption and caused rapid physical aging. However given her maternal tendency towards the SI, whatever age she is, the canon SI is probably younger.

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Gile, where did you find that info? Or is that an educated guess? I've only really played SW and SI, and here are my guesses (based on general looks and personality.)


Vette: Early 20s

Quinn: Late 20s or early 30s I would actually venture mid 30's

Jaesa: Early-mid 20s

Pierce: Somewhere from 25-35

Broonmark: I have no idea about Talz ages


Khem: Centuries old

Andronikos: Early 30s

Ashara: 20 (confirmed by codex)

Talos: Somewhere in the 30s I was thinking early to mid 40's

Xalek: No idea.



The rest seem about right as best as I can figure.

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Someone hasn't finished Act I yet.



Zash only wants you for your younger body.


True but



look at her body when you face her in the Temple. She looks all of 100 and about to shrivel and die so younger in this case is rather relative and could cover a fairly significant gap.


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Jorgan- Late 30's/early 40's methinks.

Dorne- Early 20's I think

Vik- Just guessing 31, older than most of the squad, but younger than Jorgan

Yuun- Who knows?

M1-4X- Maybe 5 years.


By Jorgan's looks and demeanor I'd agree with you, but at some point while romancing him he mentioned he's eaten ration packs for the last 10 years (deflecting my demand he cook me dinner, lol), which would put him at... 28? Late 20s to early 30s if he's rounding. Can't imagine he explored other careers before joining the military.


I'd guess Dorne as slightly older... spent long enough in the Empire to realize she wanted out, probably went through a lengthy desertion process with the Republic before being allowed in the military, and has since been a Republic soldier for 2 years.

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The only character I have played to 50 is my SI


Here are my guesse for the SI companion


Khem: Centuries old if not millenia


Andronikos: Late 30s.

He has to have had time to serve in the republic army, then become a pirate, become a capitain pirate , get a reputation, lose his ship etc...




Ashara: 20


Talos: Sometime I think 40s but on the other hand he often comes out as still too entousiatic about archeology to be that old in a bureaucratic system such as the empire.


Xalek: I do not know his race enough to guess

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Here's what I think based on my experiences.


Trooper - 25 (Take into account she was chosen to join Havoc because of her exemplary accomplishments during training, she couldn't have been older than 30. After act III, 27)

Smuggler - 19 (I only say this because she's so witty and immature! I'd say by Act III she's about 21)

Jedi Consular - 23 (He just came out of training in Tython, he couldn't be older than 25. Also, I think by the end of Act III he might be 25)

Jedi Knight - 22 (His voice sounds young enough to be 22 at the beginning and 24 at the end of Act III)


Bounty Hunter - 24 (He is a young bounty hunter going after the Great Hunt, Braden stated it himself. At the end of Act III he's about 26 with Mako being about 23-ish)

Imperial Agent - 24 (Agent training is very long I presume. After Act III, she's about 26 as well)

Sith Inquisitor - 18 (She was a slave, and also *Spoiler* Zash wanted her for her young body, so my claim might be correct or off by one year. By Act III she's 20)

Sith Warrior - 25 (Before I say anything, I gotta tell you that if you're considering quitting, you should play the Sith Warrior story.... Now, his training was accelerated because of his long line of Sith heritage. So, I believe he left Korriban at 25 and *Spoiler* became the Emperor's official Wrath at 28, which is at the end of Act III)


These are my speculations of the classes.


On a few of the companions I've come along so far:


Vette - 21

Malavai Quinn - 33

Jaesa Willsaam - 23

Lt. Pierce - 31

Broonmark - Heh. I've no clue.


Kira Carsen - 21

T7-03 - 300

Doc - 25

Sgt. Rusk - 50

Scourge - 350


Khem Val - 3000


Qyzen Fess - .... 50-ish....?


Jorgan - 25


Corso Riggs - 19

Bowdaar - Wookie years. Idk.

Risha - 20


Kalyio - 27


Mako - 21

Gault - 23


That's all I think I know:D

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Here's what I think based on my experiences.


Trooper - 25 (Take into account she was chosen to join Havoc because of her exemplary accomplishments during training, she couldn't have been older than 30. After act III, 27)

Smuggler - 19 (I only say this because she's so witty and immature! I'd say by Act III she's about 21)

Jedi Consular - 23 (He just came out of training in Tython, he couldn't be older than 25. Also, I think by the end of Act III he might be 25)

Jedi Knight - 22 (His voice sounds young enough to be 22 at the beginning and 24 at the end of Act III)


Bounty Hunter - 24 (He is a young bounty hunter going after the Great Hunt, Braden stated it himself. At the end of Act III he's about 26 with Mako being about 23-ish)

Imperial Agent - 24 (Agent training is very long I presume. After Act III, she's about 26 as well)

Sith Inquisitor - 18 (She was a slave, and also *Spoiler* Zash wanted her for her young body, so my claim might be correct or off by one year. By Act III she's 20)

Sith Warrior - 25 (Before I say anything, I gotta tell you that if you're considering quitting, you should play the Sith Warrior story.... Now, his training was accelerated because of his long line of Sith heritage. So, I believe he left Korriban at 25 and *Spoiler* became the Emperor's official Wrath at 28, which is at the end of Act III)


These are my speculations of the classes.


On a few of the companions I've come along so far:


Vette - 21

Malavai Quinn - 33

Jaesa Willsaam - 23

Lt. Pierce - 31

Broonmark - Heh. I've no clue.


Kira Carsen - 21

T7-03 - 300

Doc - 25

Sgt. Rusk - 50

Scourge - 350


Khem Val - 3000


Qyzen Fess - .... 50-ish....?


Jorgan - 25


Corso Riggs - 19

Bowdaar - Wookie years. Idk.

