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IF your jugg could get 1 thing ..

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Id say give dps trees some form of force lightning.. If Marauders get 2 sabers we should get something to even up the odds lol... especially since I rolled a jugg just because of the trailer showing Darth Malgus shooting lightning from his fingertips only to find nothing of the such in-game which was dissapointing...
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9 meter smash that calculates the damage about .5 seconds faster then it does now, and no minimum distance on throw saber, and no 1.2 changes, AT ALL. Edited by Notannos
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A Spell reflect, i wanto return missiles vibro blades lightning. I want to feel like any of the Sith and Jedi that ive always seen on the movies and the series,i currently feel like a n00b sith warrior. Just like Savage Opress here.


But i would like to feel like Dooku =(

Edited by beliglath
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  • 2 weeks later...
Smash vacuum -- while we are leaping in the air like idiots, people within x range are pulled closer so smash actually hits them. Would look pretty epic, too. on a more realistic note, make roots give resolve. Even if it's 1/2 of what stuns give. Something. Either that or reduce physics on juggernauts -- roots = snares, and pushes/pulls go half as far. Getting bounced around like a pinball doesn't fit the name too well.
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Make smash damage instant. Like have it deal damage before the animation is finished or just plain change the animation. It's such a frustrating ability in pvp at times. Pressing smash and then getting knocked off and wasting it just annoys me so much. Will be even more annoying in the next patch with the longer cooldown.


For Vengeance I do wish the top tier skill was an instant hard-hitter. Like mortal strike for wow warriors. I definitely wouldn't mind a heal-debuff on it. I don't like dots, but I do like vengeance dps in pve. Shatter is just pretty awful. At least reduce the dot duration, please, but preferably just get rid of the dots and replace with instant damage.


Two wishes, but for different builds (sort of, since smash isn't that important for vengeance). Immortal is already good for what it does.

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Except that it is not, it's a half tank half dps spec that can master neither.


It's only not if you're bad. :p



My one thing is going per Tree.



% to damage reduction types in the tree are just flat out all damage reduction get rid of the types.



Savagery affects Impale and Shatter.



More fluidness to the tree without sacrificing it's dps.

Edited by WarSiren
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