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Free transfers in the future?


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It was just reported that legacy will not be transferable if changing servers.

Your legacy will be reset.


He is just trolling. I think the official stance is if transferring multiple characters the character with the highest legacy keeps it, the lower legacy is lost. Both for the server going to/from.


Read it yourself and dont listen to trolls



Edited by DoomProphet
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He is just trolling. I think the official stance is if transferring multiple characters the character with the highest legacy keeps it, the lower legacy is lost. Both for the server going to/from.


Read it yourself and dont listen to trolls




Yeah, it sounded like he was trolling.

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I love this game but they are going to lose a crapload of people if this doesn't happen soon. My server, the courageous is about dead. Imperial fleet had 6 people on earlier today! You can't get anything running because there aren't enough people, and no one wants to re-roll when they have a few 50's already.
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I never joined forum dissusions but this time I must... SW is like my favorite thing for 15 years, I love this game but low pop is just a biggest problem.. I play on Europian Dxun battle circle and at peak hours there is 50-80 ppl on fleet. I have one lvl 50 and one lvl 41 that im lvling currently on whitch I got 6 heroics on balmora whitch i had to do alone on 41 cuz i coundt group with anyone... from start to the end of my questing on Hoth there were 2-8 players on whole planet.. something needs to be done or this game will fall... i love BW is adding new content but I really dont find ppl to do those new things...


if u ask me SERVER TRASNFER IS A BAD THING! why? cuz ppl will just leave low pop and overload high pop servers like Tomb of Freddon nadd...



Server merging is a best solution. If u have other char on a server that u are merging with,take the higher LEgacy. About Legacy names, darn it,just reset all names, or keep same names. So what if there are same legacy names? I know about 10 ppl that I aint relatet to that have same last name as I do... We already have unique first names in game.


I loved KOTOR 1,2 and I was really happy about Toral V and maelstorm flashpoints but it was so bad to have to do it alone on higher lvl cuz i coudnt find a group... At this point I cant really imagine to find a full group for operations...

BW biggest mistake was that they were to arrogant on opening..they have launched too many servers and I had to order my game grom Germany cuz my counrty wasnt in release plan...


I would hate to see SWTOR going f2p or shutting down but if they dont plan to merge servers or smthing soon,they will lose this epic project...

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as much as i like to see they merge servers asap....

i still have to say, they wont do that in near future. and the reasomn for that is simple:

EA/BW has shares at teh stock market, now lets say they annonce they merge servers. The holders of them shares will think"the game doesnt have enough players, doesnt look too good for the game" result shortly after the shares will go down.


ofcourse SWTOR isnt the only game they have up atm, but Mass Effect was also not the best help for there shares... just as exsample.


so since BW cant decide on there own if when they want to merge servers, and have to talk with EA about it, it wont happen soon. EA knows there shares go down as soon it gets annoncent. what we all can hope for is that the coming hpye for 1.2 is that big that EA things it can cover up the bad news about server merging and lack of players( too many servers for not enough people/ BW expected the game to be more success)


i can only sugest you something loads people are doing already:

reroll a char on a server that you would like toget moved to if char transfer would be possible. play that new char and hope that you can move your old one soon to that server aswell. It will get you busy again and from personal experience of me and loads of others i talked to, starting all over on a new server is quite amazing if you come form a empty server. you will find peeps that do FP with you, H2/4, you will even be able to do normal quests with people... and the best is: you have a market for items you want to sell or would like to buy.


check for a few days the server list, keep an eye on what server is high populated and then start a char there. i promise,you wont regret it.

now people wil lsay... but our server has already to many people, but better too much then not enough and you arent able to enjoy the game as its meant to be... a mmo and not a single player

Edited by Ortagos
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Now that I have been playing this game for close to a month, I have noticed on first joining that the population was quite low on all 3 of my realms.


Over the past few weeks the population has increased noticably, I would assume due to the free trial which went live last month, and the Recruit a Friend system.


