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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Has the clock started ticking?


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We are 3 months into SWTOR and so far we have seen a whole bunch of bug fixes with more to come next month along with some new features that have many of us excited for 1.2. Earlier today Guild Wars 2 launched its pre-order site and will be accepting orders on April 10th I believe.


The hype and expectations surrounding GW2 are not all that dissimilar from what was SWTOR 6 months ago. The number one complaint about this game has been that it simply was not ready for launch when it was released. Whether you agree with that or not, so far the vast majority of patches have been to address bugs or other issues, 1.2 will be the first patch with a bunch of "new" content.


Now, what happens to SWTOR if GW2 releases and doesn't feel rushed and doesn't have a monthly fee? In my opinion,(clearly) What EA/BioWare does right now until the launch GW2 will determine the fate of SWTOR. SWTOR needs to get to a state where players stop seeing bugs on a daily basis and are only focused on having fun.


Even if GW2 isn't perfect (and it won't be) at launch, they don't have to worry about losing paying customers.


So what do you think? All the discussion in the past has been about WoW but WoW isn't the real threat to SWTOR. GW2 is and it is right around the corner. I am curious to read any thoughts you guys have about this.

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Personally, I think GW2 is going to be garbage. But that's just after seeing screenshots and immediately thinking "i don't want to look at this for an extended period of time"


It looks even worse in action. Horrible animations and horrible graphics. People are going to be so pissed off when it comes out.

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That game won't be released for a good 6 months if not longer, so this is a pointless discussion and SWTOR will change an incredible amount by then.


I am not sure I agree with you there. Why would they start collecting preorders if the game was at least 6 months out? Wouldn't you be getting off on the wrong foot with customers? When did SWTOR start pre-orders? July 22 I think and it released on December 13-20th. That is just under 5 months. "SWTOR will change an incredible amount by then" I think that all depends on 1.2 coming in April and how many other patches the game can get in the following 5 months.

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Well the "gimmie nao!" generation of Gamers will never be satisfied.


They're like the Sarlacc: The sit in dark pits waiting for fat space slugs to feed them.


Personally TOR was better than any MMO at launch with content. Their code and interactivity between quests and story lines makes bugs an eventuality, but they're hammering it down.


1.2 will be great, but the game was already solid with plenty to do for the patient-level-headed gamer. The rushers, the over-analyzers and those who always want more cannot and will not be happy, ever.

Edited by Valens_Andorius
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The thing is...Guild Wars 2's hype is perfectly fitting because it looks like it deserves it...


To be honest...I wasnt really concerned or cared about GW2 I just thought oh hey...guild wars 1 was awful I hated it...why even make another...but after awhile I started to read and see videos/media. I have had more hype for that game after a week of reading/video watching in the middle of February then I did for SWTOR. Why? Because Guild Wars 2...looks promising.


It really does...its a new type of MMO ...its very different from what I normally see. Its breaking the mold...its not a typical clone of warcraft or going to be another MMO that blindly goosesteps down the "Typical MMORPG" Avenue.





The problem with TOR...Bioware, as someone said once.


"Releasing a complete game hasnt been in Bioware's vocabulary since ME1."




(IM also a roleplay fanatic...I love RP...and Guild Wars 2 has so much more the offer in RP than TOR does...which happens to be "Sit in the Fleet's/Cities' Cantina.")

Edited by Bobinator
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The thing is...Guild Wars 2's hype is perfectly fitting because it looks like it deserves it...


To be honest...I wasnt really concerned or cared about GW2 I just thought oh hey...guild wars 1 was awful I hated it...why even make another...but after awhile I started to read and see videos/media. I have had more hype for that game after a week of reading/video watching in the middle of February then I did for SWTOR. Why? Because Guild Wars 2...looks promising.


It really does...its a new type of MMO ...its very different from what I normally see. Its breaking the mold...its not a typical clone of warcraft or going to be another MMO that blindly goosesteps down the "Typical MMORPG" Avenue.





The problem with TOR...Bioware, as someone said once.


"Releasing a complete game hasnt been in Bioware's vocabulary since ME1."




(IM also a roleplay fanatic...I love RP...and Guild Wars 2 has so much more the offer in RP than TOR does...which happens to be "Sit in the Fleet's/Cities' Cantina.")


of course Guild Wars 2 also cures cancer if you lick the box and it will bring about world peace.


Also Guild wars 2 will bring the ENTIRE industry down on its knees like a slave to its master with is vast and unmeasurable amount of new concepts, ideas, artistic style and brand new fantasy setting that is nothing at all similar to others before it.


