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Guild Summit Day 2 NDA Lifted! Brand New 1.2 Info!


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Great, so the good things like GTN on the ship i still won't be able to afford even though i'll meet the legacy requirement. Seriously, 5mil? :( All the crap i've no interest in will probably be the stuff that doesn't require credits as well.


Looks like it'll be grind dailies day after day for it which i hate, leveling alts and PvP are what i enjoy... meh.

Edited by Kabaal
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It is pretty ridiculous to charge so much just to unlock customization options that WE SHOULD HAVE HAD IN THE FIRST PLACE. Seriously I didn't know you needed to have an ancient twilek sith grandfather just so you can make a twilek bounty hunter capable of holding a blaster pistol.


I was originally excited by the prospect of the legacy system giving me increased customization options but I wasn't expecting it to be gated by requiring me to either play hundreds of hours to level an alt or play hundreds of hours to grind for credits. I thought the only issue with twileks not being bounty hunters was because of clipping. Seems like they managed to fix that issue but now you have to pay 1.5 mil to unlock it.


The whole thing is just nickel and diming the customer into huge time sinks to be able to play with the character they actually want. God forbid they introduce customization just for the sake of it. If you level one 50 you should get to choose what unlocks you want most. I thought it was going to be like a talent tree with you being able to buy what you wanted instead of having to fulfill a million stupid criteria.


I already leveled a zabrak up to 50 why would I want to reroll a zabrak on every other class? Let me unlock twilek for sith warrior or something that I would actually enjoy playing instead of having to jump through hoops for this crap.


Also the legacy system in and of itself is unfairly biased towards PVE players because you get next to no money from PVPing compared to what you can make running dailies and selling drops.

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You're not likely to have any significant legacy levels if you just play characters in the 20 to 30 range. You only unlock legacy levels once you finish chapter 1 ( ~ level 30) with a character in the first place.


And let me make this clear, since there's some confusion about it:


The system allows you to unlock things EITHER via achieving the unlock condition (e.g. reaching chapter 2 in a specific class, reaching a specific PvP rank, etc) OR by paying credits. It is not both.


The credit option exists so players can enjoy content that they know they would never unlock in regular play (e.g. 'I'd love a pureblood Smuggler, but no way I'll level a Sith Warrior just for that').


Some things (like legacy class abilities) cannot be purchased with credits while other things can only be purchased (not unlocked) but are gated by legacy level (e.g. the GTN for your ship requires you to have a high legacy level before you can purchase it).


Thank you for taking the time to clarify this issue Mr. Zoeller. I'll update my OP with your answer.

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Great, so the good things like GTN on the ship i still won't be able to afford even though i'll meet the legacy requirement. Seriously, 5mil? :(


Looks like it'll be grind dailies day after day for it which i hate, leveling alts and PvP are what i enjoy... meh.


They don't want the social hubs to become desolate. Affording that kiosk on your ship is something only the top 1% players will be able to afford and it sure seems intended that way.

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OK, it's my turn to ask a stupid question... what do the training dummies DO? Are they just decorative?


(Back in UO, you could raise a skill to 20 or so on dummies, or as we used to call them, "new players". Hah! But, seriously, since SWTOR doesn't have a skill-based system, is there a function to the trainers?)


Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.

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OK, it's my turn to ask a stupid question... what do the training dummies DO? Are they just decorative?


(Back in UO, you could raise a skill to 20 or so on dummies, or as we used to call them, "new players". Hah! But, seriously, since SWTOR doesn't have a skill-based system, is there a function to the trainers?)


Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.


It's to perfect your class rotation on. Combine it with the combat log that is coming back soon and you can figure out which rotation for your class is the most effective.

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OK, it's my turn to ask a stupid question... what do the training dummies DO? Are they just decorative?


(Back in UO, you could raise a skill to 20 or so on dummies, or as we used to call them, "new players". Hah! But, seriously, since SWTOR doesn't have a skill-based system, is there a function to the trainers?)


Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.


They allow you to fight a target with infinite hp so you can practice rotations and different gear setups to maximize your character's potential.

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So I have a question for you lore guys out there regarding the legacy system. In part of the trailer I saw characters being marked as another characters son or whatever. This is a legacy and your characters share a last name so it is supposed to be some sort of family right? How does that work with all these different species?


Adoption or our dad is captain kirk.

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They don't want the social hubs to become desolate. Affording that kiosk on your ship is something only the top 1% players will be able to afford and it sure seems intended that way.


What difference does it make really? The only toons i stand around the fleet with are my 50's waiting for WZ's to pop anyway. Alts are all off on leveling planets and only pop over there to grab the daily.


I guess one possible option for it will be crafting but we'll need to wait and see whether its a good money maker with 1.2 or not as every man and their dog will be doing it. I sure as heck wont be grinding pve dailies thats for sure.

Edited by Kabaal
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OK, it's my turn to ask a stupid question... what do the training dummies DO? Are they just decorative?


(Back in UO, you could raise a skill to 20 or so on dummies, or as we used to call them, "new players". Hah! But, seriously, since SWTOR doesn't have a skill-based system, is there a function to the trainers?)


Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.


The training dummies are just mobs with an infinite amount of HP that you can utilize to test out your damage/healing output under different conditions: new weapon; new spec; new gear; etc.


