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Please no more Warcraft terms.


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Well so far I've seen him just answering people that they're wrong and he's right when people try to educate him. Asking things when you don't know is one thing, telling everyone else they're wrong is another.
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Which is a shame really, considering he isn't in the "MMO Vocabulary" know. It's awful that people would rather harass than educate and help.


You should read the whole thread then, and you'll see that people were very helpful in correcting the OP and telling him the origin of terms he thought directly came from WoW. Even when they were terms directly used in SWTOR (taunt, for example).

The problem really came about because the OP *still* refuses to accept he was in any way wrong and with every reply he posts he just gets more agitated and calls people trolls, or says that *they* are wrong and need to change.

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I'm not really sure why you're upset at this, just reading this thread alone is pretty informative for some newbies. People are feeding you information about terms you never knew about or initially understood.


I don't see anything wrong with using them. For people who don't understand them, there's always the option to ask. You'll learn something new.


Arrogance? A fixed personality that refuses to accept a truth unless it originates from his own head? Maybe annoyance at being called out and corrected by so many people?


Whatever the reasons, as I said earlier the OP really isn't helping himself. Rather than learning from his mistakes with each post he comes back angrier and more determined to prove that everyone else is using the wrong terminology.


It is a shame because "dungeons", "spells" and "pets" I can understand his problem ... but every other term he used is more than legitimate, and yet he just doesn't acknowledge that he was misguided in saying things like "taunt", "instance" and "DPS" have no place in SWTOR.


You just can't help protect some people from themselves.

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You should read the whole thread then, and you'll see that people were very helpful in correcting the OP and telling him the origin of terms he thought directly came from WoW. Even when they were terms directly used in SWTOR (taunt, for example).

The problem really came about because the OP *still* refuses to accept he was in any way wrong and with every reply he posts he just gets more agitated and calls people trolls, or says that *they* are wrong and need to change.


I had read quite a lot of what was going on here previously. I did see that there were quite a few folk trying to help. I think then that if the OP refuses to accept that this is the reality of things, then we should just leave him to realise that instead of fighting with him. Once you realise a person is being stubborn it is seldom easy to change their minds and to just leave them to it. Trolling or insulting is never the best way to go about things, from either side of the argument.

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I think then that if the OP refuses to accept that this is the reality of things, then we should just leave him to realise that instead of fighting with him. Once you realise a person is being stubborn it is seldom easy to change their minds and to just leave them to it. Trolling or insulting is never the best way to go about things, from either side of the argument.


You are of course completely correct.

Must. Leave. Thread. Alone.




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YOU have to learn the normal way to talk in an MMO, though I agree with some of your objections. Here is your list again with my comments.


"Raids"- Why is it so hard to say Ops? It can be incredibly confusing to a new player.

"Instance"- Don't really have a problem with this one, yet I'm not sure where it comes from, it seems just like an odd term.

"Dungeons"- I assume you mean Flashpoints, and you can not have a worse term. Since when is being in deep space, while being under attack by an enemy cruiser, a "dungeon"?

"Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!

"Spells"- They are ENTIRELY unrelated to Force Powers. People consider Grenades spells!



It's called Ops or Operations instead of raids.

It's called Flashpoints instead of Instance (instance is the WoW world for it) or Dungeon.

It's called companion instead of pet.

The term spell is too loosely used.


But on the words below you are wrong. Sorry but these words you have to accept and learn to use them. Most are normal english.


"Taunts"- I am tank-specced and I had NO idea where "taunts" come from, and took forever for me to learn that it's just to grab the attention of the enemy.


Taunt is translated to "remark in order to enrage or gain the attention of" it's a normal english word and it is common.


"Mobs"- Where does this come from for NPCs? It's the most random name so far.


Mobs or "a mob" is a crowd or a group with hostile intent. Same thing here, normal english word and it is common. Most often I personally use NPC for friendly chars and Mob for hostile chars. Don't know if that is a common usage, but I have never had any complaints.

Regardless if you use NPC as friendly or not, "mob" is still hostile characters in the game.


"Adds"- I just don't like this one- I prefer to say "backup", for the boss.


Adds or the singular add is meant to describe additional mobs that will come and attack you and the group. It's an abbreviation sure, but it's viable.


"CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.


CC is used when you control one mob for an extended period of time. Stun is a short term CC. Often you CC in the beginning of the fight and more seldom during the fight.


"DPS" (person)- That just doesn't make sense, how can a person be considered damage per second? Perhaps a better term is Damage Dealer.


Agreed that the term Damage Dealer is BETTER, but the term DPS is so established that you cannot change it. Sorry.



