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    Richmond Hill
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    Game Design
  1. Kashyyyk could be cool. It was already featured in KOTOR and it was interesting back then - even though I feel like it was bastardized in Revenge of the Sith. Yavin 4 - has a rich sith background. You can expand on Naga Sadow and Massassi. The Maw - You could do a tie-in with Abeloth (Legacy Era extended universe) in which Abeloth was previously imprisoned on belsavis, and corrupted the Dread Masters. You then have to fight her and imprison her within the Maw cluster. I'm not 100% sure on what Abeloth's history is though. Thyferra - Main draw of this planet is Bacta, could lead to new medkits and heals. Although I don't think Bacta was discovered till later in the timeline. Imperial attacks on Coruscant, and Tython. Conversly, repbulic attacks on Dromund Kaas and Korriban.
  2. The key positions on the map for snipers are on the edges of the control areas. -Either on the edge looking out and picking people off as the approach (defending). -Or on the edge looking in, picking off people in the thick of the fight (attacking) There is also a nice raised area in the middle of the map with the health and damage powerups that you can camp out on and pick off people as they go from one point to another.
  3. I love XvT. Those games are amazing. However, I don't think they should be done in SWTOR. I don't think BW has the development bandwidth to fully satisfy a game like that. Implementing anything even close to XvT would be like building a game in and of itself. Rogue squadron style MIGHT be do-able, but its hard to say without knowing hte limitations of the engine. I don't think it would be easy though. ---- Vehicle combat is stupid. Its stupid in WoW, it'll probably be stupid in SWTOR. Unless your vehicles are starfighters.... and your game is x-wing vs tie fighter. --- Pod racing was fun on the N64. Might even be doable on an adapted version of the current space combat engine. I like this idea. --- Capital ship battles are cool. Fun to look at. I feel like this is largely unexplored territory. Needs a lot of design work. Its probably a lot like naval warfare.
  4. I feel like the sniper can do it fairly well - particularly against warriors. Leg shot is on a short cooldown. If its one-on-one you can shoot and run for ~3 seconds then turn around and start unloading. If they manage to get close, you can cover pulse, or debilitate and run. Flash bang is also a 30m ranged stun. Snaps shot doesn't hurt either.
  5. I think the only reason to use a blaster rifle would be for RPing purposes. And I'd rather RP a winner with a silly looking rifle, than a loser with a realistic one.
  6. Are you trolling? How is this even remotely balanced?
  7. Leg shot blows my mind with how amazing it is. A root with a short cooldown and no diminishing returns? Shoot them in the leg and run away. OR shoot them in the leg, then shoot them in the face. imo it just lolol's all over juggs/marauders.
  8. Death wish. Increase damage done by 20%, increase damage taken by 20%. alternatively: recklessness.
  9. I don't have a problem with quinn for betraying me - thats just how sith are. My problem with quin is that he talks like a **** and acts like a tool.
  10. Well someone doesn't like to have fun. You can either take some liberties with the canon and have a fun game... or stick to the canon doggedly and make a ****** game. And I'd hardly say its the worst star wars game ever. There was Star Wars: Rebellion, Masters of Teras Kasi, the Phantom Menace game on xbox... If you want to talk about butchering star wars, we can start with midichlorians...
  11. I like vette. Quinn is a tool.
  12. I think force camouflage and undying rage should be baseline, because they're really good abilities I don't get as a juggernaut.
  13. I'd just level as vengeance until lvl 40 at least. Rage is pretty bad until you get force crush because you only have force choke to build shockwave.
  14. I agree, the rage spec is janky as hell. It revolves around a skill with a 9 second cooldown (smash) that needs to be powered up with skills that have 18 (force crush) and 15 second cooldowns (oblit). Unfortunately its the only tree that has passive dps abilities (armor pen, crit dmg) to really buff your dps. If they moved 20% armor pen and 30% crit dmg to vengeance then I think we'd actually be a decent dps class.
  15. Good to hear. I was thinking sorc too, but theres way too many. I'm going to level a scoundrel instead of an operative. Because they backstab with a shotgun.
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