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I dont consider sitting in the fleet spamming in general chat playing. I'll be back after a "GOOD" LFG tool is implemented

So you can wait in the fleet waiting for a queue to pop-up. Wait what.


Regarding the OP; I'm still here. Enjoying me some lil' SWTOR. Active Guild, plenty of fun together as a group. If I'm not running group activities - I'm exploring an all new storyline in a different character.

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What happened to people playing the game for the GAME...not just playing the game for the ENDGAME experience?


Right here... re-rolled my trooper on a more populated server, back on Tatooine again. I'd rather be running through missions on Tatooine than playing another game!


In fact, I went to play the most recent Featured Episode from another game I play, and mostly what I was thinking about throughout the experience was: "I hope I can finish this quickly so I can get back to playing Star Wars!"


Love the game, love the stories, love the little things, and I love where the game is headed in the future...

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What happened to people playing the game for the GAME...not just playing the game for the ENDGAME experience?


Thats called a single player game, buddy.


Used to be:


-Single player games for people like you

-MMOs for people like me




-Single player games AND MMOs for people like you

-Nothing for me

Edited by Daluu
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I'm still here. Believe it or not, I play maybe 24 hours a week and I still haven't got my main to 50. Granted, I'm 2.5 bars off hitting it, but I don't think that's bad going - especially as I'm not an "alt-o-holic".


The game's great, you just have to take a step back and appreciate it.


People who are complaining are people who have eaten too much TOR cake too quickly and now have tummy-ache. Serves them right.

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Why waste time waiting in fleet when there's enough soloable content to level all the way to cap? Besides, I always see a lot of people getting groups for Heroics and "tough bosses" planetside.


What happened to people playing the game for the GAME...not just playing the game for the ENDGAME experience?


Present and accounted for.

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Got my first toon to lvl 50 last week. I'm still working on lvl 47 content. I still have so much to do, I'll probably be at least another month or two before I run out of content. But, I'm in no hurry to finish, so working on companion rep, getting the best gear I can lay hands on, helping family & friends with their content, getting datacrons, exploring, etc.


I have yet to make a second character, but seriously considering it, I don't want to run out of things to do with my lvl 50, so may play a second character sometimes, to prolong the ride. And I play almost every day, about 4 to 5 hours.


No patience = no fun.

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People who are complaining are people who have eaten too much TOR cake too quickly and now have tummy-ache. Serves them right.


I love the game and have no complaints about endgame but the belief the those who hit 50 have "eaten too much TOR" stopped being valid a month ago.

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I love the game and have no complaints about endgame but the belief the those who hit 50 have "eaten too much TOR" stopped being valid a month ago.


I'm not talking about people who have got to 50 - I'm talking about people who play the game so much that they think it's stale when there's so much still to do! Getting a character to 50 isn't hard, I know that, fair enough :)


I'm talking about people who have got 4 level 50's, all PVP-geared out and all content cleared, people who live, eat, and breathe the game. People who seem to think that it's some kind of badge of honour to play an unhealthy amount.


You know those people who try to goad you into having a curry that's way, way too hot for you, just to prove they can handle it a bit better than you? They sit there sweating profusely, laughing at you as you realise that, actually, you're totally not enjoying your meal because it's too spicy. This is the MMO equivalent! "Oh I can play 18 hours a day and therefore I've earned the right to say the game's crap."


Well, no, actually, the fact you play 18 hours a day and have completed everything you can think to do means exactly the opposite - it means the game is good. It just means you have more free time to play videogames than others. Grats. Now get outta my face! :D

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What happened to people playing the game for the GAME...not just playing the game for the ENDGAME experience?


I think you'll find most players do play the game for the game and that includes endgame when they get there. You need to realise that character progression doesnt stop at level 50, in fact many people would say it begins at lvl 50 because you arent replacing gear every hour or so.

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I'm not talking about people who have got to 50 - I'm talking about people who play the game so much that they think it's stale when there's so much still to do! Getting a character to 50 isn't hard, I know that, fair enough :)


I'm talking about people who have got 4 level 50's, all PVP-geared out and all content cleared, people who live, eat, and breathe the game. People who seem to think that it's some kind of badge of honour to play an unhealthy amount.


You know those people who try to goad you into having a curry that's way, way too hot for you, just to prove they can handle it a bit better than you? They sit there sweating profusely, laughing at you as you realise that, actually, you're totally not enjoying your meal because it's too spicy. This is the MMO equivalent! "Oh I can play 18 hours a day and therefore I've earned the right to say the game's crap."


Well, no, actually, the fact you play 18 hours a day and have completed everything you can think to do means exactly the opposite - it means the game is good. It just means you have more free time to play videogames than others. Grats. Now get outta my face! :D

Fair enough though honestly I think the majority of people who are complaining haven't done any of those things. I think they are just complaining to complain.


Also no curry is too hot. Curry is delicious in all forms.

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What happened to people playing the game for the GAME...not just playing the game for the ENDGAME experience?


A culture of discontent and competitiveness has been cultivated among the Massive multiyplayer customers from other game designs. Bioware has always been focused on the Roleplayer. I remember playing Massive Multiplayer Role playing games when we used to hang out online and take on the role of our avitars. Now its all about gear and filling a combat spot in a group with little emphasis on character development or story. Bioware is bringing us back to the story.

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I'm not talking about people who have got to 50 - I'm talking about people who play the game so much that they think it's stale when there's so much still to do! Getting a character to 50 isn't hard, I know that, fair enough :)


I'm talking about people who have got 4 level 50's, all PVP-geared out and all content cleared, people who live, eat, and breathe the game. People who seem to think that it's some kind of badge of honour to play an unhealthy amount.


You know those people who try to goad you into having a curry that's way, way too hot for you, just to prove they can handle it a bit better than you? They sit there sweating profusely, laughing at you as you realise that, actually, you're totally not enjoying your meal because it's too spicy. This is the MMO equivalent! "Oh I can play 18 hours a day and therefore I've earned the right to say the game's crap."


Well, no, actually, the fact you play 18 hours a day and have completed everything you can think to do means exactly the opposite - it means the game is good. It just means you have more free time to play videogames than others. Grats. Now get outta my face! :D


-Getting BM isn't that hard, doesn't require 18 hours a day.


-Playing more than one character on each faction IS stale bc a majority of the content is the same linear quest lines on each planet.


I came into this game with the intent of being very casual. I wanted content to last. And bc of my busy schedule I was a casual player. Fact of the matter is TOR did something amazing.


-Hardcore players either quit within the first month or are still playing 2 hours a week to raid


-regular/casual players finished content quicker than they would have liked and are either getting frustrated with pvp and not playing that much, or are raiding 2-6 hours a week.


-BW fanboys who never played an MMO came in and are now this games casual player. Taking forever to level, qqing about difficulty(this game is carebear compared to a real MMO), and saying that leveling what counts in MMOs (whenever someone says that, I giggle a inside. Reminds me of my first time playing an MMO).

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This is by far the worst community I have ever seen, at least the forum posters. Most people in game have been cool for the most part, but the posters here make me see that not only is a inexperienced mmo maker holding the game back but so is the community. I cant stand anoy one here who hates on, dual spec, combat logs, LFG Qs. LMFAO THAT THE GAME IS GAINING SUBS, NOPE NOT ON ANT SERVERS I PLAY ON, ONLY HEAVY SERVERS FILLING MORE DUE TO REROLLS, enjoy the slow death, you people deserve it, just uninstalled the game for good, and no I dont hate BW loving the hell out of ME3 right now
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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding.

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