This is in no way written eletisticly or angrily. It's just common words used by MMO players and you have to understand and use those words to work in the MMO environment.


Best of luck!

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You are of course completely correct.

Must. Leave. Thread. Alone.






I know what you mean though, we ARE trying to help, and the refusal of help is frustrating. This is the part that the helpers are having trouble with. It is indeed like trying to pull teeth from stone.

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They are NOT PETS!!


Do I sence a little hostility there... Well let me add some more wood to this mountain of fire you so enjoy seeing ever so much.


Lets see here, i have a dog which is well... a pet. It also happens to be a companion as well as a family member but in the end, yes... a pet.


Ingame, i have companions which are well... pets or could i even go as far as saying there puppets. Yes, i went there PUPPETS I SAY :eek: MUAHAHAHAHAHA!... Oh sorry, got a little side tracked there for a second... I control what they do, how they do it and when they do it. Do my bidding my little puppet. go attack that champion and die at its hand while i just sit back and watch. Go away and bring me back goodies. Do my bidding when ever i want and you will not tell me no ever because I control every aspect of your life :D


Get over it Anysao. Call it whatever you want but it is in fact a pet. You tell it to fetch, it fetches. You tell it to stay, it stays. It will follow you until the end of time until you tell it to go away or you die. Its a freaking pet...


And just because 30 year old games say something, doesn't mean you need to as well.


Your right, I don't need to but I will because I can and there is nothing you can do about it... You are trying to change a language that is very widely used THROUGHOUT THE MMO COMMUNITY which has gone back to playing MUDS. It's not going to happen so get over yourself.


And for all you other people- you don't understand- your WRONG. These arent raids, they arent pets, they arent dungeons. This is a new game, if you wanted to say raids and dungeons, go to all the medieval games.


I absolutely love being told i'm wrong by someone that has not even done any research on what they are making an accusation about. Don't you think that if you say one thing and EVERY SINGLE PERSON which has replied to this thread has told you something different, YOU might come to realize that you might in fact be wrong yourself?


"YOU WANT THE TRUTH? YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!" because you are so thick headed to realize, YOU are the one that needs corrected.

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"Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!


Get off your high horse - they are standard terms before WoW.


And my Sith Sorcerer enjoys treating her companions as pet.. who get punished if they disobey.

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Next time you play monopoly try to convince your fellow players to call the dice a number cube instead. All these are deeply rooted genre specific terms, BioWare accidentally uses all these themselves, all the time. Edited by TOURDallas
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It's called Flashpoints instead of Instance (instance is the WoW world for it) or Dungeon.


The term "instance" pre-dates WoW. Hell, it even pre-dates MMO's and MUD's. It's a generic programming term for spinning up another item instead of re-using the one that already exists.


For example: Old-school MMO's like EverQuest had just a single, shared world. If you walked into some random dungeon, you were sharing that dungeon with whoever else happened to be in there. You were competing against them for loot, kills, etc.


More modern MMO's like WoW and TOR create new instances of dungeons when you enter them - providing each group (or individual) with their own copy of the dungeon. This alleviates some of the competition for loot, kills, etc.


A flashpoint is an instance.


Any time you walk through one of those glowing barriers and a big ol' name appears at the top of your screen, you're in an instance.


It's called companion instead of pet.


Considering the setting, and the personality of some of the companions, and the various ways people play their characters...


I'd suggest that "pet" is a generic enough term to make its usage at least as appropriate to the game as "companion".


Is a droid really a companion? Or are they property? While the game mechanics don't actually allow us to buy and sell them, they are bought and sold on a regular basis.


If you're playing a Sith, do you actually consider these "companions" your equal? Or are they your underlings? Slaves?


If you're romancing one of the companions, are they still just a companion?


If you're just grabbing a specific companion because you need a tank/DPS/whatever at the moment, and you've never bothered to build up their affection at all, and you don't actually like to use them most of the time - are they a companion? Or are they hired help?

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"CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.


How is that more accurate?

"CC", for crowd control, is diverse by it's nature.


Stun has a specific definition. Sleep has another. Root has another. All are CC, but all are different.

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It can be utterly confusing. I ask you to please cut down on them, as they can be annoying. Some things I do and do not like are below-

Bad slang: :mad:

"Raids"- Why is it so hard to say Ops? It can be incredibly confusing to a new player.

"Taunts"- I am tank-specced and I had NO idea where "taunts" come from, and took forever for me to learn that it's just to grab the attention of the enemy.

"Mobs"- Where does this come from for NPCs? It's the most random name so far.

