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Free transfers in the future?


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What is really the point of allowing transfers and keeping servers? It's a bit like trying to heal a deep cut with a bandaid instead of stitching it. Not saying its a bad thing, it'll give opportunity to those in ghost servers to move to more crowded ones, and the oposite for those that feel its impossible to login. But then said ghost server will be even worse, and Im sure those looking for a less crowded place wont go to ghost ones either. But it'll still be there. Why?
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i made the mistake of creating toons on an empty server, but instead of quitting the game or making claims that the game is unplayable, you know what i did....i created a toon on a higher population server. Guess what i will do when they introduce server transfer, i will move my 2 50's to the new server and continue to play with all of my toons.


i did not pay an extra fee for creating a toon on a new server, they didnt delete my original toons when i created on a new server. I guess if you dont get what i am saying, you are not starting all over...you are not losing everything you worked for, you are simply creating a toon on a new server.


if you really wanted to play you would, whether it be on the empty server or creating a toon on a higher population server, and being patient while they get server transfer completed.


.... that makes no sense, you have no clue on what you are talking about.


And when we have to reroll in order to enjoy the game, well thats not a good sign isnt it?

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What is really the point of allowing transfers and keeping servers? It's a bit like trying to heal a deep cut with a bandaid instead of stitching it. Not saying its a bad thing, it'll give opportunity to those in ghost servers to move to more crowded ones, and the oposite for those that feel its impossible to login. But then said ghost server will be even worse, and Im sure those looking for a less crowded place wont go to ghost ones either. But it'll still be there. Why?


There is this perception that when you close servers, your game is dying. It sends a signal that new people won't come to it, that existing players won't look to rejoin it. I do understand this on some level.


Let's say you are inactive for 3 months. You come back and these two scenarios can occur:


1) You are on your old server but it's really, really dead. However, you are notified you can transfer - for free - to any other server you wish.


2) You come back after 3 months, but you can't find your server on the list. You now have no idea where your character is, and have to go through great trouble to discover that your character was merged onto server X.


Who's more inclined to stick around? The person in scenario 1, or 2?


It's just too bad they so far overshot North American server numbers. They tried not to, I dare say it's impossible to get it perfectly thanks to all of the original load of people. WoW had this problem too...

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There is no guarantee you will be able to transfer to any server you want,generally,they only have a handfull of servers you can actually move to for free.So the chances of you being able to move to a heavy server,is not very good if they follow the same model other MMOs have.So if your planning on re-rolling on a heavy server and moving toons there later,dont be surprised if you cant.Dont say you werent warned...:)
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i made the mistake of creating toons on an empty server, but instead of quitting the game or making claims that the game is unplayable, you know what i did....i created a toon on a higher population server. Guess what i will do when they introduce server transfer, i will move my 2 50's to the new server and continue to play with all of my toons.


i did not pay an extra fee for creating a toon on a new server, they didnt delete my original toons when i created on a new server. I guess if you dont get what i am saying, you are not starting all over...you are not losing everything you worked for, you are simply creating a toon on a new server.


if you really wanted to play you would, whether it be on the empty server or creating a toon on a higher population server, and being patient while they get server transfer completed.


They have server transfers (Asia or something), and let's be honest here, it's not like the technology is super secret impossible to code or anything. It's a matter of priorities and allowing players to do it.


It's great that you re-rolled and you think you lost nothing, however, the other side of that is, why would I re-level all the blue/purple recipies in armstech, biochem, etc... when the point of grinding out level 15-45 recipies was for my own alts?

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What's that tell you about Aion? :rolleyes:


Why not simply reroll on a high pop server while you wait for transfers?

You must not really enjoy the game as you said.


re-rolling on another server is not the answer,i wish people would stop suggesting this!

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My biggest beef (and I'm posting it again) is the lack of official communication. I posted this morning to the suggestion box that BW put up an official news brief, forum sticky, blog entry, etc on what they're actually doing to address this situation. I received a *very helpful* reply that pointed me to links to the APAC server transfers. Had I read those already? Nope. Know why? Yep... I'm a US player. Silly of me to think two threads about AP players didn't apply to everyone... oh wait.


Of course, after that player-posted reply, the thread was closed by a mod with additional links to the same unanswerd-by-bioware threads we've been reading these last couple weeks.


I really enjoy playing now that I've re-rolled on a higher-pop server, but I'm still not happy that I felt I had to do it, especially when it seems it's up to us, the players, to hunt and search to find answers to questions we feel should be readily available via official Bioware media.



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Here is the big question. Will I only be able to transfer 1 of my 4 level 50's (soon to be 5) or will I be able to transfer them all for free?


I say merge. There is only 1 or 2 high pop servers so I can't see those people moving to low pop servers therefore low pop servers must be consolidated.