Risha - 20


Kalyio - 27


Mako - 21

Gault - 23


That's all I think I know:D

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During a recent interview with Catherine Taber, who did the voice of Vette, she says Vette is 19 years old.


This means that the Sith Warrior is at least that old, since Vette mentions to the female Sith Warrior how she sees her as a surrogate big sister.

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I've seen that 29 floated on some of the database sites, and I wonder where it came from. Earlier beta data maybe? Seems a little too old for me, but I've only just gotten him and I don't know what sort of experience he's had fighting; he just gives the impression of being fairly young, plus the BH is always calling him "kid", and Jicoln calls him a child or the like at least twice. I'd put him in his early 20s, myself.


Speaking of Jicoln,


How do you figure Torian knows him? That's an honest question; I couldn't get that out of the dialogue I went through, but it's hard to make sense of some of it.


- Jicoln's been on Taris for over 10 years. The email I got from Mandalore after wrapping up that quest mentioned their last fight being 10 years ago, too.

- But if you take Torian with you to fight Jicoln, Jicoln says something like, "You ARE my son. Artus [Mandalore] said he'd kill the child at my wife's breast." And Torian said, "Sometimes I wish he had." (ouch, dude..) To me this sounds like Artus made the threat when Torian was still very young, so well before 10 years ago... That might match up well with the timeline of the Mandalorian blockade as mentioned above. The blockade began in 3661 BBY, 8 years before the Treaty, so ~18 years before the game starts. Seems about right for a youngish Torian.




As for Mako, Braden found her when she was 15 and she says she's been with him for "years". To me that implies more than a few, so I'd guess she's at least 20. Not much more, though.


I don't think anyone's mentioned Gault yet. XD He says he's been pulling capers for 30 years, so there's that...


I agree with this. They both seem young, but in an intelligent way. As for teh Bounty Hunter, I see them around the same age, early 20s; but their age is relative to the player. As for Gault..... no idea O.o

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Actually, he says he's nearly 300 years old in that convo.


These are my guesses for the rest.

Khem is centuries (nearly a millenium) old.

Vette - Late teens/early twenties.

Ashara - 20 (Only true confirmed).

Quinn - Early 30s.

Kira - Early/mid 20s.

Dr. Lokin - 60s or 70s.

Doc - Late 20s.

Mako - Mid 20s.

Kaliyo - If I guess above 29, she's gonna kill me.

Raina - Early 20s. 23 is my best guess for her.

Zash - Possibly over 100.

(I count her because of her symbiotic relationship with Khem after Chapter 1)


SGT Rusk - At LEAST 50. Conversation he had with the General who happened to be an academy classmate of his.

SGT Jorgan - Mid/late 20s.

SGT Dorne - 24. Just a hunch with her, but I'm going with 24.

Lord Scourge - At least 350 - 400. Probably somewhere in there.

Andronikos - Mid 30s.

Vector - mid/late 20s.

Torian - Late teens/early 20s.

Corso - Late teens/maybe 20 on the outside.

Jaesa - Early/mid 20s.

Blizz - WHO CARES? He's BOSS!!! :D


As for the player characters:

Knight: Early/mid 20s.

Warrior: Early/mid 20s.

Consular: Late 20s/early 30s.

Inquisitor: Late teens/early 20s.

Agent: Early 20s.

Smuggler: Mid/late 20s.

Bounty Hunter: Mid/late 20s.

Trooper: Late 20s/early 30s. (Convo where you talk about your previous experience before joining the Republic Army)


I'd put Jorgan a bit older. He was old enough to have earned Lt rank, and was over Havoc squad. Also, in the consular conversations with Iresso, you find out that Jorgan was in charge the short time that Iresso was at Ord Mantell.


Edit: I also think Qyzen is around 35 - I think he mentioned that age when he was going through his mid-life change....and said most Trandoshian hunters don't live to be that old, and that his father didn't.

Edited by Ashu-ri
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I'd put Jorgan a bit older. He was old enough to have earned Lt rank, and was over Havoc squad. Also, in the consular conversations with Iresso, you find out that Jorgan was in charge the short time that Iresso was at Ord Mantell.


Edit: I also think Qyzen is around 35 - I think he mentioned that age when he was going through his mid-life change....and said most Trandoshian hunters don't live to be that old, and that his father didn't.


You don't need to be that old to be a LT in the Republic Army. He'd been a LT for a while. Long enough to lead the Deadeye sniper unit. I did feel bad that Command hung him out to dry on the Havoc defection debacle, though. I put his age at mid-late 20s and upon further examination, I can fairly accurately guess 28 or 29 for him. He joined young, and spent 4 years at the Academy. So yeah, late 20s is my best guess for him. MAYBE early 30s on the outside.

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Not much has come up about Risha, but you can figure out her age almost exactly from information you're given, and from there get an estimate of both Vette and the smuggler's age ranges.



She says in her second conversation that she was 11 when Nok Drayen froze himself in carbonite, and he was frozen for 8 more years (according to the dates on wookieepedia; the game rounds it to ten).


This'd make her 19-21 or so at the end of Act I.


Vette considered her an elder sister, but they were close enough in age to play together, so Vette's about the same, maybe a little younger.


In the same conversation I mentioned above, the smuggler can tease her about being immature (if female; I got that result during my own playthrough and I'm not sure if it's the same playing as a male), implying that she/he is older.


I'm not absolutely certain about any of that, though. S'just what I picked up while playing.

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Well, at least we now have answers... kinda. (Talos is 27? WTH? I think I had the youngest guess and I was still way off.)


I almost have to say that Talos' age is a typo, there's no way he's 27.


(Can I pretend Torian's age is a typo too? No? Poop. :( )

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