"Instance"- Don't really have a problem with this one, yet I'm not sure where it comes from, it seems just like an odd term.

"Dungeons"- I assume you mean Flashpoints, and you can not have a worse term. Since when is being in deep space, while being under attack by an enemy cruiser, a "dungeon"?

"Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!

"Spells"- They are ENTIRELY unrelated to Force Powers. People consider Grenades spells!

"Adds"- I just don't like this one- I prefer to say "backup", for the boss.

"CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.

"DPS" (person)- That just doesn't make sense, how can a person be considered damage per second? Perhaps a better term is Damage Dealer.

Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- I don't like the term, but it's the only term i know of to get attention of NPCs.

"Tank"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"DPS" (damage)- Although we rarely mean "Damage Per SECOND", it is useful to understand.

"HP"- Hitpoints, or health. No problem here.


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D


ZERO of these terms are originated from WoW. ZERO.


Let me say that again, ZERO.


Most of them in fact come from the days of MUDs LONG before UO, and long long before EQ.


These are gaming/industry standard terms.


Confusing is deviating from standard terms that have been in use for longer than some players have been alive. I was literally using a lot of these terms in 1991. I'm not going to change now just because this is the latest MMO to come out.


Nothing is special about SWTOR that is groundbreaking industry shaking. No need to change what people are used to.

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I don't think my point is well shown- I don't Need someone to teach me this slang, I know it, I've used it, (some of it) and I hate it. I'm not judging you for it, but this is a new game, and they aren't pets, dungeons, and raids. Compare EVERY detail of SWTOR to another MMO (WoW?). EVERY DETAIL. space to a medieval world. Planets to zones. Etc. There's a lot of differences here, and all I'm saying that these 30-year-old terms just don't fit this game.


I hope I didn't give the wrong idea about my stance to these terms.



Oh, and I don't care about the terms, i put this in new player help, so they have a dictionary of sorts (a dictionary with a lot of hatemail).

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I don't think my point is well shown- I don't Need someone to teach me this slang, I know it, I've used it, (some of it) and I hate it. I'm not judging you for it, but this is a new game, and they aren't pets, dungeons, and raids. Compare EVERY detail of SWTOR to another MMO (WoW?). EVERY DETAIL. space to a medieval world. Planets to zones. Etc. There's a lot of differences here, and all I'm saying that these 30-year-old terms just don't fit this game.


I hope I didn't give the wrong idea about my stance to these terms.



Oh, and I don't care about the terms, i put this in new player help, so they have a dictionary of sorts (a dictionary with a lot of hatemail).


Like I said in an earlier post, you can't expect people to stop using terms that they have had in their vocabulary for years because a particular game has variations of the terms, their own versions of the terms or because you simply don't like the terms that are used.


Getting everyone to try and convert to using these terms is a sisyphean task. If you are unsure who Sisyphus is, he was the character from a Greek story that was forced to roll a boulder up a hill only to fail at the top and be forced to watch the boulder roll down the hill again, for eternity.

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Your ranting falls on it's face because the majority of the terms you're complaining about are setting agnostic.


For instance, "zone" has absolutely nothing to do with high fantasy and everything to with internal game technology. For this game "zone" and "planet" are mostly synonymous because they refer to the same bloody thing. The only difference is that one refers to the game's tech and the other refers to lore.


The only terms you outlined in the OP that your complaints have any merit with are "spell" and "dungeon." Both of which are used to refer to common game conceits that are ingrained quite deeply in the hobby. Namely the whole "physical/magic damage" split and "area with higher power mobs & loot" respectively. Trying to change them impairs inter-community comprehension for little gain.


Call me crazy, but I severely doubt that you can make a strong case for impeding communication between players just for the sake of flavor. I would like to see you try though.

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I don't think my point is well shown- I don't Need someone to teach me this slang, I know it, I've used it, (some of it) and I hate it. I'm not judging you for it, but this is a new game, and they aren't pets, dungeons, and raids. Compare EVERY detail of SWTOR to another MMO (WoW?). EVERY DETAIL. space to a medieval world. Planets to zones. Etc. There's a lot of differences here, and all I'm saying that these 30-year-old terms just don't fit this game.


I hope I didn't give the wrong idea about my stance to these terms.



Oh, and I don't care about the terms, i put this in new player help, so they have a dictionary of sorts (a dictionary with a lot of hatemail).


New players should/will not listen to you. We don't need to change our terms. They don't need changing. Don't try to fix what is not broken. When the next mmo comes out they will have the understanding for the terms that are actually used and not temporary terms.


Once again. Deal with it.

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