Also the server list sorts by # of chars by default so your server would be on top of the list (real hard to find)

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I really can't figure BW out, they do an awesome job with the games they give us, but when they do an MMO with forum, it's like they are dead.


Is it really that hard to get 1-2 employess to focus on the forums and actually making the subcribers feel like we're getting something for our money....I'm really getting sick of the non-reply by BW, even tho i am a huge fan....



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Totally unrelated to the issue of transfers, but it shows that their customer service issue is completely deep seeded. I had an issue with a bug they have known about for a while now. I fell off the Balloon in the Dune Sea half way through the trip because I bugged out. They responded to me saying that they know about the bug, and there is nothing they will do for me. My first thought on that is that, while yes they responded quickly, there was a total lack of care on their part about this annoying issue effecting their players. The second part is that they expect people to just deal with the issue, attempting whatever it may be over again, with the hope that you may get lucky. Not sure about anyone else, but I read into this as being a disconnect from their customers. This is across the board too, so how could we the customers, expect anything else?


i made the mistake of creating toons on an empty server, but instead of quitting the game or making claims that the game is unplayable, you know what i did....i created a toon on a higher population server. Guess what i will do when they introduce server transfer, i will move my 2 50's to the new server and continue to play with all of my toons.


i did not pay an extra fee for creating a toon on a new server, they didnt delete my original toons when i created on a new server. I guess if you dont get what i am saying, you are not starting all over...you are not losing everything you worked for, you are simply creating a toon on a new server.


if you really wanted to play you would, whether it be on the empty server or creating a toon on a higher population server, and being patient while they get server transfer completed.


wow really? lol...


I too just decided to "deal" with it, I re-rolled and got rid of the clutter of having toons on separate servers. First off, we have no idea what they will even offer, if anything at all. Secondly, we could hope that all the items, credits, and experience (both xp and Legacy) would also transfer, but they have said NOTHING about this. So good for you, you took one for the team, and were able to get over the annoyance of having to re-roll to another server, I am utterly impressed at your resolve.

Edited by vitakorpen
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.... that makes no sense, you have no clue on what you are talking about.


And when we have to reroll in order to enjoy the game, well thats not a good sign isnt it?


I take it anyone who disagrees with you makes no sense then? Must be nice to be the only sensible person in the world :rolleyes:

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OK so until transfers become available, paid or not (I assure you it will be paid) what is the answer?


I take it you have the "in" on what happens within Bioware? Charging customers for something that is not their fault equals bad business sense. I don't know if they will or not, but to just say flat out that they will? You are a silly silly man.


The answer is communication, that is all anyone is asking for. It is simple, quick, and can alleviate a lot of the complaints coming from this issue.


Interestingly enough they have put out a little information. Had to dig a little, but it is something at least. *shrugs*. (still no excuse to be so painfully absent on the forums however)

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I take it you have the "in" on what happens within Bioware? Charging customers for something that is not their fault equals bad business sense. I don't know if they will or not, but to just say flat out that they will? You are a silly silly man.


The answer is communication, that is all anyone is asking for. It is simple, quick, and can alleviate a lot of the complaints coming from this issue.


OK, name calling, how sad.


If you saw the quotes I was responding to neither were asking for communication, they wanted a solution, but didn't like the one that involved re-rolling on another server.


Some people are never satisfied when posters ask someone to be constructive.

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didn't like the one that involved re-rolling on another server.


This suggestion is stupid really. It is not my fault that people left from my server. Why should I have to re-roll when I already have a level 50, crew skills maxed out, etc...

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This suggestion is stupid really. It is not my fault that people left from my server. Why should I have to re-roll when I already have a level 50, crew skills maxed out, etc...


Then don't re-roll and wait for the transfer system to come in. If your lvl 50 is unplayable I assume you will take a break then because why would you roll an alt on a dead server but not re-roll an alt on a fuller one?

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Then don't re-roll and wait for the transfer system to come in. If your lvl 50 is unplayable I assume you will take a break then because why would you roll an alt on a dead server but not re-roll an alt on a fuller one?


Why would I want to re-roll an alt on a server where my other 4 guild members, guild bank, resources are not.

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Why would I want to re-roll an alt on a server where my other 4 guild members, guild bank, resources are not.


2 possible reasons -


To see if it has a sustainable population whilst you are waiting,


To get a head start on an alt on the server you want to move to.


Are you expecting guild transfers with bank etc as well?

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My server has low population and i cannot do anything but sit on the fleet. Fix it.

i don't even care if they take away my legacy, my alts or credits. Just let me do something, the game used to be fun but now im paying 14.99$ to literally wait through 20 minute queue's and get stuck on a 4vs6 match

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There needs to be server mergers or free transfers from low -> middle pop. I believe most people (including me) will rather quit than pay extra for server transfers just to play with a reasonable amount of people. Isn't playing with a large community that bare necessity for what a MMO subscription should support?