It will be the lasting and shining beacon in the darkness where all others have turned away from the light. this game will launch with a BEVY of content at least 40 full featured zones, 10 dungeons in each zone and 15 raids. out of the box.


Ah yes. the fabled game guild wars 2. the hype machine on that game rivals anything i've ever seen in gaming. PERIOD.

Edited by chrisftw
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of course Guild Wars 2 also cures cancer if you lick the box and it will bring about world peace.


Also Guild wars 2 will bring the ENTIRE industry down on its knees like a slave to its master with is vast and unmeasurable amount of new concepts, ideas, artistic style and brand new fantasy setting that is nothing at all similar to others before it.


It will be the lasting and shining beacon in the darkness where all others have turned away from the light. this game will launch with a BEVY of content at least 40 full featured zones, 10 dungeons in each zone and 15 raids. out of the box.


Ah yes. the fabled game guild wars 2. the hype machine on that game rivals anything i've ever seen in gaming. PERIOD.


I see what you did there... ;)

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To be honest...I wasnt really concerned or cared about GW2 I just thought oh hey...guild wars 1 was awful I hated it...why even make another...but after awhile I started to read and see videos/media. I have had more hype for that game after a week of reading/video watching in the middle of February then I did for SWTOR. Why? Because Guild Wars 2...looks promising.




I didn't give a damn about GW2 until about 3 months ago. Then I started watching trailers, gameplay vids, etc. and I realized "wow, this is really going to be a quality product."


I don't want to go back to fantasy, but TOR's time has come and gone.

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I see what you did there... ;)


you want to see something even funnier. just type in Guild Wars 2 into google and jus tread the near zealot style rantings these fans are claiming this game to be.


they are literally HARKING that this game is the second coming of christ all mighty himself.

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don't forget the genre thing either... gw2 is another fantasy like mmo, where swtor is more sci-fi; and that's a big seller to many folks such as myself.


That is a very good point add Star Wars IP and absolutely it is substantial. I could be way off here but I get the impression through reading posts many of the people who love swtor are either new to mmos, love star wars, or scifi in general. This is also huge because it suggests SWTOR has tapped a new market and is not competing for the pool of MMO players who have played dozens of games over a dozen or more years.

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Well Here is the big shocker. GW2 is F2P...


So Guess what...I'll probably buy it, and play it AND SWTOR....


I just blew my own mind...


well some of your mind just got on me which made me blow my mind.


WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WOAH YOU MEAN you can buy a F2P game and also play a sub based game. so wait that means you can play more than one mmo?

Edited by chrisftw
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well some of your mind just got on me which made me blow my mind.


WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WOAH YOU MEAN you can buy a F2P game and also play a sub based game. so wait that means you can play more than one mmo?


That is a huge part of GW2 marketing. The games lead points to this fact as its number one advantage over everyone else. You don't need to choose between gw2 and your favorite sub game. Basically they are banking on making a higher quality f2p game than anyone else, if they can attract players of sub based game its all gravy.

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That is a huge part of GW2 marketing. The games lead points to this fact as its number one advantage over everyone else. You don't need to choose between gw2 and your favorite sub game. Basically they are banking on making a higher quality f2p game than anyone else, if they can attract players of sub based game its all gravy.


But IMHO higher quality F2P is like a really nice KIA...may get the job done and you like it, but its a KIA, where as EA/BW can afford to make Hemi-Challengers. :D

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of course Guild Wars 2 also cures cancer if you lick the box and it will bring about world peace.


Also Guild wars 2 will bring the ENTIRE industry down on its knees like a slave to its master with is vast and unmeasurable amount of new concepts, ideas, artistic style and brand new fantasy setting that is nothing at all similar to others before it.


It will be the lasting and shining beacon in the darkness where all others have turned away from the light. this game will launch with a BEVY of content at least 40 full featured zones, 10 dungeons in each zone and 15 raids. out of the box.


Ah yes. the fabled game guild wars 2. the hype machine on that game rivals anything i've ever seen in gaming. PERIOD.


Yes, I agree people get carried away. The closest thing I have seen to this revolutionary was EQ in 1999. Most people feel that way about WoW in 2004 since a heck of a lot more people were playing WoW in 2004 than EQ in 1999. It is very hard to duplicate that type of thing, i never felt that way about wow after 5 years of eq. It was more like "they really took it up a notch!" Whereas EQ was "Holy **** this is awesome!!" before that we have never seen anything like it, at least I havent.

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