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Jedi Consulars and their OP Bubbles


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I do enough melee damage to pop the bubble basically right after they put it up so i don't have an issue, only when there are two healer sages do i kinda wish for a second interrupt, oh wait, Force charge,choke, an natural interupt and my move that makes every enemy around me want to pop their cc breaker cause it looks like your listening to super loud lady gaga.

Sorry but your not using your abilities right if you can't take down 99% of sorcs/sages, many people rolled one cause they were told they are op, but really i see one and my mind says



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I rolled a marauder alt and I can pop sorcerer base-line bubble with 1 force scream.


And since i have talent, it's a guarantee crit for ~2500.


It pops a base-line bubble in one hit, and they're put on a 20 second CD while mine is 9 seconds.



The bubble is SO easy to pop it's not even funny.


Without a percentage damage reduction CD, a sorcerer is super weak in any fight involving multiple opponent.


Their force speed is crap if you know how to root or stun them when they activate it.

Edited by Acyu
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I play a sage, and when I'm playing a group who pretty much sucks, (weak gear and no teamwork), i appear to be overpowered.


When i'm against a group who knows what the hell they are doing, I die. If i'm dead, I can't bubble. I get interrupted, stunned, etc., and it's over. I'm always on the run, which if u know anything about sages, they can't cast any effective heals while on the run.


And bubbles do not absorb that much damage. Especially if more than one person is hitting that bubbled target. Quit sucking and use teamwork and get better gear.

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.... No. Just no.


You clearly don't PVP much, or just do it badly. Sorcs are very squishy and perhaps too easy to kill on the assist.


There is really no penalty for focusing them 100% of the time, which makes them fairly weak in skilled PVP.


Sorcs might need to be given a shield wall type cooldown, perhaps the shroud assassins have.


Here's some info for you:


Replay: http://www.twitch.tv/strikinginsanity/b/311379895


What to know:

- Sages / Sorcerers die instantly to coordinated melee even with taunts and Guard.

- Healing Commando / DPS Vanguard / DPS Vanguard won the whole thing.

- Sentinels / Marauders have an insane amount of survivability.

- In general, melee are completely destroying ranged. This is partially because of the size of the pit, but it's also largely because of how hard it is to kite two coordinated melee.

Edited by Redmarx
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this thread is hilarious.



It's been proven time and time again that sages/sorcerers are mediocre in high-end GROUP pvp (full champion / BM) and TRASH in high-end 1v1.


They may be the best AoE healer, but commandos are the best small scale and 1v1 longevity/survivability healer.


AoE heal is meaningless.


Exactly. A competent dps can easily 1v1 any sage healer. Sages/sorcs are literally going to get stomped in rated wzs unless we have a guard on us at all times. (even then chances of surviving will be slim.)

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I know this isn't a complaint department but I'm here to complain anyway. I'm pretty sure most people have noticed but Jedi Consulars and their bubbles are driving me to insanity. It takes usually 3 people just to kill 1 consular in this game and some times their not even heal spec. If there is a class that can be called a 'hybrid' it would be the consulars because they can sustain themselves the most while healing other classes and still doing lots of damage. I play a healer bounty hunter and I still can't even keep my team as stable as consulars dude. If consulars should have bubbles that are overpowered then I think bounty hunters should too, I'm tired of my dry healing abilities. Rapid scan and healing scan aren't enough. Throw in a bubble or make it fair and nerf consulars. Who agrees?


There is synergy for multiple hybrid sorcerer against certain setups / warzone but overall they lag behind in actual effectiveness. At high level PvP ..... BH / Commando healers are way stronger. A good sorc will die under a competent 2 man melee assist train esp when interrupted. Run of the mill sorc are favorite target for Marauders and Shadows cause they melt.


You mention bubble but Healer Commando's shield is way stronger. Cookie cutter build ...

  • 2 set Champ/BM + 1 Talent point : 15 seconds immune to interrupt
  • 2 Talent point : Increases healing received by 20 % when shield active
  • Default Reactive Shield reduces damage by 20 %

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I'm a Seer specced Sage healer.


I die every day to equal geared opponents and dont feel overpowered one bit. If anything I can see my weakness and it lies in having to kite to be viable. I dont kite to kill people, I kite to keep people busy so my team mates have one or two less people to worry about .


The game did not design that ability for the Sage class though.. anyone can do it, though we are better at it than most. Occasionally I encounters good players that see through my guise. This is when I get to heal others because they ignore me.


Thing is against good players who assist, bubble or no bubble you can not keep someone alive. DPS on the classes that are quickly becoming popular and overplayed challenges our best uniterupted healing.


The buff we need, if DPS is to stay the way it is, is stronger casted heals where we can not be ignored. Or defensive abilities so we can survive being focused.


Further the AE heal is pretty useless in warzones. I never cast it if things are dicey.. I only cast it when I already know we are winning the clash. Maybe this is where the fix can occur by changing our AE heal from ground target ability to a team group heal or team group HOT. Maybe this would destabilize their PVE balance though. So not sure how they can buff healers without trivialising the PVE.


Maybe they need abilities that only work in PVP similar to the abilities that only work in PVE.


Against bad players I can keep 2 sometimes 3 busy without dying for a while especially if I have a column to hump. Some players are either geared so bad or so clueless to interupts that I can even ignore them, stand still while they attack me, and heal others.


Some players are so clueless to pvp and the effects of expertise that I can even kill them. Again though against equal geared players I struggle to break 300k in heals from getting either focused or from them focusing teammates whereby they kill them faster than I can heal them. So I pretty much don't matter to the match even as Battlemaster and belive or not my team would have been better served with an other DPS battlemaster than with a healer.


They could nerf the bubble and in the grand scheme it wouldn't matter much as a weak class would still be weak.

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Cant comment on Sage/Sorc bubbles other than to say as a GS/Snipers really get hit bad by all the bubbles/shields and periods of just not takeing any damage at all due to skills.


Just love getting a maurder to 25 or 30% while they are beating on me and them go Superman on ya as you watch your damage just vanish as they eat shot after shot and wax the floor with your corpse.


I could also complain about OPs and scoundrels but I am dead to fast to have gotten any real damage off lol.

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Yea snipers are even worse than Sage healers. You guys have a class that has to stand still since your best abilities are in Cover. Anyone can just run out of range from you or because your abilities take so long to cast LOS you. Finally if you get CCed not only are you CCed for the duration of the CC but once it's duration is over you still have to get back into cover. So in effect CC lasts longer on you than any other class.
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I'd say the biggest issue is that sorc's tend to have a leg up baseline-wise but don't scale up as heartily as other classes.




So you throw a match of only 100% ungeared, fresh 50's into a warzone a sorceror's will be in a pretty good place.



Take everyone to say half cent/half champ the playing field starts getting a little more interesting



Put everyone in full champ to BM gear and those sorc's start looking quite squishy.



3k bubble + 13k health taking 2k-2500 crits and the survivability seems a little over the top for the light-armor class (i.e. dying in 6-7 hits)



3k bubble + 16k health taking 3500-4500 crits and they look a good bit more 'light' (dying in 4-5 hits).



Likewise the sorc's own damage as a slow-but steady can make good work on an undergeared targets, but isn't necessarily going to scale up that dramatically.



That pretty much sums it up, they peak early.

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