On Sunday evening, I waited for 1 hr for another *DPS* to fill the last spot for HM Lost Island. I figure that at least one DPS should be interested the new FP right? PvP queues were dead by 1 AM. The patch breathed a tiny breath of life into my server the first two days it was released. Now, it is even worse than before. 1.2 and the free month was the final hurrah in bringing people back to the game without doing anything drastic. I know Bioware is trying, but it didn't work.


Bioware needs to handle this carefully. Simply introducing paid transfers is going to hurt the game more than it helps.

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My server has low population and i cannot do anything but sit on the fleet. Fix it.

i don't even care if they take away my legacy, my alts or credits. Just let me do something, the game used to be fun but now im paying 14.99$ to literally wait through 20 minute queue's and get stuck on a 4vs6 match


If you don't care about credits, legacy etc roll a character on some other servers, see if the population is what you are after then when transfers are available 'soon' you will have an idea where you want to go. Just an option.


Alternatively sit and wait for your queue to pop and get an outnumbered warzone and complain about low pop servers on the forum just to get ignored by Bioware;


Alternatively take a break.


Seriously there must be no lighter pop than my server Bacchus Blade Republic, it's been known for me to be the only person on fleet at 6.00am but I'll roll with it until transfers come in and decide what to do then.

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They are offering server transfers in Asia, why not in US, or EU servers? If you can do it on one set of servers, you can do it on them all.


They have server transfers (Asia or something), and let's be honest here, it's not like the technology is super secret impossible to code or anything. It's a matter of priorities and allowing players to do it.


This is what really annoys me about this whole thread.


a) I agree that they made a mistake by opening up too many servers, because everyone QQ'd about the QQueues. So in being nice to their customers, they shot themselves in the foot. Then their customers turned around and screamed blue murder at them for shooting themselves in the foot.


b) The Asia/Pacific transfers have not happened. They are *about* to, in a small scale test that will validate whether the technology they've been hurriedly writing (since they shot themselves in the foot) even works. The APAC transfers are a ONE-OFF, SINGLE-SHOT, CORRECTION MECHANISM, because they didn't provide APAC servers when the game was released. They are not designed as a commercial ad-hoc transfer system, and BioWare has already said that part of the system they're using for APAC transfers will be scrapped before they go live with ad-hoc transfers, because the APAC system is for "Whole Account Character Transfers". There is no 'favourtism' or bias towards APAC getting transfers first, its to move a population to where they should be. And once that one off occurs, they don't get transfers again till everyone does.


c) Character Transfers, in a system where there's not enough servers is not needed. In a system where everythings running relatively smoothly, its not needed. If they hadn't shot themselves in the foot bending over backward for all the people screaming about queues, they wouldn't need it. Therefore it takes time to retask engineers to write the software. To free up testing resources to imagine every scenario, develop the test cases, and test the system. All of those resources are taking away from what the majority of players want, more content. And before anyone says anything about unlimited wealth, there's a saying in SW development. It takes 9 months for one woman to make a baby. But if you have 9 women, you still won't get a baby in a month.


You'll get your transfers. I'll personally guarantee it, on no more basis than BioWare has said that they're working on it, and so far, they've not dropped something the said were working on. If you're bored, go play another game, go re-roll on another server, drop your sub and say you'll come back later. If you really feel that strongly, vote with the only thing that matters, your cash.


But mostly, quit demanding that BioWare magically instantaneously create something out of nothing on your say so, when they're working s fast as they can already to do it. Show a little respect to people who have made something clearly good enough that you didn't walk away a week after playing it. If its a bad game, you wouldn't be here stamping your foot like Veruca Salt.

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Also, from the DevTracker, if you're paying attention:


As I've mentioned before, the character transfer system for Asia-Pacific servers is not the final system - it is in fact essentially a prototype for the final system, designed to transfer a small amount of characters (relatively speaking).


The final character transfer system is in development now and is a high priority for the development team. However, as this is a complex technical challenge with many 'moving parts' it will not be available until some time after the Asia-Pacific character transfer process is finished. When we have more details and a more accurate ETA to share, we will do so.


"The final character transfer system is in development now" - Rejoice and be merry.

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"The final character transfer system is in development now" - Rejoice and be merry.


Yep yep.


Personally, I want them to do a good job, regression test and debug everything and NOT rush it out. We don't need a whole flurry of threads in general forum with people complaining that the transfer process ate their money, gear, characters, etc. If people are too impatient to wait for a finished process, then unsub until they release it!.

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