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Top Na Servers to transfer to and 15 lowest you want to get off of


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I'm on Nathema as well. Last night I was the only person on Corellia Republic side for hours. Haven't been able to do a heroic since Tatooine. Probably going to re-roll once I hit 50 until server transfers open up.
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I'm in a pretty tough spot. I'm on Sedyn Kyne, and i run a modest guild of about 45 toons, about 25-30 of which are actual players. I've had a lvl 50 rep toon for about 2 months now and only very recently did a hm fp for the first time. I also have a lvl 43 trooper alt and a lvl 40 smuggler alt.


I hear people toss around re-rolling all the time like it's this simple, effortless process. I have literally sacrificed months of end-game play that I could have been doing on a different server in order to stick with my guild and help them level, as well as hoping a xfer or merger would have happened by now. The idea of re-rolling and starting over on a heavier server is simply nauseating, especially considering all the time and effort required to get back to 50. How could I possibly abandon my guildmates as well as these characters that i've spent countless hours levelling. This is not a no-brainer. People who aren't in a similar situation simply can't appreciate fully how difficult of a position this is, unless, i suppose, they've dealt with this issue on other MMO's. i'm fairly new to MMO's and have only ever played SWG and AoC in the past, and not for very long. When this game came out i felt a strong sense of dedication and excitement given how much a fan i am of Star Wars and its universe. To me -- and i hate it when i hear others say this too but i feel i am on fairly solid ground when i say this -- the only other option really is to unsub, at least until 1.2 comes out so that i can experience new content. What else am i to do? I have found myself recently logging on only to stare at the screen, realize i'm about to go through the same grind as every other night since i can't get a group together for a hm fp -- and i'm limited to doing taral v over and over since my gear isn't good enough yet -- and simply log back off again, disappointed and disenfranchised.


I really do get the feeling that BW deep down wants people to simply re-roll on the moderate or heavy servers in order to save themselves the trouble of implementing mergers and transfers. They knew people would want the option at least to transfer so they could have been working on the feature from the beginning. So since i feel like i'm forced into this position -- because i basically didn't win the lottery of server picking -- of having to unsub. I've heard ppl say before "who gives a crap about people QQing and saying they will unsub, there are millions of players", so i'm sure this will mostly fall on deaf ears, the deafest of which will be BW since i'm sure as always there is subterfuge happening that they simply won't reveal to the general public regarding this issue. And honestly I would've been fine but the timing of them pushing 1.2 back by a month couldn't have been worse, because the guild summit occurred right around the same time as my boredom coming to a head. Hearing "April" after being told "possibly March" really made my heart sink.


So I'm not looking for criticism here, as i legitimately am in a difficult situation, but can anyone offer some guidance or consolation? Ideally someone who is also on a light server in a similar situation. What do I do? BW commenting on this would be fantastic but i realize the odds of that are infinitessimal at best. Can anyone out there make me feel better about this? Or should I really just unsub until 1.2? Even when 1.2 comes out, how long will it be before I am in a similar situation? This is really does not feel good....

Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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Odds are that these servers will either be closed of merged which means you will most likely lose your names, guild names and legacy anyways


Even if they close the servers/merge servers-- my guess is they will do whatever they can to preserve names/toons/legacy/guildnames.

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I started out on Mind Trick with a couple of friends on the Empire side.

It was launch, and it was early start, so we were just picking from the first servers made available, and any of them seemed as good as any other.


I have a 50 there, and my friends, but I dislike it immensely.

Maybe it's my age, but what passes for general chat in the fleet and the comments of some people in PvP (and not just that one guy here or there, but I mean one or more people on a regular basis) have left me disinterested in spending any further time there.


So I have been wandering around a bit, looking for a new server to play both factions on (given how the legacy system works, I would rather just play all of my characters on one server than split into a Republic and Imperial server, as I had originally planned).

Edited by Mithros
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I started out on Mind Trick with a couple of friends on the Empire side.

It was launch, and it was early start, so we were just picking from the first servers made available, and any of them seemed as good as any other.


I have a 50 there, and my friends, but I dislike it immensely.

Maybe it's my age, but what passes for general chat in the fleet and the comments of some people in PvP (and not just that one guy here or there, but I mean one or more people on a regular basis) have left me disinterested in spending any further time there.


So I have been wandering around a bit, looking for a new server to play both factions on (given how the legacy system works, I would rather just play all of my characters on one server than split into a Republic and Imperial server, as I had originally planned).


Server personality is important. In that "other" game during my 7 yrs playing I probably had 6 or 7 servers. 2 or 3 trying to find the right one. I had good luck with RP servers because they tended to a slightly more adult population and fewer xx1337zOrxx-named console-kiddies hopping around. Of course with the reduced RP rule set in this game it's a crap shoot.

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I'd recommend high but not top 3 servers because: for example Jedi Covenant is perfect. Always busy, dynamic, chatty, full AH, people around BUT not extreme competition for mission goals. It's very easy to get people for group missions but it's not too terrible in those occasions you have to compete for an item with a 5 minute spawn timer.


So I'd advice: go top 15 but not top 5.

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