Example: I just got three new Rakata pieces from the EV HM run (happened to me last week actually ;) ) and I want to compare the damage I will be doing by replacing them with my old Champion pieces. First, I'd whack the training dummy for a full minute with my old Champion gear then look at the DPS I did. Second, I'd whack the training dummy for a full minute again with my new Rakata gear then compare the difference in DPS. I gave you the broadest example possible but this is the main use of the training dummy -- it's much better than going out to a Level 48+ planet and finding an Elite or Champion mob that you can whack on to test the same thing (plus you can't die).


If the dummies were implemented in 1.1.5 (last patch), they wouldn't be as effective since we have no combat log. But with the introduction of third party combat logs in 1.2, they'll be very useful for players who are interested in min-maxing and theorycrafting their characters.


To more casual players, the dummy has really no use if you're comfortable just playing the game and not worrying as to whether or not you're doing the best damage you possibly could be doing.

Edited by lollermittens
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And so the nerfs begin... You could always rename it "How to hurt a already damaged game", nerfing always causes hassle & upset, no matter whatever flavour you make it!


Try giving your child a ice cream, now "slap" their face & take the ice cream away, are they upset? Now eat the ice cream with them watching! Well done, you have mastered the art of Nerfing ©Blizzard/Trion/BW.


PS. And no, my main isn't a Sage or Sorc or BH. But the rest of the classes are next, long runs the fox in the world that has become FOTMMMORPGs. :o


I agree. Not sure about Trion, but Blizzard is constantly nerfing and then buffing...nerfing and buffing and nerfing what they prevously had buffed. Or buffing what they prevously had nerfed. It goes on and on and on....

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Operation Training Dummy – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10

Warzone Training Dummy – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10, valor rank required


Will there be a difference of some sort in the two?

Edited by Badlander
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Operation Training Dummy – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10

Warzone Training Dummy – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10, valor rank required


Will there be a difference of some sort in the two?


I assume the WZ training dummy will have an adjustable amount of expertise on it to reflect the gear that you will encounter in WZs.

Edited by lollermittens
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I have a question, why is it called the Black Market Kiosk? Is this a new circle of Kiosk? (Galactic and Hutt) or just a fancy new name since it's onboard. And if it is a new Network, is it cross faction? Or is it like an uber Kiosk that posts to both Pub and Imp GTNs?
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I already leveled a zabrak up to 50 why would I want to reroll a zabrak on every other class? Let me unlock twilek for sith warrior or something that I would actually enjoy playing instead of having to jump through hoops for this crap.


THIS is my biggest pet peeve. Surprisingly this is the first time I have seen someone say it. Maybe I didn't see the right threads, I dont know... but i'm surprised this isnt the number one thing people mention. Like really, why would I want to roll the SAME species all over again?


Also, I don't really care for the fact I have to pay AND have legacy level. If I reach lvl 15 (or whatever) I think I earned whatever it is.

Edited by SillyTurtle
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What would you reward solo players for? Completing regular content? Standing around in Fleet?


How about providing them the same level of challenging bonus content that can only be completed solo, complete with commensurate rewards to showcase their skill.

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Did anyone consider that imperial/republic zabraks look at least now, significantly different, maybe the idea is the ba able to hide your afiliation and play a dark side zabrak as a jedi?




The impression I get from the summit is that when you unlock the race, you unlock all of it's customization options. So for example, if you unlock zabrak on the Sith side, you'll then have the option to roll a zabrak on either Republic or Sith side with all of the Republic and Sith side customization options.


Given this, you could roll a Republic-looking zabrak on the Sith side, or a Sith-looking zabrak on the Republic side.

Edited by Dezzi
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I have a question, why is it called the Black Market Kiosk? Is this a new circle of Kiosk? (Galactic and Hutt) or just a fancy new name since it's onboard. And if it is a new Network, is it cross faction? Or is it like an uber Kiosk that posts to both Pub and Imp GTNs?


If it's not linked to the GTN on the main fleet, I will not be buying it due to the Network Effect.

Edited by Llenyd
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I have a question, why is it called the Black Market Kiosk? Is this a new circle of Kiosk? (Galactic and Hutt) or just a fancy new name since it's onboard. And if it is a new Network, is it cross faction? Or is it like an uber Kiosk that posts to both Pub and Imp GTNs?


It's a cross-faction kiosk that most likely encompasses both the items placed on auction on the Galactic and Hutt intergalactic trade networks. Also most likely called "Black Market" because it is a system locally installed on your ship while simultaneously connecting to both faction's intergalactic trade network.


And as Georg Zoeller pointed out, the 5M credit cost associated with it and most likely a requirement of Legacy Level 50 really make it one of those unique items that a very few players will get.

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How about providing them the same level of challenging bonus content that can only be completed solo, complete with commensurate rewards to showcase their skill.


They have those. They are called Heroic areas. If you can complete one of those on your own, good job have a prize. Of course you could have done it with another and gotten the same prize, but now you get to sleep at night knowing you were anti-social enough to do it on your own.

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They have those. They are called Heroic areas. If you can complete one of those on your own, good job have a prize. Of course you could have done it with another and gotten the same prize, but now you get to sleep at night knowing you were anti-social enough to do it on your own.


Yeah. I feel good about doing those heroics solo with my companion. No need to be concerned about the impatient dirp who will not wait while I need to do a bio or goes afk for long periods of time, leaving me standing there waiting on them..:p I donot need any socializing in a video game to make myself feel good. And I sleep very good at night , thank you. :)

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