I am starting to feel the population issue is fixing itself as the game is growing considerably in popularity. I myself have invited close to 30 people in the last few weeks (just getting them to try the free weekend, as for some bizarre reason, I cannot use Recruit a Friend until my first months payment is taken) and also got old players to return. We are all loving it, and have so much to do. Last night we went out on a Datacron hunt and then jumped into the Sarlakk Pit :)


The people on these forums are all drama now.


It just seems most people playing MMo's just want to feel like this ----> :csw_fett:

Edited by Vahzl
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I was alone in republic fleet for 25 minutes today on my server.


Well done Bioware!


I experienced this for the first time on my server the other day. I went to my ship to see one person else there. I flew to Coruscant and there were a few people all low level. Tried to chat it up cause I was bored. The 6 people in the zone were all new players and I was really just talking to a wall and mostly getting asked for hand outs. Then I went back to the fleet. There was 1 person. Its like living in a ghost server. Like you can hear the whispers of the people who should be clammoring around you in a mother ******* MMORPG.

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The option to bring my established lvl 50s to my new re-roll server will ultimately decide if i keep playing this game long-term or not. The same goes for most people in my guild.


It doesnt even have to be free, but transfers are a must. Im not playing on an empty server because of errors Bioware made. Im sure if people were given the choice to transfer and lose 1 legacy or wait around for months until they finally figure out how to fix their system most would pick lose 1 legacy.


They wont give us that choice however, because they want to hold off allow us to transfer because the exodus would highlight the issues people are pretending dont exist (that certain servers are ghost towns).

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The people on these forums are all drama now.

----> :csw_fett:


cant call it a drama I feel like im playing a single player game..and ofc that pop is higher past few weeks cuz of that free trial...


I agree merging is bad marketing for game on its start, but I think loosing high amount of subs is even worse..

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The option to bring my established lvl 50s to my new re-roll server will ultimately decide if i keep playing this game long-term or not. The same goes for most people in my guild.


It doesnt even have to be free, but transfers are a must. Im not playing on an empty server because of errors Bioware made. Im sure if people were given the choice to transfer and lose 1 legacy or wait around for months until they finally figure out how to fix their system most would pick lose 1 legacy.


They wont give us that choice however, because they want to hold off allow us to transfer because the exodus would highlight the issues people are pretending dont exist (that certain servers are ghost towns).


Tinfoil hat material bolded above. Yes, the reason they won't allow transfers is because of a vast conspiracy and not because creating the service is a complicated coding process that involves names and a plethora of other things. They can just flip a switch and boom, instant transfers.



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They are already working on server transfers for the Oceanic servers. If my memory is correct it's happening this month. Once they implement those successfully I'm sure they'll open up transfers for everyone.


edited because I said mergers when I meant transfers.

Edited by Holden_Dissent
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LOL BW closed a thread about low population and directed people to a thread that is closed.


My server is empy anymore during the week and on weekends not really busy.


Only 14 republic on Fleet atm and no WZs.


This game is pratically dead IMO.


300 million LOL!

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I hope to god they will atleast fix transfer or even merge, cross fingers. I play on The Kumumgah EU and have had no PvP the last 1½ week and its about 50 ppl on prime time from lvl 1-50 and about 5-10 are lvl 50s.


I love my merc and the time I have put in and the time it would take to relvl and so on is a nono for me.


On the fleet right now we are 4 at 18.52, neat.


I just want to play with ppl again on my merc!!!


The Kumumgah EU have to be the server that have the lowest population. I see ppl that whine when they have 50 on their fleet. I would cry from happiness with that many gosh darn it!

Edited by _Garog_
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I'm a PvPer. I don't like my server. I guess I just don't fit in with the community; people in Ilum are content to ignore the opposing faction and box farm, and not that many people even do that! WZ's are filled with people who ignore objectives and/or quit/give up when losing. Even if they weren't, there is faction imbalance meaning we only play hutball which gets old.


It's really boring on this server. I would re-roll elsewhere but I don't think I could tolerate the level grind again. If server/faction transfers aren't offered, I will probably un-sub. Not trying to threaten, just stating what's required to hold my attention at this point.


Additionally, I don't understand why this isn't already offered. It would be a good source of revenue and should be relatively simple to implement; all distinctiveness on my toon should be easily exportable to a small file which could be copied/imported elsewhere.

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